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Tech Support GAF Thread: No Case Too Big, No Case Too Small


close to the edge said:
Oh, totally forgot posting specs, here you go:
Asus P8P67 Pro
Intel Core i5 2500k
GeForce 560 Ti
The hard drive in question is a LaCie d2 Quadra with 1 TB. I installed chipset drivers (also the drivers for the eSATA controller, which was separate). If it helps, I'm currently on Linux on the same PC and it doesn't freeze. (the drive is mounted as well) It seems I have to go into the BIOS to check if my drive is in AHCI mode, will do this and post the results.

That's funny. I just built a friend's computer with this setup about a week ago. I used the non-pro mobo though.

The EFI setup already has the system put on AHCI mode, so you don't need to do that.

I used the chipset drivers that were located on Intel's website, not the ones on the disk.
Helping my parents out with their nasty ol' laptop, need some advice ...

They want to set up a home network for basic file and printer sharing. They have an old laptop on XP Home (SP2 ... AMD Turion 1.9Ghz with 1GB RAM), and a newer machine running W7 Home Premium.

My question is, can we do the networking we want with the machines we have, or would upgrading the old machine to (some version of) W7 help? Can the old machine even run W7 to an acceptable standard?

Thank you TechSupportGAF!

I won't be back for another 15 hours, byeeee


I want to upload pictures from my compact flash card and I'm using a cheap Chinese reader (I feel like this may be the root of my problem), but my Mac can't seem to detect it even though the light on the reader goes off and the card still works perfectly on my camera...any ideas?


Hey GAF, I seem to remember a program being mentioned here somewhere (I forget the thread now, it could well have been here) that would scan for a list of programs you had installed, and then check if they had updates available. You could then tell it to download whichever updates you wanted and it'd install them, a bit like how Android and iOS handle app updates.

I've forgot what it was called now, so providing I'm not thinking of something that doesn't exist, could anyone tell me the name of the program?



PaulLFC said:
Hey GAF, I seem to remember a program being mentioned here somewhere (I forget the thread now, it could well have been here) that would scan for a list of programs you had installed, and then check if they had updates available. You could then tell it to download whichever updates you wanted and it'd install them, a bit like how Android and iOS handle app updates.

I've forgot what it was called now, so providing I'm not thinking of something that doesn't exist, could anyone tell me the name of the program?

Not used it before, but was it Ninite (www.Ninite.com)?

Sounds like it does what you're after.


Manik said:
Not used it before, but was it Ninite (www.Ninite.com)?

Sounds like it does what you're after.

Ninite is good for installing programs after a reformat etc, but I think I remember reading about a program which would notify you if a program you already have installed has an update, then offer to download and install it for you.

Thanks for the reply though :)
claviertekky said:
That's funny. I just built a friend's computer with this setup about a week ago. I used the non-pro mobo though.

The EFI setup already has the system put on AHCI mode, so you don't need to do that.

I used the chipset drivers that were located on Intel's website, not the ones on the disk.
Still haven't found a solution but a workaround: xSleep, a small application that stops the drive from going into sleep mode.
Probably not really tech support, but I got a ATI 5800 and thinking of getting something new, what is the hotness that isn't insanely overpriced right now? The 5800 works pretty well for me, but it's giving me lots of annoying glitches in certain games that apparently everyone else is having and no fix other than turning off important graphic features.


BattleMonkey said:
Probably not really tech support, but I got a ATI 5800 and thinking of getting something new, what is the hotness that isn't insanely overpriced right now? The 5800 works pretty well for me, but it's giving me lots of annoying glitches in certain games that apparently everyone else is having and no fix other than turning off important graphic features.
There's a price/performance chart. I recently built a computer for a friend and put in a 6950.


PaulLFC said:
Hey GAF, I seem to remember a program being mentioned here somewhere (I forget the thread now, it could well have been here) that would scan for a list of programs you had installed, and then check if they had updates available. You could then tell it to download whichever updates you wanted and it'd install them, a bit like how Android and iOS handle app updates.

I've forgot what it was called now, so providing I'm not thinking of something that doesn't exist, could anyone tell me the name of the program?

Was it FileHippo Update Checker? http://www.filehippo.com/updatechecker/
I really hate the GUI for Ubuntu. The icon bar is hard to use on a netbook and the windows constantly glitch up. What alternative Ubuntu GUIs are more like Windows 7 (I really want shortcuts on the desktop)? Should I try a different distro that's as easy to use?


