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Tech Support GAF Thread: No Case Too Big, No Case Too Small


Confirmed Asshole
That site's simply broken, mate. The error code is meaningless in this context. I'm sure the site's staff is aware of the issue.


wolfmat said:
That site's simply broken, mate. The error code is meaningless in this context. I'm sure the site's staff is aware of the issue.

Ahh, ok, it is the site then. I thought it might have been something with the network here. Thanks.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I have two questions, hopefully somebody has an answer. I have my desktop hooked into my TV. Is there anything wrong with having the tower behind the monitor? There is about 5-6 inches between the two and there is no intake fan on that side of the tower.

Secondly, I just got the PC put together, and it flashes 2 things before going to the "starting Windows" screen. The first is a black screen that says "no hard drive found!" then it goes to the "press DEL to enter BIOS setup" screen, then it starts Windows. Is there a way to stop those other two screens from popping up?
Anybody hear have much experience with dual booting? Will be upgrading to Windows 7 soon (once I get my new 2TB Samsung F4 HDD up and running) and am considering partitioning a section of it and installing Linux. Any recommendations?
SenseiJinx said:
Anybody hear have much experience with dual booting? Will be upgrading to Windows 7 soon (once I get my new 2TB Samsung F4 HDD up and running) and am considering partitioning a section of it and installing Linux. Any recommendations?
I have only dual booted with Win 7 and Xp. Not sure how to go about Linux, I assume you have to do something with the grub boot loader.


SenseiJinx said:
Anybody hear have much experience with dual booting? Will be upgrading to Windows 7 soon (once I get my new 2TB Samsung F4 HDD up and running) and am considering partitioning a section of it and installing Linux. Any recommendations?
Upgrade to 7.

Run the Linux distro installer and partition there.
claviertekky said:
Upgrade to 7.

Run the Linux distro installer and partition there.

Should I be partitioning a section of the hard drive for Linux before installing, though? That's always the process I was told, in order to limit conflicts between the two operating systems. But maybe not then?


SenseiJinx said:
Should I be partitioning a section of the hard drive for Linux before installing, though? That's always the process I was told, in order to limit conflicts between the two operating systems. But maybe not then?
You can, but I don't think it's a requirement as you can repartition the drive sizes yourself after installation.

It's best to install Windows first as 7 has a 100MB partition requirement that's placed in front.
claviertekky said:
You can, but I don't think it's a requirement as you can repartition the drive sizes yourself after installation.

It's best to install Windows first as 7 has a 100MB partition requirement that's placed in front.

All right, thanks. I need to do a bit more reading anyway, and decide exactly what distro to go for.


Fail out bailed
Okay guys, I have a dumb question, but I can't find good info

A long time ago GAf helped me pick out a budget gaming laptop for my wife. The budget was probably too low and the thing has basically turned out to be a huge expensive headache. At first it was cool as hell. She could play Bioshock and the Sims 2 in bed. Things changed. The main issue now, is that it gets so hot it starts to run like shit and it gets this hot quick as hell. It runs fine when its cool.
Its not dust.
Now, I have been told to get a cooler and I will, but I want to take it a step farther and do something to alleviate the problem a bit. I'm pretty sure it's a heat sinking problem, but thats out of my league to fix.
As things stand she's just using my mac for all her basic computing because her PC is so frustrating.
Anyway, she doesn't need to be able to play games on the laptop anymore, but we'd still like a semi-portable computer.
I was thinking that we'd be happier if I just underclocked the stupid video card, because that's where all the heat seems to be.
I tried installing a new version of Catalyst Control center, but now I get LESS flexibility in my options for power management and it overheats quicker. It tells me that the new version doesn't support all the features of my older card.
When I tried to roll back the drivers, it did it, but thinks aren't fixed.
I want to turn this thing into a cool and efficient word processor/ e-mail checker. I'm willing to go linux if needed. (I'm actuallly very curious to)

Anyone know a good tool to under-clock a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600 besides catalyst?


