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Tell us about the most hardcore female gamer you know


these 2 girls i know

both are insanely hot

love amplitude and are total final fantasy nut jobs.

favorite genre is rpgs.

both are pretty fucking stupid and get spoiled by so many fucking guys cause they're hot and like videogames.

the end.
max_cool said:
Lisa Mason, she reviews games for Game Informer (or whatever mag is based in Minneapolis) I was actualy friends with her boyfriend first.

I confirmed it... she's an associate editor at Game Informer, that might just be fancy talk for reviewer or something. Last I knew she was reviewing games. She hates XBox and loves Nintendo.
She's a big Paper Mario 2 fan, as well. Unless...


And even i am moderately surprised
"The correct answer is DCharlie's girlfriend. Didn't she get every ending in Ogre Battle 64 inside a week or something terrifying? Her love of games is scary - not cause she's a girl, but just by any standard."

lol. yeah, she did that one golden week.

At the end of it, she expressed how average she thought the game was... she just had to see it all.


Bacon said:
She plays just about everything except sports games. She also has really bad tastes in TV shows and has a boyfriend that drives a van.

Buffy & Angel = best shows ever.

I think that would be Anyanka. She basically has every single Mortal Kombat game ever made, including all multi console versions, handhelds and even a few arcade cabinets.

I am missing a few foreign versions, like MK II for Amiga & MK1 for Master System. I also don't have every handheld. I'm missing MK3 for Gamegear.


Azwethinkweiz said:
There was this cute girl who I used to work with when I worked at Best Buy that was a pretty avid gamer. She also had the same taste in music as I did. The downside though...she was only 17.

That wouldn't stop me.


I don't know but what is it about japanese females and gaming. My girlfriend is half japanese but she likes to play games. Of course only when I play and I don't give her any slack either. I beat the hell out of her in soul calibur 1, which isn't hard since she just mashes buttons anyway. Now and then she gets lucky and beat me probably 40 out of 70 games. Yes that's right soul calibur one is a button masher.
teepo said:
these 2 girls i know

both are insanely hot

love amplitude and are total final fantasy nut jobs.

favorite genre is rpgs.

both are pretty fucking stupid and get spoiled by so many fucking guys cause they're hot and like videogames.

the end.

I like nut jobs.


Well, there's my friend Sarie who plays the nintendo titles, stuff like .Hack, DDR, Gitaro Man, Katamari and vib ribbon. She has NES collection on Dreamcast. Old School gamer and rhthym games.

Friend Melanie love Metroid (awesome is she) and she has an awesome metroid website here though she lost a lot of stuff in a hosting switch I guess. She's a big SNES nut. Plays some RPGs and lots of fighters. Samus/Morrigan are two of her favorite characters I think.

Angel, italian girl who really likes RPGs and games like Silent Hill. Also has a fondness for Harvest Moon. She does cosplay as you can see right here.

There's also the ndork girls like Amanda and Emily who play pretty much the same sort of games I do. I actually know a lot of girl gamers.


Asia Carrera is known to whoop some ass in Unreal Tournament.

But of the girls I know, some are into the DDR games, and of course the RPG games like the Final Fantasy series. Some are into the PC side of things, like The Sims games, and even the fighting games like Guilty Gear X2 #Reload.

One of my girl-friends even has all the current systems. She's unlocked everything in all the DDR games, completed all of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, got all the tags in Jet Set Radio Future, and got all the items in Ty: The Tasmanian Tiger and Tak & The Power of Juju just to name a few. She's a cool gal. :)
My wife is really into Disgaea, La Pucelle, and Phantom Brave. Played Harvest Moon 64 and HM:FOMT. Also beat Zelda WW. She played the old school final fantasies and her favorite RPG of all time is Crono Trigger. Like Paper Mario also. Will be getting PM2 soon.

I am a very happy guy:):):)


I don't know if this counts or not, but my mom gambled away $60,000 on online casino games. THAT was pretty hardcore imo. Also, she is like the Rain Man of light-gun games... put a lightgun in her hand and just watch as she wastes everything and gets like 98% accuracy.


1. Serafitia.

2. A friend of mine I've known for like 20 years... the best Intelligent Qube player I've ever met, and she'll rape your ass at Bust-a-Move also.

3. Another friend of mine, about 25 or so, plays DDR like it's going out of style.


GameFan Alumnus
I went out with a girl whose favorite game of all time was Final Fantasy II (IV). She could beat Rocket Knight Adventure in one credit. She's owned almost every console and handheld. She plays all kinds of games - RPG, fighting, puzzle, sim, platformer, etc. She used to work at Software Etc, and now she's working on Doom 3 Xbox.


Anyone remember fighting afficionado Sakura from the old GAF? Or is she known as Anyaka now?

