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Thanks Episode III... Now I'm unimpressed with A New Hope

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Well, I wouldn't go that far that I'm unimpressed with A New Hope. I will say this, watching it on DVD is kind of a blessing and a curse. For one, the print looks unreal, and it absolutely looks like a mid-90's film as opposed to 1977. That said, the special effects are already looking dated for the SE. This is especially noticable in ANH in comparison to Empire or Return, probably because there was more altered instead of "cleaned up."

As far as the story and the acting I completely disagree. The best thing about the PT is how it enhances the lines we all knew as kids in the OT. The lines like "Everything is proceeding as planned" and "You father was a great pilot, and a good friend" have much more weight and depth due to the PT. In a way, it's helped breathe a whole new life into the OT, as you can watch it with new ideas and knowledge of events barely mentioned in one sentance. Vader telling Luke that he wants to look upon him "with my own eyes" holds even more meaning to me now that I know what he was seeing for the last 25 years.

As far as the lightsabre battles, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing a digital Darth and a digital Obi Wan go to town in ANH, but they better not do it unless they can keep Alec Guiness in there. It can't look fake, but they may be getting close to doing a fight like that, especially if they darkened the light in there. As far as Luke and Vader's fights, they should not be touched. The emotion in those scenes make them the best sabre fights.

I'd rank them Return, Revenge, and Empire as the top three lightsabre battles. Obi Wan vs Vader did look sad as hell. The space battle in Revenge was well done, but there was no way it could ever top Return, just because of the trap and the circumstances that led them to just be pinned in. The plotline was masterful there, and that made the space battle. Revenge never had a shot there.

One thing I did like about Revenge which I haven't heard mentioned much was Anakin landing half of the Star Destroyer (or whatever it was). For him to land that burning pile really enforced how good a pilot he was (and him picking off the robots off Obi Wan's ship with his wing).
olimario said:
I'm comparing two movies. One aged well and the other did not. To be fair, I think the special effects in Star Wars aged just fine.

Are you sure you're not comparing the redone SW:ANH with Episode III?


As some of you guys already know, I agree with Oli. ANH needs to be remade if anything.

It's a great story and I would love to see it fleshed out more.. more fully realized with the tools LF has created for the PT. The Vader ObiWan rematch is SOOO weak especially after seeing what they went through in ep. III.

In fact, when you're watching ANH there's a lot of suspension of disbelief, especially during the spaceship battles. There's so much more they can do with ANH. And look, the story is basically set in stone. It'll be tough to screw it up. All that needs to be done is make sure they have a stand up actor for Han Solo. Ewan McGregor can handle Obi Wan. And heck, Natalie Portman can probably do Leia.

Don't you guys think that the ship designs are serious step down in the OT compared to the PT? The storm trooper budget of the Empire took a serious hit? Etc.


Citizen Kane has aged well?

It's fascinating as a film study in angles and lighting, but the plot moves painfully slow and has lost all meaning over the years. Without the knowledge of the media magnate that Kane is loosely based on, it falls flat. Knowing that the actual man did everything in his power to keep Kane from coming out added tremendously to the story to me.

It's a historic film, to be sure. I think it's a poor example in this instance however. A more apt comparison might be one of Leoni's spaghetti westerns. I'd love to see Lucas touch those up, facial expressions rarely are so powerful as in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly."

If there is one thing proven with the SE, it's that Turner should quit touching up films and let Lucas' crew restore them.
DJ_Tet said:
As far as the lightsabre battles, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing a digital Darth and a digital Obi Wan go to town in ANH, but they better not do it unless they can keep Alec Guiness in there. It can't look fake, but they may be getting close to doing a fight like that, especially if they darkened the light in there. As far as Luke and Vader's fights, they should not be touched. The emotion in those scenes make them the best sabre fights.

Redoing a movie just so the stunts/fights match what has been achieved decades later is pure nerd fantasy.

A movie should only be redone if you can really improve upon it, special effects and fights being really superficial in the equation, and to introduce the story to a new generation (assuming the original is becoming unaccessible), which doesn't apply to SW since they get re-released every few years.


All this "remake ANH" stuff is nonsense :lol I can't believe anyone is seriously considering it...
olimario said:
Luke's aunt is the worst example, but the guys on Leia's ship reek of it, too.
Those people don't have more than 4 minutes of screen time.....
You suck olimario. I would rather watch real actors on a real stage witha good story over a CGI circle jerk with a shitty story any day.


