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Tennessee candidate backs eugenics, campaigns with vest and gun

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He is an unapologetic supporter of eugenics, the phony science that resulted in thousands of sterilizations in an attempt to purify the white race. He believes the country will look "like one big Detroit" if it doesn't eliminate welfare and immigration. He believes that if blacks were integrated centuries ago, the automobile never would have been invented.

He shows up at voters' homes wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying a gun, and tells them that "white children deserve the same rights as everyone else."
I thought this would be a nice companion piece with the Missouri thread .
wow, a democrat may win a seat in the south (FOR GOD'S SAKE A DEMOCRAT BETTER WIN, if one doesn't i will lose faith in humanity)
ConfusingJazz said:
wow, a democrat may win a seat in the south (FOR GOD'S SAKE A DEMOCRAT BETTER WIN, if one doesn't i will lose faith in humanity)

Win? He (the democrat) is running for re-election... :p
Well, just making generalzations about the south, people wouldn't believe that the US representative from Houston is a Democrat, and that we have had democratic mayors for as long as I can remember. They even beat one supported by the Bushes, TWICE!
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