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Tekken |OT2| Pulse of the Regionally Discriminated Knuckleheads

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Cuddle Core got these Forest Law hands and got smashed after an off-axis combo dropped.

She wasn't using her characters tho.


Harada said clearly on mastercup, wait for 12th for T7 news.

He must deliver. This is Do or Die.


2 rage arts, armor moves buff, 6 additional characters, stages, customization bullshit. I call it.

If they add more new moves to existing characters I'd be pleasantly surprised.

Wonder if motion blur will be in, lol UE4.

TxSF teaser. Out for winter 2017 in arcades, home release for PlayStation 6 and Xbox Ultra Omega Bison Power.


Harada said clearly on mastercup, wait for 12th for T7 news.

He must deliver. This is Do or Die.


2 rage arts, armor moves buff, 6 additional characters, stages, customization bullshit. I call it.

If they add more new moves to existing characters I'd be pleasantly surprised.

Wonder if motion blur will be in, lol UE4.

TxSF teaser. Out for winter 2017 in arcades, home release for PlayStation 6 and Xbox Ultra Omega Bison Power.

If it's the T7:BR/DR/BS announcement, I'm expecting at least two new/returning (I say returning because we've already seen quite a few new ones) characters, since that's how it's always been.

I'm not expecting much tbh. I just wanna see new stages, outfits and a slight graphical boost if possible.

/hopes for a potential console release window..
So Im working on this video series called Back In The Saddle where I'm really just trying to get back into fighting games after ignoring them for most of the year. And Im actually glad I'm started because I'm learning so much about myself and can start to see improvements in my play in Tekken and as a FG player in general.

One thing I noticed is that I got really complacent in Tekken and that's because I went too long without playing another Fighting Game. I've noticed that my skill in Fighting Games tend to increase as I move from Fighting Game to Fighting Game and playing TTT2 for almost 3 years was not healthy for me competitively speaking.


How are you finding all these players, bout? Do you just go to player match?

I think being a Destroyer know helps with not getting kicked based on low rank. Another thing, having a name like "legsock" makes it easier for people to remember or recognize who I am I guess. Cuddle Core recognizes me when I join her rooms.

And speaking of Obscure Darkness, here's some cool stuff that I gifed from this old match.







I think being a Destroyer know helps with not getting kicked based on low rank. Another thing, having a name like "legsock" makes it easier for people to remember or recognize who I am I guess. Cuddle Core recognizes me when I join her rooms.

And speaking of Obscure Darkness, here's some cool stuff that I gifed from this old match.





Those traps hurt when I play P.Ling... I wonder now if a chinese spring kick could work as well...


He touched the black heart of a mod
Wonder if we see this on Sunday or was it just photoshop bs.


I just hope for something that isn't cruddy. 2015's more recent big announcement venues have been kinda disappointing. It'd be nice to end the year on something spicy.


What do you guys expect will happen with these questions:

1. Will any of the 7 current cast members (and whoever gets added) that still have Tekken 2 animations get re-animated?

2. Will any character be given a new default outfit?

3. Will there be any new mechanics?

4. Will the shitty TTT2 customs be replaced with T6 level customs?

5. Will they finally add a new Back Turned Tail-Spin animation?


What do you guys expect will happen with these questions:

1. Will any of the 5 current cast members (and whoever gets that still have Tekken 2 animations get re-animated?

2. Will any character be given a new default outfit?
Yes-ish; Nina reveal is imminent and I imagine she'll be in a new default.

3. Will there be any new mechanics?

4. Will the shitty TTT2 customs be replaced with T6 level customs?

5. Will they finally add a new Back Turned Tail-Spin animation?


What do you guys expect will happen with these questions:

1. Will any of the 5 current cast members (and whoever gets that still have Tekken 2 animations get re-animated?

2. Will any character be given a new default outfit?

3. Will there be any new mechanics?

4. Will the shitty TTT2 customs be replaced with T6 level customs?

5. Will they finally add a new Back Turned Tail-Spin animation?

1. No

2. Yes

3. I wish, but no.

4. No way.

5. If they can't copy paste it from something already existing, they won't bother.


You know what, let's do something fun for once in Tekken GAF since forever. Let's make an actual competition. The winner gets a $20 or 20 Euro or whatever equivalent in your region PSN code. Everything is based on points:

