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Teen Wolf (Season 5) |OT| Watch your (six) pack.

I have no clue. I thought she was close to her dad. And what about the rest of the pack? Did they have to kill someone? Or just Tracey?
I doubt it. I don't think Corey has kille anyone tbh. idk, my best guess was that they wanted to give zombie pack members that aren't Corey or Haden somethimg. For example Josh got that incredibly pointless electricity scene and Tracy got that scene i guess.
Seriously makes me want to go to mental hospital just on the off chance to see a crazy hot guy run naked.

Teen Wolf Freshman syndrome all over again
Ok so a few thots after thinking over the ep:

-They've been hinting at Scott becoming darker/ SOMETHING happening to Scott after he came back to life. I like that, I hope they take it somewhere next season.

-I don't mind Hayden and Liam, like they're inoffensive tbh it's an okay couple.


-Mason is the best Nu-Teen Wolf character and if you don't agree you're fucking wrong

-Okay SO, Corey almost fucking died again. Like he legit was going to die again after coming back from the dead. That has to mean something to him no? Theo had no problem sending his pack against something as overpowered as Hellhound Parrish and it almost got Corey killed again. I hope this leads to him questioning Theo and acting out against him because that would be interesting,

-Theo, man. Theo is a shitty villain. You know what makes him a shitty villain? The fact that he's surrounded by plot armor. So Parrish one hit KOs his chimera pack but he throws one pole and he takes him out? okay lol, that totally makes sense.

-Overall this was a good ep. I don't care for Stydia or any other couple that's not Mason and Corey tbh
I swear before Jesus that if they kill Stiles, I'm out.

I could have lived the rest of my days without hearing Lydia scream.

I think the focus on teens on this teen show is ruining it. Bring back the men.

The end.


Anyone who knows me is aware of my passion for science. There's something about venturing into new frontiers of knowledge that I find exhilarating. That's why I'm a huge fan of radically unorthodox medical procedures. As you would expect, the last time I was hospitalized in an asylum for supernatural creatures, comatose high schoolers, and the occasional inexplicably nude hunk, I was the very first volunteer for the procedure where somebody drills a large hole into your skull to increase your appetite. Or was it your supernatural powers? I don't remember, but I can tell you that my own powers were not too impressive to begin with. In fact, my only ability of note was that I could survive for a solid week on nothing but lime jello cups and my own verdant excretions. I don't mean to brag. I am hardly the first person to shut myself in my pantry and forget where the light switch is. Anyway, it turns out my special ability wasn't really improved by having a large hole drilled into my skull. But science must go on! Other patients have had much more favorable results. Take Lydia for example. She got way better at yelling, and did you notice how a delicious assortment of hunks swarmed into her wing within days of her getting a large hole drilled into her skull? Coincidence? Hardly! Based on the resounding success of Lydia's trepanation procedure, this dangerous and hellaciously painful treatment earns my hearty endorsement. Everyone should try it! Who knows, one day the large hole that was drilled into your skull could cause a crowd of smoking hot studs to sweep you away to a land where there are locker rooms on every street corner. Doesn't that sound nice?

Could this opening shot of a shirtless and flaming hot hunk be one of the best opening shots of all time? Pick one: A) Yes, B) Duh, C) Unnnnff, D) All of the above

I love ripped abs too, but very rarely do I try to bury my fingernails all the way into them. For one thing, it's rude. For another thing, have you ever tried getting ab blood out from under your fingernails?

Silly doctor, your head driller goes into heads, not the legs of trustworthy hunks. To be fair, hunks distract me all the time when I'm operating without a medical license. Sorry for those extra stitches everybody!

Oh no, our precious gay hunkling Corey just got BBQ'd! You've been a very bad shirtless hellhound, Parrish. Go to my room.

I won't lie to you guys, this isn't the first time I've imagined Theo penetrating a certain hunky deputy.

#PuppyStyle!? WTF Teen Wolf, no! Liam can't even vote yet! Too soon!

Wow Deucalion. Liability? Ability to lie? Not even you, with that voice and those cheekbones, could sell such a cheesy line.

