OpinionatedCyborg said:I know it's hard to believe, but there are some rational Christian fundamentalists who aren't complete nutbags. The bible DOES condemn homosexuality, so why should its most ardent followers not do the same?
Comparing this group of people to Osama Bin Laden is ridiculous, because Osama Bin Laden twists religion for his own purposes. What he is doing is not a part of the Muslim religion, it's not even a decent interpretation of the Muslim religion. Christian fundamentalists who oppose homosexuality do so because the bible tells them to.
We aren't in a position to debate whether homosexual partners are in a better or worse position to parent children. It's the job of the adoption agents, not us, to investigate each applicant and decide whether they're worthy of adopting children. If an industry professional can find two people are suited to become parents, then I'll stand by their assessment.
also neglects the fact that it is societal expectations that are wrong. who will be the bullies? kids. why will they be bullies? because they have been told that homosexuality is wrong and it is ok to make fun of.Drinky Crow said:The concern over "bullying" assumes that the kid being raised is like you: a totally insecure American male. YOU might be disturbed that your parents are gay; a healthy kid raised by intelligent, capable homosexual parents may have very little reason for insecurity.
nitewulf said:also neglects the fact that it is societal expectations that are wrong. who will be the bullies? kids. why will they be bullies? because they have been told that homosexuality is wrong and it is ok to make fun of.
if the first few black students never walked into the first non-segregated schools in the south, then where would we be?
if rosa parks never made her stand, then where would we be?
somebody does have to take the first steps. it must start somewhere if societal views are expected to change.
if there are lots and lots of adopted kids who have gay parents, the situation wouldn't be odd anymore. and there would be no more bullying and ridicule.
OpinionatedCyborg said:^^ GG sweeping generalizations GG
Just what we need more of around here.
PhlegmMaster said:A generalization is the act of taking some characteristics of a particular sub-group and unjustifiably claiming they apply to the entire group. That's not what I'm doing at all. I said Christians, as a whole, interpret the Bible to make it fit their morals, and that's exactly what I meant.
The examples I mentioned weren't necessarily said by fundies, often they were used by liberal Christians, the tolerant kind who usually accept evolution, and in their case I say good for them, because I usually agree with their morals, but that doesn't change the fact that they interpret the Bible so it fits them. When a text is so complex and ambiguous as the Bible, there's no way everyone will agree on a single interpretation, so it's obvious that every interpretation is purely subjective, except for the parts that can be evaluated by seeing if they fit reality, like Genesis which obviously doesn't, but unfortunately most of the Bible isn't like that.
No one's saying they shouldn't condemn homosexuality. Well, ok, that's exactly what some people are saying, but no one really cares what fundies believe except other fundies. The problem is that they want state law to prohibit homosexual marriage and homosexual foster parents, and state law applies to everyone who lives in the state, including non-Christian and non-religious people. They want to ban something based on purely religious reasons reasons that cannot be demonstrated to have any validity. There's a name for societies that establish laws by claiming it's the will of God: Theocracy.
RiZ III said:Whether or not I was/am a religious person, I would oppose Gay adoption. Texas+1
PhlegmMaster said:No one's saying they shouldn't condemn homosexuality. Well, ok, that's exactly what some people are saying, but no one really cares what fundies believe except other fundies. The problem is that they want state law to prohibit homosexual marriage and homosexual foster parents, and state law applies to everyone who lives in the state, including non-Christian and non-religious people. They want to ban something based on purely religious reasons reasons that cannot be demonstrated to have any validity. There's a name for societies that establish laws by claiming it's the will of God: Theocracy.
OpinionatedCyborg said:This is what I was referring to.
OpinionatedCyborg said:Yeah, they have a right to that view. They also have the right to have the wrong view--I never said otherwise. I did say that this portion of the anti-gay marriage/abortion crowd didn't have a progressive viewpoint due to the time period they grew up in.
My brain was built by Sony, which might explain some of my contradictory remarks in this thread, as well as PSP like ejaculation during sex. So yes, I am a Sony fanRE4 vs. SH4 said:OpinionatedCyborg: Sony Fan
ManDudeChild said:I'm sorry, but if that small way of thinking can be accepted, then a lot more things can be accepted. It's a slippery slope, and it seems some are already sliding down.
