This is equally naive. Doing nothing and carrying on as normal won't stop the attacks. People in London carried on as normal after the last Westminster attack and yet here we are again. Terror planners don't sit there and think, oh, #WeAreNotAfraid is trending, so I guess we might as well cancel our attacks. Nobody blows up schoolgirls at a concert because they think it will somehow lure the West into a trap of 'reacting' and doing some vaguely racist things to Muslims - I mean, they may hope for this outcome as a secondary objective, but ultimately do it simply because they hate and despise Western society and civilisation, and really so believe that God commands them to the righteous duty of killing the unbelievers, and that paradise awaits this holy work.What do you want the UK to do, invade itself? A lot of these terrorists are home grown. Living your normal life is fighting back, and the seeming never-ending nature of these events is just that, eventually they will stop.
You can't understand the phenomenon of Islamic terrorism if you try and sterilise discussion by pretending it's some kind of passing fad that will fade if the West ignores it and turns the other cheek. There is no evidence that Salafism/Wahhabism is terminally exhausted as an ideology/theology; you can't say that it will fade away if the West stoically refuses to react to it. This strain of Islam has been developing for decades and it's not going anywhere.
The notion that Islamic fundamentalists are simply trying to 'sow division among communities' is far too simplistic. This misapplies Western secular thinking to a deeply religious community. ISIS is deeply committed to an extremely conservative theology. Their jihadists believe they are spiritually commanded to butcher unbelievers and punish the crusader states. They will keep attacking for as long as they, and their interpretations of Islam, persist. How the unbelievers react is of secondary importance only. If we sit here and do nothing, it makes very little difference to them - they don't define success as 'increasing racism in Britain', they define it as 'slaughtering the kuffar'. They are content to keep on killing us because that's what God instructs them to do.
These attacks won't just stop. Doing nothing won't help. ISIS won't give up if we sit tight. There is no reason to say that 'living normally' somehow switches off the theological magnets powering salafist jihadism. This is naive denialism.
It won't get better until Western authorities start taking a smarter approach to integration and religion.