I have had it with walkie-talkies. Screw them in general, am I right? Nobody uses walkie-talkies for anything other than questioning your law enforcement credentials or breaking up with you on public radio bands.

Theo's door kicking skills are on point! Talk about making an entrance. He should be a mail guy. Then he could deliver his package to me every day.

Remember kids, the best way to test audibly buzzing electrified fences is to put your palms really close to them. Lydia's mom has the right idea here.

See you guys? What did I say earlier about Stiles and Theo being besties? Scott, you'd better watch it! This show's next great bromance is blossoming without you. You should probably catch Theo while he's changing in a locker room and battle it out for Stiles' affection.

Beacon Hills is truly a blessed town. Even its asylums have roomfuls of wet and shirtless guys.

Sometimes burying your claws deep into someone's spinal column can have unintended side effects. Just FYI.

An electric hunk appears! With a crispy Corey! Poor Corey. I know his condition looks painful, but I think we can all agree that suffering severe hunk-inflicted burns are totally worth it if you've got a studly friend to look after you.

There goes Theo, talking about trust again. Doesn't he realize everybody already trusts him?

Oh look, Parrish is still shirtless. This hellhound thing might be a bit of an inconvenience at times—like when you have to carry dead teenagers to magic tree stumps for example—but when something is this effective at keeping the town's sexiest deputy out of his uniform, who can complain?

Ugh, this show is really mean to precious gay chimeras sometimes. First Corey gets his arm flesh melted, then he's fatally stabbed by a doctor, then he's roasted alive by a hunk.

See? Theo is all about saving people. What a heroic and athletic dude. 100% trustworthy in my opinion. Look how much time he's spent with Stiles down in those grungy tunnels without framing him for murder or slamming him against a wall! It's no exaggeration to say Theo is the most dependable person in Beacon Hills.

"OK sure! Stick that metal death mask thing on my head, which BTW has a big hole drilled in it in case you forgot. No prob!" That's what Lydia was thinking at that moment, I bet. Just a guess.

In most cases it's not appropriate to light shirtless hunks on fire. They're hot enough already! But in Parrish's case, sometimes he needs extra motivation to stop putting on new clothes. Embrace the look bro! You're destined to be greasy and shirtless.

One more name to add to the long list of people saved by Theo! You're welcome, Lydia. That head exploding trick was neat, but what would you have done without a certain buff and trustworthy guy to use his super hearing for Stiles and use his super muscles for Stiles and be Stiles' best friend down in the creepy tunnels? Not just anyone can look that good breaking down a door. What was I saying again? Oh yeah, you'd better show some gratitude once that hole in your head heals up, girlfriend.

How many times can Parrish's ripped body fill the frame before we've seen enough? That's the rude and offensive question I bet some of you are thinking. Well stop.

Stiles, you lucky jerk. First you get to go on an almost-date with a trustworthy hunk in an asylum and some dank tunnels, then a different hunk manhandles you and shows off his strength by carrying a real live girl in his powerful arms. That's right, Stiles got up close and personal with at least two hunks in one day. He will surely remember his Eichen House mission as one of the best experiences of his life, right up there with the time he spent like a whole afternoon with a shirtless and handcuffed Jackson in the back of a van.

Speaking of backs, check out Parrish when he falls against that jeep. Very GIFable moment IMO.

Tracy is a megajerk. Go Lydia's mom! Zapping Tracy is one of the few decent things she's done this season. This still doesn't make up for the time you sent your daughter to the crazy house, lady!

Let's take a second to appreciate Mason. Mason is awesome.

Dammit, Teen Wolf with your fakeouts! Lydia was totes dead for a second there. Scott was all forlorn, and he can hear heartbeats and everything. You're playing with my emotions here.

This episode was one of the most shirtless episodes yet. And some stuff with Lydia happened too. This season's really heating up!

Who the fuck is the electricity guy on Theo's pack anyway?

Why is Tracy evil?

Why did The Beast go nuts at the hospital and then Parrish went down there for a throwdown?

How'd they even cart Gideon to that decrepit looking place?

Why are Monocle's posts so great?

These are the questions of our time.

I wish we all could be as appreciative and insightful about Teen Wolf as Monocle.
Aww, thanks guys!


