So...been skimming through this OT here and there as I just started to dive into the Vita version. I'm a Terraria n00b. I thought, "What's this small map crap?? I want the WHOLE map to explore!"
....Yea...thinking that was a mistake.....I have made considerable progress so far, and I am loving every minute of it, but it's soooo big. I am getting tons of ore, but the best I've found is gold. But here are some questions for you pro's out there. I'd check the official sites, buuuut I am working, and my work likes to block out all the fun sites.
What are these "biomes" I keep reading about? Are they the different types of environments? I have yet to fully go all the right or left at the surface, but I do have a snowy area. Are all areas similar to this? Or would there be some areas that you only find underground? Aside from the "hell" type area.
Been killing skeletons as I come across them, but I have yet to get this magical "hook" item I keep reading about to finish my grappling hook.
Do statues you find in the wild do anything? Aside from looking cool in your house, that is. I found a sword statue, and is now on my top floor. And on the topic of housing, can I make a huge home/castle, then section off rooms with the appropriate furniture, and then have all the npcs move in to my giant home?
Lastly, I came across a HUGE swath of purple rock on one side of the map, with Soul Eaters all on the other side. WHAT on Earth, or IN Earth, do I need to break through that magical wall!!!
Thanks in advance all.... there a Vita "server"? I have yet to do any online play, but I'd rather play with you all than a bunch of turds. Er, randumbs. Same thing.