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Tech Support GAF Thread: No Case Too Big, No Case Too Small

What do you mean by 'not work'. Did the installation go smoothly without errors? Which version did you download and install, version 6 update 38 or version 7 update 11? Fyi, both the 32 bit or 64 bit versions should work if your target java application is 32 bit.

I installed the latest version. I get a a yellow bar that says that there´s an error Java is not running and i need to install a plug in. I did that but still did not work. But today it says to me run it this time. How can i make Java to run without having any problem?


weird problem on my sister's pc. It stopped displaying in 1600x900. Resolution options available now are not HD for some reason. Monitor then goes to sleep. ANy idea what the problem may be?

hp s2031 monitor on xp pc.


Hey guys I just installed my Radeon HD 5450 card. I was wondering why I can't set my resolution to 1920 x 1080? When I try, I'm getting the "analog out of range, 67.5 Khz/60 Khz" screen. My monitor is a LG Flatron W2242TQ.


Hello gaffers,

I need some help.

It's been a couple of days (weeks maybe) that I noticed our router and modem flashing rapidly like if someone is using it while nobody was home (or wasn't using the internet).

I thought at first it was somebody using our wifi but it wasn't it because when we changed every settings and enabling mac address filters and it still kept happening.
Like the internet would be used up at full speed and we can't use it unless we restart the router and the modem. And still,after a certain time, it would happen again.

I checked the router's logs and it seems there's something weird as you can see in the log below I attached. IP addresses from everywhere trying to access a certain local IP device from our network. In this case, it's my brother's computer.
We ran antivirus/antimalware and nothing really came up. And then the next day it happens again but with the IP from the Playstation 3. And now I can still see it's trying to access that IP or sometimes the Apple TV IP. But everyone of those devices are turned off. And it's happening more than before now. At least 3 times today in fact. We had to restart the router everytime to use the internet.

What do I do? I don't know how to solve this. Please help. D:

Sample Log:
[LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:47:23 [LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:47:21 [LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:46:23 [LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:46:23 [LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:46:15 [LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:46:13 [LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:45:05 [LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:45:02 [LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:44:23 [LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:44:23 [LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:44:01 [LAN access from remote] from to Thursday, Jan 31,2013 12:43:47


The Cryptarch's Bane
It's been a couple of days (weeks maybe) that I noticed our router and modem flashing rapidly like if someone is using it while nobody was home (or wasn't using the internet).
Is your wifi network secured?

My first instinct is that there's just something wrong with your router hardware. :p


Neo Member
Small small thing here, so hoping for a quick answer... my avatar (gif or png) isnt doing its thing like it should. The alpha or transparency is still visible. I just want my pyramid head by himself. Any reason why it isn't working? In Photoshop I have him masked out, so it must be a setting I'm not enabling...

Thanks Gaf!


Small small thing here, so hoping for a quick answer... my avatar (gif or png) isnt doing its thing like it should. The alpha or transparency is still visible. I just want my pyramid head by himself. Any reason why it isn't working? In Photoshop I have him masked out, so it must be a setting I'm not enabling...

Thanks Gaf!
Did you hide the background layer?

Either way, i fixed it for you.

My 360 disc drive won't read discs and struggles to open and close sometimes. It's the old phat model and I was just looking to see what my options are. Tried reseting the laser and all that stuff so my main question is what's the best way to open it up and fix it?

Is here the place for that? Cheers guys.
GAF, I have a tricky situation, but basically: I need to install Samsung recovery media on my Samsung tablet without access to an optical/disc drive.

I have a Samsung Series 7 11.6" Slate (XE700T1A) that I am trying to sell. However, I initially bought it so I'd have something to play with Windows 8 on, so right now the Windows 8 Release Preview is installed (I had formatted it when I originally got it and installed W8 RP from a USB key).

The tablet is for sale as-is, but I'd like to reinstall the original OS so it will make it easier for me to sell it on marketplaces like Amazon or eBay. However, without access to a disc drive, I'm a little stumped. I've looked up some options, and it looks like I'll need to rip the recovery disc/image to my USB key, and then use that to reinstall the media?

Has anyone ever done this? If so, is there a recommended route? I'm only bringing up generic "ehow" or vastly outdated methods when I search. Thanks, I really appreciate it!


