Disastrous start for Genie. Hopefully she finds her form and shows mental fortitude to turn this match around.
I don't always watch WTA matches, but when I do, they double-fault twice to give the break.
Disastrous start for Genie. Hopefully she finds her form and shows mental fortitude to turn this match around.
I don't always watch WTA matches, but when I do, they double-fault twice to give the break.
Quite the turn around for Bouchard. Also, I honestly didn't know coaching was a thing on the WTA. Imagine that.
Quite the turn around for Bouchard. Also, I honestly didn't know coaching was a thing on the WTA. Imagine that.
I played that kid from the video I posted weeks ago again today in a practice match. I "won" 6-4, 5-7, 3-3 ret.
He got severe blister on his forehand after hitting a serve so we had to cut this 2.5 hr match short. I hate long practice matches with no resolution! If this were a tournament match, I would have gladly taken that result. But, the points we were having were much better that they were in the video I posted....The rallies were longer and I was hitting a much heavier ball by stepping into my shots, breaking my wrist properly, and creating a ton of topspin which allowed my net clearance to average around 6 feet over the net in rallies while getting a pretty good amount of pace on the ball. Yeah I guess its technically "moonballing", but I'm not a professional that can work with slim margins, and this style allows me plenty of wiggle room so I can be more concerned with directing the ball rather than making sure the ball will drop in the court.
edit: Hey match point for Sloane Stephens
Losing in 3 sets to Gulbis in his current form is hardly something to be ashamed of. Dimitrov has still plenty of time to win something big this season.
Speaking of players on the rise, watch out for Dominic Thiem (playing against Benneteau now). Could quickly become a serious hazard in draws.
Lauren.Anyone know why Lauren Davis retired before taking the court against Casey Dellaqua? Rafa=Fedkilla?
Anyone know why Lauren Davis retired before taking the court against Casey Dellaqua? Rafa=Fedkilla?
It was food poisoning.
Who is that? Nadal? Dimitrov? I cant tell.
Had a feeling Fed was going to give that one back.
What a break fest this match currently is.
He heard your anguish.
I hate pushers. I hate Murray. I hate Radwanska. I hate them all. It's just like the guy I was playing today (same guy from Monday). All they do is stand behind the basline, giving you nothing balls, waiting for you to miss (or come to the net so they can lob you/pass you).
I hit like 5 drop shot winners today because he was so far behind the baseline that it was pretty much the only smart thing to do. He had zero midcourt/baseline winners, while I had several. His only winners came from lobs or passing shots (basically the kinds you'll see from Murray/Radwanska).
I noticed that he LOVES going for the lob when I come to the net, so I started faking like I would come in. He would hit the lob and probably go "OMG, he's not at the net!" So when I hit the ball back, he's totally flummoxed because THEN I'll come to the net. And then he'll miss the shot.
There is only one guy I play that "goes for his shots" and I kick his ass every time. I love me some pace ^_^
I want to play you brahs badly.
Hope Cilic got the Emperor's Eye tonight.
Most players do which is why so many pushers find success! I used to be that type of pusher, but after I put on 30 lbs that game stopped paying dividends because pushers have to be very fast and in top shape to be successful. I'll still "push" in some tight match situations which can really frustrate an opponent and throw them off their rhythm. I recently watched a youtube video that gives some pretty good strategy advice for playing pushers. Check it out when you have time.
edit: I guess I still am technically still a pusher, but I've played opponents that moonball way higher with a much slower pace on the ball than me and plays on my level ( VERY similar to the "pusher" in the video I linked in this post ). So I feel like I'm not nearly the worst offender!