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Test Drive Unlimited 2 |OT|


formerly "chigiri"
Searching for the club ingame is a test of frustration, you can only view 8 clubs at a time, in alphabetical/national/level/lvl min. order with no keyword search. Plus the fact that the search hangs pretty much all the time forcing you to restart from "-" or "z" and try again, ugh. What were they thinking?


Tunesmith said:
Searching for the club ingame is a test of frustration, you can only view 8 clubs at a time, in alphabetical/national/level/lvl min. order with no keyword search. Plus the fact that the search hangs pretty much all the time forcing you to restart from "-" or "z" and try again, ugh. What were they thinking?

Looks like adding people to the club is a pain too. I have to either play with you or have you in a session. Then I can send you an invite into the club. Ouch. The 360 friends list is totally unused, feels like a missed opportunity.

I'll be on most of the night. If you see me on, send me a message and we'll try to meet up in TDU2 to add you to the club. Such a bummer, considering how long we waited for this.

Fake edit - You gave me an idea. I've changed the nationality of the club to United Arab Emirates. Should be fewer clubs to pick from. The nationality selection in the club doesn't have the country name under the flag, so here is a pic of it. Hopefully this will make things easier.



formerly "chigiri"
Seems the nationality won't help, the global one or whatever the "globe" signifies is both top and bottom of the club listing (!). That said I've managed to browse to the club via alphabetical order and.. was able to join by just clicking on it! The stars must have been aligned or something.

Seems I'm a raw recruit, at executive level I could help with invites I suppose.


Tunesmith said:
Seems the nationality won't help, the global one or whatever the "globe" signifies is both top and bottom of the club listing (!). That said I've managed to browse to the club via alphabetical order and.. was able to join by just clicking on it! The stars must have been aligned or something.

Seems I'm a raw recruit, at executive level I could help with invites I suppose.

Sucks about the nationality thing. Awesome that you did actually join. lol I think I have to go in the club and change your status. I'll do it after work today.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I can't even find it on the list. I only went through like 3 pages of the list and I'm already in the P-S's...that can't be right

There's no way to send an invite?


formerly "chigiri"
I saw menues for sending invites in the club interface, they should work (sometimes).

Apparently it's a bug;

The following issue are occurring, but are most likely caused by high server load, which we are working to address by performing server optimizations. These issues are not directly caused by the recent patch:

Friends list is not properly updating.
Players disappearing from free-roam/getting disconnected from online free roam/number of online players on the GPS disappears
Club Invitations not being received
Friend Invites not being received
MyTDULife not loading
Searching for clubs does not always load results
Stuck at Loading Screen after pressing Start
After pressing Start, client waits for 3 minutes, then states that the TDU2 server is unavailable
Joining a friends’ session loads you into a map, but you do not appear in their free-roam session
When attempting to perform a Club action, you receive an error message that the Club Server is not available
Nearby players do not receive Police-chase invites



Tunesmith said:
I saw menues for sending invites in the club interface, they should work (sometimes).

Really? I couldn't see anything in the club to send invites. Glad you made it into the club then. The only way I could send an invite is through the start menu. and the friends list there doesn't seem to be linked to the 360 friends list.


formerly "chigiri"
Meant the friendslist, which seems to be operational now.

Added Wario, DJLay, qirex and bjork's GTs.

One would imagine this starting a club thing would be easy eh?


In the club now - the game certainly doesn't make that stuff easy, and I'm still getting weird glitches with connecting to other players or matches.

Only had time for one club vs club match, unfortunately - somehow I won. When I first started the A1 class races I was using the Atom, but eventually had enough money to buy something nicer. Naturally, I splurged on the Koenigsegg because it had the best stats and the brief test drive turned out positive.

Shit car for the actual races, though - the Bugatti AI opponent always gets a massive boost off the line and even though it's rated better and has more horsepower and everything, the Koenig has real problems up to about 190mph and then limps wetly up to maybe 230 before completely capping out, even though it's rated much higher. It got so bad that I actually turned the assists back to full from sport, as you have to be way too gentle with the throttle with that car. In hindsight I should have just bought the Bugatti for four wheel drive, plus its acceleration seems to be much better. I like the sound of the Koenigsegg better, though. Oh well.

