He plays Mokujin, opinion is invalid lol
That means i play everyone
I have the best opinion on every character in this game because of this and the best source
Alex = A dino AKA cool
Alisa Bosconovitch = trash design but ok gameplay
Ancient Ogre = yes
Anna Williams = i can dig it. Needs more hip swaying
Armor King = great
Asuka Kazama = dumpster fire
Baek Doo San = put him in the grave already
Bob Richards = cool
Bruce Irvin = cool
Bryan Fury = great
Christie Monteiro = cool
Claudio = let's mash some animes together
Combot = go back in time and stop him from ever being a thing
Craig Marduk = great!
Devil Jin = Good
Dr. Bosconovitch = lol
Eddy Gordo = insert peoples salt here
Feng Wei = amazing
Forest Law = amazing
Ganryu = the thing you do but don't care if people judge you for it
Gigas = you can't be serious
Heihachi Mishima = GOAT
Hwoarang = trash
Jack = needs new models
Jin Kazama = anime
Jinpachi Mishima = GOAT part II
Josie Rizal = crying
Jun Kazama = Great!
Katarina Alves = 11/10
Kazumi = yeees!
Kazuya Mishima = where is the nearest cliff?... i kid
King = The very best
Kuma = it's a bloody bear
Kunimitsu = good
Lars Alexandersson = could his hair look less stupid
Lee Chaolan = great!
Lei Wulong = great!
Leo Kliesen = great!
Emilie De Rochefort = great!
Ling Xiaoyu = sickening
Lucky Chloe = smh.
Marshall Law = token bruce can only ever be good
Michelle Chang = yup
Miguel Caballero Rojo = great!
Miharu Hirano = someone made the worst thing ever then decided to double down smh
Mokujin = couldn't be any gooder even if tried
Nina Williams = nice
Panda = stop Kuma from thirsting over you then we'll talk
Paul Phoenix = lovable idiot
Prototype Jack = not GunJack
Raven = wesley was ok till he got better and became a woman
Master Raven = the greatest
Roger Jr. = always letting ma do the hard work smh
Sergei Dragunov = good
Shaheen = pretty good tbh. Needs some exciting gameplay tho
Steve Fox = cool
True Ogre = cool
Violet = 10/10
Wang Jinrei = send him to Baek
Yoshimitsu = great
Zafina = good