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Tell us about the most hardcore female gamer you know


Time ta STEP IT UP
She's ugly.

I don't want to talk about it anymore.

She plays mostly RPGs though, consumed with that Japanimation Art Style. Needless to say, she owns just a PS2 and a GBA.


Harvest Moon. DDR. Animal Crossing. PSO. Ultima Online. Goldeneye. Mario Party. Super Monkey Ball 1/2. And now, Katamari Damacy.

That's as hardcore as I know.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Umm, my grandmother? She has an NES, SNES, GB and GBC. Mostly plays Tetris, Dr. Mario and assorted golf games.

Honestly, I don't know any females that play much of anything.


This thread sounds like a winner already. If you need to make a thread asking about hardcore female players you need to look harder. They exist.

Edit: My girlfriend plays lots of games. Everything from Gladius to Resident Evil to Animal Crossing.

evil ways

I think that would be Anyanka. She basically has every single Mortal Kombat game ever made, including all multi console versions, handhelds and even a few arcade cabinets.


My friend Alison in high school was addicted to DarkStalkers. It was the driving force in her buying a launch period PS1... only to see the game delayed and NightWarriors come out on my sexy Saturn! MoohooHaHaHaHa!!

My sister beat Paper Mario. It's the only game she's ever finished. Oh and to reverse the ugly trend in this thread, both women are *extremely* good looking.


When I started dating my girlfriend she saw my copy of Super Mario DX and was ashamed of me when I said I didnt know where the warp zones were.

She's now my wife :)


my exgf loved GTA, SF2 (even if she was bad at it, and only used chunli), and Twinbee. She loved teh twinbee. Thats pretty much the most accomplished female gamer I know.


Knew a girl back east could whup your ass at Marvel Vs. Capcom. She had a friend at the time who was a huge Castlevania fiend. Big Vagrant Story fan. Cute, too.

'Scuse me while I go beat my head against a wall.

Dark10x's lil' sister

Scarily obsessesed with Morrowind
Knows every japanese composer
Finished Wild Arms 2 on an emu that did not display menus
Works at EB
My girlfriend loves Culdcept and really liked King's Field: The Ancient City. She likes Diablo and Gauntlet clones, too, though I have a hard time keeping interest in them when we play cooperatively. ^^;
All the girls I know that play games only play them moderately. None of them are really "hardcore".

They're the smart ones IMO. Hardcore gamers generally suck a fat nut.
Yo, where is this mythological chick that plays all the games that I like, and is super hot and smarty smart?

Hardcore (hot) gamer girl, let me touch you.
There was this cute girl who I used to work with when I worked at Best Buy that was a pretty avid gamer. She also had the same taste in music as I did. The downside though...she was only 17.
She plays just about everything except sports games. She also has really bad tastes in TV shows and has a boyfriend that drives a van.
Her name is Morgan Webb. There's some HAWT pics of her in the new FHM. :D

Also, there's my art teacher. She's pretty young. Like in her 20's, but she doesn't look that great. She's a real otaku. She plays a lot of RPGs and watches anime.

Then there's my friends girlfriend. She's been playing games all her life, but I wouldn't say she's really hardcore. She plays Project Gotham Racing and Mortal Kombat Deception a lot. I let my friend borrow Pikmin a few weeks ago and she totally fell in love with it. She beat that and Pikmin 2 before I did. She's pretty hot looking too.


My girlfriend. She has more game consoles and games then me. She kicks ass in fighters. And she has a Neo Geo. :(


Has problems recognising girls
My ex plays Final Fantasy XI like nothing else. Consumed with the shit, which thankfully I got out of that relationship before it ever happened.

Current girlfriend likes to play now and again, usual multiplayers - Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc etc. She's getting pretty good at Mario Golf and Mario Kart, hasn't really tried RPGs yet but I know she'd love them if she tried.. just doesn't have the time so I don't blame her.

I'd hate dating a girl who is a hardcore gamer.

edit: needless pic



Hot sexy and spanks my ass in every game i can think of. Which i dont mind...