Spike Spiegel said:
OT lightsaber duels = seasoned samurai warriors engaged in honorable combat.

PT lightsaber duels = spastic Shaolin monks hopped up on caffiene.

And I've really grown to HATE the lightsaber duels of the PT because of that. It was cool at first because of Darth Maul, but with each sequel it's gotten more elaborate and overblown and ridiculous. It's all eye candy -- intense, but not tense.

True. I much prefer the lightsaber-fighting style of the OT...although the fights in EP3 were pretty cool(HATED the ones in the previous prequels, though).

ANH has indeed aged the most out of all the films. This is something I noticed years ago. Once you grow up you start noticing shit you didn't when you were a little kid. It has by far the shittiest acting and directing, the most akward scenes and the crappier dialogue. Strangely enough the special effects aged well enough...although I guess I wouldn't really know. It's probably been a decade since I last saw the non-special editions of the OT.
OT lightsaber duels = seasoned samurai warriors engaged in honorable combat.

PT lightsaber duels = spastic Shaolin monks hopped up on caffiene.

And I've really grown to HATE the lightsaber duels of the PT because of that. It was cool at first because of Darth Maul, but with each sequel it's gotten more elaborate and overblown and ridiculous. It's all eye candy -- intense, but not tense.

That and the lightsaber fights in the PT dont mean anything. How many of us conisder Count Dooku a badass? His fighting was a whole lot more fancy than anything in the OT but he sucked, he was a shitty character. Thats because while anyone was fighting in the PT nobody talked, there was no emotion. There was tension between the duelers. It was pathetic.


What I'm wondering why Mark Hammel was chosen as Luke. As far as I'm concerned, this guy's lucky Star Wars came and saved his career. Otherwise, he woulda had nothing else going for him. (Except maybe a role in an offbroadway showing of Peter Pan).

Leigha I'm actually falling for. There's nothing special about the way she looks, but her personality it just enchanting. She's so similar to Padme in alot of ways. (Very involved in politics, very sure of her beliefs, willing to risk anything for the republic)

Han Solo is my second favorite character for obvious reasons. He is a good story in himself--a scoundrel that turns out to be a good guy.

Who else do I like? I'm impressed at how scary Darth Vader is. When he appears out of no where in a room I actually get frightened. I think this has alot to do with the fact that I know who's really under that mask. I saw the red in his eyes as he screamed to Obi "I HATE YOUUU!"

In Ep1-3 my favorite characters went like this:
Obi Wan
Annekin's mom!
Annekin's step father was a good man!

Samuel L. Jackson was horrible! Put Don Cheadle there and you got a great fit.


Am I the only one who didn't like the fighting scenes in Revenge of the Sith? I mean the Mace/Emperor fight, they are just swinging their swords, wham, wham, wham, wham, OMG THE OLD GUY DID A BACKFLIP, wham wham wham wham... it just seemed so off for me. The fighting is kinda stiff, then suddenly CG old guy has the agility of spiderman, back to stiffness.

And the first 75% of Anakin/ObiWan fight was getting on my nerves. The same thing over and over and over and over OMG FORCE POWERS over and over and over....


Fatalah said:
What I'm wondering why Mark Hammel was chosen as Luke. As far as I'm concerned, this guy's lucky Star Wars came and saved his career. Otherwise, he woulda had nothing else going for him. (Except maybe a role in an offbroadway showing of Peter Pan).


"The fuck you say?"

The worst fight by far was Emperor/Mace...95% of it was nothing but a closeup. And it wasn't even closeups of both guys as well...they were iso closeups of one guy or the other. So you basically couldn't see shit until Emperor started his Lord Rayden electric sparks shooting.


Forgot to mention, in the original trilogy Luke got his arm cut off by Darth Vader, and then Luke cut his arm off. We all thought this was some poetic justice of some kind. Look at the prequels however, cutting off the arms is WHAT YOU DO during a lightsaber fight. Anakin,
Dooku, Mace...
... they sure went overboard with the arm cutting off.


Just finished watching ESB, my gawd it hasnt aged a bit. Fantastic stuff from begining till end. IMO it gels with the PT much, much better than ANH.