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I don't know why but I think Stiles is the beast and I'm certain it doesnt work out for a 1000 reasons but its just a feeling


Poor Corey. I pray he joins Scott's pack by the end of all this and him and Mason can be lovebirds that make Liam roll his eyes constantly and Scott and Stiles look on like proud dads.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
just remembered about the #PuppyStyle hashtag


Unconfirmed Member

I didn't mind Stiles and Malia but Lydia has terrible choice in men. Jackson? Aiden? UGH. Parrish is great, though they haven't really dated. I'm hoping that my patience has been rewarded.

So what did the goo (mistletoe was it?) do to Lydia? Close the hole in her head? Reverse what the dr did? And holy, she just exploded the dr's head.

Mason is the best part of Teen Wolf: The Next Generation

I approve of Parrish's costuming this episode.

Oh no, our precious gay hunkling Corey just got BBQ'd! You've been a very bad shirtless hellhound, Parrish. Go to my room.


I don't know why but I think Stiles is the beast and I'm certain it doesnt work out for a 1000 reasons but its just a feeling

I don't think he is. He was there when the beast was there.
looks like dark kira is back for the next ep. Any Kira focus is good to me so yay

I have a feeling Dark Kira is going to be one of the main plotpoints in S6 tbh
Liam and Hayden sleeping together just made me feel uncomfortable given Liam's actor isn't even eighteen.

I find myself in this dilemma where I hate Stiles/Lydia and Lydia/Parrish and it seems that one of them is going to happen. I can't stand Parrish, but I adore Stiles/Malia so if one had to happen, I'd go for the latter.

I have a feeling Dark Kira is going to be one of the main plotpoints in S6 tbh
I wish that happens. Kira's Kitsune side was severely unexplored come season 4 and with season 5 I still feel like there's so much to be shown given the nature of Kitsune's. Kira as a whole as a character still seems pushed to the side, and she's my favorite so I can only hope they decide to focus on the rich mythology they have with her.
Liam and Hayden sleeping together just made me feel uncomfortable given Liam's actor isn't even eighteen.

I hate Stiles/Lydia.
Me too!
I can't stand Parrish.
Me neither!
Also ouch. Apparently last nights episode was the least-watched Teen Wolf episode ever.

I keep forgetting it comes on Tuesdays. The last few eps I've had to catch after it already went off.

Me too!

Me neither!


Liam and Hayden sleeping together just made me feel uncomfortable given Liam's actor isn't even eighteen.

I find myself in this dilemma where I hate Stiles/Lydia and Lydia/Parrish and it seems that one of them is going to happen. I can't stand Parrish, but I adore Stiles/Malia so if one had to happen, I'd go for the latter.

I wish that happens. Kira's Kitsune side was severely unexplored come season 4 and with season 5 I still feel like there's so much to be shown given the nature of Kitsune's. Kira as a whole as a character still seems pushed to the side, and she's my favorite so I can only hope they decide to focus on the rich mythology they have with her.

Me too!

Me neither!

I keep forgetting it comes on Tuesdays. The last few eps I've had to catch after it already went off.
Scott finally has his pack back together! It took way too long to undo the horrible thing that shouldn't have been done in the first place, but at least it's done. I'm glad she's no longer locked up and catatonic in Eichen House. Not that I have a problem with Eichen House. I personally find places with naked twinks roaming the halls and shower rooms filled with wet naked hunks enjoyable. But the plot will finally get to move on.

Right after #PuppyStyle happened, I felt like burning my DVR and burying it in a nameless grave next to Crystal Reed's career just to get rid of the evidence, lest the FBI get the wrong idea about things.

You know, I was happy when Kira returned to the fold, but she did make a compelling argument for her other choice. She could still be with the skinwalkers right now. She could be roaming the desert, clad in strategically placed animal skins and partaking in some sapphic skinwalker action. Malia could have been with her too! I mean, what are friends for, right? But alas, she came back to Scott's pack and spent half the episode on a dirty, filthy floor. We all make bad calls every now and again.

Poor Corey. I totally understand his willingness to throw himself at a flaming hot Hellhound. I mean, have you seen Parrish? Totally worth it. Plus, he got the added benefit of impressing Theo. Theo is so trustworthy. I think Corey came out a winner in the whole deal tbh. But then, he trusts Theo. You can never go wrong trusting Theo.


