Kill ISIS and another radical Islamic cult will take its place.Someone really needs to stop ISIS and cut the head of the snake. These attacks are getting too frequent.
Kill ISIS and another radical Islamic cult will take its place.Someone really needs to stop ISIS and cut the head of the snake. These attacks are getting too frequent.
Someone really needs to stop ISIS and cut the head of the snake. These attacks are getting too frequent.
I dunno, I want to at least get one of these fuckers and find out what's going on there heads- might provide some key insights.
Kill ISIS and another radical Islamic cult will take its place.
I read that the knife attackers were shot and killed. Good. It wont bring their victims back, but it satisfied me to read that they were escorted from this life not long after their stabbing spree.
ISIS is in trouble in the Middle East and losing ground every day. All they do is spread propaganda and try to get some lunatics to do bad things for them. The Taliban has been doing this from the 80's and when they strike, the death toll is much much higher.
And that's the thing. What is to fear when they can't even create their own viable state from their own people out of the wreckage that is Iraq and Syria?
McCain was on tv yesterday giving a 30 minute interview to an au abc reporter and he said it: as horrible as Isis is, Russian meddling is far more of a threat to western democracies. So why even entertain such stupidity as "bomb them all", while refusing to lay down the law to Putin? What kind of stupid priority is that?
And that's the thing. What is to fear when they can't even create their own viable state from their own people out of the wreckage that is Iraq and Syria?
McCain was on tv yesterday giving a 30 minute interview to an au abc reporter and he said it: as horrible as Isis is, Russian meddling is far more of a threat to western democracies. So why even entertain such stupidity as "bomb them all", while refusing to lay down the law to Putin? What kind of stupid priority is that?
I'd rather they were denied being martyrs, were in hospital in incredible pain from bullet wounds, handcuffed to the bed, personally.
That's 5 hours old.
I'd rather they were denied being martyrs, were in hospital in incredible pain from bullet wounds, handcuffed to the bed, personally.
All signs point towards a bomb squad controlled demolition.Edit: never mind? Date appears off? Can anyone explain this:
another explosion outside The Sun newspaper building in London?
The trouble with terrorists is without precogs you don't know they have become one until it is 30 minutes too late.I'm uneducated on the matter but dealing with Russia sounds a lot tougher than banging some doors in of terrorists.
Of course not but what I am saying is that ISIS has singularly failed to build its base among muslims who are in very desperate situations already. So this idea that they are a force that threatens the west is ridiculous. This is no comfort to anyone that is injured and killed of course. But for 99.9999% the only risk is what seeing shit on tv does to our judgement.Are you blaming the locals for Iraq? And it's kind of hard to "create a state" in a country (Syria) where the leader is a crazy dictator who bombs civilians..
Even when ISIS is crushed, you have to immediately focus on the known lesser threats and eradicate them as well. The remaining will regroup into something else, stuff them, and eventually you'll get it at least under control. You can't win the "war" just be destroying ISIS.
They are in hell don't worry about that.
Only in the mind of people sick as they are they have attained "martyrdom".
The Manchester One Love concert is due to happen today, I haven't seen any information on whether or not they're going to go ahead with it after last night's events.
Watching those officers clear that bar.
So fucking brave. You dont know if you walking out.
Seriously. My job does not entail putting my life on the line like that.
The balls.
To not go ahead would be pretty damning. Terrorism already has a disproportional impact on British people's lives.
And to ignore reality and go ahead when the threat is obviously very much real, that's not much better.
For God's sake...really...
I dunno, I want to at least get one of these fuckers and find out what's going on there heads- might provide some key insights.
Yes it is.
If there is another attack near or at the stadium it will crush people's hopes.
We both know folk were already going to be on edge at the concert, but this will only make things worse.
Even if it goes ahead I see many not turning up.
People in Israel have lived in fear of random rocket fire and acts of terrorism for decades and life there seems to go on.
People just want to go out without the fear of getting killed.
I'm assuming you mean this to be more specific but the point is still the same. The point is that terrorism as a tactic has been around for a very long time either by leftists like the weather underground, the IRA, religious extremists, Timothy McVeigh, and whatever else I'm forgetting.
Societies have not crumbled as a result so why would it now?
I'm uneducated on the matter but dealing with Russia sounds a lot tougher than banging some doors in of terrorists.
I'm assuming you mean this to be more specific but the point is still the same. The point is that terrorism as a tactic has been around for a very long time either by leftists like the weather underground, the IRA, religious extremists, Timothy McVeigh, and whatever else I'm forgetting.
Societies have not crumbled as a result so why would it now?
Wow are you seriously implying the problem lies within Islam?
The authorities need to come down hard on Islamist Extremist organisations. Any rhetoric of that "infidels are subhuman" nature is a threat. These guys are straight up racists, but instead of race it's religion.
Is Anjem Choudhary and his loony group still around?
What do you mean should we start another crusade?You CAN kill an ideology. History shows the only way to kill an idea is with another idea. I am not content with my muslim brothers in countries Iraq and Syria to allow this festering infection on our world. I hope the bastard that did this gets what's coming to him.