Confirmed Asshole
ChoklitReign said:
I really hate the GUI for Ubuntu. The icon bar is hard to use on a netbook and the windows constantly glitch up. What alternative Ubuntu GUIs are more like Windows 7 (I really want shortcuts on the desktop)? Should I try a different distro that's as easy to use?
KDE. A lot of people like to install KDE with Kubuntu (instead of plain Ubuntu) for some reason I'm not aware of.


I've recently lost the ability to "View picture" in Internet Explorer. What I mean is that, for example, if I right click someone's avatar, the option to view/show the image in a new tab/window is grayed out. It's the same on multiple websites. I'm using Windows 7 64bit, and Internet Explorer v. 9.0.8112.16421
I posted this in the "I need a new PC" thread but realize it should probably go here.

Can a video card show some artifacts in games and stop and be fine? My superclocked 570 went bad a few weeks ago and while I'm waiting for a replacement a friend gave me one of his 570's that he normally uses in a SLI setup to use until I get mine back.

Everything has been fine but today a game showed some artifacts while another game wouldn't load at all and crashed. I restarted and everything is fine now. No artifacts and the games play okay.

Is this a sign the card is going bad or could it have been just a hiccup? Odd that I'm having trouble with another 570.


I know I am probably S.O.L but I will post it here anyways..

A small bit of juice spilled on the keyboard of my Dell laptop, I tried to dry it as fast as I could, but 24 hours later I have two problems now..

1.) 1/3 the keys on my keyboard won't work. All the keys click and act normal, many just don't register anything.

2.) My built in wireless adapter can no longer see any wifi networks.

All in all, the computer still runs mostly normal. Boots fine, software still works as normal. I'm just wondering if this is something fixable ala taking my computer to a computer heaven or sending it out via Best Buy's geek squad, (or even a home fix) if possible. I'd rather pay 100-250 dollars to fix this rather than spend a lot more on a new one.

I can buy a new keyboard from amazon for like 7 bucks, would that fix the key issue or is the problem likely deeper than just replacing the keyboard?

My laptop is 4 years old and out of warranty btw so no not thinking I can get dell to fix...the age of the laptop also helps me not worry too much anyways, I like would have gotten a new one in a year or two anyways, just don't really have the funds right now.


B-B-Bomba! said:
Helping my parents out with their nasty ol' laptop, need some advice ...

They want to set up a home network for basic file and printer sharing. They have an old laptop on XP Home (SP2 ... AMD Turion 1.9Ghz with 1GB RAM), and a newer machine running W7 Home Premium.

My question is, can we do the networking we want with the machines we have, or would upgrading the old machine to (some version of) W7 help? Can the old machine even run W7 to an acceptable standard?

Thank you TechSupportGAF!

I won't be back for another 15 hours, byeeee
It'll be easier if you upgrade the XP Home computer to 7 as setting up a HomeGroup makes file sharing and printer sharing so much easier.

Old computers can run 7 as long as there is 512 MB of RAM, so you're good.

ili0926 said:
I want to upload pictures from my compact flash card and I'm using a cheap Chinese reader (I feel like this may be the root of my problem), but my Mac can't seem to detect it even though the light on the reader goes off and the card still works perfectly on my camera...any ideas?

Try a windows machine first. Then get a new card reader if that doesn't work.

PaulLFC said:
Hey GAF, I seem to remember a program being mentioned here somewhere (I forget the thread now, it could well have been here) that would scan for a list of programs you had installed, and then check if they had updates available. You could then tell it to download whichever updates you wanted and it'd install them, a bit like how Android and iOS handle app updates.

I've forgot what it was called now, so providing I'm not thinking of something that doesn't exist, could anyone tell me the name of the program?


A few mentioned programs above. Personally, I would not use one.

BattleMonkey said:
Probably not really tech support, but I got a ATI 5800 and thinking of getting something new, what is the hotness that isn't insanely overpriced right now? The 5800 works pretty well for me, but it's giving me lots of annoying glitches in certain games that apparently everyone else is having and no fix other than turning off important graphic features.

What's your budget?

Ask in the PC thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=432590

I will just say without checking your power supply that I would get the Geforce 560 Ti.

The ATi 6950 is another.

