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Teen Wolf (Season 5) |OT| Watch your (six) pack.

Wasn't he gay in Desperate Housewives? And was it him who showed his naked ass on The Leftovers or the other twin?
I'm not sure, I don't really watch either of those shows.

I do know he's playing another gay role in an upcoming movie with James Franco & Zachary Quinto.
Cool, thanks.

I just read his whole Instagram essay, and wow, the guy has a way with words. What a beautiful and articulate way to come out to the world. Really nice to see.
No problem. And yeah, it's a very moving piece of writing. It's something I can strongly relate to, then and now.

I remember back in the old Teen Wolf days when they used to do the "Lydia After Dark" streams, when he would appear, he was always quite personable and charming.


No problem. And yeah, it's a very moving piece of writing. It's something I can strongly relate to, then and now.
Same here.

I remember back in the old Teen Wolf days when they used to do the "Lydia After Dark" streams, when he would appear, he was always quite personable and charming.
I loved that little series. Don't really remember Charlie's appearances though. I think I must have been too thirsty for Colton at the time.
It might be just me, but this new season seems to be boring as fuck! I fell asleep twice on the latest episode. Theo (and his lame pack) can't die fast enough. Why is everyone so eager to make out with reanimated corpses? Kids these days...


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Happy to see Aaron Thornton again (Deputy Strauss), with lines this time. I hope he becomes a more prominent character.

Edit: Side note, crazy ratings stats for the premiere: 7.7 million digital streams through MTV & MTV app + 2.8 million viewers on cable for same day and 3 day delayed viewership.

Yeah, the show does great digitally. Very good L+3 numbers also.

Just looking at the traditional Nielsen ratings doesn't really tell the whole story, particularly for a show that appeals so strongly to younger demographics. (Which is what MTV's main focus is to begin with.)


I don't know about you guys, but whenever I drive my formerly deceased monster sister to work in the dead of night, I always end up exploring an ominous underground facility. I can't say what it is about ominous underground facilities that draws me in, but draw me in they do, and you'd better believe that my formerly deceased monster sister has just about had it with trying to explain her constant tardiness to her boss. She doesn't understand. Nobody understands. But they will. I'll show them all. When I release my fourteen-volume autobiography, entitled "The Hobo Whispering Chronicles"! My memoirs are guaranteed to take the world by storm and elevate me to fabulous wealth and notoriety. But to quote recent Golden Globe for Best Actress winner and prodigious weed smoker Stefani "Lady Gaga" Germanotta, I'm not "doing it for the fame (fame)." I just want people to experience the journey I began so long ago, when I first trespassed into the probable den of a murderous deviant, armed only with my flashlight and a truly breathtaking perm, for no other reason than my own damnable curiosity and the puckish impulse to make my family and friends deathly afraid for my safety during the six days I was missing. Isn't sympathy so much sweeter when you don't deserve it? Anyway, I think mine is a story we all can relate to and learn from. I don't want to spoil the ending to my series, which I sold to the publisher as "A choose-your-own-adventure story, if all the choices were made by a tragical ponce." (I guess you could call it a cautionary tale.) However, I will say this: syphilis does not in fact make a person immune to dysentery. Word to the wise.

Liam's sneak game is strong. Hayden's frantic defensive blow suggests she didn't see him coming at all. That kind of stealth is a super useful skill for when you want to approach your girlfriend with terrifying suddenness late at night in a location she has no reason to suspect you'd be. Well done young man!

The next time Hayden's sister encounters a nearly dead guy who was slashed open by a hulking computer-generated monster, she should probably employ the radio that she keeps clipped on her shoulder at all times. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to tell her how to do her job. I am not a police officer, and to be honest I have absolutely no experience with human communication in any form, least of all emergency radio transmissions.

I don't want to sound like a jerk here, but if my boyfriend asked "Do you trust me?" and then cut off my reply by yanking me off of a cliff, we would exchange some strong words on the way down.

I wouldn't go so far as to compare Theo to the greatest people who ever lived. I would point out, though, that he is a helper of friends, a saver of lives, and a pumper of iron. Does that make him gorgeous and trustworthy? Yes. Does that mean he is the most charismatic, moral, and all around heroic character in Teen Wolf history? Well, I'll let you draw your own conclusions... but the answer is also yes.

Case in point: Theo thoughtfully visiting a guy in the hospital, smiling with tender mercy as he slips into oblivion. You can't get much nicer than that.

Whoa, why is that hunky stripper cop still in his uniform? I have nothing but nice things to say about male entertainers, but watch out: some of them charge by the minute. They actually profit as long as they can keep you captivated by their dreamy eyes, listening to them ramble on about security cameras or supernatural creatures. Think of your bank account, Scott. The sooner you can get him stripping, the better!

Parrish carries a black light? In a town full of horny teenagers and majestic hunks? Watch where you point that thing, buddy!

