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Tech Support GAF Thread: No Case Too Big, No Case Too Small


Possibly a problem with the TV's scalar. Is there a hardware connection or software mode for gaming or computers? It should turn off scaling and any post effects.

Yeah this sounded right so I checked my settings, this is a ss of how they are currently set, this ss is taken via logmein, I'm assuming when I go home later, I should opt to turn off scaling, "No scaling"? Thanks.



I have a 2008 MBP. Today the left click on the track pad suddenly stopped working. I plugged in an mouse and the same thing happened: no left click. Does anyone have any idea as to how to fix this?


OK, after setting up my PC after a HDD crash (and encountering some issues which made it impossible to reset it from a system image), I'm trying to access my backup manually. It's VHD files, and I can add those as virtual machines (or whatever, I'm a noob).

Now the main question:

I can access all public folders. I CANNOT, however, access any folders that need admin rights. It asks me if I want to continue, I get no error message, but they never open.

Anything I can do about it?


Change the driver scaling to perform on the GPU and then check the TV settings when you can.

Hey I tried "Perform on GPU" for the Sony, as well as turning off scaling altogether, on one and on both displays, I tried having my TV in Game Mode and not, either way it had the same problem. I tried using one display at a time, instead of duplicate or cloned mode, that did not work. Also my TV is set to Full Pixel, and all other settings seem normal from my limited knowledge of HDTV settings.



Thanks for any help.

I should note, that I'm using an inexpensive, 15ft HDMI cable, not sure if that's the problem.

Also, my desktop looks fine, the text on GAF is much smaller than the title menu of Skyrim, the problem only seems to happen in games...this was taken from my TV


I'm really just guessing here because I've never run into something like this specifically.

The problem is definitely with scaling though, but I don't know where it is manifesting. Are you sure the game's are set at the correct res? Do they look ok when run in Windowed mode?
Calling Tech Support,

My parents' computer that I built 7 or 8 years ago wouldn't boot up this past week. Nothing out of the ordinary was done the day before, merely using e-mail and printing recipes.

I had the chance to quickly check it out. It boots to the Windows Recovery Screen, but does not boot any further, regardless of option chosen. I figured, what the hell, just reformat. Well, Windows Recovery Console does not load the command prompt, and a full reformat was stuck on 2% for hours until this lovely message appeared. I was able to delete the partition, but to no avail.

Driver Unloaded Without Cancelling Pending Operations
Problem: partmgr.sys

So, no new hardware has been installed in quite some time. My gut feeling is that the harddrive failed, but I could be completely off. As I built it a loooong time ago, I don't remember the exact specs, but here's something close:

Windows XP3
ASUS Board
Pentium 4 HT
2 GB RAM (1 GB DDR2 x2)
GeForce4 Ti4600
Seagate 250 GB HD

Thoughts? Just replace the harddrive, or is something more sinister at play?
I'm having an issue with one of the USB ports on my computer (A Lenovo laptop). For a while now the sync on my USB mouse that I plug into it would drop frequently, sometimes when I closed the lid and came back, sometimes in the middle of using it. Then yesterday it stops working entirely. The cordless mouse wont work, the corded keyboard that works in the USB port right next to it won't work, but my ipod WILL work and sync when connected. Now I have my mouse plugged into another USB port (one that's always "hot"), and I haven't had any desync issues whatsoever. But I'm wondering what I can do to get this other port to work right.


I'm really just guessing here because I've never run into something like this specifically.

The problem is definitely with scaling though, but I don't know where it is manifesting. Are you sure the game's are set at the correct res? Do they look ok when run in Windowed mode?

OK I think I mostly got it, I had to change a few settings.

1)Set Desktop to No Scaling
2)Set Sony to Do not report for "Select the desktop resize mode reported to the display:"
3)Under "Adjust Color settings" for the Sony TV, I set "Content type reported to display" as Full-Screen videos

These are not my own ideas, I found it here


Thanks for your help it got me in the right direction. It is still not 100% perfect, the title screen has strange artifacting that is not present when in the main game (Skyrim). I'll have to try other games to see what happens, but so far a 100% improvement over my scaling problem.


Can someone tell me how to maximize my network throughput?

W7 Gigabit Machine
Gigabit NAS
Gigabit Switch

Result: 8MBps which is like 64mbps, right?


Calling Tech Support,

My parents' computer that I built 7 or 8 years ago wouldn't boot up this past week.