ChoklitReign said:
I really hate the GUI for Ubuntu. The icon bar is hard to use on a netbook and the windows constantly glitch up. What alternative Ubuntu GUIs are more like Windows 7 (I really want shortcuts on the desktop)? Should I try a different distro that's as easy to use?

Supposedly, the latest Ubuntu 11.04 uses Unity, which appears like a Windows 7 knock off. Most users have uninstalled it though and just went back to Gnome.

Palmer_v1 said:
I've recently lost the ability to "View picture" in Internet Explorer. What I mean is that, for example, if I right click someone's avatar, the option to view/show the image in a new tab/window is grayed out. It's the same on multiple websites. I'm using Windows 7 64bit, and Internet Explorer v. 9.0.8112.16421

Same here. That's a feature of IE9. Use Chrome or Firefox instead if you desire that feature.

LastWindow said:
I posted this in the "I need a new PC" thread but realize it should probably go here.

Can a video card show some artifacts in games and stop and be fine? My superclocked 570 went bad a few weeks ago and while I'm waiting for a replacement a friend gave me one of his 570's that he normally uses in a SLI setup to use until I get mine back.

Everything has been fine but today a game showed some artifacts while another game wouldn't load at all and crashed. I restarted and everything is fine now. No artifacts and the games play okay.

Is this a sign the card is going bad or could it have been just a hiccup? Odd that I'm having trouble with another 570.

I would say so, yes, if the temperatures are too high.

Post your temperatures.

Diablos said:
Over the past couple months I've noticed that there's like a 20-30% chance that, when playing x264 video (doesn't matter what media player), it can cause hard locks. If I stop it, close the app while it's playing, (or sometimes after it's playing), or even when the video stops itself, a hard lock may occur. If I close the app you can see a short gap in between the aero animation, even if it doesn't lock.

Specs: Gigabyte EP43-DS3L/Intel C2Q Q8200/4GB of PC6400 G.Skill RAM/Asus Radeon HD 3650/Windows 7

Things I have done:

-Uninistalled ATI drivers, used driver sweeper in safe mode, and installed the generic Windows ATI driver. It does seem to cause less hard locks and performs better. Certain videos will now never lock up the system even though they did before, but some still do, but it's much less frequent even then. So I'd say the driver is much more stable.

-Uninstalled all misc. codecs from things like CCCP. Relying on nothing but the codecs Windows has by default.

-Monitored system temps while this is happening. Nothing is overheating or coming anywhere close.

-Used Memtest86+ and let it run through a couple passes with no errors. Also used Video Memory Stress Test which is like Memtest but for GPU memory. No errors.

I'm thinking it has to be my GPU. I can encode x264 with no problem and do other CPU/Memory intensive tasks. No lockups, ever.

Before deciding to use the Windows ATI driver, I did reinstall Cataylst. There was some weird overlay stuff happening. For example, when I dropped down the bookmarks menu in Firefox, everything behind it turned black, and/or the bookmarks upon being highlighted turned a different color. After using driver sweeper and reinstalling the generic driver, the problem went away. I don't even know if that was artifacting though, so much as it was a driver problem.

I am trying to figure out if this is a software or hardware problem. If it's a hardware problem I'm almost 100% certain it's the GPU, but I don't understand why as the temps are fine (it is fanless, but also just a Radeon HD 3650). If it's a software problem, I'm really clueless. Perhaps a video codec is corrupt and causing a memory leak? I don't know. I never do any gaming on my PC so this GPU is fine for what I do, so I'd hate to spend another $70-100 on a new one. I want to exhaust all my options before I buy more hardware. I'm a step away from backing everything up and reinstalling Windows which I'd hate to do.

Any help would be appreciated.

Are you playing the movie via a USB 2.0 hard drive?

Seda said:
I know I am probably S.O.L but I will post it here anyways..

A small bit of juice spilled on the keyboard of my Dell laptop, I tried to dry it as fast as I could, but 24 hours later I have two problems now..

1.) 1/3 the keys on my keyboard won't work. All the keys click and act normal, many just don't register anything.

2.) My built in wireless adapter can no longer see any wifi networks.

All in all, the computer still runs mostly normal. Boots fine, software still works as normal. I'm just wondering if this is something fixable ala taking my computer to a computer heaven or sending it out via Best Buy's geek squad, (or even a home fix) if possible. I'd rather pay 100-250 dollars to fix this rather than spend a lot more on a new one.

