I don't get his analogy. Poisonous frogs are born poisonous. People choose to align themselves with a religion.So, #NotAllFrogs?
I don't get his analogy. Poisonous frogs are born poisonous. People choose to align themselves with a religion.So, #NotAllFrogs?
For those proven guilty? That means putting them on trial. Anyone found guilty has already gone to prison. Anyone found guilty in future will also go to prison. Your suggestion involves detaining people *without* trial, or perhaps you don't understand what Guantanamo is. If you support a Guantanamo style camp then you support anyone, including possibly yourself potentially being locked up indefinitely, without trial, for perhaps speaking to the wrong person a few years ago. Evidence not required, because no trial is required.For those proven guilty for involvement in a terrorist plot, indefinitely. It is a fairly small number of people, UK can manage locking up a thousand or two people. The real challenge would be not to radicalise those found not guilty, so the standard of detention and treatment of people should be high, initially.
Traffic is useful though.Traffic accidents kill orders of magnitude more people than terrorism does. If you're so concerned about people waking up without their loved ones perhaps you also campaign to remove all private transport?
Or maybe you're just a reactionary whose hasn't really thought this through.
They key word here is "potential". Where do you draw the line? What do you do with them after they're locked up? What do you do about the risk that locking away someone's friend or family members and seeing the way the state is treating a loved one could lead to further risk of radicalisation?This makes sense if you're talking about rounding up innocent people. If you've made it to the point where you're 'known' then you probably are a potential threat, no?
I was under the impression the Manchester attacker was known to the authorities and had been reported by his local mosques and his own family years prior to the attack?
Guantanamo bay, the fuck are you talking about?
For those proven guilty? That means putting them on trial. Anyone found guilty has already gone to prison. Anyone found guilty in future will also go to prison. Your suggestion involves detaining people *without* trial, or perhaps you don't understand what Guantanamo is. If you support a Guantanamo style camp then you support anyone, including possibly yourself potentially being locked up indefinitely, without trial, for perhaps speaking to the wrong person a few years ago. Evidence not required, because no trial is required.
Nah I haven't seeked out terrorist material.Have you read their reasoning or not? Because it's quite clear to me that you have not.
Get the fuck off with that.
Beheading gays in saudi arabia has nothing to do with islam
Opressing women and girls in iran because of a different chromoson has nothing to do with islam
Stoning people for adultery has nothing to do with islam
But those officials in those countries are all psychopaths and mentaly ill, right?
Traffic accidents kill orders of magnitude more people than terrorism does. If you're so concerned about people waking up without their loved ones perhaps you also campaign to remove all private transport?
Or maybe you're just a reactionary whose hasn't really thought this through.
Traffic accidents kill orders of magnitude more people than terrorism does. If you're so concerned about people waking up without their loved ones perhaps you also campaign to remove all private transport?
Or maybe you're just a reactionary whose hasn't really thought this through.
don't compare wanton acts of killing to genuine accidents. What a fucking stupid comparison.
If you're suggesting that updates be made to the Quran, then cast the thought aside because that will never happen.Something needs to be "done," with most religious texts, they were vague and difficult to decipher thousands of years ago when they were chronologically relevant.
Now they are all just completely out of date in a modern world.
Pump more money into the intelligence services and put more police on the streets. Seems a good start to me.
The only fucking stupid thing to do here is to overreact.
What does each marginal pound of spending get you in lives saved/improved for the following:
Counter terrorism services
The police
Transport infrastructure
Draw up that list, and that becomes how you allocate priorities.
It's fucking stupid to do anything else. Why are six preventable deaths from terrorists worth turning the country into a police state, when many many more preventable deaths from accidents and underspending barely get a peep from people like you?
It's not a comparison but an example why we don't relinquish too many freedoms for total security.don't compare wanton acts of killing to genuine accidents. What a fucking stupid comparison.
I've told you. Every single person currently on a terrorist watch list or "known to the authoroties" as a possible threat to this country and it's people - of all religions - to be rounded up and taken off the streets and out of society.