I don't know about the Nemeton, but I can tell you exactly how many bodies I see when I dream about Teen Wolf. Theo, Parrish, Jackson... hmm, this is harder than I thought. The hunk detector in my pants, I mean. I know how to count.

Did that body tag misspell Donovan as Donavan, or have I been misspelling Donovan's name this whole time? Sorry, I notice these things.

Whoa, check out Papa Argent opening his secret stash! Finally we'll have our chance to see how kinky he is. Wait, there's just flowers in your safe? Really? Listen buddy, I know botany isn't the manliest of hobbies, but you shouldn't feel ashamed about it. Plenty of my grizzled werewolf hunter friends raise delicate blossoms in their spare time. It's a totally common thing, man. Don't sweat it.

I think it's very sweet that Sheriff Stilinski told Stiles he would destroy evidence for him. It's like that old proverb you always used to hear in Sunday school: Obstruction of justice holds a family together.

Seriously though, that heart to heart of theirs is so like Teen Wolf: not ten minutes after a cheesy CG monster chases a couple of teenagers through the woods, we get an authentic human moment where the incredible cast chemistry really shines. Dylan O'Brien and Linden Ashby did some damn good work. Never mind the wonky effects and sometimes questionable plot direction, this is the kind of thing that keeps me watching. These actors bring such a genuine quality to their characters that I can't help but care about them, no matter how ridiculous their situations might be.

Hey look, another reason to love and admire Theo! He helped his friend with a drug addiction by hooking him up to a car battery. Isn't that sweet? Honestly you guys, I can't fathom how Theo could be a more cool or attractive or trustworthy dude. He looks out for his buddies and knows how to party. He could be my bro with benefits.

I am not an expert on interrogation like our helpful and intelligent and well-groomed friend Theo, but even I know it's probably a bad idea to give your enemies ideas for ways to torture you. I'm just saying, if I were in a situation where someone might want to squeeze information out of me—like if I changed the wi-fi password because my roommate's Netflix is eating up all the bandwidth while he's chilling, for example—then I would probably definitely not suggest an assortment of nasty torture methods to my assailant. But that's just me. I don't want to judge any thugs or brutes out there who are fine with getting their hands slammed in doors or whatever.

One of the many great things about Teen Wolf is that it teaches its younger viewers important life lessons, like the fact that any action is acceptable as long as you're a hunk. But I have another lesson in mind right now. It's Braeden's simple and effective method for conflict resolution: bribery! Pay close attention, kids. This could save you a lot of time whenever you have to cross a border.

I would just like to express my boundless appreciation for the slight decrease in stupid Teen Wolf hashtags during crucial moments. That said, I will admit I kind of missed #StilinskiFamilyFeels in that earlier scene with Stiles and his dad. Am I right? Am I right you guys? No? Anybody at all? OK, I guess it's just me.

Oh good, Deaton's still alive. He is my personal favorite veterinarian/druid on this show. In fact I'd say he's probably one of the best veterinarian/druid characters on TV right now.

I loved that bit with Mason wondering if all of the chimeras that Theo resurrected (because that's what helpful hunks do) were evil, only for Corey to walk in cute as ever. Theo is a wonderful person to restore our precious gay hunkling to us. In my opinion that evil doctor made a bad call stabbing Corey with his sword cane. Imagine if lovely trustworthy Theo weren't around to save him. It breaks my heart to think how close we came to losing our little darling.

Holy shit, I ship it. Corey + Mason forever. Too adorable.

"I have all your passwords." This is the Stiles I love.

Aww yes, Teen Wolf bringing back the nightmare imagery with Lydia's creepy bathtub encounter. I always enjoy when this show enters full-on horror mode.

Yes, yes, yes! It's that hunky blond deputy from 5A. Get me alone in a room with him and I'll confess everything! Please employ any and all methods of correction you deem necessary, sir. I am so ready to comply right now. God, I hope he takes after Parrish and explores the many ways to shred a uniform. Beacon Hills is a dangerous place, you know!

I find that the color salmon (also known by plebs as "pink") brings out Theo's best features. Which is to say, absolutely everything.

Oh good, we got that lame Scott and Stiles feud out of the way. Perhaps now they can support each other in their struggle to communicate better than 6-year-olds blaming one another for the loss of a toy.

You know what I love about Theo? He keeps popping up in this season and his face is always more dazzling than I remember. It's like his ravishing features can't be contained in the humble confines of my memory. I think we can all appreciate the fact that Theo's handsomeness is going to be a major theme in this show going forward. When he's not filling my screen with his glory, other characters are talking about him. Everything points back to Theo, and that suits me just fine.

Liam's so cute, stressing over how to apologize to his werewolf dad for almost killing him that one time. It's OK bb, he loves and accepts you, as do we all.

This Eichen House lady's bedside manner leaves something to be desired.

It's cool seeing Meredith again. I hope she sticks around as Lydia's spirit guide or something.