The Cryptarch's Bane
My 360 disc drive won't read discs and struggles to open and close sometimes. It's the old phat model and I was just looking to see what my options are. Tried reseting the laser and all that stuff so my main question is what's the best way to open it up and fix it?

Is here the place for that? Cheers guys.
Not exactly. I think most of the people in here are knowledgeable on PC hardware and software, but console repair is, for me at least, way beyond my realm of expertise. I'm assuming it's well past warranty if you're willing to pry open the case. Here's a guide I was able to find:



GAF, I have a tricky situation, but basically: I need to install Samsung recovery media on my Samsung tablet without access to an optical/disc drive.
I've looked up some options, and it looks like I'll need to rip the recovery disc/image to my USB key, and then use that to reinstall the media?

Has anyone ever done this? If so, is there a recommended route? I'm only bringing up generic "ehow" or vastly outdated methods when I search. Thanks, I really appreciate it!

If you're asking if anyone tried to turn a USB key into a bootable drive then yes I did for to install OSes on my computer so I assume it is the same for Recovery media. It's not hard to do but the question is whether you can boot from a USB on your tablet...

Okay, a quick google search gave me this Windows 8 bootable solution. It should be the same step but instead of copying the Windows 8 files, just copy in your Recovery media files.

Of course, do at your own risk. I've never done this with a tablet. Somebody else might have better knowledge.

Is your wifi network secured?

My first instinct is that there's just something wrong with your router hardware. :p

Yes my wifi network is secure. It might be my router or it might just be my ISP, who knows, because it got resolved just like that. So weird. Thanks though.
Hey guys, I think I have an issue with my graphics card but would like some more opinions. Basically the other day everything was working normally then suddenly got the BSOD, bit random but I restart the computer and it freezes at the windows logo.

I try a few more restarts with no success and boot into safe mode and think it might be the new drivers for my GTX 460 so I roll them back and everything seems ok again.

Problem is, the same freezing issue happened again last night. I'd rather not have to get a new graphics card, any other options?


Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
A quick (and maybe dumb) question:

Can I use a sata600 SSD on a motherboard that only has sata300 ?


Hey guys, I think I have an issue with my graphics card but would like some more opinions. Basically the other day everything was working normally then suddenly got the BSOD, bit random but I restart the computer and it freezes at the windows logo.

I try a few more restarts with no success and boot into safe mode and think it might be the new drivers for my GTX 460 so I roll them back and everything seems ok again.

Problem is, the same freezing issue happened again last night. I'd rather not have to get a new graphics card, any other options?


Drivers? Maybe it's over heating? Perhaps it's simply dying?
Drivers? Maybe it's over heating? Perhaps it's simply dying?

Well I'm on the computer now and it seems to running fine with no heat issues.

It's either simply dying or maybe the connection to the card has become dodgy?

I might try upgrading the drivers again this weekend.
A quick (and maybe dumb) question:

Can I use a sata600 SSD on a motherboard that only has sata300 ?

Yes according to my current setup and Wikipedia (not 100% sure a friend of mine had some problems with a device - however I am not quite sure if that has been a true SATA issue) but your speed (I think especially the IOPS) will be limited to SATA2.
Mac related...

I need to get a bunch of (huge) files to my sister. I was going to throw them on an NTFS formatted external hard drive but I have no idea if her Mac will be able to read it.

Will that work or do I need to format it differently?


Mac related...

I need to get a bunch of (huge) files to my sister. I was going to throw them on an NTFS formatted external hard drive but I have no idea if her Mac will be able to read it.

Will that work or do I need to format it differently?

She will be able to read the drive, but not write to it (unless she installs other software)

Ya no

hey gaf I have a computer that I can't get to boot up. It's a custom built computer, not by me though it was just sitting around so I was told I could try to get it running. Anyways, when I try to power it on all fans spin for about a second then everything powers off. I've been playing around with different things and I found that if I unplug the 4 pin CPU power cable, it boots up and all fans stay running. However, as soon as that goes back in I can no longer boot. Does this mean there's a problem with the CPU?

EDIT: Looks like I fixed the problem, the PSU was set to the wrong input voltage. Seems to working fine now.