I can buy a new keyboard from amazon for like 7 bucks, would that fix the key issue or is the problem likely deeper than just replacing the keyboard?

My laptop is 4 years old and out of warranty btw so no not thinking I can get dell to fix...the age of the laptop also helps me not worry too much anyways, I like would have gotten a new one in a year or two anyways, just don't really have the funds right now.

I remember one summer I doused my Inspiron 6000D laptop (playing music) in water as I was washing a car, and it wouldn't turn on.

I opened the entire laptop up (i.e. took out the keyboard, separated the screen) and left it in a room with a dehumidifier for 48 hours. Everything was back to normal, and I still use that laptop to this day.

I would advise NOT to go to geek squad as they don't fix anything. I forgot the model of your laptop.

If you would post it here, then I can link a guide for you how to open it up.


LastWindow said:
Idle is 36-38 and at full load it gets up to around 80. At the time of the artifacts it was in the low 60's.
All I can suggest is check your air flow and power supply to see if it's really delivering the right voltages. I remember I was looking at a friend's computer, and his power supply voltage level readings were like 8 V for the 12 V rail, which is really bad.

What manufacturer is that anyway?

I suppose you clean installed your graphics drivers, right? A new driver set was released this month. Do an advanced install and check the box clean install. You can uncheck all the other boxes if you don't use those features.


claviertekky said:
I remember one summer I doused my Inspiron 6000D laptop (playing music) in water as I was washing a car, and it wouldn't turn on.

I opened the entire laptop up (i.e. took out the keyboard, separated the screen) and left it in a room with a dehumidifier for 48 hours. Everything was back to normal, and I still use that laptop to this day.

I would advise NOT to go to geek squad as they don't fix anything. I forgot the model of your laptop.

If you would post it here, then I can link a guide for you how to open it up.

Dell inspiron e1505
claviertekky said:
All I can suggest is check your air flow and power supply to see if it's really delivering the right voltages. I remember I was looking at a friend's computer, and his power supply voltage level readings were like 8 V for the 12 V rail, which is really bad.

What manufacturer is that anyway?

I suppose you clean installed your graphics drivers, right? A new driver set was released this month. Do an advanced install and check the box clean install. You can uncheck all the other boxes if you don't use those features.

The air flow seems fine. I've got plenty of fans going. Would filters be blocking air that the card needs? I've got filters on all of my intake fans.

For the voltage, the 12V is currently showing 12.17. The manufacturer is EVGA. And I did do a clean install when I installed those drivers a couple of weeks ago.


Seda said:
Dell inspiron e1505

That's the service manual. You'll need a Phillips (#1) screw driver to remove the keyboard and perhaps a flat head for the to remove the hinge.

I would definitely try to dry your laptop if you can. Touch a door knob (to remove yourself from static). Work your way to the keyboard using that guide (i.e. Remove the Battery) : (http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/ins6400/en/sm/hingecvr.htm#wp1123881, http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/ins6400/en/sm/keyboard.htm#wp1111863)

Be careful when removing the keyboard as the connector for it is really thin. If you rip that, you'll need a new keyboard.

LastWindow said:
The air flow seems fine. I've got plenty of fans going. Would filters be blocking air that the card needs? I've got filters on all of my intake fans.

For the voltage, the 12V is currently showing 12.17. The manufacturer is EVGA. And I did do a clean install when I installed those drivers a couple of weeks ago.

Sounds like you're doing a good job. There isn't dust covering them right?

Nothing more I can add then. It's probably a flaky card in that sense.


claviertekky said:

That's the service manual. You'll need a Phillips (#1) screw driver to remove the keyboard and perhaps a flat head for the to remove the hinge.

I would definitely try to dry your laptop if you can. Touch a door knob (to remove yourself from static). Work your way to the keyboard using that guide: (http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/ins6400/en/sm/hingecvr.htm#wp1123881, http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/ins6400/en/sm/keyboard.htm#wp1111863)

Be careful when removing the keyboard as the connector for it is really thin. If you rip that, you'll need a new keyboard.

thanks man!
claviertekky said:
Sounds like you're doing a good job. There isn't dust covering them right?

Nothing more I can add then. It's probably a flaky card in that sense.

No dust. I clean them off regularly. I'm hoping this was just a fluke. So far nothing else has happened. I've ran other games, 3DMark11 and nothing unusual.