GAF, my brother has a Blu-Ray sound problem. 3 out of 4 Blu-Rays play white noise.

The movies in question are:

Kick Ass
How To Train Your Dragon
Saw VI
Toy Story 3 plays fine.

The laptop is a Acer Aspire 5942g and he is using the most up to date version of Acer Arcade Deluxe.

The only info I have found on Google is some people were having difficulty with playing discs over three years ago. Updating Acer Arcade Deluxe fixed their problem.

balladofwindfishes said:
So ever since I installed League of Legends about 2 months ago, my PC has been running like garbage.

I looked on Google and it said it may be because of some stupid uploading "service" LoL comes with, and I should just unistall everything. So I unistalled everything LoL related.

However, after removing LoL and the uploading program from my computer, it ran better, but still like garbage. I can barely run games that ran fine before I installed LoL like Oblivion, Minecraft, TF2 and L4D2

So is there a registry file or something I'm missing? Sometimes when my computer is idle, the processor is being used like crazy, but nothing shows up in the task manager.

I want my games back :(
I found out what was wrong.

I have "Conime.exe" as a boot process. It got in through a Java exploit (which I also removed). It apparently uploads and downloads files rapidly, and takes a huge toll on your CPU.

For some reason Malwarebytes and McAffee both didn't pick up on it... how do I remove it?

Ya no

My mom's old computer, a dell dimension 4700 stop working this morning. It gives a beeping code of 1-3-2 which the dell site said is something to do with memory so I took it out and put it back in but that still didn't work. What should be the next step? Should I grab a new stick of ram and see if that'll do it?

She's also in the process of getting a new computer so not looking to spend a ton of money fixing this one. We want to get it running to make it less of a hassle to get her stuff from one computer to the other.



Ya no said:
My mom's old computer, a dell dimension 4700 stop working this morning. It gives a beeping code of 1-3-2 which the dell site said is something to do with memory so I took it out and put it back in but that still didn't work. What should be the next step? Should I grab a new stick of ram and see if that'll do it?

She's also in the process of getting a new computer so not looking to spend a ton of money fixing this one. We want to get it running to make it less of a hassle to get her stuff from one computer to the other.


If you just want to transfer data and dont care about anything else, you can just plug in her harddrive to a secondary SATA port in her new computer and access it as a mass storage device.


How do you change the default browser CSS file? At least that's what I think is the problem: Links in IE9 are displaying in a light gray color.


It happened after I opened a website I made for class that had a CSS stylesheet setting links to light gray and for some reason, IE9 took it upon itself to make that the default link colors. I have no idea how to revert back and it's becoming very annoying.
All of a sudden opening new tabs in Chrome is absurdly slow. the window will open, and I will type something in to the window, and then it will sit for almost a minute before doing anything.

Has anyone else run into the problem?


outunderthestars said:
All of a sudden opening new tabs in Chrome is absurdly slow. the window will open, and I will type something in to the window, and then it will sit for almost a minute before doing anything.

Has anyone else run into the problem?

Not I. Try clearing your cache.

... That was mostly a joke, btw. On this other website I used to visit, that was the first, and most of the time, the only answer thrown around.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
outunderthestars said:
All of a sudden opening new tabs in Chrome is absurdly slow. the window will open, and I will type something in to the window, and then it will sit for almost a minute before doing anything.

Has anyone else run into the problem?

Did you recently get an update? Maybe something borked in a recent update? As the other poster said try clearing your cache. If that doesn't work as long as you have sync turned on with your google account you could always reinstall and just resync your shit to see if that fixes anything.