So, no new hardware has been installed in quite some time. My gut feeling is that the harddrive failed, but I could be completely off.

Thoughts? Just replace the harddrive, or is something more sinister at play?

Yeah, hard drive death.

Core Zero

Help, GAF!

I'm posting this here to get a wider net. Maybe someone here has a good idea for me?

The initial thread I posted on a different forum is here:


Unfortunately, my update did not receive a useful reply, and I'm stuck.

Here's a summary:

A couple days ago, my computer began to consistently BSOD within a few minutes of startup. There have been no recent hardware or software changes that I can think of. The computer was off for about 3 days prior to this. In the past, I've had intermittent bluescreen errors, generally only once, also shortly after startup, if at all.

Thus far, I have run Memtest86+ for over 12 hours (9 passes) with no errors. I have not done individual stick testing, due to the memory being difficult to access (CPU cooler extends over the sockets). I have attempted to to a repair install of Win7, but a stop occurs before it can complete. Prime95 will have a fatal error with ~15 minutes or so, but I was able to run it in safe mode without a BSOD (I'm generally more stable in Safe Mode, as I am now typing this). I have upgraded my video drivers. Driver Verifier tends to cause faster failures, but I have not been able to get a dump from that. I am not overclocked, though I have slightly increased the voltages to my memory and processor, with no notable effect on the crashes.


I have attempted to capture a dump from a Driver Verifier crash, and have not been able to, even after following the instructions here.

My C: drive is limited in space (60GB SSD), so I thought that may be the problem. I changed the dump file location to a different drive, still no luck (the page file is still on C:, I did not change that, though I attempted to increase the size, as it was warning about it being too small for error reporting). Although, the blue screen stays up noticeably longer once I changed settings. It seems like it is writing the dump somewhere. I don't run ccleaner, could antivirus/antispyware do something similar? (like Avira or Malwarebytes?) I don't even get minidumps. The most recent one is from 6/17 and I've crashed a couple times yesterday and today.

I also had intended to add that I ran chkdsk on all drives with no problems, and that SpeedFan reports my temps as well within safe range (<55C under Prime95).

Crash reports are attached to the outside forum, if there's anyone who can read those.


sounds like something is in 100Mbps mode, if you account for overhead, 8MBps sounds about right. Could be the cable, just buy a new one.

I just realized I have some 100mbps devices on the switch. The entire switch will drop down to 100 right?


OK I think I mostly got it, I had to change a few settings.

1)Set Desktop to No Scaling
2)Set Sony to Do not report for "Select the desktop resize mode reported to the display:"
3)Under "Adjust Color settings" for the Sony TV, I set "Content type reported to display" as Full-Screen videos

These are not my own ideas, I found it here


Thanks for your help it got me in the right direction. It is still not 100% perfect, the title screen has strange artifacting that is not present when in the main game (Skyrim). I'll have to try other games to see what happens, but so far a 100% improvement over my scaling problem.

I know this is a 'cop-out' but do you have the ability to connect it by VGA and seeing how that works?
Never thought the day will come but I need help. I have 2 (seemingly) identical USB flash drives with 32GB capacity and USB 3.0 connection. They both are formatted NTFS and at a USB 2.0 port they both work like they should (speed, access time, general behavior) at the USB 3.0 port things are different. One drive does exactly what I expect it to do but faster than while at the USB 2.0 port. The other while accessing it from MS Explorer (Windows 7 64Bit) hangs and it takes up to 10 seconds to display the content or if I right-click it takes also a lot longer to display the drop down menu.

What I did so far:

Formatted the drive with Fat32, NTFS again, etc. which did not help. A check of the drive reported no errors (basicly writing the whole 32GB then reading and checking it again). I tested the speed (copied a 8GB file) which resulted in a average of 55MB/s (vendor says up to 70MB so that sounds right). I removed and then reinstalled the USB device, tried another notebook (also a W510). So far nothing was conclusive, the access time under Linux Mint was different (but this might be because Win7=SSD, Mint=HDD) and the write speed was on USB 2.0 level.

I somehow doubt that the drive is faulty but on the other side why does one drive work like a charm and the other does only via USB 2.0. Please help me :)

Kind regards!


So suddenly I'm getting the message the AMD drive failed (or something to that effect) and it's restarting. Has happened twice in around an hour. Installed the requires Windows Updates.

First time it's happen in this month-old build. Played GW 2 for the weekend flawlessly.


Help, GAF!

I'm posting this here to get a wider net. Maybe someone here has a good idea for me?

