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Terrorist attack in London [up: 6 people killed, ~50 injured, 3 attackers dead]


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There's definitely that aspect to it too.

But take one look at the "Lone wolf pledging allegiance to Isis" attacks to know that there is something appealing about it even to those who aren't directly groomed. Sure, some of these might be like "mental illness" mass shooters if they didn't have the excuse of Isis. But there was obviously something intellectually appealing from afar about the idea of a state based on the true religion fighting the corrupt West.

It's basically hardline Wahhabism in action, which is clearly a major response to Western dominance in the last 200 years of Islam. Luckily there are other major peaceful responses within Islam to the challenge of Western dominance that we don't hear because they don't murder people.

For sure. And so much of this can be traced back to Saudi influence. Not only does the Saudi government openly support jihadist organizations in the Arab world, but they fund Wahhabist mosques throughout Europe as well.
So sad that we live in a world where terrorist idiots try to hurt and kill innocent people but in the end they will never win, it won't stop us living and enjoying our lives.

I'm going to London soon and these idiots don't scare me, I refuse to live in fear from scum like that.


Ok, this is getting ridiculous, I know people try to be politically correct and all but this enough. If they are able to identify the attackers, even if they are refugees or citizens they have to do something.

Okay, so what is "something" exactly?

'Explosions' heard near Borough Market. Sun believes two attackers dead.
Damn it yet again, these evil fucks need to be eliminated and whoever teached them to think this way or encouraged them to choose these evil disgusting 'beliefs' get tried and deported back where they came from.

Rip to the victims.

Shut down mosques preaching hate speech.

Arrest anyone known to have fought in Mid East conflicts, regardless of whoever it was they fought alongside, upon their return to Europe.

Invest heavily in security and intelligence resources (and not sack 20,000 officers to save a few quid).

Work to integrate European intelligence services to bring about better intel gathering. An EU intelligence agency to help with this coordinating effort like Europol does with policing would be a good start.

End the Syrian, Yemeni and Libyan civil wars.

Good solutions. Though by the first one I hope you also don't mean troops we deploy abroad.

As a Muslim I'll add a few:

Deport hate preachers, if they are.from the UK impose a near lifelong ban to never peach in a masjid evwr again and impose long, non parole jail sentences if they break it.

Hate preachers sadly are more common then masjids who preach this sort of sick stuff. They set up shop wherever they can, the community does report them and despite their sorry ass being told to fuck off and police on them they just go elsewhere in other towns and cities and set up shop.

Whabbism and salafism are growing in the UK and whilst I can't comment on how extreme the imams, preachers and volunteers who devote their time in the place of worship, simply because I'm not a salafist or conscribe to whahabbi beliefs, Ik certainly not going to paint them all with a broad bush, but there needs to be less red tape and more investigation and close montioring as to where their funding comes from.

For the police, stop believing that they are appearing rude or inconsiderate when taking action against dangers in the Muslim community and especially those who will likely to commit terrorist atrocities. The Rotherham situation is a sad case in point, the second is the repeated warnings about the manchester bomber that wasn't followed up by police.

Finally, Stop supporting the biggest fucking exporter of terrorism with more godamn money. Saudi Arabia at this point is making like a bandit with all the money we are giving them, on the bodies of dead citizens.

It intensely infuriates me that we can talk all.day long in sanctioning other countries except for S.A. Something needs to be done already to send them a clear message to sort this evil shot out, without showering them with more money.

There are many more solutions that can be put forward but this thread isn't the time to state them.

For now. RIP to the victims.


The Birthday Skeleton
You should learn to respect different opinions. Just saying.

Respecting opinions and calling out fake facts and opportunism are two different things. You have the right to express your opinion. I have the right to call it bullshit if it is bullshit.
24/7 broadcast media is absolutely part of the problem.

I literally watched on twitter as reporters begged multiple people for the rights to pics then daily mail put together its horror spread of pics and text and then 30 minutes later ISIS online celebrated the attack with a spread that included .. the daily mail.