Chris R

Anyone know what might cause video to cut out and sound to slow down to a crawl (still making noise, just like in ultra slow motion) on a PC? I'm going to take the thing apart and dust it out just to make sure it isn't heat related, but this has happened twice now :|

Then again, maybe it is a Borderlands issue since it happened while I was playing the game both times. Error log doesn't show anything though so IDK :|
Experienced a problem last night.. Toshiba Satellite laptop, dual core 2.0hz 3gb ram windows home premium setup -

the past few days bootup and navigating has been slower and slower, and windows explorer would crash until last night it slowed to a halt, then a blue screen of death and reboot.. when computer would reboot it gave me an error about no bootable drive detected. Realized I had my boot sequence to start with my dvd drive so switched that and it booted normally, went into safe mode and experienced the same slow response and windows explorer crashing.

did drive defrag, mse scan and malwarebytes scan within the past couple of days, nothing, also tried to repair install but it was not able to find anything.

Should I just wipe and reinstall? Thanks much guys.


I have an Nvidia quadro fx 550 graphics card with desktop extended to the second monitor.
Worked fine for months/years. Unhooked one monitor, then reinstalled the monitor and everything still worked. Rebooted the next day and only one monitor has an image, the other is in power save mode.

Both monitors work, it seems to be one port on the graphics card. I unhooked all power/video cords and that is not the problem.
It acts like the desktop is extended- I can drag items to the second monitor, but there is no display- it's blank.
Extend desktop to 2nd monitor was checked, I unchecked and re-applied and both monitors would blank.

Installed the latest driver. Still won't extend to desktop to second monitor, but the main monitor doesn't blank.

Internet searching says the only fix is a roundabout- DVI-VGA adapter. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


So becuase I have been having issues with iTunes I have been trying to use my iPod Touch without iTunes. Problem is I need iTunes to update the IOS. So, I decided to do it from an office computer. My worry is that it'll take away all of my newly purchased music. Question, is there a way I can have iTunes update the IOS without taking off the newly purchased music from my iPod?
Baconbitz said:
So becuase I have been having issues with iTunes I have been trying to use my iPod Touch without iTunes. Problem is I need iTunes to update the IOS. So, I decided to do it from an office computer. My worry is that it'll take away all of my newly purchased music. Question, is there a way I can have iTunes update the IOS without taking off the newly purchased music from my iPod?
As far as I know, no.
Quick Question: What does it mean when a Windows XP Install passes the Microsoft's Online Windows Genuine Check, but when I try to install Microsoft Security Essentials... it fails Windows Genuine Check.


Hello savior GAF,

My computer has recently started to BSOD on Windows 7, which I know probably has something to do with hardware. I was wondering what should I do to figure out exactly whats wrong.

Here's the error:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 4105

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 3b
BCP1: 00000000C0000005
BCP3: FFFFF880090220C0
BCP4: 0000000000000000
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1


My web browsers will slow down over time when I surf the web, specially when I open heavy flash or java content pages.

I have to flip the Aero, to make it smoother again.

I cleaned temp files and It got much better, however sometimes FF4 still slows down over time when I open a heavy flash site like playstation homepage or atlus' games homepages.

Why does this happens?, I have the latest ATI drivers, 4gigs ram, phenom 955, W7 64 bit.


Really Really Exciting Member!
My mom's computer have 2 annoying issues right now, i've tried everything i know to fix them, but i'm short on solutions right now. She has XP SP3.

Issue #1 : Googles search links on both Firefox and IE are redirected to ad sites. I'm pretty sure something on the registry is doing this, but how can i fix this without breaking Windows even more? Anti-spyware and virus scans in both normal and safe modes do not fix anything.

Issue #2 : After a Malwarebytes scan in safe mode, my Windows is unable to do Windows Updates anymore. It's like the scan it did deleted some files necessary for windows updates to work... perfect. Any way to get it back? No, i don't have a Win XP CD to use the repair option.


Bisnic said:
My mom's computer have 2 annoying issues right now, i've tried everything i know to fix them, but i'm short on solutions right now. She has XP SP3.

Issue #1 : Googles search links on both Firefox and IE are redirected to ad sites. I'm pretty sure something on the registry is doing this, but how can i fix this without breaking Windows even more? Anti-spyware and virus scans in both normal and safe modes do not fix anything.

