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Terraria |OT3| 1.2 many things to dig...

Make a hook asap, most important early game item next to potions, basic armor, and if you're lucky a Cloud in a Bottle.

I'll be sure to look out for that.

So is there any rule of thumb when it comes to hunting ore? I've built a massive dungeon under my house exploring for stuff and I haven't too found much yet. I'm looking for Iron right now but haven't come across much. I do see these orange glows that sometimes trail under torches though. I'm not sure if that's a random effect, or pointing me towards where I should dig next.
I'll be sure to look out for that.

So is there any rule of thumb when it comes to hunting ore? I've built a massive dungeon under my house exploring for stuff and I haven't too found much yet. I'm looking for Iron right now but haven't come across much. I do see these orange glows that sometimes trail under torches though. I'm not sure if that's a random effect, or pointing me towards where I should dig next.
That orange glow may be copper if it looks different from the surrounding ore. Never any harm in digging deeper of course!

A spelunker potion will help tremendously in the early to mid game.

Use lots of torches to make sure all caverns are completely lit because you will find ore on the outskirts.


I am loving the shit out of this game on Vita. I had about 70ish hours in the PC version, but took a long break as I waited on the 1.2 update. Then when it came, it just wasn't a good time for me to go back.

The Vita version was the perfect excuse to get me to start completely over in the game and I'm stupidly addicted to it all over again. My thumbs actually hurt from how much I've played it since I bought it. I even actually prefer the control method over a mouse when it comes to mining.


I am loving the shit out of this game on Vita. I had about 70ish hours in the PC version, but took a long break as I waited on the 1.2 update. Then when it came, it just wasn't a good time for me to go back.

The Vita version was the perfect excuse to get me to start completely over in the game and I'm stupidly addicted to it all over again. My thumbs actually hurt from how much I've played it since I bought it. I even actually prefer the control method over a mouse when it comes to mining.

Wait is it out for vita already?


Wait is it out for vita already?

Yeah it came out on Tuesday (for the NA region). I think it came out last week for EU. It's $13.49 for Plus members or $14.99 for plebs. If that sounds too expensive, it probably is haha. I didn't personally care.


Yeah it came out on Tuesday (for the NA region). I think it came out last week for EU. It's $13.49 for Plus members or $14.99 for plebs. If that sounds too expensive, it probably is haha. I didn't personally care.

How does it run? You should make a video review!


I am loving the shit out of this game on Vita. I had about 70ish hours in the PC version, but took a long break as I waited on the 1.2 update. Then when it came, it just wasn't a good time for me to go back.

The Vita version was the perfect excuse to get me to start completely over in the game and I'm stupidly addicted to it all over again. My thumbs actually hurt from how much I've played it since I bought it. I even actually prefer the control method over a mouse when it comes to mining.
I'm in the same boat. My Vita battery is taking a thrashing because I just can't put it down. It's every bit as addictive as it was the first time I played it on PC.

Portable Terraria. My life is complete.


How does it run? You should make a video review!

It runs just fine for me so far. Though, I haven't fought any bosses or anything yet, so I'm not the best person to comment on performance.

I'm in the same boat. My Vita battery is taking a thrashing because I just can't put it down. It's every bit as addictive as it was the first time I played it on PC.

Portable Terraria. My life is complete.

haha yeah my Vita is charging right now and the battery was the only reason I stopped playing. Once I plugged it in, I realized how much my thumbs hurt so it's probably for the best.


I'm in the same boat. My Vita battery is taking a thrashing because I just can't put it down. It's every bit as addictive as it was the first time I played it on PC.

Portable Terraria. My life is complete.

The Vita is the perfect indie gaming machine. I can't stop playing Spelunky and Hotline Miami on the thing. I'll be getting this soon and play while patiently waiting for Rogue Legacy.


A couple minor annoyances so far with the Vita version:

  • When you hold X to craft a bunch of one thing, it automatically moves onto the next item in the crafting window and continues crafting. I wanted to make a bunch of silk, and before I had a chance to even stop it, it crafted all of it away as red banners (since it was the next thing in the list). Why would someone ever want to continue making items randomly down the crafting menu list?
  • I feel like there's a slight button press input delay when you try to switch to your weapon sometimes. I will try to switch to a sword in a cave really quickly and take a swing, but instead the press of the Dpad doesn't register and I just put a torch down.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i've already sunk so much time into the vita version... pc copy never really got touched but it's perfect on the vita


A couple minor annoyances so far with the Vita version:

  • When you hold X to craft a bunch of one thing, it automatically moves onto the next item in the crafting window and continues crafting. I wanted to make a bunch of silk, and before I had a chance to even stop it, it crafted all of it away as red banners (since it was the next thing in the list). Why would someone ever want to continue making items randomly down the crafting menu list?
  • I feel like there's a slight button press input delay when you try to switch to your weapon sometimes. I will try to switch to a sword in a cave really quickly and take a swing, but instead the press of the Dpad doesn't register and I just put a torch down.

are you bothered by the rear touch as well? Great game for a handheld but I really want to disable that. I should not need to claw hold my system just to play a game


Successfully moved my player and world from PS3 to Vita. Very nice, and in general a good port. I still have a few small issues, mainly from missing the R2/L2 buttons.

