So as promised, I got my ass beat. lol.
6-1, 6-2. And this wasn't against some nobody; this guy was for all intents and purposes very, very solid.
Some takeaways:
1) I love my new FH. I don't feel hindered at all with it and none of my errors were wild and crazy (like last time). Most of them were just me being a little unsure of the shot since I was experimenting. I hit a lot of winners with it so it's definitely a change I'm gonna stick with. I even hit a successful drop shot with it
2) My serve is definitely getting better. I hit two out-wide aces this time. I've never hit more than 1 ace in a match. lol
3) This match came down to two things: 1) me and 2) me. It seems like everyone I play is a pusher/too afraid to do anything other than hit the ball right back to me. I had this guy running and scrambling almost every point and I'd usually be the one flubbing the last point. So what did I try to do? I tried to think like Federer. lol Put him in the corner or make him reply defensively with my deep/angled shot and come to the net.
But since I suck at the net and since I'm experimenting with my forehand, that didn't work too well. I didn't make a single volley
I'm thinking that I might try using my weird grip for volleys and my regular grip for everything else. I dunno. I'll experiment with that a little. You're supposed to change your grip for volleys anyway, right?
4) This guy did not have a serve. So no threat there.
Even though the score looks like I was massacred, it was definitely a lot closer than that. I was up a break and serving to consolidate 1*-0 40*-0 in the second (I know, right? lol) And 90% of his games either went to deuce or I had a break point. But I would press.
A lot. Sometimes we would just have a 15 shot rally where neither of us would do anything....and he was obviously content with that. I wasn't....and I don't think I ever will be. And if I lose, then it's going to be on my terms.
I didn't feel overwhelmed at all though so I'm pretty content with how I did. I was also hitting the ball a lot softer than I usually would since I was just trying out the new grip. I think now I'll hit it a little harder

Me and the guy are playing again on Wednesday so we'll see how that goes