My old gf liked playing horror games but she sucked at them and I had to help her beat all the action bits (she did a good job with the puzzles and stuff). And some not-so-close associate I know is pretty decent at SCII and plays Ivy alot.


john tv said:
DC's girlfriend owns you all. End of story!
I hear its just a mutual relationship.. It works for the both of them. Since she has so much game shit and DC has so much game shit it was bound to happen. Other than that they might pass each other by once or twice at the arcade room of their house.

Not to hate on DC and his gf but she's on a different lvl. Were talking about the obtainable girls in this world that are hardcore =P


I know a girl who can get those stupid times in any side scrolling Metroid (super Metroid is her fav). Plays games like Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Gradius V and Ikaruga obsessively. Even kicks ass at Streets of Rage 2.

She's pretty damn hardcore, when it comes down to it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Greenpanda said:

Ha ha, seriously.

9 months prior to the release of PS2, my PSX completely crapped out and I decided to simply wait. In the meantime, we used Virtual Game Station, which did a damn fine job with most games. Wild Arms 2, however, had a major glitch. Basically, the BATTLE MENUS were not visible AT ALL. All other menus worked just fine, but once you entered battle, it was just a full screen with no UI.

She actually mapped out everything in a notebook and played through the entire game without ever seeing the battle UI. Crazy shit.

Seriously, though, my sis games as much as I do (perhaps even more so). She even used to post here under the name "swordesper" or something, but she grew tired of the constant forum switching and the fact that a lot of posters were leaving.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
ArcadeStickMonk said:
Tell 'em about the Morrowind notebook. And the "Moving Days."

Well, she finally transferred the ENTIRE Morrowind notebook (a full school notebook) to MS Word format and also has a spreadsheet for all items. At this point, she has done pretty much every possible quest in the game and is just working on creating a massive collection.

She has devoted every building in Balmora to a specific type of item and actually neatly placed each item on tables and such. Heck, for smaller items, she actually places each one on top of a piece of paper. It IS pretty slick looking, I gotta admit.

If she were to relocate an entire house to another area (due to lack of room or something), a moving day would ensue.
WarPig said:
I forgot to note that you can go to arcades in Shibuya and see cute girls pass by more or less every time you turn around.

What does this have to do with cute girls? Girls looking for a new std? Check. I got them covered.


I dated a chick back in VF3's heyday that adopted Akira and would reverse everything that came in at her. She rarely won matches on offense. I loved taking her to different arcades just to see the reactions on guys' faces when they lost to a girl. A girl who wasn't using Pai. Jerky players would visibly deflate when they lost.
And yes, she was pretty hot, just really short. Her boobs rested on the cabinet when she played.


My girl, she kicks my ass in MK: Deadly Alliance, and will do that again in Deception. She continually snipes my head off in Halo, and I woe the day that she will go Live! with Halo 2. Oh yeah, she managed to win the most part of our Road Rage vendetta in BO3, and is a freakin addict when it comes to Unreal Tournament.

Not so into RPGs, which I am, but we can't all be perfect. :p

Oh yeah, she cleared Castlevania: Lament of Innocence on 99% on her very first run! Big Dante-fan too, even cleared DMC2 (I just couldn't bring myself to it) and loves to kick ass (and take names) in GTA: VC. We have about 7 and a half months now, but, to be honest, I could picture her as my wife ;).....

Frankly, considered the times she beat me at games, I just plain suck at the things..... :(



I don't know how hardcore she is, but my friend in Florida was telling me about this girl he was seeing. He took a look at her PS2 collection and she had Katamari Damacy. I told him that she was a keeper. :D


Julia Sue Amber plays Super Mario Bros. 1, Katamari Damacy, and Donkey Konga.
Completely and totally addicted to those titles.

OMG LEMURS! plays games too, right?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I would like to chime in with all of my other brothers here in Japan that DC's GF owns all of you... not all of the gals but all of you... She is more hardcore than most of the posters here (myself included)....
Blackace said:
I would like to chime in with all of my other brothers here in Japan that DC's GF owns all of you... not all of the gals but all of you... She is more hardcore than most of the posters here (myself included)....
Ok, while I agree DC's collection owns mine in pure numbers, I consider myself at least on the same level of hardcore'ness as DC's gf. Saw her collection, and my crazy Nintendo arcade room pretty much can match that, let alone scare people out of my house. Also, when you get my drunk I'll play any shitty game until I either die from vomitting in my own mouth or passing out or both.
Very recent pic of my girlfriend playing pc game:


Age: 24

Favorite Games: The Sims (PC), Tekken Series, Gauntlet, Mario Party Series,
Dead or Alive (Xbox), Tropico, RollerCoaster Tycoon, Other random RTS PC games

Game to be playing soon: World of Warcraft. She's never played an Online RPG before, but she wants to give it a try so we can play a game together. Here's to hoping she likes it...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
nobody was claiming your weren't hardcore enough.... sorry you took it that way...