Here is the competition:

1) Will the T7:?R footage show any re-animated moves for the current cast or any added cast member? (1 point)

2) How many new characters (not in T7 vanilla) will be shown in the T7:?R footage? (2 points)

3) Based on your answer for Question 2, who are new characters? Give the name if it's a returning character, just say brand new character if it's that. (1 point for each correct answer)

4) Will there be any new mechanics shown in the T7:?R footage? (1 point)
Bonus: Guess the number of new mechanics. (2 points)

5) Will the T7:?R footage show any new wake-up options not in T7? (1 point)

6) Will there be a unique BT Tail-Spin animation in the T7:?R footage? (1 point)

7) How many legacy characters (including the ones added in T7:?R from your Question 2 answer and the current T7 roster) will have brand new default outfits? (2 points)
Bonus: Specify which characters. (1 point for each correct answer)

8) Are the customs shown in the T7:?R trailer/footage brand new customs, or more recycled customs from TTT2? (1 point)
EDIT: If there are none, say "none".

9) *JackPot Question* Who will win the last chance qualifier tournament happening right before the tournament? (6 points) (Not happening)

10) How many Supers will Land in the top 8 of the tournament? (2 points)

11) Will a female contestant place higher than everyone entering the tournament from EU/US? (1 point)

12) From the Top 8, how many are going to be from Japan, how many will be from Korea, and how many from anywhere else? (2 points)

13) *JackPot Question* Who will win TKOIF2015? (6 points)

You can edit your answers until 8 PM EST/5 PM PST. Now, begin firing your shots!


You know what, let's do something fun for once in Tekken GAF since forever. Let's make an actual competition. The winner gets a $20 or 20 Euro or whatever equivalent in your region PSN code. Everything is based on points:

Here is the competition:

1) Will the T7:?R trailer show any re-animated moves for the current cast or any added cast member? (1 point) None

2) How many new characters will be added? (2 points) 4

3) Based on your answer for Question 2, who are new characters? Give the name if it's a returning character, just say brand new character if it's that. (1 point for each correct answer) 2 returning- Lei and Nina plus 2 new(also Mokujin cos reasons and i said so)

4) Will there be any new mechanics? (1 point)
Bonus: Guess the number of new mechanics. (2 points)None

5) Will the T7:?R trailer show any new wake-up options not in T7? (1 point)None

6) Will there be a unique BT Tail-Spin animation in the T7:?R trailer? (1 point)No

7) How many legacy characters (including the ones added in T7:?R from your Question 2 answer and the current T7 roster) will have brand new default outfits? (2 points)
Bonus: Specify which characters. (1 point for each correct answer)Lei new outfit. Nina stays the usual

8) Are the customs shown in the T7:?R trailer brand new customs, or more recycled customs from TTT2? (1 point) New(gotta give some faith)

9) *JackPot Question* Who will win the last chance qualifier tournament happening right before the tournament? (6 points)

10) How many Supers will Land in the top 8 of the tournament? (2 points)13

11) Will a female contestant place higher than everyone entering the tournament from EU/US? (1 point)no

12) From the Top 8, how many are going to be from Japan, how many will be from Korea, and how many from anywhere else? (2 points)3 japan and 3 korea. anywhere else the rest

13) *JackPot Question* Who will win TKOIF2015? (6 points)KNEEE!!!

You can edit your answers until 8 PM EST/5 PM PST. Now, begin firing your shots!
Put answers in there.
Dont know what the last chance qualifier is. Link me


All we know is that there's an open qualifier that's happening between 8 AM and 10:30 AM before the tournament starts. Not sure how many entrants are allowed or even if there's a cap or how it's gonna run. All I know is that it's there. I dunno if anyone from Korea travelled there either to try and make it. All I know is that there will be one, and the winner gets into the TKOIF2015 bracket.


Cool then. If a girl joins i pick her to make it in ;_;

Crew decides to have our tekken tourny on the day of the world Tekken tourny plus someone said Mainman might show up but don't count on it.

