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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Honestly, the climate stuff isn't all that concerning. There's too much industry momentum behind things like solar panels, fuel efficient cars, ng, LED lighting, and renewable energy in general. Giant companies can't just change their plans on a dime because a new administration took office. Yeah, maybe the pace will slow a bit but the momentum won't stop completely.


I think Trump's gonna get plenty of advice from Obama and lean on him fairly heavily for the first year or two...which is a great thing imo. Both Obama and Jared Kushner in his ear make me feel really confident about the next 4 years. Kushner is huge. He's an extremely smart, reasonable, educated fellow and he's one of Trump's top advisors.

Do you have example of Kushner being extremely smart and reasonable? Aside from him being Ivankas husband and Trumps advisor I know nothing about him


Why are all the Washington "Elite" carrying on like nothings changed? Of to the ball ho hum. King Trump you lord and savior just told the country it was all their fault and he would get rid of them all. Did Orange Jesus lie to the people?

Mastery at putting on a smile is like one of the main criteria for politicians.


It still shocks me that people like Starchasing exist in this forum.

Your sentiment lacks so much empathy (or, indeed, is actively spiteful) that I get physically ill.

It's more of a problem of ego and ignore-ance, than anything else. This country solidifies both of those cancers probably better than any major nation on earth, so one is quick to bullshit themselves with nonsensical narratives like he has.

"Best 4 years of US history" as climate change starts warming up and we enter the first huge phases of the Fourth Industrial Revolution/Second Machine Age? Either one of these issues is enough to create worldwide chaos, and we're going to be hit with both...

Fuck off with this inept optimism. It's snake oil bullshittery, and should not be respected for a single moment. How people consistently fall into this problem deeply concerns me, because that's how the neonationalist even got momentum despite having not one fucking substantial policy or idea that he proposed. "He tells it like it is!" they claim. What is the "it" that's being told? What you feel? Your own fucking mirages and false narratives getting spotlight? Fuck that.

What's most sad is the most foolish of Americans who fell for him in rural America are in fact going to be the first casualties of this new President. Keep hoping for those manufacturing jobs to come back, guys. They'll come with Jesus as he comes from heaven on an Uber with a dildo dangling from his rear view mirror as Rock and Roll McDonalds plays from the speakers.

Even Donald's inauguration crowd was gerrymandered.

Just enough showed up in each roped-off box to green-light the extra P.A. Speakers.
I think Trump's gonna get plenty of advice from Obama and lean on him fairly heavily for the first year or two...which is a great thing imo. Both Obama and Jared Kushner in his ear make me feel really confident about the next 4 years. Kushner is huge. He's an extremely smart, reasonable, educated fellow and he's one of Trump's top advisors.
Kushner's an idiot whose parents had to pay his way to get into higher education


seeing Biden walk to that train, I was thinkin... you know that feeling when you're about to go home from the last day of school or the last day of summer camp, and how almost surreal that feels?
it's gotta be so weird being president/vice president and just kinda... going home after the next administration gets sworn in.


Honestly, the climate stuff isn't all that concerning. There's too much industry momentum behind things like solar panels, fuel efficient cars, ng, LED lighting, and renewable energy in general. Giant companies can't just change their plans on a dime because a new administration took office. Yeah, maybe the pace will slow a bit but the momentum won't stop completely.

Government incentive to explore these technologies can be stifled though.
I did not see that but I'll take your word for it. I'm not happy about every cabinet pick. Her and Rick Perry are pretty awful.

Awful is an understatement for that woman.

She wants o in charge of the future of every single child in america.

And she has no fucking clue what she's doing.



Nah, good luck USA, you're not the center of the world.

And i speak as someone from a country who will actually be directly affected by this, still, cut that out, he's mostly your problem and you're not as important to the rest of us as you think.


I think Trump's gonna get plenty of advice from Obama and lean on him fairly heavily for the first year or two...which is a great thing imo. Both Obama and Jared Kushner in his ear make me feel really confident about the next 4 years. Kushner is huge. He's an extremely smart, reasonable, educated fellow and he's one of Trump's top advisors.
Juuuuuuuust dropping in Kushners name right there with Obama i see.
Why do you believe he is so able/smart/reasonable?
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