Seda said:
Hey clavier tech, anything else I should remove in addition to the hinge cover and keyboard?
If you want, you can remove the CD/DVD drive and hard drive, but I think it's excessive.

The main parts you're concerned is the keyboard connector and the wireless card, which are both revealed when you remove the keyboard. http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/ins6400/en/sm/cards.htm#wp1015787

I suppose from there, you can remove the wireless card as well. Check to see if the there's any stick residue from the juice you spilled on the keyboard. If there is, I would clean it up using a q-tip and isopropyl alcohol if you have those items lying around. Otherwise, it's kind a pricey purchase ($5 total).


claviertekky said:
If you want, you can remove the CD/DVD drive and hard drive, but I think it's excessive.

The main parts you're concerned is the keyboard connector and the wireless card, which are both revealed when you remove the keyboard.

I suppose from there, you can remove the wireless card as well. Check to see if the there's any stick residue from the juice you spilled on the keyboard. If there is, I would clean it up using a q-tip and isopropyl alcohol if you have those items lying around. Otherwise, it's kind a pricey purchase ($5 total).

Yep, I have some isopropyl from when I tried to clean the laser lens of my ps2 phat (didn't work, but I love my slim replacement!).

I see some white residue that 'll try to clean up


Seda said:
Yep, I have some isopropyl from when I tried to clean the laser lens of my ps2 phat (didn't work, but I love my slim replacement!).

I see some white residue that 'll try to clean up

Sorry I stealth edited before you posted again.

That's the link to remove the wireless card. What's not clear in the guide is that there are two metal prongs that hold the card. After you remove the two antenna wires, you push those tabs outwards, and the card will then prop up to a 30 degree angle.


claviertekky said:

Sorry I stealth edited before you posted again.

That's the link to remove the wireless card. What's not clear in the guide is that there are two metal prongs that hold the card. After you remove the two antenna wires, you push those tabs outwards, and the card will then prop up to a 30 degree angle.

sweet, thanks.

I hope this works :/

edit: hmm. the weird things is that my drink spilled on the lower left of the board, where the wlan card in on the upper right....I can't think of any other reason I wasn't able to see any networks though..(yes I had it enabled)


Seda said:
sweet, thanks.

I hope this works :/
I hope so, too.

The white residue you mentioned is what I think is water damage. I did RMA for a summer internship, and I remember looking at that as a clear sign.

See if it cleans off and let it dry. Put it back together after a day or if you can't wait after dinner and see if it powers up correctly.
TechGAF, I just bought a new Lenovo Edge E420 from their website and I'm having some graphically issues. Periodically the screen will get all goofy looking, you can see the problem below. Sometimes it comes and goes quickly sometimes it lingers. I thought it might be a CPU/GPU driver issue but I checked lenovos site and it's running the lastest driver for the CPU/GPU. It has an i5-2410m.

GAF frontpage

MS Paint new window

Is this a hardware issue? Should I call up tech support?


Looks like hardware to me.

Perhaps the DVI connector on the motherboard isn't on there firmly, and I doubt you want to open up your brand new laptop just to check.

Call tech and request a repair.


I have a Dell Inspiron 1526. I upgraded to Windows 7 from Vista, and ever since I haven't been able to get sound from the HDMI port, even though it does show that sound is coming out on the mixer. It's not the cable or the TV because my PS3 works fine.


Link1110 said:
I have a Dell Inspiron 1526. I upgraded to Windows 7 from Vista, and ever since I haven't been able to get sound from the HDMI port, even though it does show that sound is coming out on the mixer. It's not the cable or the TV because my PS3 works fine.
According to this, http://forums.cnet.com/7723-13974_102-341299.html, supposedly the ATi X1270 card does not provide sound over HDMI, only video.

Your computer runs on the ATi X1270 card, correct?

It seems like you'll have to run sound from the headphone jack using a 3.5 mm male to male cable.

On pre-ATI Radeon 2000 series graphics cards, the DVI output of the graphics card supplies video only. To connect this type of graphics card to an HDMI-compatible DTV, you need a DVI-to-HDMI adapter and an HDMI cable to supply video to your DTV. You must also make a separate connection from the audio output of your computer to the audio input of your HDMI-compatible DTV.

The DVI output of some more recent ATI Radeon graphics cards, such as the ATI Radeon X2000 series that has audio processing capabilities, is comprised of both video and audio signals. If you have an ATI Radeon X2000 series graphics card, you only need a DVI-to-HDMI adapter and an HDMI cable to connect to an HDMI-compatible DTV.


