It seems like everyone I play is a pusher/too afraid to do anything other than hit the ball right back to me.
I'd say most amateur matches will be won by the guy who manages to keep the ball in the court and make less errors so it's not that surprising.
I'm thinking that I might try using my weird grip for volleys and my regular grip for everything else. I dunno. I'll experiment with that a little. You're supposed to change your grip for volleys anyway, right?
Like Faith said, for volleys you should have the hammer grip, same with serve. One of the main advantages is that it's the only grip that allows you to quickly switch between forehand and backhand and hit clean volleys from both sides.
Saw the semi-finals in Paris saturday, was the first time I (finally) saw Roger play in an arena and it's amazing the speed he can give to the ball almost effortlessly. A thing of beauty.
Rafa is amazing too, the noise when he hits the ball with his forehand is crazy. Wasn't expecting him to lose without at least making the beginning of a comeback but Ferrer played really well. He doesn't hit as fast as Rafa, Roger or Novak but it seems like he gives 100% on every stroke.
Novak played a few balls with Zlatan Ibrahimovic after his win, it was fun !