Having a lot of issues with Flash lately. It started a couple weeks ago when YouTube videos would sometimes not load. Like, I'd just get a black square, with no player or anything. A refresh would fix it though.
But now, I've been having videos lock up FireFox. A couple of YouTube videos have done it, but a task-killing FireFox and restarting it would get things working again. Then today I was trying to watch Half in the Bag on RedLetterMedia, and I kept having the video lock up. It happened about 4 times before eventually I just got a green screen within the flashplayer. I tried other videos and all of them were green. A google search said a quick fix would be to disable hardware acceleration, which I did, and I could watch videos again. But still, I had Half in the Bag lock up again, even without hardware acceleration.
Anyone else having similar problems or should I just try uninstalling/reinstalling flash?