Listen, I don't want to make excuses for Theo's very minor faults, but it is no surprise that he doesn't take rejection well. I mean, have you seen his physical appearance lately? Who in their right mind would reject that? All I'm saying is he probably hasn't experienced much rejection in his life, which would account for the time he manipulated all of his friends and tried to get some of them killed. It happens. Have I mentioned how great Theo looks in salmon? I trust him.

I'm still team Layden in case anyone was wondering. Liam and Hayden are good together, which means their relationship will surely end in tragedy. But for now, go Layden!

Whoa, it's Grandpa Argent, AKA Gerard, AKA that old jerkface from Season 2! Didn't expect to see him again. I'd love for him to play a role in this season's storyline.

Hey, it's Kira! And much more importantly, her badass mom! They better not kill her off. She's part of this show's awesome pantheon of parents. The writers made the mistake of offing Mama Argent back when Crystal Reed was still employed. Never again!

It's unfortunate that some posters aren't feeling this season. I can't complain when I'm having so much fun with the moment to moment experience of each episode. When the cast is as hunky, hilarious, and entertaining as this lot, it's easy to look past the occasional flaws. Going by my own response to 5A and 5B so far, Teen Wolf hasn't lost its mojo.
Great write up Monocle, as always. Still think you should do that coffee table book of TW short essays.

Yes, yes, yes! It's that hunky blond deputy from 5A. Get me alone in a room with him and I'll confess everything! Please employ any and all methods of correction you deem necessary, sir. I am so ready to comply right now. God, I hope he takes after Parrish and explores the many ways to shred a uniform. Beacon Hills is a dangerous place, you know!
Best part of the episode for me.

Parrish needs to show him the ropes.


Great write up Monocle, as always. Still think you should do that coffee table book of TW short essays.
Thanks! Maybe I should, at that. Bound in the finest Italian leather. Only the best trappings for Monocle's Maniacal Melange of Teen Wolf Musings.

Best part of the episode for me.

Parrish needs to show him the ropes.
I am so ready for the movie-length special, Deputy Strauss's Summer Education.
Listen, I don't want to make excuses for Theo's very minor faults, but it is no surprise that he doesn't take rejection well. I mean, have you seen his physical appearance lately? Who in their right mind would reject that? All I'm saying is he probably hasn't experienced much rejection in his life, which would account for the time he manipulated all of his friends and tried to get some of them killed. It happens. Have I mentioned how great Theo looks in salmon? I trust him.

Ahhh... the affluenza defence. Theo is the Ethan Crouch of Beacon Hills, confirmed. Guess we know how his story will end.


Loved this episode. Glad the feud is over between the pack dads so now they can get to reuniting the pack (and maybe getting some new blood ).

That's cute tho that Scott's pack symbol is the circles around him in the middle with Stiles being the closest to him.

Also Corey is adorable as hell that is all.


Unconfirmed Member
Finally got a chance to watch this.

Teen Wolf's parents are the best. Loved Stiles and his dad's conversation.

Who keeps a flower in a safe? How does it live?

Theo is awful and so is most of his pack. And how can he know if they are hiding something? Can he read minds now? His whole part in the stray is dreadful.

LOL at Scott trying to do the murder board. You are no Stiles.

Happy to see them get the pack back together.


I'm agreeing with others this season is pretty boring to me :( That hurts me to say as I want a new season so bad and any season that suffers like this risks not getting another season. We need a new plot injection stat, bring back Void Stiles, something. At least the new villain looks somewhat interesting but last season was way better by far.

But the hashtag for Theo this episode made it for me #MrStealYourGirl. I was laughing so hard. People still use that expression?


There comes a time in every ripped stud's life when's he confronted by a moral dilemma: run with the crowd and keep your clothes on for most of the hours in the day, or live free. Free of society's perverse dictate to hide your body under unnatural tubes of fabric or animal skin. All of us know that well conditioned muscles deserve to be seen, and felt, and nibbled. But so few of us are able and willing to bare arms, legs, and torsos in the name of freedom. That's why I would like to take this time to salute the bravery of the hunks of Teen Wolf. Your perennial shirtlessness inspires us, and arouses us, to be and do better people. Thank you, hunks. Thank you all.

Kira's mom is a regal woman. Please stay on this show and be cool forever!

What's this, a butt shot of a female? Not an ab or bicep shot, but an actual lady tush? Excuse me for being old fashioned, but I don't imagine any of Teen Wolf's viewers were ready to be scandalized within the first minute of the episode. RIP in peace, Teen Wolf's ratings.

Oh damn, the Sand Snakes Sand People Skinwalkers don't mess around! Massive shoulder trauma can't be good for the old sword arm. Poor Kira. I can relate! The last time I got a spear through my rotator cuff was at Comic Con, when I asked some hunky Spartacus cosplayer if he was on a gluten free diet. I know that allergy talk kind of drains the romance out of a bathroom BJ, but I will be gosh darned if my food sensitivity interferes with my poor life choices.