Issue #2 : After a Malwarebytes scan in safe mode, my Windows is unable to do Windows Updates anymore. It's like the scan it did deleted some files necessary for windows updates to work... perfect. Any way to get it back? No, i don't have a Win XP CD to use the repair option.

Both issues point to a severely compromised operating system. You're so owned the repair tools can't tell you're owned. Find the XP disk, back up the data, nuke the HD with Darik's Boot & Nuke, then install from scratch. Don't forget to do a malware scan on the backup data to prevent re-infection!


Really Really Exciting Member!
gblues said:
Both issues point to a severely compromised operating system. You're so owned the repair tools can't tell you're owned. Find the XP disk, back up the data, nuke the HD with Darik's Boot & Nuke, then install from scratch. Don't forget to do a malware scan on the backup data to prevent re-infection!

I think she would rather buy a new clean computer with Windows 7 than reformating that way. But yeah, her PC has been shit for months, i think i had to delete some rogue anti-virus at least 5 times this year.

She would have done it a long time ago if it wasn't for some medical software on her PC that cost 1000$ to reinstall everytime because it needs tech support by phone or something like that.
Bisnic said:
My mom's computer have 2 annoying issues right now, i've tried everything i know to fix them, but i'm short on solutions right now. She has XP SP3.

Issue #1 : Googles search links on both Firefox and IE are redirected to ad sites. I'm pretty sure something on the registry is doing this, but how can i fix this without breaking Windows even more? Anti-spyware and virus scans in both normal and safe modes do not fix anything.

Issue #2 : After a Malwarebytes scan in safe mode, my Windows is unable to do Windows Updates anymore. It's like the scan it did deleted some files necessary for windows updates to work... perfect. Any way to get it back? No, i don't have a Win XP CD to use the repair option.

Issue #1 sounds like your host file is compromised, hence the redirection.
Here, this page has both a downloadable "fixit" tool to reset as well as the manual guide:

Issue #2, I'm not quite as certain, but I hope this page is a start as it talks about registering a missing .dll that's needed to perform Windows updates in XP.
In relation to my previous question, turns out the HD is just bad. Fortunately it's still under warranty, so I tossed it in the freezer for a bit, booted up Parted Magic and grabbed what files I could and a coffin is on its way to me.


I’ve got a Fujitsu T730 Convertible Laptop with an integrated UMTS-modem. I also upgraded the integrated HDD to an SSD (OCZ Vertex 2) and did a clean installation of Windows 7 Pro 64bit on it.

When resuming from sleep or hibernation, Windows randomly freezes right after the desktop is restored if I don’t deactivate the wireless network connections before sending it to sleep.
I can’t figure out why this happens, looking to google for a solution didn’t really help, neither did current drivers. The only thing I gathered was that some people reported Windows crashing when resuming it due to their SSD. I did indeed upgrade my HDD to an SSD as well, but my freezes are different than their error descriptions.
So that’s my first problem.

The second one is a bit less annoying:

When I resume Windows and enable my wireless network connections again after Windows has successfully resumed, my integrated UMTS modem is not reactivated along with the WLAN. Or rather… it probably is, but Windows doesn’t successfully manage to initialize it in all cases and connect to my mobile broadband provider.
To solve this I have to disable and enable the Mobile Broadband connection in Network Settings – Network Connections (Or whatever it is called in the English language version of windows).

To summarize…

2 Questions:
1) Why does Windows sometimes freeze when resuming from hibernation when my wireless network connections are left enabled?
2) Why is the UMTS Modem not always initialized when disabling and re-enabling the wireless network connections prior/after hibernation/sleep as to avoid 1?

Cheers to anyone who knows what’s going on.
So, looks like the fan connector on my video card is messed up.

The fan tries to turn (tries to get started) but can't. If I connect it to the system fan connector on the MB, it works fine.

So I installed RivaTuner and placed the fan at 100%, again tries to move but can't. If I just give it the tiniest nudge, the fan kicks in and starts working fine. Even if I disable the fan control after that and close RivaTuner, it still continues to work.