The initial thread I posted on a different forum is here:


Unfortunately, my update did not receive a useful reply, and I'm stuck.

Here's a summary:

Crash reports are attached to the outside forum, if there's anyone who can read those.

Last time this happened to me it was a actually a hard drive that was beginning to fail on me. Even though I never lost data, after what seemed like a random amount of time, but no less than a couple times a day I would get a BSOD and automatic restart. Hardware related BSODs are generally either memory failures or hard drive issues.


Unconfirmed Member
Help, GAF!

I'm posting this here to get a wider net. Maybe someone here has a good idea for me?

The initial thread I posted on a different forum is here:


Unfortunately, my update did not receive a useful reply, and I'm stuck.

Crash reports are attached to the outside forum, if there's anyone who can read those.

What SSD drive are you using? There was a bug with Crucial M4 drives that would cause blue screens regularly, which was fixed by a firmware update.

ACE 1991

Anyone know of some good programs to monitor the temperature of my GPU and CPU while in game? I've heard about MSI Afterburner, but that seems to only monitor a system's GPU.


I've got two SSD's ( 256GB and 64 GB) and 2 HDD's( 2 TB each).

Does anyone know how I can make the 64 GB a cache SSD? I've heard that you can do this with Intel RST but it doesn't even recognize my SSD's.

I would like to make use of the second SSD as efficient as possible but I don't know what to do at the moment. Can someone please help me?

256 GB is a Samsung SSD
64 GB is a Crucial M4 SSD
Tech Support GAF:

So two days ago I started getting strange popup messages in Windows 7 about one of my backup/miscellaneous drives (500GB). Basically, this:


When I hit the expand arrow it tells me which drive, etc etc. Anyway, I'm not sure what's happened, and I managed to move the important information needed from it onto my laptop. Prior to this I defragmented, used SeaTools (DOS and windows, DOS issues abound) to do short tests. In DOS the program would essentially lock up if I tried to do anything, and in Windows I would get a failed message saying I need to repair sectors. I just used SeaTools to successfully write the drive to zero, and initilaized it on Acronis.

I really just want to know if there's anything I can do for this. I was still able to use it/write to it/read from it, and the message would only pop up sporadically. I was hoping there was a decent program out there I could use that could possibly repair any bad sectors? Windows doesn't seem to do anything using disk check, and I am not sure my Acronis program has anything like that (it just goes through Windows disk check).

Seagate ST3500418AS is the model.

tl;dr - hard drive failure message pops up randomly, need a program or advice on how to repair bad sectors


testicles on a cold fall morning
make note of which drive letter(s) the corrupted drive is associated with, and in an elevated command prompt type in 'chkdsk DRIVELETTER: /r'

if you're asked to reboot, reboot. otherwise, make some coffee and sit back - this could take a while.

chkdsk can mark off bad sectors and prevent them from being written to in the future. if that's not working, the entire drive might be failing and should be replaced.
I have a problem with one of the USB ports on my laptop. Say I plug something into it, the port will switch off after two seconds (I know because the light on whatever device I'm using will suddenly go off). My other USB port is fine, and even when the first one switches off they both appear to be working correctly under 'device manager'.

make note of which drive letter(s) the corrupted drive is associated with, and in an elevated command prompt type in 'chkdsk DRIVELETTER: /r'

if you're asked to reboot, reboot. otherwise, make some coffee and sit back - this could take a while.

chkdsk can mark off bad sectors and prevent them from being written to in the future. if that's not working, the entire drive might be failing and should be replaced.

Thank you, will do that.


Any good program that will rewrite/swipe a hdd multiple times? Getting rid of my laptop is the reason why I'm doing this.
Well nothing seems to be happening; I keep getting "no problem sectors found" when I run CHKDSK, yet the message keeps popping up every 20 minutes or so. I tried SeaTools again; Fix All Long "passed", Short Test fails still.

Guess it's completely done, or else it would be working. Unless it's a hiccup in Windows 7.


Hey techgaf I have a quick question seeing as my laptop has an ssd in it and I cannot add another drive to it, I was wondering if a USB 3 external 7200rpm hd would be able to run games well? I would mostly be playing skyrim/fallout mostly single player games.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Well nothing seems to be happening; I keep getting "no problem sectors found" when I run CHKDSK, yet the message keeps popping up every 20 minutes or so. I tried SeaTools again; Fix All Long "passed", Short Test fails still.

