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Thanks Episode III... Now I'm unimpressed with A New Hope

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What better to inspire me to watch the original trilogy than the completion of first III episodes of Star Wars. I grabbed my VHS tapes when I got home from work today and starting watching A New Hope with fond memories and high expectations. I'm rarely let down this much.

Unlike the new films, these reek of the time period in which they were made. 1970's clothing abound and everything is set up just like earth, but with a SPACE theme.
What really got me, though, was the horrible light saber duel between Obi Wan and Vader. It looked like a couple of sissy girls in a slap fight. It also seems Lucas spent a lot of time showing off his wonderful puppets. There are scenes dedicated to nothing else but showing the poor design of some of them.

Episode III has ruined the old films for me and made them damn near unwatchable. I've seen A New Hope like 15 times in my life and this is the first time I haven't been able to finish it. It's like going back and playing the original Star Fox.

This will be unpopular, but I think they should be remade.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
olimario said:
This will be unpopular, but I think they should be remade.
And then you'll complain that the prequels are poor in comparison.

Movies age. Deal with it.


I thought there were rumors that Lucas was going to change that saber-fight? Make it a little bit more sexy and in line with what we've seen in the PT.
olimario said:
What better to inspire me to watch the original trilogy than the completion of first III episodes of Star Wars. I grabbed my VHS tapes when I got home from work today and starting watching A New Hope with fond memories and high expectations. I'm rarely let down this much.

Unlike the new films, these reek of the time period in which they were made. 1970's clothing abound and everything is set up just like earth, but with a SPACE theme.
What really got me, though, was the horrible light saber duel between Obi Wan and Vader. It looked like a couple of sissy girls in a slap fight. It also seems Lucas spent a lot of time showing off his wonderful puppets. There are scenes dedicated to nothing else but showing the poor design of some of them.

Episode III has ruined the old films for me and made them damn near unwatchable. I've seen A New Hope like 15 times in my life and this is the first time I haven't been able to finish it. It's like going back and playing the original Star Fox.

This will be unpopular, but I think they should be remade.


"I told you so."


Dan said:
And then you'll complain that the prequels are poor in comparison.

Movies age. Deal with it.

Some poorly and some not. I think Citizen Kane aged better than A New Hope did. I think Rear Window still stands up rather well.


Ninja Scooter said:

"I told you so."

HaHa,, yeah go watch his 'definitive' version. That'll teach you to watch the VHS versions. Or something. Seriously, the DVDs are pretty awesome quality wise. They nearly seem like they were filmed yesterday.

J2 Cool

Having watched the original trilogy lately too, Star Wars has by far aged the worse. Empire and ROTJ aged a lot better though imo. But what can you do. It's the classic, and thus it must stand.


I spent the night with my two buddies watching Episode 4 and 5! Oh man!

I'm new to star wars. Last week I watched Episodes 1-2-3 all for the first time! And tonight I saw 4 and 5 for the first time aswell.

4 was meh

5 was pretty darn good. I liked Empire Strikes Back a helluva lot more than 'the great white hope" or whatever.


:lol :lol :lol

Seeing shit like Episode III made me have a good long dose of the original trilogy just so I could be reminded that Star Wars hasn't always been absolute rubbish.

I guess there's just no accounting for incredibly bad taste.


Stop complaining! He'll hear you! WAIT! Its too late! :(


"How would you like to be Luke in my remake of the 1st trilogy?"




They won't remake them. They'll just redo ALL of the effects like they wanted to do in 1997 but ran out of time.


Fatalah said:
I spent the night with my two buddies watching Episode 4 and 5! Oh man!

I'm new to star wars. Last week I watched Episodes 1-2-3 all for the first time! And tonight I saw 4 and 5 for the first time aswell.

4 was meh

5 was pretty darn good. I liked Empire Strikes Back a helluva lot more than 'the great white hope" or whatever.

You know I'm really curious about your opinions and thoughts on the original trilogy, seeing as you're pretty much unbiased, and probably have a reasonably objective view of how the story unfolds. For Episode 6 aswell, when you get around to seeing it. Especially so, seeing as you are viewing them for the first time 1-6...
honestly i went back to watcht he original trilogy and i too did not enjoy a new hope.

