I have a new-found respect for serve bots. I was down 0-40 and managed to serve my way to a hold.
It was doubles (which I'm starting to like less and less, lol) and I really didn't trust my partner at that time (even though he's MUCH better volleyer than me), so I just reached back and started serving bombs.
It seems like I think much more clearer when my back is against the wall.
(we lost the set in a tiebreak 8-7 though, lol....but won the first one)
Also: I finally figured out that a 1HBH is more of an "arm" motion. I was so used to slicing (which involves the wrist more than the arm) that I was to make the BH a wrist shot, too....which does not work.
EDIT: I'm watching Dimitrov play....he tries to be way too fancy/flashy. Lopez hit a really good short BH slice and Dimitrov tried to take it up the line. I mean, really? Not only are really low (and short) slices extremely difficult to deal with (I confound my opponents all the time with them), but it's even harder to change the direction on the ball. And of course, Dimitrov almost tripped over his own feet trying to take it up the line. I saw what was gonna happen before he even hit it.
If my opponent hits a really good slice (where it would be crazy to hit a winner off it if), I usually just make a decent return and stay at the net...depending on how good my return shot was. If it wasn't, I'll just back up