My PC has been freezing a lot lately. It only happens when clicking a link that opens a new tab but it happens with Chrome and Firefox (and I'm assuming any other browser). The freezing happens before the new page loads but I can't do anything except hard shut down the laptop and restart. It doesn't happen every time so I don't know exactly what is causing it. I still have Norton (I know, I know) and it says there aren't any viruses. I have Visual Studio 2008 (I took a programming class once) and somehow a few times it opened asking if I wanted to debug the "Oasis..." something. I said no since I have no idea how to do this. On more than one occasion I noticed that while the new tab was loading it was stuck saying "waiting for mediacdn..." but that's only part of it since I don't remember exactly what it was. Anyway, can anyone help? It's driving me nuts.
My PC has been freezing a lot lately. It only happens when clicking a link that opens a new tab but it happens with Chrome and Firefox (and I'm assuming any other browser). The freezing happens before the new page loads but I can't do anything except hard shut down the laptop and restart. It doesn't happen every time so I don't know exactly what is causing it. I still have Norton (I know, I know) and it says there aren't any viruses. I have Visual Studio 2008 (I took a programming class once) and somehow a few times it opened asking if I wanted to debug the "Oasis..." something. I said no since I have no idea how to do this. On more than one occasion I noticed that while the new tab was loading it was stuck saying "waiting for mediacdn..." but that's only part of it since I don't remember exactly what it was. Anyway, can anyone help? It's driving me nuts.

For all links or some? I've had the freezing issue with certain content heavy websites that pegged one of my CPU cores to 100%. It got resolved after I disabled a certain addon in Firefox.

Try experimenting with disabling addons, one of them could be the culprit.

Also, before attempting to replicate the steps that caused the freeze, try opening a Task Manager window on the side, sort the processes according to CPU activity and then, whilist trying to get it to freeze, keep an eye on the processes to see which one is hogging the system.


I've just started working with a company as an internship. One problem right now is that the upload here just dropped heavily. Anyone know of a good resource to check if it's an internal (router, modem etc) issue or external (ISP acting wonky)?

Also, my ping and download are totally fine. It's just the upload that took a hit.


hi gaf,

so i just bought the second season of game of thrones on the Xbox video app. I watched the first episode then couldn't find the rest of the season on the app. It's not listed anywhere. So I went to the dashboard and searched for the second episode and found it. when I chose to open it with the xbox video app it transferred me to a page where it said I have to buy the season again to access it. This is also how i found the first episode as it too cannot be found by searching in the xbox video app itself. However, as I said I already bought the season.

Can someone check if they can find the second season on xbox vid?

And how the hell do i contact support? they seem to have made it impossible to reach them.


hi gaf,

so i just bought the second season of game of thrones on the Xbox video app. I watched the first episode then couldn't find the rest of the season on the app. It's not listed anywhere. So I went to the dashboard and searched for the second episode and found it. when I chose to open it with the xbox video app it transferred me to a page where it said I have to buy the season again to access it. This is also how i found the first episode as it too cannot be found by searching in the xbox video app itself. However, as I said I already bought the season.

Can someone check if they can find the second season on xbox vid?

And how the hell do i contact support? they seem to have made it impossible to reach them.

after 30 minutes on the phone, the tech support guy admitted that it was a problem for all xbox users and that it isn't going to be fixed soon. I asked for a refund and he transferred me to his boss, who in tern fed me some bullshit about licensing and how he can't do it. Eventually he did refund the points and he went on to tell me how much he loved the show.


hi gaf,

so i just bought the second season of game of thrones on the Xbox video app. I watched the first episode then couldn't find the rest of the season on the app. It's not listed anywhere. So I went to the dashboard and searched for the second episode and found it. when I chose to open it with the xbox video app it transferred me to a page where it said I have to buy the season again to access it. This is also how i found the first episode as it too cannot be found by searching in the xbox video app itself. However, as I said I already bought the season.

Can someone check if they can find the second season on xbox vid?