Loves DDR, all Final Fantasy games, is a big Nintendo geek (just like me <3 ), has just about all the consoles i do. Loves to import games. A big fan of the GTA series. Loves action games just as much as i do. And on top of that did i mention she's hot? Yeah she loves fighters and kicks my ass there too. Oh and yeah she love the music games and RPG's. And she's freakin HOT smokin man.

Only thing that i need to help her with is getting a Xbox and getting on XBL. She rocks my world.

Girl Gamers ROXXERS my Boxxers especially this one.

Oh and she is a Katamari Freak just like me what more can a guy ask for?


I know a girl who told me she wanted to come over and play Donkey Konga when I bought it. But that's the extent of girl-gaming I've ever seen.


And even i am moderately surprised
My other half.

She's been into gaming since she was a kid, has an insane knowledge of NES games (including cartridge color of almost every title) , owns her own arcade machine with about 40 games , has multiple Xbox/PS2s/Snes/Saturns/GBAs/DCs, got to rank 6 on Advance Wars 1, played FFXI every night for the last 2 years, kick ass Halo player (especially at close quarters), completes any of the time crisis games on 1 credit, stupidly good at Bomberman, has an engraved special edition Xbox, etc etc... the list goes on and on and her addiction to games all adds up to helping our house look like a gaming "zoo". Any girlfriend who actively encourages the purchasing of more games is a rare thing.


aoi tsuki

Only "hardcore" girl gamers i know of played DDR and/or Final Fantasy 7+ . Some were hot, but regardless i wouldn't want to date any of them seriously.


The only female gamer who's really into gaming I know of is my sister. She likes Nintendo games all right, but she's really hooked to Sega. I bought her a Genesis, Saturn, and kept my Dreamcast in her room for a while. She's hooked on all three systems plus the Playstation/2 every so often. She only plays Gamecube whenever there's a multiplayer game on, and her first Xbox game will probably be Panzer Dragoon Orta, as she loves the first two.


hyperbolically metafictive
when i was in school, i vaguely knew this weird lesbian biker chick who was really good at strikers 1945+. never talked to her much, but i guess we had an informal high score competition going. when i posted a new high score, she'd usually beat it within a couple days. and then the cycle would repeat. eventually we were both close to a one credit clear, but some douchebag replaced the strikers cart with king of fighters 99. bleh.


Lisa Mason, she reviews games for Game Informer (or whatever mag is based in Minneapolis) I was actualy friends with her boyfriend first.

I confirmed it... she's an associate editor at Game Informer, that might just be fancy talk for reviewer or something. Last I knew she was reviewing games. She hates XBox and loves Nintendo.
jarrod said:
My sister beat Paper Mario. It's the only game she's ever finished. Oh and to reverse the ugly trend in this thread, both women are *extremely* good looking.

We're gonna need proof of this. Post pictures of your sister.


evil ways said:
I think that would be Anyanka. She basically has every single Mortal Kombat game ever made, including all multi console versions, handhelds and even a few arcade cabinets.

Okay, now we just need to find one with good taste.


I know a few that are into PC games, specifically RTS and RPGs. I wouldn't really call them hardcore, though.


Hang out with Steve.
My wife's a fairly avid gamer. She loves FFXI, but she also plays the FPS games with the guys at work during lunch -- Raven Shield, Unreal Tournament and AVP back in the day, Battlefield, MOHAA, Star Wars Battlefront recently, etc. She was actually exceptionally good at UT back when folks played it on the LAN at work. She also enjoyed the Jedi Knight games, Eternal Darkness, and a few others. Oh yeah, she was really into the Wing Commander games, but that was mostly before I met her. And she liked Tie Fighter.

She also plays D&D and other pen & paper RPG's (and even got me into it).

And of course she's an exceptionally talented artist. In addition to being talented in fine arts (acrylics, oils, watercolor, pastels, charcoal, pens, even a bit of sculpture), she's also the lead character artist for Morrowind and Oblivion at Bethesda Softworks :)

Yeah, she pretty much rules :)


I forgot to note that you can go to arcades in Shibuya and see cute girls pass by more or less every time you turn around.

The correct answer is DCharlie's girlfriend. Didn't she get every ending in Ogre Battle 64 inside a week or something terrifying? Her love of games is scary - not cause she's a girl, but just by any standard.
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