Cant wait to watch ROTJ tomorow :D


Fatalah said:
What I'm wondering why Mark Hammel was chosen as Luke. As far as I'm concerned, this guy's lucky Star Wars came and saved his career. Otherwise, he woulda had nothing else going for him. (Except maybe a role in an offbroadway showing of Peter Pan).



George Lucas needs to stay as far away from the OT as possible. No more tinkering, leave it the way it is. The PT is so full of stupid plot holes, stupid lines, bumbling idiots, inconsistent story (How the hell would Padme or any woman for that matter fall in love that quick with a whiny, arrogant, pathetic character like Anakin from AoTC) and CGI crapfest. The starships being nothing but CGI compared to the OT felt very unreal. I did not feel at any moment that I could connect with the PT, that it may be real. The characters had nothing to connect me to them either in the PT. They were all bland, no real emotions. How can we believe Obi-wan and Anakin were like brothers, that Obi-wan would give a shit when we had nothing to show it in the movies. How can we believe in the jump from how freaking weak Anakin was in AoTC to becoming what he is in RoTS? The only thing we have to go on is a cartoon mini-series on Cartoon Network that did a hell of a better job telling the inbetween story then Lucas ever could. And don't even get started on that whole Yoda fiasco, Lucas is out of his damned mind to think of jumping crack addict lightsaber-fu Yoda does. If you wanted Yoda to fight fine, just use a bit of imagination. If Yoda is so strong in the force it would have made much more sense for Yoda to fight with a lightsaber by controlling it with the force.
Ponn01 said:
George Lucas needs to stay as far away from the OT as possible. No more tinkering, leave it the way it is. The PT is so full of stupid plot holes, stupid lines, bumbling idiots, inconsistent story (How the hell would Padme or any woman for that matter fall in love that quick with a whiny, arrogant, pathetic character like Anakin from AoTC) and CGI crapfest. The starships being nothing but CGI compared to the OT felt very unreal. I did not feel at any moment that I could connect with the PT, that it may be real. The characters had nothing to connect me to them either in the PT. They were all bland, no real emotions. How can we believe Obi-wan and Anakin were like brothers, that Obi-wan would give a shit when we had nothing to show it in the movies. How can we believe in the jump from how freaking weak Anakin was in AoTC to becoming what he is in RoTS? The only thing we have to go on is a cartoon mini-series on Cartoon Network that did a hell of a better job telling the inbetween story then Lucas ever could. And don't even get started on that whole Yoda fiasco, Lucas is out of his damned mind to think of jumping crack addict lightsaber-fu Yoda does. If you wanted Yoda to fight fine, just use a bit of imagination. If Yoda is so strong in the force it would have made much more sense for Yoda to fight with a lightsaber by controlling it with the force.

I actually had no problem with "Yoda-fu". I actually think it was quite an awesome touch by Lucas to have him fight as he does, because face it, after seeing the OT we're pretty much convinced Yoda can hardly walk, let alone fight with a saber. Then you see this and... WHAM! I like R2 in RotS with the whole oil, flying around, and setting those droids on fire as well.. you don't see it coming, and it's quite hilarious/awesome. At least in my mind. :)
Biglesworth23 said:
I actually had no problem with "Yoda-fu". I actually think it was quite an awesome touch by Lucas to have him fight as he does, because face it, after seeing the OT we're pretty much convinced Yoda can hardly walk, let alone fight with a saber. Then you see this and... WHAM! I like R2 in RotS with the whole oil, flying around, and setting those droids on fire as well.. you don't see it coming, and it's quite hilarious/awesome. At least in my mind. :)

in ep3 when he walks in to the room to face palpatine and takes those 2 guards out the whole theater cheered. :D


Kabuki Waq said:
in ep3 when he walks in to the room to face palpatine and takes those 2 guards out the whole theater cheered. :D

There was a part when they are sneaking back into the jedi temple where he leaps up and throws his lightsaber into the chest of a storm trooper, lands on his chest and pulls it out and blocks a few shots and then they cut. That was excellent coolness :)
Don't you guys think that the ship designs are serious step down in the OT compared to the PT? The storm trooper budget of the Empire took a serious hit? Etc.
This is a good point, but it could be taken in more than one direction! For me it strengthens the case for having left well enough alone in the first place. I loathe the SEs and am ambivalent about Eps I-III, but all of this is related to perspective. This is part of what I wrote in livejournal, before watching Revenge:

Tastes change and vary – my own certainly have – a fact that poses difficult, albeit entirely incidental questions on the subjects of meaning and understanding, artistic expression and critical reception. Will I grow to love these baby cuckoos? Should I raise them as my own, or should I peck them to death to prevent them from eventually consuming the things I hold dear?