I'm glad it's still alive, too. They have to clear the way for Theo and Malia when Theo becomes a regular.

-Theo, man. Theo is a shitty villain. You know what makes him a shitty villain? The fact that he's surrounded by plot armor. So Parrish one hit KOs his chimera pack but he throws one pole and he takes him out? okay lol, that totally makes sense.

Haven't you been paying attention? Theo isn't the villain, here. He is the ant-hero. He said as much this week. When the smoke is cleared, Theo, that trustworthy rogue, will still be around, even if the rest of his zombie undead chimera pack have been sacrificed to the CGI zombie werewolf serial killer.

I can't stand Parrish

Me neither!



Ain't nobody got time for your latest treatise on Teen Wolf. TLDR. I'm sure the gist was "i'm in love with a psychopath."
There's also a heartrending chronicle of this one time I got lost in my own home, as well as commentary on hunks, friends and associates of hunks, people set on fire by hunks, and people who set hunks on fire. It's spellbinding read if I do say so myself.
Hey girl, I just saw a school bus full of kids ripped in half... Wanna fuck?


I have an issue with these high school shows where the kids are basically adults. How is it ok for these 2 to have sleep overs and fuck all night? I had this issue with Buffy also. Kids up all night in bars and killing things. How are they maintaining GPA's? Why bother going to school at all? Parents obviously don't give a shit.


I have an issue with people being ripped apart at the school one day then suddenly school is back in the next with a interview happening about the big game!
I have an issue with people being ripped apart at the school one day then suddenly school is back in the next with a interview happening about the big game!

Right? The amount of deaths at this school is staggering. The charity game should be for all the funerals in Beacon Hills. The fact that no one in town is asking questions is highly irregular. At least Sunnydale residents had "neck rupture" to explain the mysterious deaths. Beacon Hills ISD needs to suspend classes indefinitely.


Right? The amount of deaths at this school is staggering. The charity game should be for all the funerals in Beacon Hills. The fact that no one in town is asking questions is highly irregular. At least Sunnydale residents had "neck rupture" to explain the mysterious deaths. Beacon Hills ISD needs to suspend classes indefinitely.

It's a mess of blood, dead bodies and shirtless guys.

Kira control your damn fox plz.

Oh..everything going DOWN tonight huh
what the fuck was that ending


what was wrong with corey

is he the beast

is corey the beast fuck

edit: okay yeah brain hes supposed to be dead which means he was a failure lol

This was the best episode this season: gay kissing, Parrish shirtless for pretty much all of the episode, DARK KIRA, Malia's Mom, and most important of all no sign of Theo :")


Is there any way to stream this show legally online? Hopefully I'm missing something.

I got rid of the set top box in my bedroom for an apple tv and MTV doesn't stream live on their app :(.
I now firmly believe that Mason is the beast. Hype... but also sad if true since Mason's all about that "black and white no in-between" life and finding out you've murdered a ton of innocent people has to take a toll on you.

I, for one, welcome our new Teen Wolf: The Next Generation overlords.

Jeff Davis said:
“We gave Khylin [Rhambo] a much bigger part this season, too,” Davis says of the Mason actor. “We wanted to bring up Liam and Mason’s friendship as well. We sort of consider them Scott and Stiles 2.0. It’s a little different because they each have traits that are similar to Scott and Stiles but the opposites as well. Scott is becoming more zen this season and very in control of himself. While Liam still struggles with anger and all of the rage inside of him that makes becoming a werewolf very difficult. Mason is kinda like Stiles in that he’s completely supportive of his best friend and excited by things and incredibly smart. But whereas Stiles is kind of a cynical pessimist, Mason is always optimistic. Mason is always on the bright side.”
he's the beast
he's the beast fuck


I now firmly believe that Mason is the beast. Hype... but also sad if true since Mason's all about that "black and white no in-between" life and finding out you've murdered a ton of innocent people has to take a toll on you.

I, for one, welcome our new Teen Wolf: The Next Generation overlords.


he's the beast
he's the beast fuck
I thought the same thing, but I was hoping that they'd want to keep Mason a human.