Then again, I do have $10m, so I could afford one.

The other thing I noticed again is that player voices are impossible to hear. I really need to get a working headset, as TDU2 is one of those rare games that jus has its volume boosted a lot more than most titles, so anything someone says is completely drowned out by engine noise. I have to turn the volume on my TV down to about half of what it normally is for 360 or PS3 games, which is just weird.


DJ_Lae said:
The other thing I noticed again is that player voices are impossible to hear. I really need to get a working headset, as TDU2 is one of those rare games that jus has its volume boosted a lot more than most titles, so anything someone says is completely drowned out by engine noise. I have to turn the volume on my TV down to about half of what it normally is for 360 or PS3 games, which is just weird.

Oh good, so you didn't hear my daughter having a tantrum. lol Sorry about that, but it was her bedtime. Glad you won that race. Their Veyron kept trying to bump me off the road. But I got them back and left the rest up to you. Good team work.

I think we have everyone in the club now. The only way to raise club XP is through club VS club? Or can we gain some by doing interclub races as well?


zorbsie said:
Their Veyron kept trying to bump me off the road. .

Yeah, I figured as much after the first few corners - the only reason I managed to take the lead at all was because the one guy tried to hit you, missed and went off the track, and then the other one sideswiped you and you both slid out giving me space to get past.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, Forza 3 online turned into the same thing after a while.


I just wanted to let you guys know I'm not ignoring your messages. :) I'm still kind of fumbling around the game and trying to feel situated. I've done two championships and I can access Oahu now, but I'm pretty underwhelmed at my cars so far (the Lancia from the initial batch, a Golf to do the C7, and then a DLC 370Z that I don't like much), and I don't know if those are good cars for doing races or if there's class requirements or what.

I also kinda lost my ass gambling, so I'm trying to make money back too...


So I beat all the championships.. but aparently I still have cups that have not shown up yet.. when does that happen?

nvm.. I am blind.

As much as I am loving this game, the only thing is I wish there were more championships in Ibiza I feel like most of the racing has been done in Hawaii since it unlocks at level 10

Also, I would like to join the club, I have a car in every class so I may be able to contribute some lol

360GT: sneaky77


had a great time cruising around with zorbs yesterday. Good think we left wa-hoo and headed back to ibitha for some sunshine. That rain was getting OLD.

Okay, so I have to grind and get some better cars now.

Lets get our club going - ps guys remember you can only join ONE club at a time!


Argh, wtf: I bought the Land Rover to do the B4 championship and proceeded to blow right through it. Did the B4 High championship too, and then the Ryan guy challenged me. I beat him and won his car. But since I had no space in my garages, it put me in his ugly RYANmobile and basically ate my Land Rover! It's nowhere to be found. I mean, it's not a gigantic deal because it wasn't too expensive or whatever, but I never even considered this happening before I accepted the challenge.

Also: where the hell is the clubhouse on Oahu? I went to where I thought there was one in TDU1, down on the south area near the water, but I can't seem to find it.


formerly "chigiri"
It's one of the club houses in the south-east corner of the island, it should show up on the map as a red club icon. Actually, I don't think you can see other club houses on the map at all unless you have the rank to purchase additional houses.

Sucks about the Land Rover, especially since you can't sell won cars. :( Have you checked used car dealer? Or maybe it'll re-appear once you have enough space.

One unrelated question, what's the easiest way to earn money? I missed out on the glitched million-maker championship race you could repeat over and over for 2.5 mil and am now struggling around the 1 mil mark following my Veyron purchase.


I'll check the used car dealer, hadn't thought of that. As for the clubhouse, I could even understand if I had to discover it on the map before it would appear, but they should add a marker once you've been made a member or something so I can at least know where I'm driving to. Not that I have a problem tooling around Oahu, but still.


formerly "chigiri"
Not seeing the clubhouse even when you're a member if you haven't discovered is a bit dumb I agree, had no idea.


That's the eastern-most tip of Oahu.