No Scott! When your loving werewolf son offers his help, you don't just tell him to sit tight! Poor bb. Werewolf dads can be real jerks sometimes. At least Stiles knows what's up.

Welcome back, Roscoe the jeep! May you live a long and happy life before another flaming hunk tries to ruin the face of an extremely trustworthy hunk in your passenger seat.

Theo is absolutely flush with trivia about murderous beasts, isn't he? That one murderous beast is totally Allison, isn't it? Or not? I hope it's a hunk like Deputy Strauss, but Allison seems to attract hunks so this could still be a win for us.

Oh Theo, I was already looking at your eyes, boo.

I love this CG beast, lol. Right out of a cheesy comic book with that big toothy mouth. I'm into it.

This out-of-nowhere sideplot for Kira it piquing my interest. I'm already looking forward to seeing her learn to control her supernatural side with the help of the Weird Sisters Scissor Sisters Skinwalkers.

Stiles, you clever devil. Using car trouble as an excuse to make hunks all sweaty. Too bad the wrong hunk is in your passenger seat at the moment! Why couldn't you have thought of this trick when you were spending quality time with Theo? Say... you wouldn't happen to have an excuse to give Deputy Strauss a lift, would you? Why? No reason. But maybe you could pick him up from the gym sometime, when he's all pumped and out of breath. Maybe you could take him to a beach party and let him know it's totally cool to change in the jeep. Maybe you could convince him to be a gogo dancer in the bisexual nightclub. Just throwing it out there.

Oh, a werewolf serial killer that's now a Dread Doctor-enhanced CG beast? I like the sound of that! I'm always entertained when Teen Wolf weaves in elements of folklore and supernatural arcana. This should be a fun season.

I get you, Liam. If I saw a guy as hunky as Theo lurking in my school's hallways, I'd be tempted pounce on him too.

Oh hey, it's that tough biology teacher. And there's a beautiful gay chimera hunkling in her class! You better treat him gently, lady. He's been through a very tough time what with being stabbed by a doctor and then resurrected by an angel with a tight bod.

YES MASON, GET IT BRO! SWEEP YOUR TRUE LOVE OFF HIS FEET! *ahem* I mean, what a gentleman, our Mason. Volunteering to help out Corey in class like that. Education is important!

Ah, the locker room of Beacon Hills High. So many pleasant memories.

Lol, good on Mason for pointing out that the Dread Doctors are in fact called THE DREAD DOCTORS. It's probably safe to assume they're not the cookie baking, Honda driving, stay-at-home parent types.

Yes, this kiss between Corey and Mason is correct! Now neither of you go dying on me.

I am loving how much Kira's mom is in this episode. I forbid the writers to kill her off. Scott, loan her some of your plot armor.

I don't know what the Spice Girls Pussycat Dolls Skinwalkers are planning for Kira but I'm confident that she will pull through. Teen Wolf isn't going to waste an opportunity to show what an awesome kitsune can do. Also, I have a feeling that Scott is going to have a kickass superpowered pack by the end of this season!

Nothing rekindles a bromance like an arduous desert trip. I'm serious you guys. Each and every one of my many almost-doomed bromances were saved from certain decline by a punishing journey through a wasteland, with nothing but my bro and a Shania Twain CD. Good lookin' out, sister.

That's right Stiles, why tf didn't you think you could tell Scott that you accidentally caused the death of that murderous jerk? What was his name? Donotool? Jerkivan? Oh, right: Meanhead McKillsalot.

Oh great! That's so great Scott knows what self defense is. Just fantastic. Wait, hold on for one sec. I need to go find my reliable and level headed best friend who was chased by a deranged criminal and accuse him of murder. This shouldn't take long, we're not going to speak to each other again for like four months.

Was Kira's test all about pattern recognition? If I hacked some masked guy with my sword twice, and each time I received a corresponding cut, I would probably not try to make his guts fall out with a great big slash. Just saying.

Hey look, it's the person I most want to approach me in the middle of the night with no warning, Theo! And he's talking to Malia! I like where this is going. When Theo talks to Malia, things tend to take a turn for the sexy. There's a problem though. His attire doesn't quite measure up to what he was wearing the last time he had a real conversation with her. What was it again? Oh, that's right: NOTHING. I generally don't tell hunks what to do (unless that's what they're into), but I really think Theo should try out that look again. This night maybe. And every night maybe. And the whole day too! All I'm saying is I think he should be consistent.

Silly Theo, it's impossible to like you too much!

I am normally not so fond of seeing Theo get beaten up, but there are some important points to consider here. First of all, he seems to like it, that crazy boy! I can't fault Malia too much for giving Theo what he likes. Second, as Theo himself pointed out, Stiles beat him up too, and they are now the best of friends. Theo's tender and heartwarming reassurance that he was never trying to kill Stiles' dad was perhaps one of the most touching moments in the history of dramas about Teen Wolves and their hunky chimera friends. Proof that at least one of the ways to Theo's heart is to get really mad at him for almost killing your loved ones. Seems perfectly reasonable to me! All in all, Malia's violent outburst served the greater good by allowing Theo to demonstrate once again how helpful he is. I trust him. And so does Malia, we have to assume, because she stopped hitting on his face when he offered to work with her! Sometimes getting clobbered by a furious werewolf on a warpath can work out great for everybody.