If you live in the US, you know we are a land in crisis. Millions are affected by our nation's addiction to oil. More specifically, body oil. You may see this slick shiny substance pooling in the crevices of a male model's cut abs and wonder, "How could this possibly be a bad thing? I am all about this righteous bod." But where are you now? At work? At school? Sitting next to a McDonald's Playland with your nose buried in your phone? If so, your boner could get you in serious trouble. You might not be aware that body oil is implicated in up to 79% of boner-related joblessness. That's because I pulled that figure directly out of my nethers. And yet that sentence gave you pause for a moment, didn't it? You recognized on an instinctive level the peril of a prominent public boner.

If you or the hunks you love have been affected by body oil, don't stay silent. Reach out. Through Twitter, through Instagram, through Tumblr. Slather an entire bottle of oil onto the nearest piece of mancandy you can find, then share those shredded torso shots, those lat spreads, those packed calves and taut quads. Let your camera capture the morning light as it washes over the peaks of those flexing muscles, their oily gleam drawing out an astonishing new dimension of definition. Now post that steamy photoset all over social media. Only by attracting the world's attention with hundreds of arousing images will we have any hope of receiving international aid for this daunting challenge to our society. The very existence of our great nation's heteronormativity depends on people like you and me keeping our boners discreet.

Well of course Parrish sleeps shirtless. Why wouldn't he? By the way, I often find burned clothes and blood in my room too, but not because I'm a flaming hot corpse-collecting hunk. Or because I have torrid affairs with hellspawn or anything like that. I mean, just in case you were wondering. On a completely unrelated note, if you should happen to meet a super built 7-foot-tall man with deep red skin and possibly horns and a tail who calls himself Malgorgaroth, don't tell him I post here.

You can take the night off, Papa Argent. I will watch over Parrish while he sleeps shirtlessly. And sleepwalks shirtlessly. I will closely monitor his body. Or, uh, body count. Whatever.

Now that's a silly banner. My stick has been raised this whole time.

You know when you're a musclebound CG beast, and you want to give your friends a way to find you at night, so you decide to leave a trail of breadcrumbs, only you're all out of breadcrumbs because you got hungry, so you leave a trail of eviscerated bodies instead? It turns out that's not very efficient. Usually you'll end up needing more bodies than you can carry with you. It's much better if you simply "Share My Location" on your iPhone. Unless you don't have an iPhone for some reason, in which case the eviscerated bodies are pretty much your only option as far as I know. Not that I am an expert. I have attended only one school, the "school of life," so I can only speak from my experience on the streets as a ravenous creature of the night. One of you guys might be aware of a better way to communicate with your friends, and maybe even a better use for your piles of eviscerated bodies. Feel free to drop me a corpse and tell me all about it.

That almost dead guy has some pretty snazzy hair.

Loving how Teen Wolf gives us sudden doses of gnarly gore.

Oh hai shirtless Parrish. Feel free to pop up any time at all. As long as you stick to your dress code, that is.

I too practice my swordsmanship directly after naked cuddle time. It's a great way to assert dominance in the bedroom.

Corey's parents are big jerks. Who could "barely notice" when a precious gay chimera dies? Especially when he's your own precious gay chimera son? Jerks, that's who.

Well yes Corey, we all know what life in Beacon Hills is about. We all know what happens. Hunks get shirtless a lot, that's what happens. Just look at you, all shirtless in this locker room with the boy who likes you. Not to be rude, but you're not telling Mason anything new here.

What a coincidence, a lot of people die when I make transmissions too! I didn't think my Snapchats were that bad, but the dozens and dozens of corpses say otherwise. Nevertheless, I refuse to be silenced by my critics.

At last, Lydia is back in her natural habit, the school library! But something's missing. Hmm... what could it be? Oh right, the studly blond that usually hangs out around there is nowhere to be seen! I realize Lydia might not be thrilled to meet Theo again in the same place where he bonked her in the noggin for good and justified reasons, but selfishness is never a good look. Sometimes everything is not about her. A library is barely even a library without hunks, you know? The students of Beacon Hills deserve nothing less.