After this last film, I will finally and decisively be able to know whether to love or to loathe. Many commentators have reported an empty feeling after seeing the new film, as it finalises the end of mainstream (or, sickeningly, ‘canon’) Star Wars productions. I personally felt perfectly satisfied at the end of Return of the Jedi, and am dying to know whether it was worth grafting on a whole new trilogy simply in order to see the scar heal.
And I still don't know the answer to that: I won't for some time. But talk of recreating the 'unsatisfactory' original films makes me wish I could forcibly crash the internet for a week or two. Surely this is the cart wagging the horse? I can almost grasp your dream: Episodes I, II and III as the platform for a shining, platinum-plated 'Star Wars as it should be', fully reconstructed using the finest technologies, and Lucasfilm agreeing to a revolutionary maintenance contract that will see them brush the whole thing off at the faintest whiff of a better effect. More than this, Episodes VII - IX announced and created, using digital semblances of all our household favourites; the whole project dominating the cinematic field well into the millennium.

It sounds tempting, it sounds awfae tempting. More than this: with the prequel trilogy finished, it somehow now feels necessary, a phantom limb much like Jedi was in the immediate aftermath of Empire. But I was never dissatisfied with anything about the original films, and remain convinced that they are simply being buried beneath these well-meant, but fundamentally unwarranted tributes. Returning to my journal:

I have always marvelled at how George Lucas could envision and create such a fantastic universe; at how Ralph MacQuarrie could design such resonant characters and locations; how John Williams could compose such a thrilling score; at how Ben Burtt could produce such fitting sounds; at how Harrison Ford could be so heroic or Carrie Fisher so shrimp-toofed. And all of this in one place and time, in one project, by chance. I’m still only able to marvel, and in a world where death looms loud and painful over everything, be grateful for any one single thing that still has the effect I desire of it.

The world and me have changed, and maybe Star Wars films simply cannot occupy the same space they used to. But something will, until nothing reigns, and I believe that really is something to celebrate.
Do what you want with what remains of Star Wars, but remember you cannot dig yourself free from a hole. In the mean time, back the fuck away from my non-SE VHS tapes ...

*goes to make copies*


Phoenix said:
There was a part when they are sneaking back into the jedi temple where he leaps up and throws his lightsaber into the chest of a storm trooper, lands on his chest and pulls it out and blocks a few shots and then they cut. That was excellent coolness :)

That was awesome.

Yeah, Yoda rocked in Episode III.

J2 Cool

I really liked the Yoda saber fights actually. Only dissapointing part being that he didn't defeat any major character really, which took away from how powerful he seemed. Dooku was beaten badly by Anakin for instance, and Yoda fought him to a draw. Palpatine meanwhile, Windu seemingly beat him, but Yoda never could. Led to a master of all good and master of all evil draw, which reminded me of Matrix Revolutions a little. Good and Evil canceling each other out is just lame. Fucking Matrix. But oh well, for plot's sake, it had to go that way. He's still a bad ass.


Indy has aged way WAY better than Star Wars. I still, to this day, can't sit through a whole Star Wars movie. Some parts are cool, Ben Kenobi is awesome, but some parts are so totally horrible (the alien puppets, WTF) that I just laugh and turn it off. I've come to the point where I've realized that I'll never understand the appeal of this series.
On the subject of Yoda, I hated the fact that they bust him out as a sabre-wieldin' badass at the end of Episode II, but have had this attitude adjusted since watching Episode III. It would have been clear that he was going to have to do some ass-kicking during the clone wars, so may as well inure people to the concept early on. Still, another plain-faced argument against producing prequels imo.

The end of his fight with Dooku still pisses me off though. Yoda should blatantly have yanked his crippled underlings out from under the falling pillar, instead of wasting vital attribute points keeping it afloat, when they could have been far better spent force-dismantling Dookus repulsor drive ...


What program do you use to photoshop a picture?
B-B-Bomba! said:
The end of his fight with Dooku still pisses me off though. Yoda should blatantly have yanked his crippled underlings out from under the falling pillar, instead of wasting vital attribute points keeping it afloat, when they could have been far better spent force-dismantling Dookus repulsor drive ...