I think the only two watchable SW movies are ep3 and empire.
I hadn't watched EP4 until I was adult (I grew up in Korea where giant robots were what kids watched). My first impression of EP4 was a cheesy B movie with half assed story and decent FXs.

That impression still stands.


I rewatched the original OT movies (VHS) this week.

They're still good. If you're complaining about 'em, you must not have been that much of a fan of 'em in the first place.


Mrkgoo. Last week my good friend Dan decided to make me his test subject. Just as you have said, I'm new to the whole Star Wars thing--however I know the BIG spoilers of the old movies (about Luke and Vader's relationship).

After watching "A new hope", I found myself wanting alot more. The movie, to me, seemed alot like a joke. The force was hardly mentioned in it, it was more like a magician's trick than anything else. The two best characters coming from Ep 4 is Han Solo and Princess Leigha. By a joke I mean that the seriousness of the politics in the movie wasn't felt.

The light saber battling was abysmal compared to what Ep 1-3 showed me. If you're strong with the force, your age doesn't matter. Don't tell me that "they're older so they move slow". Yoda's 800 years old and he flipped like a mutha!

There's alot more gun action in the movie.

I find that Ewan McGregar captures the Obi Wan role much better than Guinness. Obi Wan seemed like an abusive uncle throwing his nephew into harms way (instead of protecting Luke like Yoda assigned!)

Episode 5 is alot better. It seems alot more serious, alot more emotional. More happens in Episode 5, we get to meet Yoda, we learn about Luke and Vader being his father, Lando comes in with his pimp planet, Leigha and Han Solo's love blossoms... It's a better movie.

Due to the fact I've watched all the movies without much time in between they all feel like a miniseries. 1-3 really had alot of character development for me. These old movies feel...distant.

Episode 6 is next up.

My favorite characters--- Han Solo, Princess Leigha, and the ever so consistent R2D2 and 3CPO. These movies aren't about Vader, they're about funny robots!


Empire Strikes Back is still motherfucking awesome. Saw ANH recently, and all I still liked of it were Han Solo and the Death Star trench run.

Haven't seen RotJ since 1998.

Revenge of the Sith.. I dunno. I think it's right below ESB.

I also think TPM > ANH.


Fatalah said:
Mrkgoo. Last week my good friend Dan decided to make me his test subject. Just as you have said, I'm new to the whole Star Wars thing--however I know the BIG spoilers of the old movies (about Luke and Vader's relationship).

After watching "A new hope", I found myself wanting alot more. The movie, to me, seemed alot like a joke. The force was hardly mentioned in it, it was more like a magician's trick than anything else. The two best characters coming from Ep 4 is Han Solo and Princess Leigha. By a joke I mean that the seriousness of the politics in the movie wasn't felt.

The light saber battling was abysmal compared to what Ep 1-3 showed me. If you're strong with the force, your age doesn't matter. Don't tell me that "they're older so they move slow". Yoda's 800 years old and he flipped like a mutha!

There's alot more gun action in the movie.

I find that Ewan McGregar captures the Obi Wan role much better than Guinness. Obi Wan seemed like an abusive uncle throwing his nephew into harms way (instead of protecting Luke like Yoda assigned!)

Episode 5 is alot better. It seems alot more serious, alot more emotional. More happens in Episode 5, we get to meet Yoda, we learn about Luke and Vader being his father, Lando comes in with his pimp planet, Leigha and Han Solo's love blossoms... It's a better movie.

Due to the fact I've watched all the movies without much time in between they all feel like a miniseries. 1-3 really had alot of character development for me. These old movies feel...distant.

Episode 6 is next up.

My favorite characters--- Han Solo, Princess Leigha, and the ever so consistent R2D2 and 3CPO. These movies aren't about Vader, they're about funny robots!