Bacon said:I wouldn't want to grow up with gay foster parents.
OpinionatedCyborg said:My brain was built by Sony, which might explain some of my contradictory remarks in this thread, as well as PSP like ejaculation during sex. So yes, I am a Sony fan![]()
What do you propose we do with people who oppose gay rights (they would say they're for gay rights and against gay marriage, but we all know better than that)? Tell them they're idiots? Lambast them for failing to keep up with the times? Nothing positive comes out of name calling and hate. As soon as we stop listening and attempting to understand them, we become just as blind and narrow in our cause as they are.
Canadian Psycho said:Who in their right mind would?
Yes.RE4 vs. SH4 said:So you propose we try to understand the position of bigots?
Understand where they're coming from so you can use that understanding to educate them without making them get defensive and deaf to your arguments.To tolerate intolerance, for the sake of not looking like hypocrites?
That's a flaw in logic. The fundamental difference between us and them is that we promote the freedom to do whatever we want as long as no harm is done to others, while they want to enforce their beliefs and upbringing on everybody without regard for diversity or common sense.
Teknopathetic said:"You do realize that you're enforcing your beliefs on 'them' by restricting 'their' religious practices, right? "
Flawed argument and a poor analogy. No one's trying to restrict their religious practices. Unless, of course, their religious practices are "prevent all heathens from doing things that pose no threat to anyone, we just think it's icky."
I dunno. Paul Reiser as a dad would be really traumatizing, I think.Be-Ah-Hui said:I always envied this girl:
OpinionatedCyborg said:"No one's trying to restrict their religious practices...here's how we restrict their religious practices."
Any time you censor someone else because you disagree with them, you're enforcing your beliefs on them. So please don't say "no one's trying to restrict their religious practices," then go on to admit that you are.
OpinionatedCyborg said:Yes.
Understand where they're coming from so you can use that understanding to educate them without making them get defensive and deaf to your arguments.
Stop with the 'us and theme.' It's annoying when Limbaugh rants about 'liberals do this and conservatives do that' and this is no different.
You do realize that you're enforcing your beliefs on 'them' by restricting 'their' religious practices, right?
Again, what do you think we should do to solve this problem? It's easy to point at Texas and say "you're wrong," but how can you propogate a change in thinking? What makes you right and what makes them wrong? How can you prove to these people that you're right and they're wrong?
As long as everyone segregates themselves and clearly defines the lines of right and wrong, syntheses will rarely be reached. I'm not saying you have to agree with what you perceive to be bigoted behaviour, I'm just saying you must attempt to understand it, and tolerate their point of view before educating them on what you believe is right.
akascream said:The gay movement will never figure out that this is about the kids and not them. But I think the gay movement is pretty selfish all around, so this is no suprise.
OpinionatedCyborg said:You do realize that you're enforcing your beliefs on 'them' by restricting 'their' religious practices, right?
I tend to respect people's beliefs because I'm a tolerant person. If I understand where you're coming from, then I'm less likely to label you as a racist or bigot.
Teknopathetic said:"Any time you censor someone else because you disagree with them, you're enforcing your beliefs on them. So please don't say "no one's trying to restrict their religious practices," then go on to admit that you are."
I don't think anyone's trying to say that at all. No one's trying to "censor" christianity. (or at least, that's not what I said)
RE4 vs. SH4 said:If you haven't noticed, that isn't working. They can't be educated because their entire system of belief is based on blind faith, from which they will not waver. How do you argue against blind faith? You can point out the inconsistencies in their thinking, but that means nothing to them. God works in mysterious ways; a diehard conservative's beliefs are not supposed to be understood, for no one can comprehend the will of God.
I'm for secularism; what's your point? We're imposing our beliefs on them by allowing this to occur. As I said previously, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Censorship is a part of society--we judge what's good and bad, as a whole, and make decisions from there. I think you misunderstood what I was getting at.This is not about freedom of speech. That would be the case if they were simply talking shit about us, but they're not. They're trying to turn their church-derived beliefs INTO LAW. What about this can you not understand?
If we're speaking specifically about the fundies, then this is expecting a bit much. Most believe homosexuality is a psychological problem or a conscious choice, both of which can be reversed.They have to be accepting of others before others are accepting of them.