My card is an EVGA 7950GT. It's very old I know, but it still runs games well at my resolution and I don't have the cash right now for a new one. Anyone knows any fixes I can make? or am I owned?



My computer has everything installed on a 64GB SSD Corsair (fresh install one year ago) but now I am updating to a third-gen 120GB.

I want to move my Windows 7 installation and everything over to the new disk. I have so many tools and programs installed that I really don't want to fresh install everything again.
I will wipe the older 64GB after this and use it as a secondary disc (besides all this I also have a external spinning media drive).

Best way to move my current installation over to this new disc? Is not doing a fresh install a not so smart move?

I own Windows 7 Ultimate retail edition.


Man said:
My computer has everything installed on a 64GB SSD Corsair (fresh install one year ago) but now I am updating to a third-gen 120GB.

I want to move my Windows 7 installation and everything over to the new disk. I have so many tools and programs installed that I really don't want to fresh install everything again.
I will wipe the older 64GB after this and use it as a secondary disc (besides all this I also have a external spinning media drive).

Best way to move my current installation over to this new disc? Is not doing a fresh install a not so smart move?

I own Windows 7 Ultimate retail edition.
If you can get hold of a copy of norton ghost, boot from that and do a disk to disk copy, then wipe the old disk


Lost all credibility.

Is there a way I can fix this? When I go to a site with Korean text, I just get those boxes in the "title" field, on the actual page I can see Korean text fine though.

It's not doing this with all non-roman text though as Japanese and Chinese characters do work in the title bar.

Edit: Nevermind I fixed it by installing the Korean language pack and restarting. I didn't think to do that just because I could see Korean text everywhere else.


I just did a fresh install of a somewhat old laptop and manually installed XP SP3. I am unable to connect to the internet through the wireless network though.

The ipconfig/all shows that the DHCP is not found and automatic private ip is being used. How do I get dhcp to work once again? My internet connection is showing limited or no connectivity and I am obviously unable to ping the router or other computers on the network.


devilhawk said:
I just did a fresh install of a somewhat old laptop and manually installed XP SP3. I am unable to connect to the internet through the wireless network though.

The ipconfig/all shows that the DHCP is not found and automatic private ip is being used. How do I get dhcp to work once again? My internet connection is showing limited or no connectivity and I am obviously unable to ping the router or other computers on the network.
If it's your wireless connection it sounds like you put in the wrong network key. Also check the connection properties to make sure it is being told to automatically grab an address and not have a static assigned.


Man said:

My computer has everything installed on a 64GB SSD Corsair (fresh install one year ago) but now I am updating to a third-gen 120GB.

I want to move my Windows 7 installation and everything over to the new disk. I have so many tools and programs installed that I really don't want to fresh install everything again.
I will wipe the older 64GB after this and use it as a secondary disc (besides all this I also have a external spinning media drive).

Best way to move my current installation over to this new disc? Is not doing a fresh install a not so smart move?

I own Windows 7 Ultimate retail edition.

Try Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image. You can find both in the suite known as "Hiren's Boot CD" (google it, i don't know if i can post that kind of link here)


Ashhong said:
Not at all. Using Chrome on Windows 7
I see it on XP and Vista on Chrome and Firefox. If I zoom in on firefox the checkerboard pattern's size changes and it stops flickering. When it does flicker, I also see horizontal screen tears on the side.

It's weird.


DeathNote said:
I see it on XP and Vista on Chrome and Firefox. If I zoom in on firefox the checkerboard pattern's size changes and it stops flickering. When it does flicker, I also see horizontal screen tears on the side.

It's weird.

I zoomed in and out and still no flickering on any setting. Maybe it's your graphics card or something?


That page also flickers for me when scrolling fast - using a Dell Latitude E6410 with an nVidia NVS 3100M, but old drivers. If I get the time I'll update them and have another look..

