I'm guessing this episode is nothing but Will shitting on things?
Can you give it a rest already?
I'm guessing this episode is nothing but Will shitting on things?
I kinda like that he's constantly negative about Will being constantly negative.Can you give it a rest already?
No, all of us are shitting this week. Nexus Q LOL!
Can you give it a rest already?
I kinda like that he's constantly negative about Will being constantly negative.
Excuse me for pursuing happyness. Once Upon a Time the conversations were allowed to go a where The Day Takes You. Now, Will treats every tech topic like an Enemy of the State. It's time Gary and Norm declare their independence day and get back to the free form, wild wild west nature that made this show great. Am I a bad boy for wanting to know about more about Windows Phone 8? Will you demand seven pounds of flesh should I request some google talk? Nexus Q is entirely Made In Amerca, that's a topic I think would Blossom if Will Smith would just let it. Sheesh I guess I'll stop complaining before the men in black show up to hitch me in cuffs and send me to gitmo with some dude named Ali.
Excuse me for pursuing happyness. Once Upon a Time the conversations were allowed to go a where The Day Takes You. Now, Will treats every tech topic like an Enemy of the State. It's time Gary and Norm declare their independence day and get back to the free form, wild wild west nature that made this show great. Am I a bad boy for wanting to know about more about Windows Phone 8? Will you demand seven pounds of flesh should I request some google talk? Nexus Q is entirely Made In Amerca, that's a topic I think would Blossom if Will Smith would just let it. Sheesh I guess I'll stop complaining before the men in black show up to hitch me in cuffs and send me to gitmo with some dude named Ali.
Excuse me for pursuing happyness. Once Upon a Time the conversations were allowed to go a where The Day Takes You. Now, Will treats every tech topic like an Enemy of the State. It's time Gary and Norm declare their independence day and get back to the free form, wild wild west nature that made this show great. Am I a bad boy for wanting to know about more about Windows Phone 8? Will you demand seven pounds of flesh should I request some google talk? Nexus Q is entirely Made In Amerca, that's a topic I think would Blossom if Will Smith would just let it. Sheesh I guess I'll stop complaining before the men in black show up to hitch me in cuffs and send me to gitmo with some dude named Ali.
After hearing today's podcast I really don't get this comment, if it's unsarcastic.
Will: "Fuck you Chan! I hate you!"
Is Norm really quiet in this episode or are my speakers f'd?
yeah, audio is wack this eps.
disappointed in you will!
Is Norm really quiet in this episode or are my speakers f'd?
My title suggestion was rejected![]()
Trying to watch Girls after listening to that podcast. What a terrible opening scene. I'm supposed to feel sorry for someone because their parents cut them off.....two years after they graduated?
No. You missed the point.
I don't like how Will vetoes a topic. Hollywood has made him too big headed.
No. You missed the point.
Please enlighten me. I shut it off not far into the episode.
It is about a twenty-something making mistakes and figuring out how to survive on her own. Being cut off was crucial because acts as the push that forces everything else to happen.
If you are looking for a story where you agree with everything the main character is doing and you genuinely feel sorry for her when bad things happen, then you are watching the wrong show. Life isn't like that, and this show isn't either. She is regularly bitchy and selfish, and the things that she does hurt those around her that may care for her. Almost all of the characters do it to some degree, but Hannah(the main character) does it way more than anyone else...
yeah, audio is wack this eps.
disappointed in you will!
Oh good, then I didn't miss the point.
It seems you did, because you indicated that you thought that you were supposed to feel sorry for her. You aren't. There is a difference between feeling sorry for someone and understanding them. You aren't supposed to feel sorry for her, but I am sure that some part of you can understand what it is like to be twenty-something and completely clueless about how to live on your own.
Yeah, I more meant empathize than feel sorry for. And no, I can't. She seems to be everything that is despicable about her generation, and they captured that in one scene. I cannot at all understand the mindset of a person who is so coddled and wholly incapable of fending for themselves in their early twenties. Leaching off your parents is one thing, begging them to pay you way while you "find yourself," I guess I can sort of see how someone could delude themselves into thinking that's an acceptable life to live. Getting pissed off when they decide that they are no longer going to pay for you to be a God damned dead beat? That I cannot even begin to fathom. That is a nauseating level of entitlement that, thank Christ, I don't understand even a little bit.
No decent audio equipment here, but i do wonder, i know game sites do have a 'game library' to throw games in. But what do tech sites do with all the gadgets/gizmos/laptops/phones they got for free and/or bought?
Return them, sell them, give to friends?
I like fat dudes.
I like board games.
Lots of the "freebies" are just loaners.
This is so tempting but I won't cross the streams with tested and the NFL thread. For one it shows poor form and for another no one will know wtf the NFL is.eznark
I dislike worthless dead beats
I dislike these damn kids who won't get off my lawn
I enjoyed this weeks podcast. Will seemed a little bit more laid back this week.