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Tested.com |OT| Lean Into It If It's Racist

Oh hai.


Congrats Gary and Leah. Cute kid!

Also, you're holding hours and hours of Fake Outtake material in your arms.


60 hours sounds like torture. Did she have to have an epidural? Is that even something a midwife can do?

Congrats Gary. Better start saving for college! That means not buying every single Apple product anymore. :)

His Lego-vestments will be nice and mature in 18 years. Gold mine.


I've spent a lot of time with both Instacast and Downcast. I use a lot of playlists and like having real granular control of each subscription. Downcast just does that significantly better.

same. I find Instacast's UI really confusing, plus I hate not being able to set rules per subscription. eg I want to keep every one of Kermode's podcasts until I've listened to them, but I don't want to download any gametrailers reviews I just want the list there to refer to. And others I just want the most recent episode.

Podcaster is the best app I've found for that, but its iphone only so scales up badly on the ipad.

Does downcast or the official apple app download podcasts automatically in the background? I basically want newstand for podcasts.


I just heard the lastest podcast with Adam. I was pleasantly surprised that he is a Workaholics fan. I randomly saw it one night I was trying to put my daughter to sleep and have been a big fan ever since.

Interesting to see what Norm and Will think of it. A lot of 90s references so I think Norm will love it.


Just upgraded to the ipad 3 from the ipad 1. I'm not terribly blown away. However, Notetaker HD is even better with the higher resolution!


God no. That's how I was raised.

Questions regarding the birth at home: natural? (no shots I assume?) Also, did you take the baby to the hospital afterwards to get checked out etc. or not even bother and just go straight to the pediatrician?

If you didn't have to go to the hospital afterwards, that seems awesome. My wife was only in labor for like 10 total hours and only at the hospital doing the actual delivery for like 45 minutes. It was a freaking breeze. No shots no nothing (must be all the running and core strength!) If we could just pop this second one out at home and not have to be stuck in the hospital for three days that'd be amazing.

My wife is blown away that a "real person" actually ate the placenta.
Questions regarding the birth at home: natural? (no shots I assume?) Also, did you take the baby to the hospital afterwards to get checked out etc. or not even bother and just go straight to the pediatrician?
It's been posted elsewhere but Leah wound up having a very long and traumatic labor. She labored for 30 hours at home until the midwife decided that a hospital transfer was necessary because she was in too much pain. We went to the hospital where she was given ALL OF THE DRUGS which enabled her to labor for another 20 hours, but the baby still refused to come out the front door, the contractions were causing her way too much distress so eventually the decision was made to go to C-section.

I was in the OR with her, and got to see the surgeons literally lift the baby out of her belly which is the most amazing thing - both intellectually and emotionally - that I have ever seen in my life. In the end, labor lasted 52 hours. By far the most harrowing experience of my entire life, I was going out of my fucking mind with worry the entire time, but in the end everything worked out and mother and baby are doing well. The placenta is sitting in the hospital fridge for us to take home. One of the surgeons gave me a little show-and-tell with it while the others were closing Leah up and it is pretty amazing.

We are still in the hospital while Leah recovers and the baby is monitored as she is a little bit underweight. So don't expect me on the podcast this week, but I'm sure Will will have something to say as he got to visit and meet the baby the other day. I will tell the full story when I am next on, I have left some details out that will blow your fucking mind.


It's been posted elsewhere but Leah wound up having a very long and traumatic labor. She labored for 30 hours at home until the midwife decided that a hospital transfer was necessary because she was in too much pain. We went to the hospital where she was given ALL OF THE DRUGS which enabled her to labor for another 20 hours, but the baby still refused to come out the front door, the contractions were causing her way too much distress so eventually the decision was made to go to C-section.

I was in the OR with her, and got to see the surgeons literally lift the baby out of her belly which is the most amazing thing - both intellectually and emotionally - that I have ever seen in my life. In the end, labor lasted 52 hours. By far the most harrowing experience of my entire life, I was going out of my fucking mind with worry the entire time, but in the end everything worked out and mother and baby are doing well. The placenta is sitting in the hospital fridge for us to take home. One of the surgeons gave me a little show-and-tell with it while the others were closing Leah up and it is pretty amazing.

We are still in the hospital while Leah recovers and the baby is monitored as she is a little bit underweight. So don't expect me on the podcast this week, but I'm sure Will will have something to say as he got to visit and meet the baby the other day. I will tell the full story when I am next on, I have left some details out that will blow your fucking mind.

Wow, glad to here that everything is good now.

Congrats again!


It's been posted elsewhere but Leah wound up having a very long and traumatic labor. She labored for 30 hours at home until the midwife decided that a hospital transfer was necessary because she was in too much pain. We went to the hospital where she was given ALL OF THE DRUGS which enabled her to labor for another 20 hours, but the baby still refused to come out the front door, the contractions were causing her way too much distress so eventually the decision was made to go to C-section.