Hey look, a nearly naked Parrish! Yep, this is definitely a library now.

Coach is back!

Hey, that CG beast just slapped Parrish! You should never slap a hunk. They might be strong, but they're also very sensitive. I'm starting to think this CG beast isn't such a nice guy.

I'm not sure how I feel about Parrish being stuffed in a giant refrigerator to trigger his digivolution or whatever. He's pretty cool (and pretty hot if we're honest) just the way he is.

If you think about it, this show is really all abut packs. In this episode alone we saw Parrish's pack, Corey's pack and Scott's pack. Now Scott's other pack is talking about packs. All we need now is for Theo to show up and show us his pack. Let's keep this theme going.

Time for some lacrosse! If past games are any indication, we can look forward to a lot of hunks, supernatural creatures being huge cheaters, yelling, physical exertion, hunks, determined glares, murder, hunks, mayhem, and hunks. A post-game locker room scene would be pretty cool too.

Hold on you guys, let me just pull out my SAMSUNG brand smartphone with service courtesy of AT&T WIRELESS and scrawl a big red X over these headshots of lacrosse players. Wow, so convenient. This all-in-one device really comes in handy for keeping track of athletes who don't have blood on their shoes.

Parrish is dead? I refuse to believe it. He's too hunky to be dead, it's impossible. Besides, he's still talking to Lydia... right? Don't die, bb!

Looks like I was totally right about supernatural creatures cheating at lacrosse. Competition turns Kira into a real jerk!

Don't you just hate it when you're sabotaging a news van, and then you stealthily leap about 20 feet in the air to the next van, but your jerk mom who wants to kill you grabs your ankle and you fall on your head? Well let me tell you, I have had it up to here with my mom interfering with my vandalism. It's my life mom, and no, this is not a good time for your latest assassination attempt. I know exactly how Malia feels right now.

Kira makes an excellent point. It is the height of rudeness to speak any language with a bad accent. Which reminds me, I hit my language coach in the face every time a mispronounce a word. Not because they're a bad teacher or anything. It's just that I usually forget my SAMSUNG brand smartphone whenever I have a session, and striking my language coach is the simplest way to keep track of how many times I mess up when I can't draw big red X's. For more handy lifestyle tips, pick up the book I'm going to publish as soon as I escape this youth correctional facility.

I admire Malia's method of conflict resolution. She's using her words. Then again, when you're talking out your probs, I don't think you're supposed to include death threats. That's probably a no-no. But if you're a murderous werecoyote with a murderous mom, anything that doesn't involve tearing somebody to pieces is a good start.


Beacon Hills: where even random referees are twunks. Kind of. Watch where you wave those guns, buster.

I don't know what the rude creature in Parrish's body was on about, but our favorite hunky deputy is clearly alive and well. Way to go Lydia! I think? The important thing is Parrish is still standing, and there's a good chance he will walk around shirtless in the future.

Oh Liam, when has leaping toward a vicious CG beast worked out well for anyone?

Another solid episode. We got fun callbacks to prior seasons, hot packs, murderous parents, gay smooching, and a sexy deputy who will never ever die because he's perfect. Theo didn't show up after all, but he's definitely alive and well and probably lifting weights while sweat beads on his golden torso, and that's all that matters. I think I will probably keep watching this show.

P.S. I'm just going to leave these here:



Price Peterson continues to highlight the most important aspects of Teen Wolf.


Wait where did the "Beast is Mason" thing come from? Can they not kill off the best of the new generation already? Also that would mean Corey is prob dead behind those buses and I rather he stick around >_>.


Wait where did the "Beast is Mason" thing come from? Can they not kill off the best of the new generation already? Also that would mean Corey is prob dead behind those buses and I rather he stick around >_>.
Liam is probably already for stupidly going after the beast.

I think it was Mason who was in the scene with Liam when he first saw the beast though, right?
okay actually i don't think it's mason anymore... that shit's way too obvious
i just wanted to skip marie whatever parts and skip to what was happening at the school tbh
The period piece sections really should refer to The Beast as a Loup Garou, not a werewolf. It'd be more accurate.

Scott, Malia, and Liam just full out wolfed in front of two dozen students.
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