You need to get your eyes checked. Can you seriously not see the difference between the gifs you posted? There are way more points or articulation in the new animations. Look at king's fingers, his legs, the way his torso & hips move. For godsake's King's hands don't EVEN OPEN & CLOSE in Tekken 2 gifs.
I mean I dunno what to tell you. That's beem reanimated with more articulation & smoother transitions between the key frames. It's going to look similar cause it's the same damn move.
The only one that is the same is Tekken 3 Heihach
Yes I need to get my eyes checked because I should have seen from the very beginning that I don't deal here with a sensible person but a clown who thinks that adding joints and moving fingers to models that have billion more polygons, makes for a brand new re-animation. But I know why you're babbling these moronic statements. You never played Tekken 2, did you? That's why you were so surprised that this shit is so old and you tried to save your ass with this hilarious: "Look joints are different, key frames, key frames!"
What made me sure about that is that you didn't even recognize Tekken 2 Heihachi. Yes that's not Tekken 3, how any self respecting fan of series can mistake T2 for T3 Hei?
I really, really regret I wasted so much of my time and work to search good videos and make as best gifs as I could just to point out your mistake. But now I see you are one of those who'll rattle on nonsense and play dumb ad infinitum no matter what. Though I'm not sure you are actually playing.
You are on ignore. You were a waste of my time.
Another subject.
Played T6 2 days and it's pretty decent at 4-5 bars. Somehow matches give more "kick". Short, brutal rounds. Very eye pleasing game too, I didn't play it for 3-4 years, I forgot how good it looked.
It feels so much different after Tag2, not only the missing moves, different moves, but hitboxes and movement feels different. Like playing Steve and doing albatros spin against Lili made me end up behind her very often, I didn't see it in Tag2. The flow is different. Matchups like Steve vs Bruce feel so much different then in Tag2.
Did I say how good the customizations look? Damn, high quality, sticking, fitting character models tightly not awkwardly hovering on character bodies making them look fat like in Tag 2.
It actually feels good to comeback to T6. I was expecting major disappointment after putting countless hours into Tag2.
Damn, If this game got Tag2 or Revo netcode it would blow Tag2 out of the water in popularity, I think.
Still many people online play it but 90% are terrible. Yellow rank 8000+wins Bruce did only hopkicks and d+4, seriously. 8000 wins, How?
T6 - still fun stuff.