Was scheduled for another match and reverted back to my regular forehand. Played a guy who was marginally better than my last opponent....and won 7-6(3), 6-3
Sigh. And I really didn't find much pleasure in winning because I knew I was better. 90% of the time, he was defending and I was either hitting a winner or hitting an error. Of course, you always want to win, but I like being pushed. I don't mind losing to people better that me because I feel that it makes me better and more focused.
Anyway, since I'm back to my awesome forehand (lol), I wasn't too comfortable hitting backhands (since I don't really have anyone to practice with). So....I just hit slices. And I kid you not: there hasn't been a single opponent that wasn't fooled by how good my slice is. It is fuckin NASTY. The trajectory looks like it's coming to you, and all of a sudden, it'll stop going forward, and then when it hits the ground, it dies. It is hilarious when I do it for the first time; they'll start scrambling for it and they never reach it. And it's not even a drop shot (I rarely hit drop shots). And if they DO get there in time (lol), I can easily pass them.
On one point, I was in a really bad position, and he hit a passing shot to my backhand. I had to turn around and run for the baseline to get it, and had to hit a defensive slice. I hit it so well that it started coming back to me when it hit he ground on his side, lol
Sometimes I feel that it's cheating because 1) it's easier to hit than a regular backhand (for me, lol) 2) very little set up required (as opposed to setting up to hit a FH/BH), 3) it puts all sorts of crazy spin on it, and 4) if you do it right, you've forced your opponent to come to the net and turned a defensive situation into an offensive one....or at worst, it's back to neutral.
I'd compare it to Federer's, but my slices stay lower and have substantially more spin on it (probably because of the way I hold the racket). I was looking for a video, and it reminded me of what Federer did here to Djokovic at the end of this point:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG4iNFxScak (the time thing isn't working for me. I starts at 0:46). Mine died in the service box, while Fed's kept going. But like I said, I have a really bizarre grip which puts more spin on it.
But I'm just glad that I can hit forehands again