Sounds like a starting point.
But I suppose civil liberties and death is the price we pay so lol idk
Posted earlier in this thread. MI5 released info they have a file of 23k names of interest that gets whittled down to 3k being worked on and 500 actual active investigations at once.
Get the fuck off with that.
Beheading gays in saudi arabia has nothing to do with islam
Opressing women and girls in iran because of a different chromoson has nothing to do with islam
Stoning people for adultery has nothing to do with islam
But those officials in those countries are all psychopaths and mentaly ill, right?
We already have a 28 day terror detention period, I think the longest for a western country. Which is plenty of time to arrest someone and find out what they are doing, before charging them based on evidence found. If they had arrested the Manchester attacker or accomplices beforehand, 28 days would've presented ample time to dismantle his cell.Yes I acknowledge that, however I have much more faith in the UK justice system to operate in a fair way, and based on solid evidence.
There does seem to be a tendency of self destructing and going on wanton murder sprees. You want to deny this? Call it incidents?Because people here harbor a lot of hatred for Islam it seems and assume at any moment a Muslim can be converted into a terrorist. It's sad, bordering on racism.
Yes I acknowledge that, however I have much more faith in the UK justice system to operate in a fair way, and based on solid evidence.
The only fucking stupid thing to do here is to overreact.
What does each marginal pound of spending get you in lives saved/improved for the following:
Counter terrorism services
The police
Transport infrastructure
Draw up that list, and that becomes how you allocate priorities.
It's fucking stupid to do anything else. Why are six preventable deaths from terrorists worth turning the country into a police state, when many many more preventable deaths from accidents and underspending barely get a peep from people like you?
What do you suggest should have been done with a person who had committed no crime other than being angry other than just locking them up without a trial or crime?
first of all, my country?Now you're moving onto another topic entirely. You're talking about progressiveness now and trying to compare your country which has had over 150+ years of development to Saudi Arabia, which only really started to develop in the 50's due to increased oil revenue. I've said this before in another thread, but do you understand that there are people alive in the Middle East who remember owning slaves? Do you understand how fast these Middle Eastern countries have had to develop?
The problem is there's no way to determine the 'real' islamSooo...you're aware that like...some of these countries have a very particular version and some of the ruling parties propogate a particular version of Islam, right? Like, if you get a muslim person on the streets they are - literally and ideologically - a world away from the people you seem to be condemning.
I mean, I think I understand your point - its just you really sound ignorant to say x/y/z is to do with Islam when you're basically trying to go after an entire religion (and hey, I'm not the biggest fan of religion myself but I know why people need it) and as such end up condemning the majority of people who follow a faith because it helps them with trials and tribulations in their daily lives.
Didn't I read a report this week that stated we are living in the safest period in human history or similar? I appreciate such sentiments aren't likely to be appreciated by families and friends of those affected by last night's attack, but knee-jerk reactions such as building huge prisons seem bizarre. Pump more money into the intelligence services and put more police on the streets. Seems a good start to me.
Right but the Jihad happened against Russia because of Russia moving into the area and actively fucking with the region right? Then they left and we moved in?
I mean I think the point is these people breed when there is no big government to clamp down on them, we need to nursemaid governments in these countries in a very white glove hands-off fashion. Get a police force going. They're hiding among the general populace, drone strikes just won't get the results.
The only fucking stupid thing to do here is to overreact.
What does each marginal pound of spending get you in lives saved/improved for the following:
Counter terrorism services
The police
Transport infrastructure
Draw up that list, and that becomes how you allocate priorities.
It's fucking stupid to do anything else. Why are six preventable deaths from terrorists worth turning the country into a police state, when many many more preventable deaths from accidents and underspending barely get a peep from people like you?
We already have a 28 day terror detention period, I think the longest for a western country. Which is plenty of time to arrest someone and find out what they are doing, before charging them based on evidence found. If they had arrested the Manchester attacker or accomplices beforehand, 28 days would've presented ample time to dismantle his cell.
