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The 100 S4 |OT| Meltdowns of Epic Proportions - Wednesdays at 9/8C


Yeah...maybe shoot first, ask questions later wasn't such a good idea. Then again, nothing ever goes right in this show. Where the hell has Octavia been in this episode? She's very noticeably MIA.
You know that shit's gonna be infested with giant radioactive tapeworms or something.
Ha, I wouldn't even doubt it being something ridiculous like that.

Yeah...may shoot first, ask questions later wasn't such a good idea. Then again, nothing ever goes right in this show. Where the hell has Octavia been in this episode? She's very noticeably MIA.
Probably still banging the dude who almost killed her.
Mom: "You do it"
Whew, that's pretty harsh mom.

Murphy doesn't even know since he's behind that glass lol.
Oh, I guess now he knows since she's up. Not even a word from him tho lol.


Ha, I wouldn't even doubt it being something ridiculous like that.

Probably still banging the dude who almost killed her.

Lmao! Well that will soften her up even more I suppose.

Why is it not a surprise that Clarke would offer up her blood instead? All this talk of losing their humanity for the greater good too.


It took them all episode to figure this out? You'd figure someone would have thought of it sooner. I'm surprised that the Zelda discovery tune didn't play when they opened that bunker.

It looks like crazy Jasper is determined to take a group of people with him to die next episode. Maybe he'll finally get his wish and die but I doubt it. Mofo needs to be strapped into a straight jacket and kept in some kind of loony bin.


Hunky Nostradamus
I'll be really disappointed if they don't end up doing something cool with that rocket. They can't tease us and then not follow through!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Finally all that bunker nonsense from earlier in the season is coming into play.

And I have to give this show props for diving headfirst into this morally ambiguous situation with making the Nightblood. If you're going to do a story like that, I'd rather they not pussyfoot around and have easy solutions that save the characters from having to make morally questionable choices.

So I guess the bunker is the solution now. BUT we now have Clarke with Nightblood. Gotta imagine that'll payoff in the future.
I wish Jasper got shot a season ago... Umm a mutant gorilla got him, yeah that's it.

About time someone mentioned them turning into Mount Weather, took long enough. Now on for Monty and friends to meet the Morlocks.
Was two episodes behind and caught up last night. Was not disappointed.

I really gotta give props to how they dealt with the Night Blood dilemma.

Also, the grounders are descendants of a cult? Well damn. Really great pay off.


Was two episodes behind and caught up last night. Was not disappointed.

I really gotta give props to how they dealt with the Night Blood dilemma.

Also, the grounders are descendants of a cult? Well damn. Really great pay off.

It feels strange for them to be so prolific if they are all coming from that cult. There were already quite some people there when Becca landed.

I'd say it's a mix, most likely people who survived and also the cult.

Also is Clarke a nightblood now after being injected or will it flush out of her system?
Took Clarke long enough to not be horrible and take responsibility. I'm guessing since mom smashed the radiation chamber, Clarke is going to go out in the black rain to test it next episode. I'm still not clear how they plan to make everyone else a Nightblood; I don't think Luna has enough bone marrow for that.

So why did the cultists leave the bunker? The world was still radioactive, so it must be that they ran out of supplies. But how did they survive since they would've had no evolved tolerance for radioactivity? In any case I suspect that bunker isn't going to be too useful for hundreds of people to call home for the next few hundred years.

On a pragmatic level the showrunners are not going to want to have next season set in a bunker the whole time, so I think this bunker idea is going nowhere.


Took Clarke long enough to not be horrible and take responsibility. I'm guessing since mom smashed the radiation chamber, Clarke is going to go out in the black rain to test it next episode. I'm still not clear how they plan to make everyone else a Nightblood; I don't think Luna has enough bone marrow for that.

THey might be able to use that of everyone they turn into a nightblood.


Just started watching this just finished first episode of season 1 does it get better??

Season 1 - Starts of slow and gets better towards the end.
Season 2 - The best season, this is the season that made me say this show is awesome.
Season 3 - Frustrating season, has some really good bits but plenty of other moments that make you slam your head on the wall.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Just started watching this just finished first episode of season 1 does it get better??

It does. I dropped it after the first episode but came back after hearing about how awesome it was. Just stick it out, it starts getting better in a couple episodes. I was hooked by Episode 4 but your mileage may vary.


I was going to wait when season 4 finish so i can watch them all together. plus it's not out in the uk yet so might wait tell the summer.


So they actually found the bunker from the men of letters? Maybe Sam and Dean are going to going to join forces against primfaya by typing 4 8 15 16 23 42 every 108 minutes into a computer.


So they actually found the bunker from the men of letters? Maybe Sam and Dean are going to going to join forces against primfaya by typing 4 8 15 16 23 42 every 108 minutes into a computer.
The Supernatural thread this isn't. Although it sure would be fun to see a crossover episode where Dean and Sam travel to the future and school Clarke and co on taking out demons and watch Jasper get taken out by a werewolf.
In my dreams.
Just caught up with the show.

Raven was right w/the Mount Weather comparisons. Hope the rumors about her playing Batgirl pan out.

About time Jaha got a win.


New to the show watched all seasons and episodes in 1 week! :) I have some issues with the show but its hard to put it into words (as im not a native English speaker)

I will try to explain: it all goes so fast one moment someone is a good guy and one moment(without a clear reason or build up) they become a bad guy or at least a person I hate.

- Pike:
Becomes the boss after only 3 episodes, all of suddenly everyone follows him and forget all the actions other characters did to save them

- Bellomy:
Without a good reason kills 300 people out of nowhere just beceause one girl died. Come on.

- Murphy
His girl is going to be killed/injected. The doors close and Clarke does what se does. Murphy is in the next scene: Oh, I guess now he knows since she's up. Not even a word from him. Hes just fine suddenly.

There are also others but its hard for me to describe them


so octavia went home to become a family woman?

best characters left: Jaha and John

that hatch moment got me pretty pumped, I hope they do something interesting with the rest of the season. Can't say that black rain stuff was very exciting.
- Bellomy:
Without a good reason kills 300 people out of nowhere just beceause one girl died. Come on.

Yeah, he was like a different person after season 2. All that time spent redeeming him and they turn him into a boring, weepy, idiot sheep. I hate what they did to his character.


TVLine said:
Though most of your favorites will survive the impending “death wave” — which arrives in 10 days! — executive producer Jason Rothenberg says we should prepare to say goodbye to at least one more character this season: “The stakes are real. If they weren’t, the show wouldn’t be as emotionally involving for people.” In the meantime, Clarke will attempt to “figure out who gets to go inside” the bunker, which fits roughly 1,200 people; Bellamy will continue working through his “crisis of faith,” desperate to find “a way out of the darkness”; and Octavia’s journey is “about to go into orbit. It’s crazy what we’re about to see from her.” As for Becca, “These people have been in her house and her lab, and she might not be happy about that — you know, if she was still alive.”

“The finale unfolds almost in real time,” Rothenberg reveals. “The season has been constructed around the idea that the clock starts ticking in the premiere … and when the finale starts, we’re at the 44-minute mark. The click is ticking loudly. It’s breathless.”


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that

Finale idea sounds really cool. The Walking Dead did a similar thing for the second episode in Season 6 and I remember enjoying that. Oh, and I think Abi is going to die.


Holy crap! Octavia turned into Rick Grimes and unleashed her survival instincts again. That was brutal to watch. Try as she might, Octavia can't escape being a killing machine.
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