Let them die off like they are currently doing. Fight their propositions until their numbers dwindle to a point where they cannot affect our government. It will work itself out. Our side is open to debate. Theirs is not.
Mumbles said:I'm not at all sure why I should respect a position simply because some random group happens to hold it, either. It seems to me that rational discussion doesn't work against raw hatred, but sometimes shame and humiliation does. If they feel bad about being called "racist", "bigot" or whatever, then I'm happy, because that's exactly what I intended. Perhaps the words will cause them to take a good look at themselves and think about what they're doing.
...isn't this about the foster system, though? As in whether or not gays should be FOSTER parents, not ADOPTIVE parents.SolidSnakex said:Probably a kid that's been stuck in foster system and would just like to be part of a family. Just a thought.
OpinionatedCyborg said:Those who oppose gay marriage/adoption aren't only the fundamentalists. I would argue the vast majority of Americans in opposition to gay rights can can be convinced otherwise through proper education. I've said elsewhere in this thread essentially what you're saying now: fundamentalists follow the bible as closely as possible (blind faith), which means pure logic is often useless.
I'm for secularism; what's your point? We're imposing our beliefs on them by allowing this to occur. As I said previously, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Censorship is a part of society--we judge what's good and bad, as a whole, and make decisions from there. I think you misunderstood what I was getting at.
Point out that homosexuality is prevalent in all species of mammals. Tell them that there is a rigorous process, created to weed out those with bad intentions, all applicants must go through before adopting a child. Remind them of a famous gay person they're fond of. Show them scientific studies linking homosexuality to genetics rather than choice.
Don't dismiss them as idiots (even if they are)--make a valid attempt to show them the right way so they can be a better person for it, and you can be a better person for not lowering yourself to their level.
Drinky Crow said:The next retard to post "Texas +1" without stating WHY they believe Texas to be in the right gets banned.
And fucking pardon me for being so selfish as to not want to get fired from my job, denied housing or being jailed for loving someone of the same sex.
Just fucking try.
Sexual orientation is not a fucking fetish.
Some secrets are better kept hidden.Kobun Heat said:See, it's funny that you posted because I always thought of you as being the product of a same-sex union between bobbyconover and TekunoRobby.
TekunoRobby said:Some secrets are better kept hidden.
Our boy is growing up so quickly, he's posting with such vigor. Almost makes me sad to let him go but all men need to grow up some day, I'm sure bobbyconover will agree.
The Party believes that the practice of sodomy tears at the fabric of society, contributes to breakdown of the family unit, and leads to spread of dangerous, communicable diseases. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God...
The Party opposes the legalization of sodomy. The Party demands Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.
Mandark said:OpinionatedCyborg: As I understand it, the Biblical case for anti-homosexuality is very weak, especially considering the most poplar quote(s?) comes from Leviticus, right in the middle of all sorts of things 99%+ of modern Christians see fit to ignore. I'm entirely fuzzy about this, though.
So do people deserve respect for the religious beliefs even when it comes from a misreading of the text, or so selective a reading as to be disingenuous?
TehPirate said:There are non abusive non gay people.
RiZ III said:Why? Cause it isn't fair to the kid. Thats why. He/she shouldn't be forced to live with the 'freaks' of society. Like it or not, Homosexuality is seen as a stain upon humanity by most societies including this one. Perhaps one day when homosexuality is just a norm, it would be fine for gay adoptions, but until then, I don't think its right or fair for the kid. If you people want to have a homosexual life, thats fine, just keep it to yourselves and don't get orphans involved in it. Go produce your own children if you can.
My best friend in 7,8th grade had a lesbian mother. She was married before, had him, got divorced soon after and lived with her lover. Once word got around school, he had a horrible time and that wasn't the first school where that had happened either. It wasn't fair for him, but atleast it was his own mother who gave birth to him. He wasn't picked up by selfish strangers who didn't care about the kids future as he grew up in such a split society. I might sound hard headed, fundamental, conservative, and whatever else, so call me what you want and roll your eyes if you will, but I just don't agree with a kid being forced to grow up probably being ridiculed and made fun of because he/she was forcefully adopted by gay parents.