I just completed pretty much 100% of Ibiza. All the SP races, all the roads, all the photo locations. Only have the wrecks to find and I think I've almost got them.
I also finally spent some real time in Hawaii. Anyone claming this is not a better looking game than the first one really needs to do an actual A-B comparison. TDU 2 is FAR better looking in every respect. The only thing it is missing graphically is the HDR effects of the original.
It is sad that this game got passed over by so many and sad that Atari really pushed it out when it wasn't ready. They did do everything I wanted... nicer car models, time of day, weather, condo customization, better driving model, smoother road collision on curves, nicer visuals, more terrain to drive, etc.
Too bad they took out the real clothing manufacturers, put in less cars, less music, removed rental cars, changed up the mini mission design for no benefit, added a awful "story", and the online can be laggy.
It is still a good game and there are moments when it is a visual stunner in the right car at the right place in the right weather. I've sunk enough time and had enough fun with it so far that I think it has been a pretty worthy sequel over all.