Lol, half of these suck. I'm the type of person that doesn't like to be spoiled, but I'm not a fucking idiot about it. Generally if I stumble upon a spoiler online, I blame myself, so I don't really buy into this 'spoiler' culture. But wtf are these about:
4. Wait at least three hours before publicly discussing any unexpected moments that aren't technically twists (e.g., [Person] finally [did a thing] we saw coming!)
5. Wait a minimum of 10 days after "binge" shows drop to casually discuss spoilers
Your less marathon-inclined friends deserve time to sample the all-at-once series at their leisure. More specifically, they deserve two weekends: from that debut Friday to the following Sunday.
7. Anything that happens on a reality TV or game show is not a spoiler
This is an important caveat: Pretty much none of these rules apply to reality TV or game shows. There's no such thing as a reality TV spoiler.
9. "But it's in the book!" is not an excuse to spoil adaptations
TV was obviously invented to help achieve the utopian dream of eliminating books forever; you dont get to ruin someones leisure time because youre "well read."
11. In public spaces, conduct all spoiler talk at a "library whisper"
You're a grown-ass adult who should be doing this anyway, but it needs to be said: Do not turn the latest episode of American Horror Story into your version of The Moth.
12. Use headphones while watching spoilable TV in the wild
Don't be brave like those idiots who turn their phones into boomboxes and bump music sans headphones in public.
18. Be considerate if you're live-tweeting
Have you heard of these things called time zones? We don't want to say "never live-tweet," but if you have thoughts to share you should just be mindful and considerate about what you post, especially for less zeitgeist-y series and streaming shows.
20. Don't post spoiler freeze-frames on Instagram and/or Snapchat right after an episode
There's no way for your friends to know, for example, that the Snap or Instagram story you've queued up is going to contain the death of Hot New Thing's Hot New So-and-So.
Like wtf are these?
4 & 5- The time frames seem completely arbitrary.
7 - Why is reality TV not spoiler worthy? If I was hardcore into Big Brother, I don't want someone calling me seconds after an episode aired to tell me who won HoH or Veto.
9 - This can't always be true. The age of the book has to count. If you didn't read The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings, that's on you.
11 - How loud to people normally talk? Why are people listening to my conversations?
12 - What public spaces are people blasting TV shows/movies?
18 - No. Why are you on Twitter looking up stuff about a show if you are anal about spoilers.
20 - Same as 18. Get off social media if you are that crazy.