Oh man, Kira can't catch a break from these Dixie Chicks's Skinwalkers! On the plus side, she'll probably pull a Naruto and overcome adversity by learning a sweet new trick. Go Kira! Face your predictable story arc with bravery and resolve!

I trust those who trust Theo. So everything Hayden is saying sounds good right now. Listen to your undead monster gf, Liam!

Hell yes, it's exactly like I keep telling you guys: Kira's mom is a bona fide badass! You show those dusty trollops who's boss, Kira's mom!

P.S. I was wrong about Kira's story, but it's cool. I guess everyone got tired of filming in the desert.

I love how this season keeps dipping back into the show's past. Sounds like Deucalion could be returning soon, aww yeah! Between him, Meredith, Gerard, and perhaps Allison, it's looking more and more likely that Jackson's perfect face could grace my screen again! Come back, Colton. No srsly, get your flawless mug back up in here and complete the hunk trifecta with Parrish and Theo before Strauss aces you out.


Unconfirmed Member
I love Kira's mom.

I love Mason.

Totally into the theory that the beast is Allison.

FINALLY Scott and Stiles are talking. And they also acknowledged how STUPID they were for not speaking. Really liked how Stiles pointed out that they shouldn't be leaving out Liam if Scott wants his pack back.

Theo is still the worst.

Deucalion! They are really bringing them all back.

More Meredith! Here for Lydia finally learning more about being a banshee and controlling her powers.

I'm mostly liking 5B tbh.


Unconfirmed Member
Photo Recap

I don't know about you guys, but I totally agree with Kira's mom. Who needs a fancy leathers when you can run around in filthy animal skins? I know I'm perfectly happy wearing strategically placed racoon skins when I go out clubbing. It's totally the same thing!

Poor Liam. He's just the drummer in Scott's little band according to Stiles. At least he wasn't keyboardist, I guess.

I'm concerned about Mason. He wants nothing more than a zero commitment make-out sessions with half-naked guys in the locker room. Trust me, Mason. This is a road you don't want to go down. It leads you to making questionable decisions, and doing sleazy things you'll regret later.

Well, we found out something new about Theo. He likes it rough. That's real character development. Have I mentioned that I trust Theo lately? He's the most truth-worthy expert in ancient werewolf serial killers that I know.

That Skinwalker with the Crow face paint could be my soulmate.

I'm glad they're not wasting time in getting the pack band back together. Malia and Kira both feel so disconnected from things. Their individual stories don't feel important or interesting, tbh. Hopefully they wrap Malia's up and get to the business of fighting a ridiculous CGI zombie werewolf serial killer.

Scott is still a dick.




World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
wtf was that whole kira subplot
how the fuck did scott and styles know where they were going
what was the point of it all
why couldn't kira's mum fuck their shit up
they could have at least fought them a bit before scott showed up to rescue
fuck it could have gone on for more than twenty minutes over two episodes and they could have actually done something with it.
or maybe have done this bit ages ago when she first left beacon hills and had her stay with them for a few months to get control of her shit to then come back and actually be of use


I don't know about you guys, but I totally agree with Kira's mom. Who needs a fancy leathers when you can run around in filthy animal skins? I know I'm perfectly happy wearing strategically placed racoon skins when I go out clubbing. It's totally the same thing!

Poor Liam. He's just the drummer in Scott's little band according to Stiles. At least he wasn't keyboardist, I guess.

I'm concerned about Mason. He wants nothing more than a zero commitment make-out sessions with half-naked guys in the locker room. Trust me, Mason. This is a road you don't want to go down. It leads you to making questionable decisions, and doing sleazy things you'll regret later.

Well, we found out something new about Theo. He likes it rough. That's real character development. Have I mentioned that I trust Theo lately? He's the most truth-worthy expert in ancient werewolf serial killers that I know.

That Skinwalker with the Crow face paint could be my soulmate.

I'm glad they're not wasting time in getting the pack band back together. Malia and Kira both feel so disconnected from things. Their individual stories don't feel important or interesting, tbh. Hopefully they wrap Malia's up and get to the business of fighting a ridiculous CGI zombie werewolf serial killer.

Scott is still a dick.


So many true and wise and handsome points. Especially that bit of insight about Theo's voracious appetite for rough (and loud!) sex.

We are on the same page, my friend.


Yeah back when I actually cared about what was going on in the show. I swear every new episode I feel like I slept through it.

Gerard complimenting Stiles on his eye color was a nice scene though.