PS DC's gf still owns you ;P
I nominate myself.

I own or have owned:

Gameboy(Regular, Pocket, Color, GBA, SP, Player), XBOX, PS2, GameCube, PSone, Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, NES, Sega GameGear, Sega Nomad (;_;), Atari 2600.

Of course I didn't get all these when they were popular or in their prime, I wasn't even born when GameBoy, NES, and Atari 2600 came out. Most of the consoles I have either are shared between my brother and I, or were bought within the last 3 years.


Queen of Denmark
I saw a girl wearing an Eternal Darkness shirt once. I feel strangely obligated to add that she was fat, though -- for some reason, it seems like the hidden qualifier of the thread is (hot) hardcore female gamer.

Other than that, my girlfriend enjoys playing videogames, but she is by no means hardcore.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
My friend's fiance's pretty hardcore for a girl. Played the crap outta Morrowind trying to find everything. Tried to get 100% on FFX-2 (which also shows hardcore tolerance for FFX-2). If she finds out that she did something in a game that would prevent her from getting 100%, she restarts the game. So yeah, obsessive compulsiveness seems to help the hardcore rating.

She was on my Enemy Territory team at a LAN party over the weekend and she did pretty well actually.

My wife isn't much of a gamer. FPS' give her headaches. She loves the Eye-Toy/DDR/Samba de Amigo stuff though, and she also really liked Space Channel 5. She wants me to buy Donkey Konga now. She always asks me what's happening in the stories of the RPGs I'm playing as if she were being updated on what happened on a TV show, but she doesn't care much for the actual gameplay.

I'm kinda glad my wife isn't a hardcore gamer. When would I get to play? We would have to like, share or something. It would just lead to more fights over the TV. Bah to that.


I play games :) I've even bought my significant other his Dreamcast and GBA (now we match!). I still have my original brick-Gameboy that I bought back in '89.

I'm only in the "cute" category though :( I'm hoping he'll buy me a DS for my birthday...


My best friends wife is pretty awesome when it comes to Videogames.

He'll play the sports games, while she's all about Zelda, GTA and of course, the girly games like The Sims and Mario Kart.

Last time I was down there, she decided to beat The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past all in one go. Took her about 6-7 hours but she blazed through it like nothing else.

I turned to my friend and told him that he's got a keeper.


I don't get this facination with girl gamers. What's the big deal? Maybe its because I know a bunch of girls who're pretty avid gamers.

On a related note though, a girl I've been harmlessly flirting with wore a Kingdom Hearts shirt to our Earth Systems class the other day. She's fairly cute, short, nice rack, always wears headbands though (?). Nice girl seems a little too interested though. Gonna have to clue her in as to my already having a girlfriend.

Note to all my fellow wearers of the ball and chain, playing it single towards girls who you don't think will ever run into your current girl, while very fun at the time, is laced with danger and peril.


Drek said:
I don't get this facination with girl gamers. What's the big deal? Maybe its because I know a bunch of girls who're pretty avid gamers.

I've personally never known any female gamers. The closest I've ever gotten to having a conversation with a girl about gaming is when I was in high school and commenting to myself about a cool looking title, and the broad next to me raising her nose in the air, saying, "You still play videogames?"

So as such I've always been curious as to if there were women that actively took an interest in the hobby


There are LOADS of cute girls out there who are into games! Many of them are Asian (Japanese, Korean, etc) but not exclusively. The last three girls I dated were into games, two were very cute Asians (far too good for me) college aged and well adjusted, and the third was a 25 year old LA girl. Two of those three would buy EGM, GMR, read IGN etc and had their own tastes and bought new games. My current other half doesn't play games much but is very interested in them as a medium, and has long arguments with me intelligently on the future of games, design trends etc. That balance actually I like the best.

What's hardcore though? If by hardcore you mean really, genuinely has their own likes and dislikes and opinions when it comes to games and proactively buys and plays games, reads IGN and EGM etc, then definately, they're out there.

If by hardcore you mean a 'forum gamer' to the point of being obsessive, or they spend nearly every waking hour talking, playing or thinking about games? I don't call that hardcore, more like she needs to get out more. :)


I once knew this really hot girl with a giant Akuma (the kanji) tatoo on her back. That was pretty freaking hardcore.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
There are a couple of girls who are hardcore gamers at my school, but they are all (and by all i mean all) are nerds that hangout at the magic cards table(which is the table for nerds) at lunch. Not only are they nerds, but they're nasty (possibly the wrst looking girls in the whole school), and yes, there are some good looking nerdy girls, but that's like an extinct species at my school.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
Cruel Bastard Mario said:
I once knew this really hot girl with a giant Akuma (the kanji) tatoo on her back. That was pretty freaking hardcore.

That kanji means "heaven" so it might have been unrelated to Akuma. Unless she was a really big fan of his.
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