So I've been playing doubles with these really old guys for the last two Monday mornings, and I've got to say: old people know how to fucking volley. But I guess it kind of makes sense since they grew up in the S&V era.
So naturally, I looked like a clown. I don't just suck at the net....I FUCKING suck
It was embarrassing, but it was all in good fun so it's not like it mattered. But still....
Basically, my only contribution was serves, returns, and baseline rallies. I was an utter disgrace at the net, lol. But when it was my turn to serve: oh man, I definitely made up for it. I hit a couple of aces and a bunch of unreturns. My serve was only broken once because I DF'd on a break point, something I haven't done in FOREVER. And in that same game, I hit an ace when I was down BP, so it was just a strange game.
But back to my shitty volleys. Being the problem solver that I am, I managed to fix the problem...and quite dramatically. Eventually, I never missed. I even made some incredible reaction volleys that not only went in, but were winners. I was tinkering with some things and found that
just like my backhand, if I'm "gripping" the racket too tightly before contact, I'll miss. My "thumbs up grip" (that's what I'll call it now, lol) works for all of my volleys, but I'll have to barely be holding the racket before contact. For smashes, I'll start out with a "thumbs up" grip, then switch to a regular grip right before contact. For whatever reason, it works.
But I thought that overall, this is a great experience because I NEVER play doubles (and I almost never come to the net because of how awful I am...or used to be). My partner and I were facing 5-0*, and I was serving. NO WAY were we gonna get bageled. I think I held 40-15. I hit ever corner with my serve. lol
I made sure to make notes in my phone because sometimes I'll forget the changes I made in my game. Here's what I have so far:
Forehand: sturdy grip
Serve: ball toss slightly in front; remember to JUMP when making contact
Volleys: light thumb grip
Backhand: light grip during the takeback, then full, sturdy grip during contact
Overheads: thumb grip initially then regular grip during contact
I always forget my note about the serve. But whenever I remember to jump, I start raining aces.
And regarding my FH: I found that I wasn't holding the racket tight enough because I really like to go after the FH. It's not exactly a death grip, but I definitely have to remind myself to hold it tighter than I have before. And again: amazing results. And it makes sense: the less wobbly the racket is, the more controlled the ball will be.
Hopefully next Monday, my volley technique will still work