I'd be willing to bet if I fired up my desktop + monitor, everything would look fine


hey guys. i posted this in the :"new PC" thread over in gaming. figured id post it here and maybe get some more input.



my PC has been crashing over the last week in odd ways. i was hoping someone here had some ideas. (if this is not the right thread for it ill repost elsewhere)

last week while my wife was playing LORTO the screen went black, then the monitor displays a "no signal" message and goes blank. the system stayed on, lights and fans still working, but no picture our sound. CRTL ALT DEL does nothing. i think the system restarted itself eventually.

since then its been happening more frequently. at first it was just while playing games, now it happens with no real strain (checking email etc). i updated video drivers and it seemed stable for a day or two, then started again. i swapped my video card for an old one and it crashed after 15 minutes. so im guessing its not a GPU or a GPU driver issue.

most of the time it crashes and just stays like that until i hard power it down. it occasionaly restarts itself. a few times it does a startup repair routine. the last day or so it crashes as its booting. sometimes i can log in and it will run for a bit and then crashes again (it seems to work a little better if it remains shut off for a while. could just be coincidence).

so it doesnt seem like a GPU or graphics driver issue. im guessing its not a power issue, because the power stays on during and after the crash. everything in the case seems cool enough and its not too dusty, so it doesnt appear to be an overheating issue.

im just not sure what to look for at this point. id appreciate suggestions on where to start.

claviertekky said:
PC specs?

Could be a crummy power supply, bad motherboard, or even bad RAM.

Please provide your specs.

Windows 7 (relatively new install)
various Hitachi/Samsung drives
ASUS M4A78T-E AM3 Mobo
Rosewill 700W PSU
HIS Radeon 5770 (also tried using an old ATI 4670)
AMD Phenom II X4 945 Deneb P5W
x2 Mushkin DDR3 4GB DDR3 SDRAM

build is less than a year old.

·feist· said:
Have you looked at your BSOD logs? Even if your PC doesn't stay on long enough the review your recent history, you can try quickly writing down the BSOD codes when they happen (like 0x_____ ), or keep a camera handy to take a quick snap shot, and go from there.

not sure where i would find those. been looking at the Even Viewer log and not really seeing much besides some Kernel power reads under Critical, but i figured that those were because i was using the case's power switch to power down. (the back of the case switch. the normal power button doesnt do anything when i crash)

edit: well i looked up where to find the BSOD logs. but would this actually pertain to my issues as i am not getting any blue screens?

cant hurt to check the log i guess.

·feist· said:
So you aren't getting BSODs? Possible component issue, like motherboard or mem. So your system just locks up? Like you said, I'd check the log details, and consider thoroughly scanning your PC. Aside from hardware, you may be compromised.

If you do BSOD, you can disable auto restart in advanced system settings, instead of searching for dump files.

nope. no blue screens at all (havent seen one of those in years). the screen just goes black. "no signal" displays on the monitor for a sec and then it just stays black, all sounds stop (no looping or buzzing noises). all case lights and fans remain on and sound normal.

ive done thorough scans recently with MSE and malwarebytes. most likely not that.

edit: and i have no minidump.


DeathNote said:
Does this website's background on each side flicker like balls for anyone else?
Default zoom. When you drag the window or scroll fast.

Yes. Windows 7, Chrome. It flickers when I scroll slowly too. I guess it's mouse wheel on that site, unless I'm in the mood for a seizure. :p


D-Pad said:
Yes. Windows 7, Chrome. It flickers when I scroll slowly too. I guess it's mouse wheel on that site, unless I'm in the mood for a seizure. :p
That's because of the terrible design decision of using pixel repeat pattern for a background messing with your monitor.


shit my pc just flipped, got a bsod stop error with hardly no info (just 2 lines at the top).
like this

and then after a restart it wouldnt boot because "boot selection failed required device is inaccessible"

system repair from windows disc didnt work the first time, i had to open the command prompt
and go through all the options after bootrec.exe like rebuildbcd, fixboot, fixmbr and then after
a second system repair it booted.
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