Haha, cool, thanks. You know, one of George's original concept was to make some kind of sci-fi serial-like series, and the only thing common to all of them would be those two droids. Anyway, I can see the failings of Epi Iv, as you detail them. But for me (and I imagine many, many SW fans) it's far too entrenched in our childhood. Imagine it being the only SW movie...nothing like it had come before, and from Lucas' point of view, he wasn't sure there'd be any after either. It had to be as stand alone as possible.

I wonder how much of my nostalgia is really 'blinding' me? A lot of repeat viewings of Ep IV bring me back to those times. ACtually, on my viewing of Ep III, I saw a Dad bring in his son (5-7 yo), and it made me think that that's basically me when I went to see RotJ - I don't have many vivid memories of my earlyish childhood, but one of them is me begging my Dad to take me to see RotJ.

Ah,,, drop a post when you see Ep6!


Return of the Jedi is also kind of ruined, Emperor Palpatine who kicked all sorts of ass in Ep III doesn't do much and is really killed of in a pathetic way.


Ark-AMN said:
Return of the Jedi is also kind of ruined, Emperor Palpatine who kicked all sorts of ass in Ep III doesn't do much and is really killed of in a pathetic way.

Please. His brooding menace in ROTJ >>>>>>>>>>> snarling rubbishness in ROTS


refreshZ said:
Please. His brooding menace in ROTJ >>>>>>>>>>> snarling rubbishness in ROTS

Yeah, I don't see teh big deal with Ian in RotS. The first time I saw him starting to go all warped, and him going, "noooOO nOOn noooOO" WAs really....bizarre....that's the only word I can think of to describe it (taken from another poster). People laughed at that at my first showing...it was like Gollum when he goes kinda weird and talks to him self (not the schizo scene, just in general). There's some great Palaptine stuff, but as Sidious he was nowhere near the game he was in RotJ. Yeah, wussy way to die, but his inflections were pretty cool in REturn. Still, if Jedi can be blindsided by clonetroopers, surely The emperor can be blindsided by his right hand dude, who didn't so much as whimper for the last 26 years.

"So, be it....Jedi."

"You have paid for your lack of vision"

"..An now young Skywalker...You...will die."


mrkgoo said:
Yeah, wussy way to die, but his inflections were pretty cool in REturn. Still, if Jedi can be blindsided by clonetroopers, surely The emperor can be blindsided by his right hand dude, who didn't so much as whimper for the last 26 years.

"So, be it....Jedi."

"You have paid for your lack of vision"

"..An now young Skywalker...You...will die."

The Emperor's demise at Darth Vader's hands was absolute genius in ROTJ. Unexpected, powerful and beautiful. I think it was the awesomely fitting music that really strikes the cords during this scene.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
The 70's get up's and Large the computers and dials in the star destroyers that look like they do nothing are all apart of the movies charm.
i would like to see a remake "done by lucas and his team" of EP IV, V and VI

would be sweet

i guess i just dont want starwars to ever end...


The wife, sister-in-law, her husband and me saw it yesterday in a non-digital theater.. we all liked the movie... NOW WHERE CAN I DOWNLOAD IT... it is so painful to find... in the voice of Vader "noooooo"


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I really enjoyed EpIII yesterday... even though Hayden continued to be the weak link.... the Emperor's coming out fight against Mace and then Yoda just kicked all kind of ass... Anakin and Obi's fight was nice and long.... my only disappointment in terms of fight was how short the rematch against Dooku was and how short the Obi/Grevious fight was... especially since everything I've been reading says Dooku trained him and he made a habit of killing Jedi and taking their lightsabers.... I just imagined him to be a kickass fighter... yet Obiwan spanked the shit outta him.

Anyway if there's one thing I've really enjoyed about Ep's 1, 2 and 3, it's the duality of various locations, conversations, settings... there are so many conversations that mimic stuff that takes place in the later trilogy..... I had to laugh when Yoda told Palpatine that his faith in his apprentice was his weakeness because I immediately thought of Palpatine telling Luke that his faith in his friends was HIS weakeness... and of course the Dooku fight taking place in a throne room lit up by a space battle in the background.