That is the exact same sentiment i felt when he used his powers to stop the pillar from collapsing. I'm sure he could also have used the pillar to knock the spacecraft on its side.


Poody said:
That is the exact same sentiment i felt when he used his powers to stop the pillar from collapsing. I'm sure he could also have used the pillar to knock the spacecraft on its side.

You know, I've been thinking about this...perhaps we overestimate the Force? Think about it what are the uses of the Force that we have seen?

Obi-wan makes some weak-minded fool repeat what he says.
Obi-wan feels Alderaan's destruction.
Vader Force chokes a lackey.
Vader senses Obi-wans presence.
Obi-wan joins the Force (ok, pretty major)
Luke uses Force to bullseye Death Star (also pretty nifty).

Luke summons his lightsabre
Obi-wan manifests.
Luke Lifts some rocks and R2 (and Yoda)
Yoda lifts an X-wing.
Vader flips a switch.
Vader sends some junk flyign around.


Yeah, the Jedi can leap really far and have wonderful reflexes, but it never seems like the Telekinetic abilities are really demonstrated as being THAT powerful. Lifting an X-wing is meant to be an unbelievable feat, so I suppose holding up a pillar is too - but to have that swing into aship af ast speed? I dunno. Also, in my experience, you should never move injured people without inspecting them.


I think THE only thing that needs to be fixed with the OT is the Obi-wan vs Vader fight.

I mean all other lightsaber fights are excellent in the OT.

And the only thing that needs to be un-fixed is Han not shooting first (same time doesn't count)


Ash Housewares said:
what the shit is this?

Star Wars kicks your ass, whiney bitches

you gotta admit though, the Obi Wan vs Vader fight in ANH does suck.

Even when comparing it to the fights in ESB and ROTJ. (well especially since I still think the fight in ROTJ is the best of all 6 movies)


Oh, I would change one more thing.

In ROTJ, you have the super star destroyer. Then you have some little a-wing that crashes into the sphere (is it for the shields or something?) and it causes the entire ship to sink into the gravity well of the death star.

It was lame. It would have been much better if they showed it with a bunch of damage so it made sense that the little A-Wing was the last straw (that broke the super star destroyer's back).

It's the only weak part of perhaps one of the best space battle scenes ever!

Ash Housewares

The Mountain Jew
Tabris said:
you gotta admit though, the Obi Wan vs Vader fight in ANH does suck.

Even when comparing it to the fights in ESB and ROTJ. (well especially since I still think the fight in ROTJ is the best of all 6 movies)

never bothered me

it's a movie, not a 2 hour fight scene, go watch a Segal movie or attack your cousin with your plastic light-up sabres if thats all you care about


Tabris said:
Oh, I would change one more thing.

In ROTJ, you have the super star destroyer. Then you have some little a-wing that crashes into the sphere (is it for the shields or something?) and it causes the entire ship to sink into the gravity well of the death star.

It was lame. It would have been much better if they showed it with a bunch of damage so it made sense that the little A-Wing was the last straw (that broke the super star destroyer's back).

It's the only weak part of perhaps one of the best space battle scenes ever!

The A-Wing crashed into the bridge...killing the pilots keeping it in orbit.


Oh, well come on, don't you think it's weird that the biggest ship in an entire fleet of ships was destroyed by having an a-wing crash into the bridge (wouldn't ships that big have backup bridges).

I mean if that was the case, couldn't the rebels just crash all their X-Wings and such into all the bridges?

Ash Housewares

The Mountain Jew
Tabris said:
Oh, well come on, don't you think it's weird that the biggest ship in an entire fleet of ships was destroyed by having an a-wing crash into the bridge (wouldn't ships that big have backup bridges).

I mean if that was the case, couldn't the rebels just crash all their X-Wings and such into all the bridges?

they got really lucky and pilots are a valuable commodity, although they could have always crashed Porkins into something important


Just finished rewatching RotJ, and I really don't see what people's problems with this movie are. The Emperor rocks, Emperor and Vader trying to bring Luke to the Dark Side, the Luke/Vader fight rocks (particularly Luke going out of control at the end), the space battle...

Sure, it's not as good as say, Empire Strikes Back, and the Ewoks tend to take away from the seriousness of the film (and they were getting fucking owned until Chewie hijacked an AT-PT or AT-AT or whatever those things were called).