Ah, sweet. I'll head there a bit so I have it marked. :)

[edit - Found the club, hooray! Anyway, I don't think I'm really understanding the online bit of this. (I didn't do it much in TDU1 either, that's actually the only achieves I'm missing from that game, are the multiplayer ones.) I'll be randomly tooling around, then the police call and ask if I want to chase a guy. Is this started by a player and it just asks whoever is in the area at the time? Because it's always people I don't know. I've also tried to jump into some ranked matches, but then I've just sat in a lobby with people going "hey bro" instead of racing.

My eaten Land Rover is not eaten after all; it somehow teleported to Hawaii, because it was in my garage when I went there, along with the RYAN car, neither of which were taken to HI by me. Odd, but beats losing the Land Rover.

For now I'm just tooling around and trying to knock out things I can do. Did a couple licenses, banged out a bunch of the objectives at the casino, which is difficult because I'm using an SDTV and some of the text and cards are hard to read. Also, has roulette ever worked? Every time I've tried it, it doesn't seem to be functioning.]


formerly "chigiri"
Aha :) Nice to see your Land Rover is intact, that's one thing that's changed from TDU1 and TUD2, the cars in garages are not tied to a specific house, they can move around into open slots wherever when it's needed. You can also visit houses that have no open spots with another car and still enter the house without moving a car to another garage, essentially having 3 cars in the house temporarily.

And yeah Police chases are started by other players that do enough traffic violations and end up getting the cops on them, the game then asks nearby online players if they want to assist.

Manually starting multiplayer race challenges are a bit hit and miss as you've discovered, some just like to display all their cars and crap instead of racing. Wario and I had this happen a few times while doing club races.

I think roulette is still turned off to fix a money duping exploit.


I would love to join, but a couple of friends and I promised one another we'd see our club through to the end.

Still, if you fancy some clean racing (getting damned sick of dirty rammers), La Jeuxvideur de Point is always up for some!


Currently working on the Ibiza Cup, was getting pissed at a race (in the beloved Land Rover, go figure), so I stopped.

On the missions with the bomb icons: if you've done 100 of them, will more icons appears so you can keep doing them for the experience in each area? The list says you need to do 20 and 20 in each area of Ibiza, and I have 41. I *think* I did one on Oahu, but I'm not positive. I know it's not a lot of experience or anything, but did I manage to work myself out of possibly completing a later experience objective?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
PC got a patch.

Game still has major jutter issues.
Ascari A10 still not fixed.
Clubs still not finding matches.

FFS Atari/Eden.


I won the Ibiza cup, now trying to fill out the roads and find the wrecks/photo locations so I can move to Oahu and stay put.

Spent a little time in the casino, but actually got a headache from trying to scrutinize the text because I'm playing on an SDTV. I'd hate to spend the money on a TV when I don't really have it, but this is becoming a recurring issue.


Now that the game had time to simmer, how's TDU2? Have the bugs been dealt with (I have a 360)?

I'm debating if I should get TDU1 or 2. Checked the TDU1 demo, and the controls don't bother me. They're more twitchy than Forza 3 or PGR4, but still ok to me. How much worse are they in this sequel? Also, while I played the demo, someone messaged me saying he saw me playing TDU1. I thought the online servers of TDU1 had been disabled?

And finally, how's wheel support on both games on the 360?

Got this game as a gift on 360. I am really enjoing it alot.

The only question I have is why is it near impossible to challenge people to a race and have them accept. I was driving an A6 ranked car / Upgrade 2 challenginging only other A6 and A5 cars, only one person out of 20 accepted a race.

On the other hand every joker with an A1 or A2 wants to race A6 and A7
Anerythristic said:
The only question I have is why is it near impossible to challenge people to a race and have them accept.
Probably most people are working towards a goal they set for themselves while out there on the map, like exploring all roads. I know I didn't accept any challenges while doing that. Isn't there a challenge lobby or something (asking because I have no idea, not played any multiplayer in it at all)?
Joseph Merrick said:
Probably most people are working towards a goal they set for themselves while out there on the map, like exploring all roads. I know I didn't accept any challenges while doing that. Isn't there a challenge lobby or something (asking because I have no idea, not played any multiplayer in it at all)?

