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Tell us about the most hardcore female gamer you know


Don't know any uber hardcore female gamers but I did see one girl almost beat Psyvariar 2 on one life (one life, not one credit) before I left Nagoya. I got her killed because she finally noticed me sitting on a seat at the cab next to it. She looked over for a split second and got plastered by a laser. =x She was pretty cute too.

It's a shame I didn't get to meet DC's girlfriend. I wanted to see how hardcore she was. =O




Age: 24
Occupation: Pharm. Student
Favorite Video Games: Counter Strike, Metal Gear Solid, F-Zero GX, Resident Evil

Loves Metal Gear Solid -- steals the PS2 from her brother all the time to get at it. Mostly for the gore. Probably the least hardcore of the three I know.



Age: 24
Occupation: Post-Graduate Researcher
Favorite Video Games: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (and most other FF titles), Wario Ware, Animal Crossing, All Yaoi Games =), Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, Tale of Symphonia, Mario Kart

Huge Final Fantasy Fanatic -- comes over to my house with her fiance every week to play crystal chronicles (died down recently because of the lack of time). Played Animal Crossing more than I did at one point and can kick as as the backseat partner in Mario Kart: DD. Begging me to get Zelda: Four Swords. Sweet talked me into getting an SP for FF:CC.



Age: 24
Occupation: Student
Favorite Video Games: Final Fantasy XI, Wario Ware, Animal Crossing, Another Yaoi Game Fanatic, Tales of Symphonia, Viewtiful Joe, Disgaea, Dragona Quest, Pokemon (and tons of others I can't remember)

More of an FF freak than I am, she plays FF:Online like it's breathing air, gives me tips on how to play games, and constantly snatches up the latest import (wario ware, DQ, ToS) because she just HAS TO HAVE IT. I still feel guilty for not utilizing that world pass she gave me for FF, she's gonna kick my ass when she hears about it :p


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Well, my ex girlfriend (who was on the husky side) owned Japanese copies of the FF4-6 remakes, and owned a Saturn (with Albert Odyssey and Dragon Force)... but she didn't really play games much anymore when I started dating her. Her best friend was a big time Suikoden fan. My current girlfriend buys new games like every other weekend, breezes through games in like a week and a half to two weeks (she beat TOS way before me and is about to beat Shadow Hearts 2 way before me :p), she loves RPGs (Skies of Arcadia and TOS are some of her favorites), and computer simulation games (she doesn't like the Sims, but she likes games like Nations, Tropico, etc)... and she doesn't play them but she *LOVES* watching me play bullet hell style shooters. But, she won't touch anything that doesn't fall into traditional RPG, action RPG, or simulation... I'm trying to broaden her horizons a bit though, even though I'm mostly an RPG player myself.


I just got out of a quick, meaningless relationship with a girl that was a hardcore oldschool Nintendo fan. She was more of a collector of old NES/SNES carts than a player of them.

Odd girl.
My current very asian girlfriend doesn't care for anything other than tetris and I've never met any girl that knew anything significant about the industry or games outside their own very limited experience with them. In fact, 98% of the girls I've ever interacted with were very sour about games and usually sigh when they overhear conversations about games. But I guess it's a trend at my school, because even the guys that do know SOMETHING about games can be counted on a single hand...or hell, 2 fingers. No one gives a shit about anything other than the burnt PC games they distribute, or if they do happen to own a console, they'll only limit themselves to the heavy hitters. Some guy just froze when I told him I wasn't planning on buying GTA:SA on the PS2 yet.

I wrote a Katamari Damacy review for my school paper, hopefully that will help inform the chixxx.


Dsal said:
That kanji means "heaven" so it might have been unrelated to Akuma. Unless she was a really big fan of his.

Unrelated for SURE. It's not like Street Fighter fucking invented the language.
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