Guess it's completely done, or else it would be working. Unless it's a hiccup in Windows 7.
that's odd. have you tried swapping SATA cables? perhaps hook it up to a different internal SATA port as well.
that's odd. have you tried swapping SATA cables? perhaps hook it up to a different internal SATA port as well.

I will try this. I've stopped getting the message after a few formats, but I still get the Fail message when using SeaTools...

I'll check the cables and see if that may be the issue.


I'm having a slightly odd issue, or maybe it's not an issue at all I don't really know.

About 10 minutes after turning my PC on my wireless thing starts blinking fast, which it only does when I'm downloading/streaming/playing online but I can't find anything on the surface at least that's downloading. Also at the same time my cached RAM jumps from about 1300 to 2600mb.

Being the idiot that I am when it comes to PCs I immediately think something sinister is happening but I ran all the scans I have and nothing came up. Is there a way to check if something is downloading/uploading in the background?

edit: Hmm it seems to correct itself after a bit. This happened late last night too but I don't think I stayed up late enough to see it correct itself.


testicles on a cold fall morning
I will try this. I've stopped getting the message after a few formats, but I still get the Fail message when using SeaTools...

I'll check the cables and see if that may be the issue.

sometimes SATA cables can go wonky for no reason. a few months back one of my drives would randomly flake out on a cold-start and spam a bunch of SMART errors. i thought the drive was dying at first, but after checking the error code online it seems that the issue could instead be a bad connection between the drive and the motherboard. i replaced the cable, double and triple checked that all my drives were seated properly, and have been error-free since. the 1TB drive i bought when i initially thought the drive was failing sits unused in a boxnext to me.



I have failed.

I am helping a colleague with his new laptop computer (Samsung RV515).
He said the thing was freezing all the time while surfing the net, I agreed to look at the laptop for him.

First thing when I tried it out. Indeed it freezes!
Using IE just surfing to Youtube made it freeze.

You can still move the mouse-pointer around but it has a the "loading" circle, so you cant click or activate anything.
I looked at a few things and couldn't figure it out.

He had already re-installed Windows 7 from the Backup disc which Samsung provided.
Anyway I decided to do another re-install from my clean version of Windows 7 which isnt filled up to the brims with trials and Samsung software.

Well everything was going fine, I started doing the updates from Microsoft, no freezes what-so-ever.
HOWEVER after just installing SP1 the thing froze (once again you can move the mouse around), and I was in Windows Update looking for further updates.
Restarted (hard reset, because you cant even call up the Task Manager with CTRL+ALT+DEL).. this time I launched IE9.. and fuck, just loading up Google.se it froze again.

Specs of the PC

AMD Dual Core-processor E-350 (1,6 GHz, 1 MB L2-cache)
AMD Radeon&#8482; HD6470M
HDD 320GB SATAII 5400 rpm
4GB DDR3 1066MHz
AMD A50M Chipset
Windows 7 64-bit

Also I checked the RAM in both Memtest86 and the built in Win 7 thingy. No problems found.

Hardware or software related? I installed all the drivers provided by Samsung.
Windows Update has not detected any newer versions of the drivers.

EDIT: Well it seems SP1 broke something. The computer is much slower at booting, and any task within Win7 makes it freeze.
Booting into safe mode the startup process pauses at CLASSPNP.SYS for 30+ seconds then the computer resumes to boot into Safe Mode which seems to work okay (very snappy).

I had this CLASSPNP.SYS problem with my stationary computer once, but I dont remember how I solved it (or if I ever did, I might just have wiped the system). Damn you brain!


Anyone know any painless ways to get photos off an old iPhone? I've tried plugging it in via USB but it doesn't show up anywhere on My Computer so I can't use Windows to pull them out. iTunes detects it but not My Computer so I'm a little confused.


Follow-up on my post above:

I have noticed that Windows 7 crashes even when left alone for a few minutes.
It looks fine, you can move the mouse around but as soon as you click anything the loading circle of death appears, after this no more actions are possible (except moving the mouse pointer). CTRL+ALT+DEL does not bring up the task manager, quickly pressing the Power-button does not shut down the computer, you are left with Hold-clicking to hard reset the laptop.

Is there any software that can log what is happening in the background? Somewhere there must be a software fault.


My TV won't work. I have AT&T Uverse and I was watching TV when the picture died and the box reset and wouldn't get past 3 grey dots. Eventually I did a hard reset and now it shows a red X with 2 dots beneath it. Nothing I do seems to change it.
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