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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |OT| Awaiting the "Final Battle"


This is the reason why I think I'll never go from Pad to Stick. You have to dedicate so much time "relearning" this game and Sticks aren't exactly cheap either. I just learned how to do proper BDC, wavedash is going to need some more time^^


If only pads weren't so fragile I would have stuck with it. Also, the d-pad hurts my thumbs after a while LOL.

Late response and all but thanks man! I don't suppose your going to SS yourself are you? I want my offline runback dammit! (If not, I guess I'd have to settle with a less fraudulent online connection from California to Canada ft5 haha)


Oh and random useful video I found on a Japanese tekken message board, helps if you hate the move:



I am 90% sure I won't be able to make it to strong style.... but a runback is more than welcome! ;)

Nice video showing how to get out of 3+4,2... If only I could do that to anyone of Bob's mid,mid strings!


Playing Mishimas hurts my thumbs. Other than that, I'm fine^^
So you wouldn't see that many disadvantages in playing with a Pad?

The only problem I have with pads right now is the pressure sensitive buttons that DS2 and 3 controllers have, it causes some issues when you need to press multiple buttons at once. They're gone with DS4 though so I'm looking forward to trying that controller.


Yeah if only DS3s are more durable. Broke 2 of them so I decided to go for stick since the cost is lesser long-term compared to changing pads.

Another reason I went with stick is that the arcade scene here is pretty good with every shopping malls having an arcade with Tekken Tag 2 cabs so with stick I could challenge the locals for true offline play. Playing in the arcade isn't cheap though.. 20 credits and I can get a new copy of PS3 Tag 2.


Anna/Heihachi combos testing.......Legit team?

My semester break is finally here and I'm starting to play Tekken again. man, the transition of Pad->Stick is harder than I thought. I still cannot do BDC and Wavedash after weeks of practice..

Lost to everyone I met on ranked (yes I know ranked is bad).. spamming the same strings and hopkicks yet I can't beat them while I know I can beat them if I were using a pad instead.

It's gonna be rough. I still enjoy this game but so much dedication needs to be put in. Just movement alone is so difficult to learn.

I was going to switch over to stick but then I didn't. I ultimately went against it because of these reasons:

1. Too much time-consuming to have to relearn movement.
2. Makes more noise.
3. Large/have to put it on my lap.
4. Annoying to carry around.

I barely get time to play let alone have any time to relearn a brand new control method.

SLAM too much for Sayah!

Not sure what this is referencing. If it was a ranked match, I lose enough of those, haha.

Oh and random useful video I found on a Japanese tekken message board, helps if you hate the move:


I don't hate the move that much but now I have stuff to practice over the weekend. :)

I know some of you are planning on playing Ultra. If you are, tell me what systems and gamertags. I'll be making the OT for it.

If I get it, it's probably gonna be on PC.


My semester break is finally here and I'm starting to play Tekken again. man, the transition of Pad->Stick is harder than I thought. I still cannot do BDC and Wavedash after weeks of practice..

Lost to everyone I met on ranked (yes I know ranked is bad).. spamming the same strings and hopkicks yet I can't beat them while I know I can beat them if I were using a pad instead.

It's gonna be rough. I still enjoy this game but so much dedication needs to be put in. Just movement alone is so difficult to learn.

This is the reason why I think I'll never go from Pad to Stick. You have to dedicate so much time "relearning" this game and Sticks aren't exactly cheap either. I just learned how to do proper BDC, wavedash is going to need some more time^^

Yeah, there's some growing pains but going to stick is worth it.

sasuke, buy it. It's worth it. I'll try to help you out online if I could... Same thing to you Sayah...


DEATH™;113086018 said:
I'll try to help you out online if I could...
We tried playing once, but it was very laggy. I don't know if this was before or after I got my new router. We should try it out.
As for buying a stick... maybe I'll buy one when I get a PS4 with Tekken 7/x SF. I already do enough dumb stuff with a controller^^
Money is also kind of a problem right now :p


They must announce TxSF this E3 or Evo, MK10 is basically already announced and there's Ono left with probably new Darkstalkers. Sega doesn't remember they have something like VF so let's leave it at that.

