JoshuaJSlone said:
Well, looking at the OT as actual followups to the PT is certainly a viewpoint we don't see much around here, and certainly in that regard ESB and ANH have less connection than ROTJ...
That's because Lucas began thinking more Star Wars, and thus prequels, wasn't it? Anyway, I still think that list is messed up, Anakin fan or not. I also remember being shocked a little putting TPM and the OT next to each other when I was younger. Seeing both a first time, and not being a big Star Wars fan yet. I seen Hollywood production, and older films, and Jedi which was pretty good as far as how it looked. That became my favorite then because the way it wraps things up and looked modern when it did it. But then years later, I watch the OT again, and that changes. I guess I watch movies differently now, but I'm a lot more removed from expectations. I definitely think that sways OT and PT enthusiasts both ways. Anyway, here's my list
1.) Empire Strikes Back - This just hits all the notes that define Star Wars imo. If Star Wars was a phenomenon, this was a masterpiece in sci-fi. Not that it was perfect as a movie, few movies are. But it contained so much 'Star Wars' in it. Dark undertones, memorable space wars, character development, new classic characters, tragic elements, great lightsaber fight (especially given what fans must have expected after ANH), mutliple plot twists. The movie is just so entertaining to watch on it's own, even if it is a middle chapter.
2.) Return of the Jedi - This was a tough one to edge out Sith. Both have a great entertaining start, some problems throughout, and then get terrific once it starts gaining momentum until the end. Unlike some feel though, the 'moments' in both eclipse the rough spots imo. I'm looking for entertainment in a movie and both deliver quite a bit. With that said though, Jedi's climax just feels so right. It ties the whole saga together and has some of the best, in fact, maybe
the best scenes in Star Wars. I want to get the OT on dvd though, to check out some of the improvements. The extended ending sounds like it could do some good for this movie.
3.) Revenge of the Sith - I really liked it. It gave me everything I wanted out of it really except some more screen time for Vader in the mask. Wanted to see him slaying hidden jedi around the galaxy like a bad ass. Should have done it in a small box as the credits played imo.
4.) A New Hope - This movie has aged quite a bit. Things like it's Obi-Wan/Vader fight really are hurt by this. Also, some things like the Empire's crewmen just look.. wrong. Also, why the hell did some anonymous captain of the ship, get so much screen time? It was nice to only see Vader involved in almost every showing of the Empire's fleet in ESB. He didn't really become the Vader people know and love until ESB. But anyway, I could definitely see Lucas just trying to find his footing throughout this movie, where as he came with guns a blazin' the next episode. Like he said in documentaries, he just wanted to get filming in a movie he had no clue how it'd turn out. In that, along with his mistakes, he still created some of the saga's greatest moments. I thought TPM had some bright spots too, but ANH's best moments push it down a spot even if this flick is aged too much a bit.
5.) The Phantom Menace - Like some people, because it's 5 for me, I still don't hate it at all. It's got problems in creating a new ewok menace, in the gungans and Jar Jar. Also, Anakin blowing the space ship up by accident. I thought young Anakin was played quite well but why Lucas made that such an accident after developing him in the pod race, I have no clue. I also loved Qui-gon. The scenes cut out of Sith with him, is really a shame. It was nice to see a good light-side character like him weaved into the saga. And Yoda having bowed to his wisdom.. It really gives a nod to the jedi's inperfection, and supports belief in ones self. Qui-gon didn't need the title of jedi master to give solidification to his wisdom, though he deserved it. But back to what was in this movie though. I liked young Anakin, Qui-gon and padawan Obi-wan, the technology, the republic, and the duel. It was bogged down though by some weak spots.
6.) Attack of the Clones - I liked this movie better than TPM on first viewing. When the action picked up, it got really quite good I thought. The way the Clone Wars were fought, being visualized, and Yoda's fight was a cheap hook the first time. It was cool to see jedi just start battling too. But, I sat through a lot of bad scenes, to see the saga progress. Once you know the only real result is the Clone Wars begin and the dark side amasses, it's really a pointless movie. The Yoda hook becomes slightly annoying too. Not helped by what was the other most important plotline, Anakin and Padme's love. That
should have been the most important plotline too, but they just completely failed in execution. Also, I didn't like the whiny teenage angst-ridden Anakin they wanted. It's ridiculous. It was like a complete exaggeration of teenage angst. I don't know too many who have it that bad. More so what I would have expected is a kid who grew up too fast. Save the whiny bits for stories of when he was 13-14 years old. In a way, I feel they could have just made this the animated series, bridged TPM and episode II. Then fixed the pacing which some complain about in episode III, and stretch out some of it's best moments, adding new ones, over 2 movies. Though I'm quite happy with episode III on it's own as a kick ass movie.