No sleep for a while. Wish me luck.


You know what, let's do something fun for once in Tekken GAF since forever. Let's make an actual competition. The winner gets a $20 or 20 Euro or whatever equivalent in your region PSN code. Everything is based on points:

Here is the competition:

1) Will the T7:?R footage show any re-animated moves for the current cast or any added cast member? (1 point)

2) How many new characters (not in T7 vanilla) will be shown in the T7:?R footage? (2 points)

3) Based on your answer for Question 2, who are new characters? Give the name if it's a returning character, just say brand new character if it's that. (1 point for each correct answer)

4) Will there be any new mechanics shown in the T7:?R footage? (1 point)
Bonus: Guess the number of new mechanics. (2 points)

5) Will the T7:?R footage show any new wake-up options not in T7? (1 point)

6) Will there be a unique BT Tail-Spin animation in the T7:?R footage? (1 point)

7) How many legacy characters (including the ones added in T7:?R from your Question 2 answer and the current T7 roster) will have brand new default outfits? (2 points)
Bonus: Specify which characters. (1 point for each correct answer)

8) Are the customs shown in the T7:?R trailer/footage brand new customs, or more recycled customs from TTT2? (1 point)
EDIT: If there are none, say "none".

9) *JackPot Question* Who will win the last chance qualifier tournament happening right before the tournament? (6 points)

10) How many Supers will Land in the top 8 of the tournament? (2 points)

11) Will a female contestant place higher than everyone entering the tournament from EU/US? (1 point)

12) From the Top 8, how many are going to be from Japan, how many will be from Korea, and how many from anywhere else? (2 points)

13) *JackPot Question* Who will win TKOIF2015? (6 points)

You can edit your answers until 8 PM EST/5 PM PST. Now, begin firing your shots!

Fine. I'll partake.

1. Yes
2. Two
3. Nina and (ugh) Bob
4. Yes, 1 new mechanic
5. No
6. No
7. Only one - Nina.
8. No customs shown.
9. ?
10. Five
11. No
12. 1 U.S., three Korea, four Japan
13. AO


About Question 7)

Basically, will a character that's in Tekken 7 currently and any legacy character being added into Tekken 7 have a new default outfit in the update. That includes Lars, Kazuya, Jin, and Yoshi. Even though those are the only characters who got new default outfits, if T7:?R gives them a new one we haven't seen before, then add that to your answer.

So from your answer: remove Lars, Kazuya, Jin, and Yoshi since I'm talking about something completely new NOT in Tekken 7 vanilla.

And Law/Jack are hella the same outfits from T5! Color changes don't count! :p


I would love to vote on something but I just don't have a lot of confidence just because Tekken announcements are unpredictable.
1. Yes
2. Four
3. Nina, Lei, Juila or some chang equivalent, Bob or another T6 character
4. No
5. No
6. No
7. None
8. both, but let's say brand new
9. Is there some kind of bracket I can look at?
10. 3
11. No, sadly
12. Wish I could see a bracket, but lets go with 6 JP, 2 KOR.
13. Nobi if he is there.


I'll be honest, the main person that motivated me to put something up is 9thPixel. That dude consistently puts $10 up for the Tekken community every week with his online tournaments. Would be cool for him to enter and hopefully win something back from the community he's keeping alive.

Flying Wonkey too for the countless hours he's dedicated for Tekken!


@Tera, Bracket will be made later today. Aris is livetweeting it as we speak.

Here are the entrants outside of the last chance qualifier:


I would love to vote on something but I just don't have a lot of confidence just because Tekken announcements are unpredictable.

You've got nothing to lose, it's all just for fun. :)

EDIT2: Holy crap, after thinking about bout's post it just got me thinking. How stupid will this all look if a T7 update actually isn't announced and it turns out to be some Christmas themed lottery system for T7 where the girls can now get the TTT2-ripped Santa customs for purchase....


It would be really embarassing for Harada if he announces anything but a T7 update. "T7 comes to Xbox ONE" is not a big announcement. Let's just assume he does announce an update so we can answer your questions.