And Mark Hammil's acting was the best of all the Star Wars films in this movie. The dialogue between him and Vader were pretty convincing, considering I'd seen their lines typed out and had imagined them being cheesy when they weren't.

EDIT: The ending is a tad different now having seen the PT. There's something weird about seeing Vader's body burning like that and thinking back to him being a little boy.


Ash Housewares said:
they got really lucky and pilots are a valuable commodity, although they could have always crashed Porkins into something important

:lol Man Porkins never gets a fair shot.


Half of ROTJ is filled with some of the greatest moments in the Star Wars trilogy. The other half are filled with some of the worst moments in the Star Wars trilogy.


AniHawk said:
Just finished rewatching RotJ, and I really don't see what people's problems with this movie are. The Emperor rocks, Emperor and Vader trying to bring Luke to the Dark Side, the Luke/Vader fight rocks (particularly Luke going out of control at the end), the space battle...

Sure, it's not as good as say, Empire Strikes Back, and the Ewoks tend to take away from the seriousness of the film (and they were getting fucking owned until Chewie hijacked an AT-PT or AT-AT or whatever those things were called).

And Mark Hammil's acting was the best of all the Star Wars films in this movie. The dialogue between him and Vader were pretty convincing, considering I'd seen their lines typed out and had imagined them being cheesy when they weren't.

EDIT: The ending is a tad different now having seen the PT. There's something weird about seeing Vader's body burning like that and thinking back to him being a little boy.

I found Return to be the most enhanced film by the PT. There were a lot of lines in that movie that were enhanced greatly by knowing what transpired in the PT. Even the new SE DVD ending worked for me after seeing Ep III. Yoda's death fucked me up where it never had before (maybe when I was 8, I don't remember). Darth Vader's redemption felt even better. I thought Return was made a much better movie by the PT.

To me, that's the real overlooked gift of the PT. It enhances lines in the OT that seemed to be great already.


DJ_Tet said:
I found Return to be the most enhanced film by the PT. There were a lot of lines in that movie that were enhanced greatly by knowing what transpired in the PT. Even the new SE DVD ending worked for me after seeing Ep III. Yoda's death fucked me up where it never had before (maybe when I was 8, I don't remember). Darth Vader's redemption felt even better. I thought Return was made a much better movie by the PT.

To me, that's the real overlooked gift of the PT. It enhances lines in the OT that seemed to be great already.

It's been a lot of fun watching all the movies around the same time recently. Caught all of AotC again. Bad film. Bad, bad film.

Still, there were some neat similarities that Lucas really wanted to put into the PT, and I enjoyed that, like the fight between Anakin and Dooku paralleling the fight between Luke and Vader in ESB, down to the blue and red lightsabers shining through the smoke in the darkness.

RotJ and RotS are just really good films that belong together, especially with Palpatine trying to convert Luke, and later Vader doing the same thing.

Then there was this line by Obi-Wan in Jedi, "He was already a great pilot when I met him, I was amazed at how strong the force was in him," and I think how so few fans probably paid attention to that or forgot about it, but it makes sense in the PT.

Having seen every film in the saga (plus all of Clone Wars) within the past two months, I do think that The Phantom Menace is a little better than people give it credit. There's a lot going on with the story, with Palpatine controlling everything. Plus, it's a good origins tale, and it provides a good contrast to A New Hope, with the times being relatively good, with some oncoming darkness in the future compared to ANH's glimmer of hope in dark times.

There are some things that could be fixed, like Jar Jar (he isn't funny. R2D2 in Ep3? Funny, but not Jar Jar), and Jake Lloyd's acting problems (the kid sounded like he was supposed too, but his face never matched the emotion he was supposed to give).

Anyway, enough rambling for now.


Still Tagged Accordingly
J2 Cool said:
I really liked the Yoda saber fights actually. Only dissapointing part being that he didn't defeat any major character really, which took away from how powerful he seemed. Dooku was beaten badly by Anakin for instance, and Yoda fought him to a draw.
dooku fled the battle

J2 Cool said:
Palpatine meanwhile, Windu seemingly beat him, but Yoda never could.
it was an act by palpatine. he was opening the door for anakin to choose his destiny. that was pretty obvious since he was acting all weak and fragile, and then after mace had his hand chopped off palpatine fried him with ease.