The multiplayer challenges are completley broken because I am guessing its mostly kids playing. The ONLY cars they race are Bugatis, they don't understand when you want to race tuned A4 class cars or classics.


Got 100% of the roads on Ibiza yesterday, working on the photos now so I can have all of the level 4 tuning on both sections of the island. Also fiddled around in the casino some more, they seriously need to get that roulette working, and make the prizes show up more in the drinks from the bar.


formerly cjelly
Here you go, brahs:


DLC1, also known as "The Exploration Pack" is almost out the door! This update includes some great features that the community has been asking for.

Got a Pink Mustang you'd like to sell? If so, you're in luck, because we're looking to buy. That's right - the next patch includes the ability to sell your reward cars!

How about getting your hands on a classy new ride, or a sleek, off-road beast? Two new cars have been added: The all-terrain Lancia Stratos "Rallye" and the classic 1969 Dodge Charger. Find all 20 new wreck locations in Ibiza and Oahu to unlock these cars!

For those who have been missing Roulette on the consoles, it's coming back! We've resolved the issue that needed to be resolved, and will be ready to start taking your bets again soon!

There's also a wealth of new missions. Twenty of them, but that's not all! Included with these new missions are two brand-new game modes: Extreme Convoy, and Timed Convoy.

As a reminder, this entire update is free! It's a way to say thanks to our loyal members who have shown their dedication and support for the Test Drive Unlimited series. The update should be available soon – keep an eye on our forums for the latest news from the development team!

And what about bikes? They're definitely coming in a separate update further down the road. If you're looking for a teaser, see if you can find the new bike shops on the map. If that doesn't satisfy your curiosity, check your favorite car dealerships for a sneak peek at some of the upcoming DLC cars!

FREE DLC1: The Exploration Pack - Release Notes


20 new missions
2 new mission types: Extreme Convoy and Timed Convoy
20 new wrecks to find which give you access to 2 new exclusive cars: Lancia Stratos version Rallye and Dodge charger 1969
3 additional Discovery levels
2 new Multiplayer Races for the Lancia Stratos

Help channel in TDU media
3D display mode (PS3/PC)
Bikes dealer, Auction hall, clothes shop are in “under construction” mode
DLC2 Car dealers are present but not activated


Ability to sell duel cars
Co-driving unlocks roads for the passenger
Increased rewards in multi challenges and car restrictions
PC Chat: Updated colors and position
Free ride players’ names updated: lighter display
PC : Edit profile (resolves incompatibility Atari.com account changes)

Bug fixes

Fixes for instant challenges (off-road)
Impact sound after jump
Fixes for casino roulette exploits
Fix for Casino Level 10 cut scene crash
Properly initialize club cars in lobby list (to play club races with club cars)
IP Voice menu management on PS3 (enables the player to turn off IP Voice)
ah sweet.

wonder if they're going to fix playing with cheat stuff enabled on pc ever. the trainer stuff

Shaneus said:
Good on them. Don't see any mention of PC performance or save corruption, though :/
wasn't the save corruption thing fixed a long time ago? like 3-4 weeks before the similar patch for consoles. also, I get 70-90 fps always on full blast graphics :O~ (not gloating, I promise. bwahaha)


Rented the game. Pretty fun although it tears like a bitch and drops a lot of frames. I have a couple questions though.

1) Can I replay championships as much as I want?
2) How do I get into a duel with an NPC? Like that first girl in the pink car?
3) Is there a cosmetic surgeon in the first area?
4) If I play offline all the stuff you do still saves right?

Thanks for taking the time guys. Its pretty addictive just driving around.

Dead Man

Thiniing about pulling the trigger on the PS3 version of this, found it pretty cheap. Just a couple quick questions if possible. Is there bad tearing on the PS3 version (I assume yes) and is there any V sync option?


Dead Man said:
Thiniing about pulling the trigger on the PS3 version of this, found it pretty cheap. Just a couple quick questions if possible. Is there bad tearing on the PS3 version (I assume yes) and is there any V sync option?

For what its worth theres no option on the 360. The tearing sucks but its not so horrible nor is the framerate unplayable or anything.

Fun rental and I'll pick it up for cheap down the road.