Some people assume that life is easy when you're a gorgeous hunk, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Take Theo for example. Last season he showed up from out of nowhere and, with a single roguish grin over a naked shoulder, enchanted all of Beacon Hills with his boundless charm and trustworthy nature. Everyone loved him, and rightly so. Everyone, that is, except a certain group of ungrateful teenage jerks, who misinterpreted Theo's noble and justified actions as part of some nefarious scheme. You heard me correctly. This pack of b-movie creatures, complainers, and hormonal high schoolers with brain probs worked up the NERVE to accuse a helpful hunk with a radiant smile of working against their best interests. Now, some of you might wonder: How can I say Theo is the most heroic character on Teen Wolf when he engages in manipulation and almost-murder? Great question! I would ask you to consider the following points.

1) Do you like hunks? If yes, refer to #2. If no, refer to #3
2) Theo is a hunk
3) You should try to like hunks

I hope I've adequately addressed your concerns.

Aww yes, Gerard's chewing the scenery! Glad to have him back.

There's something about ominous subterranean hallways that makes me want to venture into them alone, even when I have an armed companion with me. Splitting up is always the right decision, don't you agree? Do you share my passion for greatly increasing the odds that I will be ambushed by hostile weirdos?

Woah, Gerard's got some tricks up his sleeve! And intel on the Dread Doctors? Talk about prepared. At this point Gerard is basically the Batman of Beacon Hills. Only without Bruce Wayne's great ass. Then again, you never know who's gonna pull a Flanders...

As a huge fan of teeming masses of gross insects and great big heaps of savaged corpses, I was stoked, pumped, and altogether tickled by Papa Argent's grim discovery.

WOOHOO, TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF! I'm sorry, was that an inappropriate response to a hunky deputy watching a bunch of corpses getting wheeled through a hospital?

23 bodies? The only body I care about right now is practically begging for someone to tear off its uniform! Still too much? Hmm.

Hey Parrish, instead of burying yourself in a bunch of boring files, how about I bury myself in your— OK OK, fine! Jeez. Alright. I'm good. We're all good here.

Yes, Lydia, yes! I knew you were saving some of those five dollar words for a special occasion. "Specificity," mmh. That's a tangy one.

I am still totally feeling Meredith as Lydia's spirit guide. I love this season's returning characters.

Let me be perfectly honest with you. If a guy like Theo showed up and wanted to drug me with a great big needle in order to transport my unconscious body to a secret location, I would have some questions. Questions such as: Are three changes of clothes enough? Will I be back by Tuesday or should I quit my job? How many gallons of lube should I bring?

It was so sweet of Theo to lie to Malia and say she shouldn't trust him, just because he didn't want her to punish herself for foolishly doubting his good intentions. Theo is such a caring person.

I don't know how all of you were trained to carry shotguns in school hallways, but I must give those officers my compliments for their exceptional form.

Hell yes, more lines for hunky newcomer Deputy Strauss! On Teen Wolf that practically guarantees a future shirtless scene. Keep talking, boo-boo. Talk all you please.

Man, Theo has all sorts of kinky devices in his sex dungeon. I can't speak for Malia but I am very much into this fantasy.

Theo really is the most helpful hunk in history. Just look at the way he's coaching Malia. What have I been saying all this time, you guys? I called it. I totally called it.

Sexy locker bros! This season truly is the nostalgic smorgasbord I hadn't realized I wanted.

Allow me to gloat modestly note that I was 100% correct about Theo. Not only did Malia find exactly what she was looking for—thanks to Theo and Theo alone—but here she is, back in hunk paradise and talking to Liam, none the worse for wear. Let's recap the lessons we can take away from foregoing events: 1) Theo is trustworthy (even after people beat on his lovely face). 2) Malia was wrong not to trust Theo. 3) Theo is helpful. 4) I was right about how helpful Theo is. 5) Theo is too good for the ungrateful people of Beacon Hills. 6) All of Theo's actions must be viewed in light of his steadfast dedication to the greater good. 7) Hunks should always be trusted.

"#StalkerDad." Looooooooooooool. No further comment.

I want to remark on the most excellent scenario we have before us. Theo, the helpful hunk, is on a super clandestine nighttime mission with the young woman who saw his glorious bod twice and also beat him up one time, Malia. They are accompanied by the badass mercenary Braeden, who recently interrogated a man by offering him 10,000 US dollars. This is a thing that is happening. Sometimes I really like this show.

At last, Scott's dad has a lone challenger for the Worst Teen Wolf Parent of the Year Award: Lydia's mom. Locking your catatonic daughter in a crazy house with creepy orderlies? Driving away her close friend who has reasonable concerns about the weird shaved area he found on her skull? Not a good look, lady.

Awww, Liam and his werewolf dad made up. See Scott? Your werewolf son loves you v much. My heart is melting.

Don't be fooled by Theo's apparent betrayal, you guys. The greater good, remember? I trust him and so should you.

A WILD HUNK APPEARS. No sudden movements or you'll scare it away!