The police in that case knew of him but perhaps didn't act because they don't have the resources to investigate everyone flagged to them. So I would suggest significantly increased resources would help. Our legal system though, is already equipped to deal with this.
Practically - and that is a bit of a misnomer or oxymoron - the UK IC would almost need 1 "officer" per person of interest to really monitor them effectively. Otherwise they have to prioritize people. Now, that's not going to happen both from a money + cost standpoint but also because there aren't enough people to do it, and most people who think it'd be "cool" would turn tail pretty quickly once they have to survey communications, photos or lovely (sarcasm) post-mortem evidence if they are co-operating with the CPS etc to build a case.
More money and people are needed, but to a certain extent they need to be able to do their job as efficiently as possible and in as expedited a way as possible. However working the people who work to breaking point only ends up exacerbating the problem because the stress is immense, what they have to go through is horrifying - so there's really a whole raft of things that would need to be implemented (and paid for) to help.
Pump more money into the intelligence services and put more police on the streets. Seems a good start to me.
"In terms of the cuts to public services - that's had an impact [on safety]," Wood said.
"One small example [is] youth work. When you had a well-funded youth service there were youth workers available to challenge the ideology of young people.
"I'm saying austerity has cut youth workers and there are fewer people around to challenge the root cause - the ideology that spurs these people on."
Funding for youth services has dropped by around £700m since 2010. Government data shows that local authorities spent £1.2bn on youth services in 2010/11 but by 2015/16, this had fallen to £500m.
Wood added: "If we are interested in tackling the root cause of this problem we have to understand what it is, we have to understand the ideological drivers and they have to be challenged by people qualified to be able to do that.
"By cutting youth workers and other public services you are reducing your ability to do that, and that is one of the reasons we are less safe."
That's excluding the attackers I'm assuming?7 confirmed dead, 48 injured - BBC News - New Scotland Yard Statement
That's excluding the attackers I'm assuming?
They key word here is "potential". Where do you draw the line? What do you do with them after they're locked up? What do you do about the risk that locking away someone's friend or family members and seeing the way the state is treating a loved one could lead to further risk of radicalisation?
The Manchester bomber dropped out of university. Very few of these are disenfranchised outside of their religion.Radicalization isn't any different from a young male joining the Crips or Bloods of the early 90's. When you have a disenfranchised and target youth you have these problems.
first of all, my country?
Second the fact that these countries after 1400 years still don't understand that killing 'non-believers' or gays is wrong has nothing to do with oil revenues and developing in the last 60 years.
In fact if I still talk to religious people from these countries they still hold onto the backwards beliefs. Public executions are still a thing.
I just pointed out to you that people and it's officials in middle eastern still believe in something that is clearly wrong. They claim not be mentally ill if you ask them
7 confirmed dead, 48 injured - BBC News - New Scotland Yard Statement
Why do we give here people the oxygen of publicity anyway? On the news this morning they were referencing the Manchester attack saying 'by the suicide bomber xxxxx' giving his name. Just say 'a suicide bomber' - no names, don't make him any more of a martyr
Goddamn it I'm so tired of this shit. Everytime I think when is it going to hit me or someone I know. A colleague was at a Festival this weekend which was delayed due to a terror alert. Thankfully it was nothing and they continued but it's just a matter of time I guess..
Rip to the victims
Rot in the lowest hell to the attackers
Nah I haven't seeked out terrorist material.
You talk as if their actions are justified because they have good reasons ie goals that can be eventually met through negotiation.
I don't get his analogy. Poisonous frogs are born poisonous. People choose to align themselves with a religion.
Jeez. Dying from being butchered with a machete is just so brutal and stomach churning.
Same in mass murder cases in the US. I can''t stand that shit.Why do we give here people the oxygen of publicity anyway? On the news this morning they were referencing the Manchester attack saying 'by the suicide bomber xxxxx' giving his name. Just say 'a suicide bomber' - no names, don't make him any more of a martyr
Actually you need at least 5 officers per monitored person to monitor a person of interest effectively. And even that's usually stretching it.