Dead Man

Grisby said:
For what its worth theres no option on the 360. The tearing sucks but its not so horrible nor is the framerate unplayable or anything.

Fun rental and I'll pick it up for cheap down the road.
Cool, thanks for the info.

Ploid 3.0

Is the PC version ok? The jutters still there as posted on this page? Wondering if I should get this on steam $20, I friggin love open world games, and the mmo nature of it sounds good. How is the framerate?


Ploid 3.0 said:
Is the PC version ok? The jutters still there as posted on this page? Wondering if I should get this on steam $20, I friggin love open world games, and the mmo nature of it sounds good. How is the framerate?
good question I would like to know this as well?


Dead Man said:
Thiniing about pulling the trigger on the PS3 version of this, found it pretty cheap. Just a couple quick questions if possible. Is there bad tearing on the PS3 version (I assume yes) and is there any V sync option?

there is no tearing in the ps3 version (playing in 1080p) - but there are some major slowdowns in big citys on ibiza.

Ploid 3.0

isamu said:
good question I would like to know this as well?

I got it since there was no answer. I'll be able to save you $20. I tried everything to get the framerate stable. The game gives me a headache trying to play it, its not smooth at all. I even lowered it to 640x480 or whatever it is, everything low/off, and it still couldn't hold a stable frame rate. The game don't even look good.

If not for Dirt 2, I'd think racing games on PC just require a monster pc, or they just can't have a console version.

I don't have Burnout Paradise so I don't know if it's a open world thing.

My system:
Athlon II X4 640 at 3.45ghz
4gig ddr3
Win 7
GTX 460 768mb

And then you have to deal with how cars handle in this game. They had a good idea, it's like a always online game where people are always on your map (tried playing offline to see if it helped framerate).
Just got this at Future Shop for $30. The game is awesome bad good. On paper the design is amazing. That they technically pulled it off is pretty cool too. The problem is that the presentation of design is so naive. This design with an EA or Codemasters presentation would be incredible. Here it comes off as candy teen soap opera.

I'm very impressed by the time of day and the weather system. Sometimes the game is stunning looking, sometimes dull. Just an issue with such flexible lighting. All the art is nicer than in the original and the shaders more complicated looking.

The driving itself is servicable. Is is a logical bump up from TDU 1. Not as good as a PGR but it still makes sense and the car does much of what you expect it to. However the off road feels very good, not Dirt 3 good but better than some attempts at it ive played. It's a surprising addition that works pretty well.

It is the map and the exploration that sets the game apart from the crowd. I can't believe this lynchpin design hasn't been exploited by more companies. The colored roads keep me on the move, the gps is as nice as ever, and the discovery of race and purchase locations is so engaging to me.

So far I'm happy to have bought the game. I played the hell out of the original and hope this one keeps me as interested over the long term.

If Atari needs money they should sell this IP and the engine along with it to Codemasters/THQ or EA or MS themselves.


MightyHealthy said:

Random instant challenge results in me beating Top 25 racer. Woot![/QUOTE]
Shit, nice effort!

I really need to get back into this. If I can tweak the settings enough for it to run 60fps on my PC, I think I will. Sure, the game is broken but it's still kinda cool to hoon around in.

I still haven't unlocked Hawaii yet :(
I just started getting back into this game after a long hiatus. What ever the hell happened to the patch and DLC they promised back in April???

I want to sell my challenge reward cars damn it!! :p
Shaneus said:
I still haven't unlocked Hawaii yet :(

Doesn't it unlock around after hour 2 of the game?

I'm almost done driving every road on Ibiza. No way will I do that for Hawaii seeing as though I did it once in the original TDU.

I feel really bad for this game. It really improved on every single area of the original game. I think perhaps they went too far past improvements and adding the "story" probably did them no favours.

I'm shocked they let you even do the house customizations with furniture and wall colour etc.


formerly cjelly
Samurai Penguin said:
I just started getting back into this game after a long hiatus. What ever the hell happened to the patch and DLC they promised back in April???

I want to sell my challenge reward cars damn it!! :p
Eden Games have closed.

This game is done, unfortunately.

Shame the consoles never got the DLC. It did come out for PC, though.
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