I have been known to test the hotness of hunks on occasion, but very rarely do I take a blowtorch to their eyes. It's just not polite, you know? The ones that aren't fireproof get really cross!

In my opinion Gerard is a pretty harsh person. Not a super fun guest at a baby shower would be my guess. Probably a fair to average bachelor party attendee. Definitely not the kind of guy you should ask to help stuff your kid's pinata. Unless your kid and their friends love poison darts and hand grenades, that is.

Ohh, another contender for worst Teen Wolf parent? So soon? Lydia's mom is a jerk, and not very cool. The Desert Wolf is major jerk, but pretty cool actually. Scott's dad is a big fat overgrown dumbface who is a jerk and has no coolness at all. Yep, Scott's dad is still the worst. Bugger off, Scott's dad!

Lydia's flashback scene! We're all caught up now.

Deucalion! I don't know, something about him seems untrustworthy. I think it was that one part about wanting Scott's eyes on his claws. Yeah, definitely that. You know someone's up to no good when they demand a selfish favor in exchange for the privilege of helping Theo.

Oh look, it's Deaton. AKA TV's best veterinarian/druid. AKA the guy who would be dead right now if it weren't for Theo leading Malia right to him. Thanks Theo!

At long last, the dumb sideplot where the pack broke up and forgot basic human communication and got all pissy at each other for a while is finally over. Time to retrieve Lydia, fix her up with a hot new boyfriend and/or Stiles, and find a way to spy on one of Strauss's shirtless workouts or sauna sessions! I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm feeling optimistic about the rest of this season.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I liked this episode better. Finally have what feels like progress on all fronts


Huh, so I guess Deputy Strauss isn't the CG beast if he's chatting with other officers while they're actually chasing the thing. I was hoping the beast would be a hunk. Maybe it's a different hunk? Maybe Peter! He probably hulks out if he goes too long without wearing a v-neck. Yep, that's my new theory. It's definitely Peter you guys.

Whoa, it's raining men! Well, one man in particular. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't mind if a flaming hot and very shirtless hunk literally flew at me.

Yes Mama McCall! Tell him! Liam, we know that time you tried to kill your werewolf dad was just a big misunderstanding, but you should probably remember that when you mess with Scott, you mess with his mom. Watch yourself, buddy!

That's right Parrish, you are dangerous. Dangerously sexy! Personally, I approve of all plans that involve Parrish doing things.

I've got to admire Malia's instinct for self-preservation, but shouldn't Kira be wearing the goggles in this situation? It's not like Kira can heal herself from random face wounds like miss hotshot werecoyote over there.

It's our precious gay hunkling Corey! Does he spend a lot of time hanging out in empty classrooms just in case members of Scott's pack come along and do something important to the plot? Never mind. The more important question is, shouldn't he be exercising his camouflage powers in a more appropriate setting, like the men's locker room?

I love libraries. You know what's better than a library? Not much, except of course a library filled with hunks. On a related note, here's Theo! Just as helpful and gorgeous as ever. What's that, he says he wants to help Scott save Lydia? Wasn't it just last episode that he helped Malia save Deaton's life? Wow, what a super helpful and muscular guy. He's working overtime to be the true hero of this series! I trust him.

Man, that security jerk was giving Parrish a lot of trouble. Doesn't he know how to handle hunks? You shouldn't provoke them by bringing up dry procedure, rules, laws, moral principles, or the distinction between right and wrong. You've got to keep them happy and comfortable so they'll let you follow them long enough to watch them get naked. This guy has a lot to learn.

What's this, a random naked hunk? Why thank you, Teen Wolf! Suddenly Eichen House doesn't seem like such a bad place after all. Call off the rescue, you guys. Lydia's going to be just fine.


If only all problems could be resolved by hitting your friends. After extensive research (which was challenging because my social circle keeps shrinking for some reason), I've concluded that hitting your friends does not solve most problems. That said, I'm a very optimistic person. Several months of disappointing results isn't enough to stop me from doing science!

Lydia's mom chose a really bad time to become a good parent.

I approve of Parrish's hellhound costume. Flames and a ripped bod? What more do you need tbh?

Wow, the episode's over already? They're really drawing out the suspense, and just to answer the question of how Theo came to encounter a flaming hot and 100% nude Parrish. Did we even need a reason? I can't complain though. Not with all the hunks this episode threw at me. I'm looking forward to next week!
I'm finally caught up. I didn't feel like watching after that really, really underwhelming first episode.


So.. okay, Theo's pack sucks ass. I mean, they have cool powers but only Hayden and Corey have actual lines or purpose. That Josh guy? Yeah, you know the one that doesn't matter? Why is he there? We're five episodes into the season (which is half the season in this case) and he has been completely and utterly irrelevant. Now, Tracy... why did she kill her dad? Why is she so damn happy to be evil if she was NOTHING like that before she died? Okay whatever I guess. Theo's pack sucks.