And how the hell do i contact support? they seem to have made it impossible to reach them.

how would you watch season 2 when it doesnt release till the 19th? does xbox have some kind of deal with HBO? We pre-ordered it from wal-mart and got to watch epi 1 early but have to wait for the rest of the season.
Guys, is there an easy way to transfer files between old and new PCs? I know about the transfer USB method, bit I don't have the specialize USB cable. All I have are the regular USBs. I know I can take out the old harddrive and put it in the new one, but I'm hoping to see if there's an easy alternative first. Too lazy to take apart PC.


How can I get a Windows 8 ISO? Tried the suggested method via MS upgrade program but says "can't connect".

Need it for a fresh install on an SSD, computer is UEFI.


How can I get a Windows 8 ISO? Tried the suggested method via MS upgrade program but says "can't connect".

Need it for a fresh install on an SSD, computer is UEFI.
Do you have a key already? You can download a torrent with the clean ISO if you can't find it anywhere else. Just be sure not to download a hacked one.


Do you have a key already? You can download a torrent with the clean ISO if you can't find it anywhere else. Just be sure not to download a hacked one.
OEM key which I recovered, but wasn't accepted by upgrade program (way of legit downloading iso). So had to use the other method. Not sure if it'll work though as it's a retail version.

Windows 7 was so easy with the Digital River download.


I posted this problem in the CS: GO but I didn't receive a response.

Anyone have a problem with servers not appearing in the server browser? When I try to search I only get 5 results. Same thing happens with TF2 as well. Oddly enough my internet seems to disconnect as well. I don't think its a problem with my router, as it happens both on my college campus and at home.

Was hoping someone would have some experience with this issue.


My professor's computer: Gives me this message whenver I search for anything or enter a site on address bar:

The address bar shows: "http:///"

"Page not found"

Is this some type of trojan or virus type of problem?


...hate me...
Well basically someone created the account for her to use the App Store etc when she got an iPhone 4S a year ago or so.

She knows pretty much nothing about the account other than the address and her own name. Google asks for any password, she doesn't know, last login, date of creation etc. Nada. And there's no phone number associated with the account.

She lost access to it when my even dumber sister decided to check her own email on that iPhone and instead of using the browser like normal people, she added her account to the mail client. Not only that, she logged off the other account... by deleting it. Ugh... brings out so much nerd rage.

And we'll I've been nagged to help her on this for weeks now, so if someone can shed any light on this, then pls.
Hopefully this is the right thread. Is there any decent photo sharing site that I can upload photos to in multiple levels of subfolders. I need to be able to password protect the account so that anyone can access the images without having to sign up for a flickr/google/whatever account.

I tried photobucket but it appears that I can't password protect all the subfolders without making it impossible to navigate. Ideally a user would just type in the password once and then have access to all the images/subfolders. If possible I'd like for users to also tag images like they can in Photobucket. I'm willing to spend money if need be.


Hopefully this is the right thread, is there any decent photo sharing site that I can upload photos in multiple levels of subfolders. I need to be able to password protect the account so that anyone can access the images without having to sign up for a flickr/google/whatever account.

I tried photobucket but it appears that I can't password protect all the subfolders without making it impossible to navigate. Ideally a user would just type in the password once and then have access to all the images/subfolders. If possible I'd like for users to also tag images like they can in Photobucket. I'm willing to spend money if need be.

Dropbox? Picasa Web Albums? You share the album and people without the URL won't be able to find it.

I don't think you can easily browse photos on Dropbox right? I'm sharing family photos with my extended family including many elderly people, ideally they'd type in the password once and then be able to peruse the images at their leisure.


As for Picasa, that's a route I may go down but I'm not a huge fan of their form of security which is instead of a password I just get a unique url.


I don't think you can easily browse photos on Dropbox right? I'm sharing family photos with my extended family including many elderly people, ideally they'd type in the password once and then be able to peruse the images at their leisure.

Dropbox detects of its a picture folders and automatically adjusts the view. Also check my Edit from right now.
Dropbox detects of its a picture folders and automatically adjusts the view. Also check my Edit from right now.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna go with Picasa. I would've loved to use Photobucket but if I password protected everything then I'd need to send links to every single subfolder, it's infuriating.

Thanks for the help.


Would this thread be the right place to ask for help overclocking my computer? Or should I go into the PC build thread?

2.8ghz E7400
512mb 4870
8gb DDR2

I want to squeeze some more life out of this aging machine.
Would this thread be the right place to ask for help overclocking my computer? Or should I go into the PC build thread?