But if Harada isn't screwing around we get to know 2 titles: TxSF which I hope be released for this X-mass and Tekken 7 announcement - maybe just a 10 second realtime demo of Jin doing kata with mind blowing gfx ready sometime 2016 (late 2015 arcades?).

I predict that TxSF may very well be cross gen(because millions of PS360) with T7 being the TRUE next gen fighting game.

If my predictions end up total bullshit I'll be seriously depressed, but I feel it in my bones. It must happen.

Whatever will come first I'll get PS4 when a decent fighting game will come on it.

Edit: Btw I can't help to fantasize about TxSF how Ken and Guile would look and play, strings and specials. Lol. I hope they'll be made Tekken style.
But if this has totally new non Tekken engine, I'll be shocked.


I personally doubt TxSF will be cross gen. If it was then I'm sure they would have revealed it already like GGXrd and such.

I also think it's highly unlikely they'll show TxSF at E3. It would make sense for an announcement, but the game has already been announced. It will most probably be shown at EVO.


I personally doubt TxSF will be cross gen. If it was then I'm sure they would have revealed it already like GGXrd and such.

I also think it's highly unlikely they'll show TxSF at E3. It would make sense for an announcement, but the game has already been announced. It will most probably be shown at EVO.

It was "announced" but it was so meager and long ago the proper announcement is really in place. Besides lately re-reveals re-announcements are in fashion. MGR Revengence and Final Fantasy Versus 13=15 come to mind.
TxSF falls into the same category of games announced ages ago, going into endless development hell but never cancelled and finally emerged as something new.

It's very possible TxSF will take also a different name to eg sound like a completely new game not very connected with "Cross Tekken" that doesn't get much praise.


Harada has hinted a couple of times that something will be shown at Evo, so we'll see.

I doubt TxSF will be based on the existing Tekken engine, this is their chance to try something different and I think they will take it.


Hey AAK, sorry I had to leave like that. I thought I was gonna be free but had to go out. Took longer than I expected. Are you free tomorrow night? I can probably play then.


How to defeat hopkick and low sweep spam? There's nothing but that in my rank level. Sweep sweep sweep, I duck and they hopkick launch me. Help....
How to defeat hopkick and low sweep spam? There's nothing but that in my rank level. Sweep sweep sweep, I duck and they hopkick launch me. Help....

If it's a seeable low like Snake Edge or Dragon Tail then you just gotta get used to seeing the animation, blocking it, and properly punishing it. You can practice that. If hopkicks are killing you, then you're probably playing too aggressively. In either case, space the opponent out and wait for them to do whatever it is they're spamming then whiff punish.


Ayyy, post some Jin wall carries too doe.
I use 1,2,4 for wall carry, but maybe there's a better one.
So you're a Jin player now?

@AAK: When do you use Steve's b3,2? I saw you use it a lot in boutdown's video. I always go with b3,1, because 2 doesn't land that often.


Never seen it.

1,2,3 1,3~~3 and df+4 (at wall) are excellent bound moves.

The problem with all of them is they are inconsistent with even the smallest off axis... That's why you don't see jin players do long pre bound wall carry that tend to amplify that off axis when getting far away. Not to mention those bound moves don't go forward.

P.S. Started doing my char knowledge homework and started with roger and alex... I just realized that I already main those characters and I haven't eventouched them.

All Jaguars players should be at home playing those two. They got King best mid pokes and AK's low pokes minus the range...


Depends on the combo but usually something that ends with b+2,1 is the most reliable wall carry for Jin. 1,2,4 is more damage but you probably want to be somewhat close to the wall when you use that.

Also, Jin players like to use that paper fan on the back item move because you can use it to bound any character after a CH4.


DEATH™;113399266 said:
The problem with all of them is they are inconsistent with even the smallest off axis... That's why you don't see jin players do long pre bound wall carry that tend to amplify that off axis when getting far away. Not to mention those bound moves don't go forward.