Scott as an alpha. We're finally getting to see him be the Alpha that he was supposed to start being 3 seasons ago. Scott overall is better this season tbh

Stiles is so dark these days. I kinda feel like the Void is going to come back (but not full force) I like the Sheriff's response to the whole Donovan thing HOWEVER, it is a HUGE contradiction to what we saw just last season (omg I'm a cop!!! idc about the supernatural i'm doing this the LAWFUL WAY1!!") Now he's all like "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK STILES, I WOULD FUCKING MURDER PEOPLE FOR YOU" which is, you know, weird but maybe almost dying had that effect on him idk.

Kira development! Okay! She didn't even get rid of the fox thing but okay we learned a little about new creatures. I'm pretty sure the whole point of that episode was to set up the Skinwalkers as possible future enemies in a future season of Teen Wolf, they would come to Beacon hills for Kira because they think she's dangerous.

Malia... uh, yeah, I guess. She's still cool. I mean there's not much to say... last season was a big season character-wise for her and I feel like we're just getting into the meat of things with her Mom.

Mason and Corey! YASSSSS!1 I'm always a slut for gays in T.V Shows!! Corey as a wimp fighter is very fitting, he's a fucking WereChameleon, lol.

I guess the season has improved since that awful first ep. The pacing is garbage but I'm starting to like this season... if only Theo would die.


This season has been pretty decent for character development. Thank goodness that lame subplot about Scott's pack falling apart was resolved fairly quickly.

Kira is finally kind of making herself useful. Malia's story seems to be going somewhere, and her mom is badass. Stiles' weird angst over Donovan's death makes more sense now that the show is taking the time to flesh out his perspective and further develop his relationship with his dad. Lydia could be taking a more active role in the pack now that she's got some fighting skills. Parrish's whole hellhound deal is one of the series' greatest plot developments in my opinion, because it gives him all sorts of opportunities to walk around naked.

I think Theo's pack is an interesting challenge to Scott & pals from an angle we haven't really seen before. Everyone's personally invested in this fight, with relationships that are complicated by their pack affiliation. There are so many possibilities for conflicting motivations and shifting loyalties now. I hope the writers push the team rivalry aspect in the coming episodes. I'm talking more fights and more situations where they have to team up for a common purpose. So far we have a bunch of individual members meeting each other on the DL. I want this to go somewhere. Rivals working together is one of my favorite tropes. I love the tension between uneasy allies, where the possibility of betrayal is always looming, and it's hard to predict people's true loyalties.

The other great think about 5B is how Theo-centric it is. Everybody is talking about Theo or mad at Theo or beating up Theo or teaming up with Theo or gazing lovingly at Theo. It's good to see this show acknowledging the importance of its most trustworthy and helpful hunk.
Opening with your CGI zombie werewolf serial killer is a bold move. You normally save that for later, but this was a mission statement. Teen Wolf throwing down the gauntlet and saying things will get even crazier than this crazy looking CGI monstrosity.

I'm no expert in Hell Hound vs CGI zombie werewolf serial killer fights, but I'm pretty sure things didn't go Parish's way in their first throw down. Poor guy. On the upside, Parish will have to train harder to take that CGI baddie down. Do you know who has a killer workout routine? Theo. Parish and Theo could become workout buddies. They could hit the weights, get all sweaty and then his the showers together.

You can tell that CGI zombie werewolf serial killer is an evil son of a bitch because his natural state is fully clothed. I'm pretty sure clothes are evil in the Teen Wolf universe.

Poor Liam. Who would have thought Mama McCall would hold such a grudge. All Liam did was beat up her son and leave him for dead. It's no big thing.

Malia and Kira are such a cute team. I love them working together. I'm glad they're back in the pack, instead of away doing random stuff just because. Their little science experiment and stuff in Eichen House was great. I hope we get more of this over the rest of the season.

IDK about you, but whenever I'm roaming the local library and a random hunk walks up to me, and propositions me, I don't hesitate to say yes. I guess that means Scott and Stiles have better morals and stronger self-control than me. But whatever.

We wound up with three plans to get Lydia out of Eichen House. Of course, Scott's was the most complex of the three. Theo's was hastily artfully sketched on the wrapper of a protein bar and involved killing a lot of people. Of course, the third plan was the most ridiculous. Sheriff Stilinski actually expected Lydia's mom to be a good parent. Who would have expect that to work? But they all would have worked, individually. Funny that.

Really good episode, with a lot of moving parts. It's so nice to have the pack back together, more or less. Now we just need Lydia, and that will probably happen within the next episode or so. Now we're finally caught up with the time jump at the beginning of the season. Anything can happen now! The future isn't set. The only thing I know is that I trust Theo. I trust Theo more than ever before.
Who the fuck is the electricity guy on Theo's pack anyway?

Why is Tracy evil?

Why did The Beast go nuts at the hospital and then Parrish went down there for a throwdown?

How'd they even cart Gideon to that decrepit looking place?

Why are Monocle's posts so great?

These are the questions of our time.
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