2.8ghz E7400
512mb 4870
8gb DDR2

I want to squeeze some more life out of this aging machine.

Here's fine too lol. You go there, and they'll be strong arming you into getting a brand new IVB system or waiting for a Haswell machine.

That 4870 is still a very viable card for low res, single monitor gaming; you should overclock the s.o.b using Ati Tray Tools

ATI Tray Tools from Guru 3D

A very nice app that over and underclocks your card to whatever speeds/voltages you want it to be at, including profile support for multiple user scenarios and FPS overlay support. I use it to squeeze abit more life out of my 4 year old heavily abused laptop 4670 card lol. The last update was in November 2011 but for our outdated cards it suits us just fine.

As for that intel E7400, since we're talking pre i5/i7 architecture before Intel locked out FSB/base freq overclocking in the Non K cards (2500K/2600K for example), you should be good to with simple FSB overclocking in the BIOS as the mulitpliers are locked in the non Extreme, mainstream versions of the processors. Your BIOS should have the details, you should be good to go to 3 - 3.5 GHz depending on your cooling system (aftermarket or stock Intel cooler?)
I logged on to my Hotmail account on a different PC today to print something out, and now I can't access any of my apps on Windows 8 and I can't do anything that uses my MSN account like Hotmail or Bing Rewards on my laptop. I also can't log on to my bank account online or view anything on Google image search. When I click on the email tile it goes to a blue screen with the white envelope in the upper left corner and the little loading thing spinning endlessly. I also recently installed Kapersky Internet Security 2013 because McAfee kept reminding me it was expiring, but it seemed like it was making some things slower, so I uninstalled it. I tried to reinstall it, to see if that would do anything, but I can't because I have McAfee installed, and when I try to install it it just pops up as a white block.


Contains Sucralose
My Asus laptop is acting weird and slow. I want to reinstall W7, but the hidden partition and ASUS AI recovery burner isn't working. Is there another way to install W7 or wipe all my current data to new?


you guys i have an EXTREME PROBLEM that i need to get fixed A S A P.

in order to get my homework for tomorrow done i have to do some shit on a java applet on some website. i go there and the app has the little puzzle piece thing, says my java is out of date, would i like to update? i say yes. get directed to java.com or whatever, download version 7 update 13. great. i click "install" and get the following error message:

Downloaded file:
C:\users\owner\appdata\locallow\sun\java\jre1.7.0_13\java_sp.dll is corrupt.

what does this mean? i've gone through the OFFICIAL CHANNELS why would something be CORRUPT? is my computer fuxed up? PLEASE HELP
you guys i have an EXTREME PROBLEM that i need to get fixed A S A P.

in order to get my homework for tomorrow done i have to do some shit on a java applet on some website. i go there and the app has the little puzzle piece thing, says my java is out of date, would i like to update? i say yes. get directed to java.com or whatever, download version 7 update 13. great. i click "install" and get the following error message:

Downloaded file:
C:\users\owner\appdata\locallow\sun\java\jre1.7.0_13\java_sp.dll is corrupt.

what does this mean? i've gone through the OFFICIAL CHANNELS why would something be CORRUPT? is my computer fuxed up? PLEASE HELP

Maybe try uninstalling everything java-related and doing a clean install if you haven't already? All I can think of.
Umm I apologize if this post will be lacking some details for now but I need sleep and I just wanted to ask beforehand so someone might have a idea until tomorrow...

Well long story short I build a new PC for a friend inside a Thermaltake v3 Black Edition case and the system won't turn on sadly :/ Not even the fans twitch and before we try another PSU I wondered if it could be a simple grounding issue as the case doesn't have traditional standoffs as you can see here:

The standoffs are basically part of the case itself and I figured this might be why the system doesn't start as the whole motherboard shorts out :/ But the thing is next to the usual PWR SW, RESET SW, HDD LED etc. cables there is a 4-pin cable called GRND which isn't listed in the manual and I assume this is the grounding we are missing though honestly I have no idea where I should connect this cable to as there isn't any place it fits on the board itself :(

Thanks for help and any ideas in advance, I will add more details tomorrow!
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