The media amplifies any attack by many times. And make money while they do it. And so do the hard right in search of an audience to sell to.
How to stop terrorism like this
1. Ban the press and individuals from monetizing anything but official announcements on attacks, no hot takes no breaking pictures and videos no histrionics

I thought about this too and while I haven't yet come to a conclusion, I think it is entirely possible that news coverage nowadays plays into the terrorist's hands. But as I said, it's hard to write this down in a night of an attack because I'm sure the loved ones of the ones hurt or deceased would prefer the victims not to be forgotten, but I do wonder whether the reporting is proportional to the actual damage done. Then again, I'm not sure if "damage done" is the only thing to go by when prioritising what to do coverage about and with what intensity.
Okay, I said before to steer clear of the 'canisters' reports on one of the men, since said reports were pretty scattered, but that photo from the BBC News channel showing one man gunned down by police - they look like canisters strapped to him. Fuck.


It apparently only takes three people to bring about this much carnage. People run down, throats slit, evacuations, people told to lock doors. It may be a rare occurance (for now) but when it happens the effects are long lasting. It feels strange that this happening not too far away from me. Threat level was reduced to severe and now this. What does that say about the intelligence services? Just another attack that managed to slip through the net? Can't help but feel that this is going to be a more frequent thing.

I mean, it must be incredibly difficult for intelligence services to track these kind of spontaneous attacks without having to monitor every single person at risk of radicalisation, which would be impossible and pointless. It's amazing that, until now, London has been subject to very few terrorist attacks considering it is one of the major western powers.
BBC posting picture of man lying on the ground outside a restaurant with canisters strapped to him. Believed to be one of attackers.


It's not surprising that this shit is happening more often. There are 3000 home-grown UK-based extremists being actively monitored by MI5 currently and over half of these live in London. There are simply too many people being radicalised for the security services to properly monitor all of them. This might sound like scaremongering but it is reality. They've stopped 6 attacks so far this year already, and those are the ones they're prepared to talk about.

That is with them prioritising as well. These numbers are sobering

It also emerged that the security service MI has opened files and examined 23,000 people for allegedly supporting violent jihad. A pool of 20,000 have been “subjects of interest “ but not deemed worth investigating further as posing a danger of involvement in attacks. The figures were released to make the point that MI5 has to prioritise who it can investigate at any one time amid criticism that it failed to spot the danger posed by Abedi despite information from Muslims his behaviour was concerning.

In the pool of 20,000 was the Manchester attacker and also Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale , who murdered Lee Rigby in 2013. MI5 has resources to investigate 3,000 suspects, and is currently running 500 investigations.


23k cut down to 3k with 500 running investigations...


venison crêpe
That photograph on BBC News right now is chilling.

Edit: It was of a CT officer standing over a man who was laying on his back on the pavement near a bar/pub with what looked like cylinders on his lower torso.
Okay, I said before to steer clear of the 'canisters' reports on one of the men, since said reports were pretty scattered, but that photo from the BBC News channel showing one man gunned down by police - they look like canisters strapped to him. Fuck.

Just turned on the livestream to see this. So the explosions might be suicide bombers detonating.
Good news if some of these cowards have been killed, bad news if some have escaped. Problem is these assholes always manage to take some people with them before they are taken out themselves. Such a shame. Just imagine yourself there, I can't even.

My brother would like to to on vacation this summer and usually he'd go to places like England or perhaps France but he told me he just doesn't feel like doing that with his wife and two sons and I get him very well on that. On the other hand living in fear isn't good either.


That photograph on BBC News right now is chilling.

Edit: It was of a CT officer standing over a man who was laying on his back on the pavement near a bar/pub with what looked like cylinders on his lower torso.

I should be happy about the geoblock then?
Actually I think I am.

BBC confirm photo of two attackers (guy was apparently alive but still comes with a warning I guess. no gore)


Not clicking it but I do hope he stays alive so they can interrogate him.
Just saw the news .
i see that there is at least 1 dead and countless wounded.

Goddamn .. This stuff is so tiring , attack after attack.
My thought are of course with the famillies of the wounded tonight
Just turned on the livestream to see this. So the explosions might be suicide bombers detonating.

I honestly couldn't guess at this point. I hope to God it's not.

Hopefully just controlled explosions of suspicious packages...

If you - and anyone else in the thread - haven't got the Met's twitter open for updates, I'd wholeheartedly recommend it. If we're to get an answer on the reports from explosions, it'll likely come from them, given how quick they've been to keeping people updated.

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