1. None
2. 3
3. Nina, Lee and Mokujin
4. Yes -> Bonus: Just one
5. No
6. No
7. 1 -> Nina
8. Recycled from TTT2
9. I'll just make a guess when the brackets are up
10. As some people end their combos with a super, there will be quite a lot -> I say 10
11. No
12. 3 from Japan, 3 Koreans and 2 from anywhere else
13. Nobi

Last time I really watched T7 was EVO 2015. Haven't watched any Mastercup matches either, so I don't have any idea if Koreans still "suck" at this game.
1) Will the T7:?R footage show any re-animated moves for the current cast or any added cast member? No

2) How many new characters (not in T7 vanilla) will be shown in the T7:?R footage? Two

3) Based on your answer for Question 2, who are new characters? Give the name if it's a returning character, just say brand new character if it's that. Nina and new character.

4) Will there be any new mechanics shown in the T7:?R footage? No
Bonus: Guess the number of new mechanics. N/A

5) Will the T7:?R footage show any new wake-up options not in T7? No

6) Will there be a unique BT Tail-Spin animation in the T7:?R footage? No

7) How many legacy characters (including the ones added in T7:?R from your Question 2 answer and the current T7 roster) will have brand new default outfits? One
Bonus: Specify which characters. Nina

8) Are the customs shown in the T7:?R trailer/footage brand new customs, or more recycled customs from TTT2? None
EDIT: If there are none, say "none".

9) *JackPot Question* Who will win the last chance qualifier tournament happening right before the tournament?

10) How many Supers will Land in the top 8 of the tournament? Three

11) Will a female contestant place higher than everyone entering the tournament from EU/US? No

12) From the Top 8, how many are going to be from Japan, how many will be from Korea, and how many from anywhere else? 5 Japan, 2 Korea, 1 Other

13) *JackPot Question* Who will win TKOIF2015? Knee



You know what, let's do something fun for once in Tekken GAF since forever. Let's make an actual competition. The winner gets a $20 or 20 Euro or whatever equivalent in your region PSN code. Everything is based on points:

Here is the competition:

1) Will the T7:?R footage show any re-animated moves for the current cast or any added cast member? Yes

2) How many new characters (not in T7 vanilla) will be shown in the T7:?R footage? 2

3) Based on your answer for Question 2, who are new characters? Give the name if it's a returning character, just say brand new character if it's that. Kuma, Nina

4) Will there be any new mechanics shown in the T7:?R footage? No
Bonus: Guess the number of new mechanics. N/A

5) Will the T7:?R footage show any new wake-up options not in T7? No

6) Will there be a unique BT Tail-Spin animation in the T7:?R footage? No

7) How many legacy characters (including the ones added in T7:?R from your Question 2 answer and the current T7 roster) will have brand new default outfits? None
Bonus: Specify which characters. N/A

8) Are the customs shown in the T7:?R trailer/footage brand new customs, or more recycled customs from TTT2? New
EDIT: If there are none, say "none".

9) *JackPot Question* Who will win the last chance qualifier tournament happening right before the tournament? (6 points)

10) How many Supers will Land in the top 8 of the tournament? (2 points)

11) Will a female contestant place higher than everyone entering the tournament from EU/US? No

12) From the Top 8, how many are going to be from Japan, how many will be from Korea, and how many from anywhere else? 2 Japan, 5 Korea, 1 US

13) *JackPot Question* Who will win TKOIF2015? AO

You can edit your answers until 8 PM EST/5 PM PST. Now, begin firing your shots!

1) Will the T7:?R footage show any re-animated moves for the current cast or any added cast member? No

2) How many new characters (not in T7 vanilla) will be shown in the T7:?R footage? 4

3) Based on your answer for Question 2, who are new characters? Give the name if it's a returning character, just say brand new character if it's that. Nina, Lei, two new ones.

4) Will there be any new mechanics shown in the T7:?R footage? Yes
Bonus: Guess the number of new mechanics. One

5) Will the T7:?R footage show any new wake-up options not in T7? No.

6) Will there be a unique BT Tail-Spin animation in the T7:?R footage? lol no.

7) How many legacy characters (including the ones added in T7:?R from your Question 2 answer and the current T7 roster) will have brand new default outfits? One.
Bonus: Specify which characters. Nina.