P.S. Started doing my char knowledge homework and started with roger and alex... I just realized that I already main those characters and I haven't eventouched them.

All Jaguars players should be at home playing those two. They got King best mid pokes and AK's low pokes minus the range...

1,3~3 and f3~3 goes forward and bounds at tip of jin's foot and 1,2,3 is perfect for bound even if opponent flips at close range on the side or is low at wall. Long pre bound combos are not Jin's thing as he relies on good partner filler so he can end combo with 1,2,4 b2,1 2,4.

I use 1,3~3 for years and never had problem bounding.


Doing his bound moves from the B&B launchers are no problem at all, it's just that doing them in other situations that must be super annoying. f~3,3 d/f+4 f,f+3 are all way too slow for reliable bound moves during juggles. 1,3~3 and 1,2,3 force you to input a move before the bound decreasing their utility even further. I can't tell you how many times I played against Jin players while using Christie and having them do b+2,1 to float me out of relax and struggling half the time to get the 1,3~3 to land since the 1,2,3 sends me too far away to land the 3 kick. A Toronto Jin player I frequently battle now just doesn't even bother going for the bound now and just either does b+2,1 again to do some oki, or does d/b+2,2,3 for the damage.

@AAK: When do you use Steve's b3,2? I saw you use it a lot in boutdown's video. I always go with b3,1, because 2 doesn't land that often.

Those are all missed inputs LOL. I'm trying to forward duck cancel and transition into d+2 but I press the b to cancel the duck to fast and get b+3 and then the d+2 results in that annoying punch haha. I'm not a good Steve player at all, don't take any input from my garbage play :p I can't even do Steve's bread and butter juggle. But I still play him occasionally because he the funnest character to do stuff with in this game.


Bad example. Playing against capos is generally fucked up for half of the cast. Jin doesn't have juggle problem with the rest maybe apart of Zafina. Those characters should be reworked or killed off in the next game. I had to learn completely new way of playing just to use against capos. Some characters have like 3 moves that can hit capos in relaxed and it's still risky with little reward. While fighting capos you gotta rely so much on random floats a counter hits it's just getting stupid sometimes.


I can't tell you how many times I played against Jin players while using Christie and having them do b+2,1 to float me out of relax and struggling half the time to get the 1,3~3 to land since the 1,2,3 sends me too far away to land the 3 kick. A Toronto Jin player I frequently battle now just doesn't even bother going for the bound now and just either does b+2,1 again to do some oki, or does d/b+2,2,3 for the damage.

I find that delaying the second hit of b+2,1 a bit makes 1,3~3 more reliable.


But every character I can think of has a very reliable bound move off a float. Being a capo player I've seen many players easily bound me when they float me as I prematurely go to relax. Examples:

Steve f,f+2; Julia: party crasher into shotgun~windroll 1+2; dragunov: f+3~CD 4,3; Hwoarang: 4,4,3; DJin: d/f+1+2, Heihachi: d+1; Nina: ivory cuter/f+4,3,4 list goes on.

Any of those characters can easily get their bound moves on Christie when floating her off relax using any of those moves.

But Jin isn't the only character that I feel has bad bound moves. Raven is also very shitty character to try and fish for bound moves. BUT at least Raven has juggles that are pretty damn powerful even without bound thanks to his vampire knee. Zafina is also an annoying one to bound with but at least her 1+2 is a single hit and I'm not forced to use another move from the end of a string.

At the same time, Jin's crappy bound moves are a necessary balance for this game. Giving him good juggle damage plus his ability to parry into Can-cans would be too good.


I primarily use Nina/Anna's d+4,1 against relax stance. Proves useful most often.
I believe d+4,1 is also the only move that can lead to full bound combo after Kuma/Panda's d/b+4, WS2, tag switch.

Also, yes, make sure to have the fan equipped when playing Jin. Need it for that bound.


At the same time, Jin's crappy bound moves are a necessary balance for this game. Giving him good juggle damage plus his ability to parry into Can-cans would be too good.