I was pretty pleased to get a Snow biome on a new small world I made!


are you bothered by the rear touch as well? Great game for a handheld but I really want to disable that. I should not need to claw hold my system just to play a game

Yep, I definitely hate the rear touch pad for this game, and I'm one of the weirdos who loves it in other games. This and Machinarium have the most unnecessary inclusion and they don't allow it to be disabled. I will never understand that.

I just beat Eye of Cthulu and I'm about to work on the Eater of Worlds. Things are moving smoothly. I'm kinda disappointed though that the only snow biome I've found so far is all corrupted. I really wanted to make my main base in the snow. Hopefully there's another one on the right side of the map :(

I've already had a blood moon and a goblin invasion. This game is so damn good. I can't stop playing it.


Yep, I definitely hate the rear touch pad for this game, and I'm one of the weirdos who loves it in other games. This and Machinarium have the most unnecessary inclusion and they don't allow it to be disabled. I will never understand that.

I just beat Eye of Cthulu and I'm about to work on the Eater of Worlds. Things are moving smoothly. I'm kinda disappointed though that the only snow biome I've found so far is all corrupted. I really wanted to make my main base in the snow. Hopefully there's another one on the right side of the map :(

I've already had a blood moon and a goblin invasion. This game is so damn good. I can't stop playing it.
I stole two 999 stacks of snow from another world expressly for making a winter wonderland.

It's not nearly enough


A patch went up for the Vita version but I have no idea what it does. I don't see an option to disable the back touch pad in-game :(
I'm getting tired of picking up presents. They are annoying. They take up all my slots, then I have to open the menu, open every present and stack all the blocks inside.

Another thing, is my (home) inventory is so large I have about 40 chests. If there was a way to "link" them and have them quick stack across multiple chests because I don't always remember which item I put in which box.

Also, I haven't played this game since the early days. Not sure what to do next...

I beat the Eye of Cthulu x2, Eater of the Worlds x4, Skelletor x1, Queen Bee, Goblin Army, I have several hellforged items.

I don't know what to do next.

My current set up is a Masaruma, Shadow Set, Obsidian Shield, Lightning boots, magma stone, cloud in a bottle, balloon. I guess I still need to make my way to the lizard base, never been in there. It'll take some time for me to find it though. Don't know if there are any guides to finding it.


But doesn't that
enable hardmode? I find the title "hardmode" intimidating. I also still use my guide a lot because I don't know how to craft a lot of the more complex items.
Why yes, if you're not finding anything too interesting to do, it sounds as if you're about ready to take the plunge. Fear the
pirates yaaaarrrh!


Unconfirmed Member
But doesn't that
enable hardmode? I find the title "hardmode" intimidating. I also still use my guide a lot because I don't know how to craft a lot of the more complex items.

Man, I havent played in a long while, but..
Pretty sure the guide comes back after you kill him. You can't get rid of his ass, no matter how much one would want to.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah he does. Not sure how long it takes though.

Again, its been a while, but I'm pretty sure that as long as the conditions are met (and with this NPC, there's really no conditions to speak of), NPCs will show up the next morning.
Again, its been a while, but I'm pretty sure that as long as the conditions are met (and with this NPC, there's really no conditions to speak of), NPCs will show up the next morning.

Ah ok. Well. I think I'll try to farm stone and wood from other worlds, create some obsidian generators (do they still work in 1.2?) and then I'll go for the plunge =P I need to prep my "house" for all the other hooligans that will want to move in.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i found this one place but every time i go near it these crazy flying death eater things come out and try to kill me.

i'm guessing that's not the first dungeon i need to play through.


Really really REALLY hate that they continue to force you to wait until night time to do any of the bosses or cool events. I wouldn't care if there was a way to skip time forward like Minecraft. Sucks a lot of the fun out when you and your friends have to sit around for 10-15min real time waiting for night.

J. Bravo

Really really REALLY hate that they continue to force you to wait until night time to do any of the bosses or cool events. I wouldn't care if there was a way to skip time forward like Minecraft. Sucks a lot of the fun out when you and your friends have to sit around for 10-15min real time waiting for night.

make a server and use the commands to make it dusk


Skeletron down, muramasa found. Things are going almost too smoothly on this Vita run. I feel like every time I gather up stuff to make a weapon or armor, I'm immediately making the next step up before I've really even used it. I spent so many hours in the PC version building things that I never got very far in the game progression. This time I seem to be focused solely on game progression.


Supposedly, all of the 1.2 updates are supossed to be in the PSN version. The wiki says that to make hellstone bars, the cost was reduced to 3 ores (and 1 obsidian ore). But on Vita, it still costs 4 hellstone ores. I wonder if all the 1.2 changes really made their way over?