Scrow said:
it was an act by palpatine. he was opening the door for anakin to choose his destiny. that was pretty obvious since he was acting all weak and fragile, and then after mace had his hand chopped off palpatine fried him with ease.

Palpatine had Mace's measure earlier than that anyway, after he took out the other Jedi he had Mace at a disadvantage but he had to by time for Anakin to arrive so the fight continued.


olimario said:
What better to inspire me to watch the original trilogy than the completion of first III episodes of Star Wars. I grabbed my VHS tapes when I got home from work today and starting watching A New Hope with fond memories and high expectations. I'm rarely let down this much.

Unlike the new films, these reek of the time period in which they were made. 1970's clothing abound and everything is set up just like earth, but with a SPACE theme.
What really got me, though, was the horrible light saber duel between Obi Wan and Vader. It looked like a couple of sissy girls in a slap fight. It also seems Lucas spent a lot of time showing off his wonderful puppets. There are scenes dedicated to nothing else but showing the poor design of some of them.

Episode III has ruined the old films for me and made them damn near unwatchable. I've seen A New Hope like 15 times in my life and this is the first time I haven't been able to finish it. It's like going back and playing the original Star Fox.

This will be unpopular, but I think they should be remade.
Well your first problem is that you tried to watch ANH in VHS form. Get the boxset. The difference in quality is UNBELIEVABLE. I kid you not, ANH looks like it was made current day at certain points, the quality is just that good.

Secondly, I think the way they connected the Tantive IV with Eps III was perfect. The halls and cockpits had the exact same 70s design as in ANH, and even Captain Antilles had a hair style that was straight out of the 70s as well.

As far as the duel between Obi and Vader goes, that's something we'll just have to deal with. I always thought that after Eps V's duel (Which is one of the best in the saga) that it looked like crap anyway. The problem with ANH's duel is that Lucas wanted lightsabers to only be used with 2 hands during that time, not 1, so the duel came off slow and dull. Plus throw in an aging actor and a man in a hot sweaty suit who can barely see and you've got a fight that is going to look completely outdated.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Tritroid said:
Plus throw in an aging actor and a man in a hot sweaty suit who can barely see and you've got a fight that is going to look completely outdated.

But the man in the hot sweaty suit had better fights later against his "son"..... Still the only reason Dooku's fights look decent is because of the body doubling and digital effects work that wasn't possible back then.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
AniHawk said:
Just finished rewatching RotJ, and I really don't see what people's problems with this movie are. The Emperor rocks, Emperor and Vader trying to bring Luke to the Dark Side, the Luke/Vader fight rocks (particularly Luke going out of control at the end), the space battle...
the problem was you had like an hour and a half of the movie going on up until that point. Yes, all of the throne room stuff was (up until ROTS) the emotional high of the saga (and still might be if one feels ROTS enhanced it even more past The Duel, though for me The Duel is still more emotional) and the space battle is arguably still the best space battle of the saga (ROTS was great and looked the best but very little time was actually spent on the battle, unlike ROTJ where a TON of time was spent on the battle). But Jabba, Dagobah, Endor, Ewoks, and any and all of the acting on Endor... just bad bad shit.

DarienA said:
Still the only reason Dooku's fights look decent is because of the body doubling and digital effects work that wasn't possible back then.
exactly. so if lucas is going to mess with the movies forever anyway, fix the Vader/Obi-Wan duel in ANH. even if Guiness rolls in his grave as a result.


ROTJ rocks, its one of the top 3 Starwars movies, behind ROTS and ESB

Edit: Agreed with the decision to rework Obi/Vader fight. Its really bad compared to every fight in the Saga

J2 Cool

Scrow said:
dooku fled the battle

True, I thought Starwars.com said they fought to a draw though they didn't, which peeved me, if that was Lucas' intent. But you're right.

it was an act by palpatine. he was opening the door for anakin to choose his destiny. that was pretty obvious since he was acting all weak and fragile, and then after mace had his hand chopped off palpatine fried him with ease.

Eh, I agree somewhat. Before Anikan came in, Palpatine didn't look in control or sure of himself. Especially when his saber was knocked away, and he started twisting and turning and crawling defensively. Then, when Anakin appeared, he wiggled his way out of it manipulatively like he does so well. I just think it's too much assumption to say the Emperor had forseen everything.
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