I should really learn how to parry. Also, characters like Asuka, Jun or Devil Jin are giving me a hard time because of that countergrab they use against mids and highs. Especially when I'm using Hwoarang, his strings always get blocked.

Good games AAK and thanks for the advice. That random ducking is still a bad habit of mine and I get launched a lot of times because of this. When someone is using Christie/Eddy and is running towards me, I automatically block low because I think they'll go with fff3, but you were always doing f4 and got a free juggle^^
As for my okizeme... I don't know why I always backdashed. My oki normally isn't THAT bad. I still do a lot of dumb stuff out of habit, but I at least try to land a hit. Maybe it was the pressure^^
There's also the issue with the lag. I experienced little to no lag, not even that much input lag, so I'm always surprised when you say it's laggy.

And good games boutdown. I already see your Jin/Lee team becoming really scary.
Do you also experience lag when playing with me? So far you seem to be the only player from USA I can play with no lag on both sides (at least I hope so).


BTW Sayah did an flappying butterfly combo on me yesterday... it was beautiful!

So I'm back to playing Tekken after a loooooong break.

Was gonna join your room AAK but my friend demoted me on rank and I had to get it back lol.

Awesome :D Love taking on ATL natives ;)


Don't you guys hate it when an attack for a character, has a crazy input, but the move itself looks run of the mill?

Sasuke, explain to me why bf2,1 is bf2,1 when it just looks like a f2,1.
For some reason Miguel's b,f+1 comes out if you input b,f+1+2, instead of f+1+2. Has gotten me in trouble more than once trying to use f+1+2 after a backdash.

Down with b,f moves.


Yeah, it is kinda stupid. But to me usually when I see something that has a b,f animation, it signifies the beginning of a string.

Just a history for Jin's b,f+2,1 though.... in Tekken 4 that was the notation for the first hit of the laser scraper scraper... unquestionably the most broken move in the history of Tekken. It made sense then because of how good the move is, it had a b,f input. In Tekken 5's case they changed that string into the useless string we see today that's only used for some juggles really. I guess they just kept it in for legacy's sake but you're right, a crappy move doesn't need that notation haha.


Just a history for Jin's b,f+2,1 though.... in Tekken 4 that was the notation for the first hit of the laser scraper scraper... unquestionably the most broken move in the history of Tekken. It made sense then because of how good the move is, it had a b,f input. In Tekken 5's case they changed that string into the useless string we see today that's only used for some juggles really. I guess they just kept it in for legacy's sake but you're right, a crappy move doesn't need that notation haha.

I only use the move when I launch my opponent. If I use the attack outside of a juggle combo, I always try to delay the last hit of the string (the last hit has to be delayed in some juggle combos, too). Other than that, the string is pretty useless in most cases^^


bf 2, 1 is a preassure string. It should be done in exchange of things like 2,1 , 1,2 , 1,3 , 3,1 . Thing is it requires precise input, every Jin player on the planet has his bf2,1 messed up by acidental f+2 more often then it should be allowed to happen.

There's more.
bf2,1 is a mixup string. The 1 is high but that's why bf2,3 is mid if someone has learned to duck bf2,1. Ducking it itself is't the best of ideas. bf2,1,2 not delayed wont give opponent much options since last 2 will likely trade with their ws option. They can crouch jab so it's not to bad for jin.
bf2,1,2 is delayable at will so if you do bf2,1 5 times opponent wont think about last 2 and if it happens his back is at the wall, he'll get wall stunned.

I had fantastic jin vs jin fight where it was tight close quarters mixup fight and who eventually messed up bf2,1 input ended up loosing rythym and the round.

Do not underestimate the power of bf2,1 . It's not laser scraper but still valid stuff.

f+2 is devil that ruins it.


Okay, I never thought of it like that. And yeah, the 2 at the end wall splats.

By the way, he can still use Laser Scraper and Mishima-style EWGF and Hellsweep from Omen Stance^^
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