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Tetsuya Nomura - TWEWY sequel not currently in development


There was a brief thread about the interview, but the TWEWY part was buried in there

Although most of his time has been devoted to discussing current projects, Tetsuya Nomura, producer of The World Ends With You, took a moment in a Famitsu interview to address a potential sequel to the DS RPG. Unfortunately, the news is not necessarily good, with Nomura stating that, while the series is popular overseas, that making a sequel would not be easy (but not impossible). In order to do it, he would like to assemble a team capable of delivering a game just as good as the first.

Even if it were to happen, Nomura’s statements suggest that it is at least not in development at the moment.


May be somewhat expected news, considering Kingdom Hearts has been a big priority for Nomura lately, but still disappointing nonetheless. Hopefully Jupiter would still be onboard (last I heard they wanted to work on a sequel a few years ago).
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