BTW that was one helluva space battle going on... I think that without doubt that's the largest one we've seen in the Eps...

Poor Obiwan first he let his student fall to the darkside.. then he failed to kill him... but then Yoda failed when he had his chance to put away Palpatine too... and hey the prophecy was correct... Anakin did eventually bring balance to the force... it just took longer and was done through a more roundabout way than the Jedi expected....


J2 Cool said:
Having watched the original trilogy lately too, Star Wars has by far aged the worse. Empire and ROTJ aged a lot better though imo. But what can you do. It's the classic, and thus it must stand.


I watched Ep 4 on friday after watching Ep 3 the night before. WOW, i couldnt watch it, its just so slow and boring. Obi Wan and Han Solo saved it from being turned off, but there was no excitement.

I can watch ESB and ROTJ, but ANH is more of a chore


I hadn't watched the originals since I was like 8-10 so when my brother put them on yesterday morning I was actually really impressed with how great they were. Sure, the special effects are very outdated but the story keeps the movie very interesting for me. I haven't seen III yet.


Episode Three makes the Vader Obiwan rematch in episode 4 pretty anticlimactic.

"The circle is complete" wam, robes fall to the ground
OT lightsaber duels = seasoned samurai warriors engaged in honorable combat.

PT lightsaber duels = spastic Shaolin monks hopped up on caffiene.

And I've really grown to HATE the lightsaber duels of the PT because of that. It was cool at first because of Darth Maul, but with each sequel it's gotten more elaborate and overblown and ridiculous. It's all eye candy -- intense, but not tense.


olimario said:
Some poorly and some not. I think Citizen Kane aged better than A New Hope did. I think Rear Window still stands up rather well.

:lol You're comparing a special effects free Citizen Kane with a special effects showpiece in Star Wars, where such effects have taken a quantum leap forward 25 years later? Are you really this fucking stupid, or is it something you've had to practice?

Prince of Space said:
Yeah, the epic space battles of Citizen Kane still inspire a real sense of awe.

:lol :lol :lol

Ark-AMN said:
Return of the Jedi is also kind of ruined, Emperor Palpatine who kicked all sorts of ass in Ep III doesn't do much and is really killed of in a pathetic way.

I've thought this for years...he went out like a complete pussy. If he was so in tune with the force, you think he would've been able to send Darth gasping for breath before reaching for his wrinkled neck.

Come to think of it, Star Wars is filled with pussy ass deaths...Obi, Boba Fett, Darth getting his ass kicked by Luke. At least Mace went out like a man.

Anyway, I liked Episode 3...been a while since I've seen the originals and I refused to watch the first two prequels, but from what my memory recalls EP 3 can stand right alongside the originals. It basically gave me what I wanted, and what I expected...cheesy dialouge and all.

I'll try and get the original trilogy for cheap sometime during the summer, and see how I feel...though I already know I'll dislike Jedi a lot more then I used to.


Shinobi said:
:lol You're comparing a special effects free Citizen Kane with a special effects showpiece in Star Wars, where such effects have taken a quantum leap forward 25 years later? Are you really this fucking stupid, or is it something you've had to practice?

God, you're fucking stupid. I'm saying the movie aged better, not the special effects.


Where are all these "70's outfits" in ANH? It seems like pretty much all the wardrobe is foreign looking (or at least not tied to any particular time period).


border said:
Where are all these "70's outfits" in ANH? It seems like pretty much all the wardrobe is foreign looking (or at least not tied to any particular time period).

Luke's aunt is the worst example, but the guys on Leia's ship reek of it, too.


olimario said:
God, you're fucking stupid. I'm saying the movie aged better, not the special effects.

You're still comparing a time-piece movie with something that is set in a fantasy, special effects driven wonderland. So yeah, you're still fucking stupid. :lol


Shinobi said:
You're still comparing a time-piece movie with something that is set in a fantasy, special effects driven wonderland. So yeah, you're still fucking stupid. :lol

I'm comparing two movies. One aged well and the other did not. To be fair, I think the special effects in Star Wars aged just fine.
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