8) Are the customs shown in the T7:?R trailer/footage brand new customs, or more recycled customs from TTT2? None.
EDIT: If there are none, say "none".

9) *JackPot Question* Who will win the last chance qualifier tournament happening right before the tournament? (6 points)

10) How many Supers will Land in the top 8 of the tournament? 2

11) Will a female contestant place higher than everyone entering the tournament from EU/US? No

12) From the Top 8, how many are going to be from Japan, how many will be from Korea, and how many from anywhere else? 5 Japan, 3 Korea.

13) *JackPot Question* Who will win TKOIF2015? Karei.

Today I turned 25 guys.



Happy B-Day man!

Also, it looks like I was wrong, there is no last chance qualifier. So ignore that question.


Namco just don't give a fuck.

Seriously, with that attitude they should have just had 16 qualifying people from Korea and 16 qualifying people from Japan and saved on that flight money bringing everyone else outside Japan/Korea over if they never had the intention to cater towards them. At least that way there'd be some integrity to the competition.


EDIT2: Holy crap, after thinking about bout's post it just got me thinking. How stupid will this all look if a T7 update actually isn't announced and it turns out to be some Christmas themed lottery system for T7 where the girls can now get the TTT2-ripped Santa customs for purchase....

Don't you drag me through the emotions!

Today I turned 25 guys.
Congrats with the 25 bout!

Guys, while I wait for Tekken 7 - and to rebuy Tag 2 - I have gotten Dead or Alive 5: Last Round (PS4) and Guilty Gear Xrd: Sign (PC) - both two days ago - not to jump ship but to extend my horizon in the fighting game genre. I hope to get a lot more practice with my arcade stick playing Guilty Gear, just so I can get used to the feel.


You know what, let's do something fun for once in Tekken GAF since forever. Let's make an actual competition. The winner gets a $20 or 20 Euro or whatever equivalent in your region PSN code. Everything is based on points:

Here is the competition:

1) Will the T7:?R footage show any re-animated moves for the current cast or any added cast member? (1 point) No.

2) How many new characters (not in T7 vanilla) will be shown in the T7:?R footage? (2 points) 5

3) Based on your answer for Question 2, who are new characters? Give the name if it's a returning character, just say brand new character if it's that. (1 point for each correct answer) Lee, Nina, Bob, Raven, New

4) Will there be any new mechanics shown in the T7:?R footage? (1 point)
Bonus: Guess the number of new mechanics. (2 points) No. Zero.

5) Will the T7:?R footage show any new wake-up options not in T7? (1 point) No.

6) Will there be a unique BT Tail-Spin animation in the T7:?R footage? (1 point) No.

7) How many legacy characters (including the ones added in T7:?R from your Question 2 answer and the current T7 roster) will have brand new default outfits? (2 points)
Bonus: Specify which characters. (1 point for each correct answer) 1. Bob.

8) Are the customs shown in the T7:?R trailer/footage brand new customs, or more recycled customs from TTT2? (1 point)
EDIT: If there are none, say "none". What if both?

9) *JackPot Question* Who will win the last chance qualifier tournament happening right before the tournament? (6 points) (Not happening)

10) How many Supers will Land in the top 8 of the tournament? (2 points) 5

11) Will a female contestant place higher than everyone entering the tournament from EU/US? (1 point) No.

12) From the Top 8, how many are going to be from Japan, how many will be from Korea, and how many from anywhere else? (2 points) 1US, 1Poland, 1Italy, 2Korea, 3Japan

13) *JackPot Question* Who will win TKOIF2015? (6 points) Nobi

You can edit your answers until 8 PM EST/5 PM PST. Now, begin firing your shots!

Some questions are unfair if you choose "none" like 4th. 1 point for none 3 points possible for something - what?


Extra points in the table to those who believe :p

I didn't think this through so please excuse the half-assed execution...
just like how Namco's Arcade division is running this global championship


Extra points in the table to those who believe :p

I didn't think this through so please excuse the half-assed execution...
just like how Namco's Arcade division is running this global championship

No problem, just give me point for new and old customs because they'll show both. ;)
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