Actually I just noticed that the material costs for a lot of items are different depending on console vs PC too. It takes way more to make the same items for console than it does on PC. Did they make the console version easier and this is a way to compensate? You need 90 hellstone bars to make the armor compared to 45 on PC, for example.

Ranger X

Just got Terraria here. Well, bought it long ago but started playing a couple of days ago. I was wondering if there was a way like in Minecraft to make so the mobs aren't spawning in a given area. I had the reflex of lighting the place up of course (minecraft wired brain here) but still when its the night I have a huge horde of zombies up my ass and honestly, half the time I am battling with mobs instead of mining...


I was wondering if there was a way like in Minecraft to make so the mobs aren't spawning in a given area.

Mobs stop spawning when you have 3 or more NPCs in an area (about a screen-width) at once, even deep underground. Exceptions to that are certain bosses, events, and invasions.
I've never tried hard mode before. How bad is it?

I'm wondering the same thing... As much as I love a challenge.. this game can be brutal, and it makes me scared lol.

Just got Terraria here. Well, bought it long ago but started playing a couple of days ago. I was wondering if there was a way like in Minecraft to make so the mobs aren't spawning in a given area. I had the reflex of lighting the place up of course (minecraft wired brain here) but still when its the night I have a huge horde of zombies up my ass and honestly, half the time I am battling with mobs instead of mining...
There are some techniques to building your home and other homes for people to live in.

Something you CAN do right now with minimal resources, is build two large walls near your house (within viewing distance, because things don't typically spawn in your view.

Like so:

Notice the platforms are far enough from those walls for the zombies to not be able to jump over, but you can jump on and over easily. Those zombies are too stupid and once they get within 2 blocks of the wall, they'll fall off any platform they may end up jumping on.

Another note: The door being heightened is because IF (and that is a big IF) any zombies get over the wall, they won't be able to jump and open doors during a Bloodmoon. It's something they simply can't do. They can jump. They can open doors, but they can't do both at the same time.

Once you get enough resources you can build a really awesome tower or castle or whatever, but for now this will work perfectly for you.


I've never tried hard mode before. How bad is it?

Everything kills you quicker, shows up where it's not supposed to (say goodbye to your NPCs) and the gameplay more or less remains the same. Even the hardmode bosses are basically reskinned versions of the previous ones.

In retrospect, Hardmode was not implemented very well and there were a lot of mistakes (NPCs that show up and destroy your buildings? Who thought that was a good idea? Oh, right, Redigit).


Hardmode isn't that hard, especially since 1.2 nerfed the damage from most hardmode monsters. Just get mythril/orichalcum armor and the rest is easy to obtain. Eventually you'll be nearly unstoppable.
Well, stumbled across the Lizahard(or whatever the weird spelling is) Temple. Turns out I need a key, and I need to play hardmode for that... Damnit. Lol, I feel like I'm not ready yet...

EDIT: My underground music changed... I don't like this... It doesn't sound anything like the normal underground music. This is a section I've been through several times before.


Everything kills you quicker, shows up where it's not supposed to (say goodbye to your NPCs) and the gameplay more or less remains the same. Even the hardmode bosses are basically reskinned versions of the previous ones.

In retrospect, Hardmode was not implemented very well and there were a lot of mistakes (NPCs that show up and destroy your buildings? Who thought that was a good idea? Oh, right, Redigit).

Hardmode isn't that hard, especially since 1.2 nerfed the damage from most hardmode monsters. Just get mythril/orichalcum armor and the rest is easy to obtain. Eventually you'll be nearly unstoppable.

Hmm I just feel so undecided on whether or not to take my world into hardmode or not, but I already feel overpowered with just molten gear and muramasa. Then again, my world isn't all that special and I could technically just start a new one and tediously transfer my stuff over to it through the character inventory.

On a side note, I can't find a damn bee hive at all. I've spent hours exploring the underground jungle and just can't seem to locate one. I'm playing the PSN version at the moment too so I can't just map the world.
*edit- oh wow...of course. On the wiki it shows the PC icon next to the bee hive, meaning it's not in the console version. I know I read on different sites that the PSN version would be up to date with the PC 1.2 update, but it's actually missing a ton of content. That kinda bums me out. I wish I had known it didn't actually have the 1.2 update

Ranger X

Notice the platforms are far enough from those walls for the zombies to not be able to jump over, but you can jump on and over easily. Those zombies are too stupid and once they get within 2 blocks of the wall, they'll fall off any platform they may end up jumping on.

Another note: The door being heightened is because IF (and that is a big IF) any zombies get over the wall, they won't be able to jump and open doors during a Bloodmoon. It's something they simply can't do. They can jump. They can open doors, but they can't do both at the same time.

Once you get enough resources you can build a really awesome tower or castle or whatever, but for now this will work perfectly for you.

Tks buddy. Definetely a good idea here. I realise I never had a bloodmoon yet. lol
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