I was in the OR with her, and got to see the surgeons literally lift the baby out of her belly which is the most amazing thing - both intellectually and emotionally - that I have ever seen in my life. In the end, labor lasted 52 hours. By far the most harrowing experience of my entire life, I was going out of my fucking mind with worry the entire time, but in the end everything worked out and mother and baby are doing well.

We are still in the hospital while Leah recovers and the baby is monitored as she is a little bit underweight. So don't expect me on the podcast this week, but I'm sure Will will have something to say as he got to visit and meet the baby the other day.

Ah, shoot, sorry. I didn't see the story elsewhere. That sounds rough as hell. The shitty thing about the epidurals (that I didn't realize until our first) is how long and terribly it makes the delivery. Hearing stories like that make me realize how absurdly lucky my wife is. Christ, I don't think we were in the hospital a total of 52 hours. Insane. In the end, at least you guys are all healthy!

You need to get Leah a spa day.
More like a spa month.

The worst thing about the epidural in our case was that they didn't really work; they'd be effective for about an hour, then start to wear off. She was given three in total to get her through the whole experience and had to be given fentanyl and morphine too.

Impressively, they were able to use the epidural to numb her for the C-section (using a much stronger dose) so she was conscious for the whole procedure. As harrowing as the whole experience was there were some amazing high points too; probably one of the best memories I'll ever have is taking the baby over to Leah so she could meet her for the first time while she was still being operated on. Unbelievable.
The placenta is sitting in the hospital fridge for us to take home.

Hahaha i'm imagining this huge fridge with bunch of placentas in it. And then, what if there is a mixup? Like, what if they accidentally give you someone else's placenta to take home?

I'm with Norm, this whole thing is just too much to take and i now regret even thinking about it.

But in all seriousness Gary and Leah, good job on getting through this ordeal. It sounds terrifying.


Hahaha i'm imagining this huge fridge with bunch of placentas in it. And then, what if there is a mixup? Like, what if they accidentally give you someone else's placenta to take home?
It's not a huge fridge, though I guess it might vary from hospital to hospital. They're plastic bagged and labeled like everything else (except the babies. they're just labeled). Hospitals are very, very careful about not giving you anything that is meant for another patient.


It's been posted elsewhere but Leah wound up having a very long and traumatic labor. She labored for 30 hours at home until the midwife decided that a hospital transfer was necessary because she was in too much pain. We went to the hospital where she was given ALL OF THE DRUGS which enabled her to labor for another 20 hours, but the baby still refused to come out the front door, the contractions were causing her way too much distress so eventually the decision was made to go to C-section.

I was in the OR with her, and got to see the surgeons literally lift the baby out of her belly which is the most amazing thing - both intellectually and emotionally - that I have ever seen in my life. In the end, labor lasted 52 hours. By far the most harrowing experience of my entire life, I was going out of my fucking mind with worry the entire time, but in the end everything worked out and mother and baby are doing well. The placenta is sitting in the hospital fridge for us to take home. One of the surgeons gave me a little show-and-tell with it while the others were closing Leah up and it is pretty amazing.

We are still in the hospital while Leah recovers and the baby is monitored as she is a little bit underweight. So don't expect me on the podcast this week, but I'm sure Will will have something to say as he got to visit and meet the baby the other day. I will tell the full story when I am next on, I have left some details out that will blow your fucking mind.

Wow. Wow wow. I am glad everything came through OK.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I missed this placenta discussion....does eating it turn your baby into a superbeing, like levels them up early? If so then let's eat, otherwise, ehh....


I missed this placenta discussion....does eating it turn your baby into a superbeing, like levels them up early? If so then let's eat, otherwise, ehh....

What i don't get is that, unless it's processed in some kind of pill or something like that then any normal human being would most probabaly throw it all back out after eating... What's the point then?

It's not like people were doing that before and it's coming back in fashion. I put it in the same category of people thinking that drinking their own urine has medicinal purposes.
What i don't get is that, unless it's processed in some kind of pill or something like that then any normal human being would most probabaly throw it all back out after eating... What's the point then?
Encapsulation is a very popular option and most likely exactly what we will do.


I missed this placenta discussion....does eating it turn your baby into a superbeing, like levels them up early? If so then let's eat, otherwise, ehh....
They offered to store ours for stem cells.

We declined. It was pricey and not covered by insurance. Have never heard of eating it or why that is a good idea.


Still without luck
Waiting for the podcast to be posted right now. I was wondering; has anyone else listened to the first couple episodes of the Adam podcast and now have no real interest in listening to any more?


Waiting for the podcast to be posted right now. I was wondering; has anyone else listened to the first couple episodes of the Adam podcast and now have no real interest in listening to any more?
I've really enjoyed them myself. Skipped the Girls one though as I'll never watch the show.
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