Update: Reading about this more, have you tried checking your playback devices in audio?

Right click the speaker icon in the lower right and select "Playback Devices."

Default the sound under the Playback tab to the HDMI connection if there is one.

Does that work?


Just tried that. The sound meter for HDMI displays, and the speaker sound stops working, but nothing.

My TV has regular sound inputs below its HDMI, but I can't get that to work either.


can anyone help me setup WEP protection on my wireless router? here is what it looks like on my routers config page:


what should i put in the passphrase box? i put in a random word and it generated 4 random keys. are all 4 keys needed?

also, is it possible to put a simple word as the WEP password for connecting? like "tree" for example? it's at my parents house and would like to make it as simple as possible (if possible) for them.
is WEP your only option?

if so, just make a pass-phrase

I believe you can only input letters A-F and numbers 0-9.

and it has to be a total of 10 characters.


Joe said:
my other options are WPA Pre-Shared Key and WPA RADIUS
Use WPA-PSK (Pre Shared Key).

Much safer than WEP. Plus your passwords don't have to be a specified length.

Also use AES encryption if available for WPA.

Link1110 said:
Just tried that. The sound meter for HDMI displays, and the speaker sound stops working, but nothing.

My TV has regular sound inputs below its HDMI, but I can't get that to work either.

If audio did work before, then all I can suggest is try the driver set that Dell has on their website.

Otherwise, I'm out of options. I'm thinking your hardware doesn't support it.


My monitor on my desktop died a couple days ago, and I just bought a replacement via NewEgg.

The trouble is, the DVI input doesn't seem to work. At least I hooked it up and it said no signal, but hooking it up via VGA cable works.

My desktop computer is ancient (2003, and the video card is from 2006) so I think maybe my video card just had a weird standard that perhaps the newer monitor doesn't support?

Any ideas on how to test it? I don't want to go through the hassle and expense (I'm broke) to send it back if it's a problem with my card, not the monitor.


DiscoJer said:
My monitor on my desktop died a couple days ago, and I just bought a replacement via NewEgg.

The trouble is, the DVI input doesn't seem to work. At least I hooked it up and it said no signal, but hooking it up via VGA cable works.

My desktop computer is ancient (2003, and the video card is from 2006) so I think maybe my video card just had a weird standard that perhaps the newer monitor doesn't support?

Any ideas on how to test it? I don't want to go through the hassle and expense (I'm broke) to send it back if it's a problem with my card, not the monitor.

Did you make sure to switch inputs?


Yes, I checked the source (though most monitors detect the source automatically)

But working now, tried the cable that came with it instead of the one from my old monitor...


So I have a Raid 1 set up with 2 x 500gb drives. This morning, during bootup, I get a message that both drives are in Failed State and they have been taken offline. So I log into the BIOS menu and was able to force online both drives, and even though they are labelled as Degraded, I was able to boot into windows and access the drive.

My question is, in this degraded state, if I backup all the files on the drive, will I get everything or is there a possibility that some of the files may be corrupted? I was hoping to back everything up before I attempt rebuilding the array.


Rengoku said:
So I have a Raid 1 set up with 2 x 500gb drives. This morning, during bootup, I get a message that both drives are in Failed State and they have been taken offline. So I log into the BIOS menu and was able to force online both drives, and even though they are labelled as Degraded, I was able to boot into windows and access the drive.

My question is, in this degraded state, if I backup all the files on the drive, will I get everything or is there a possibility that some of the files may be corrupted? I was hoping to back everything up before I attempt rebuilding the array.

It's super rare to have two drives fail simultaneously, my first thought is something is wrong with the raid system itself and not the actual drives.


Dell Precision T1500 with on-board DVI
NVIDIA Quadro NVS 295 with 2 HDMI

Is there any hope for using three monitors?
I installed KDE in Ubuntu with the Kubuntu Plasma Desktop system (via Software Center) and the taskbar in KDE is messed up. I've been tweaking it for days now without many improvements. I hate how the app bar is crunched to the side and how much room the virtual desktops, a.k.a. workstations, take up. I can't even rename the workstations! The last big problem is how windows, regardless of their natural size, take up the whole screen, so it looks weird.

This is what my desktop look like:

And this is what it should look like:

What are my options?
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