If we use the metric of time played=best
Multiplats are by far the best.
Multiplats are by far the best.
Unles you own every console, you don't gain anything from exclusives.
You will always be missing out on something.
I look at it this way: Gaming is dumb ‘turn off brain and waste some time’ entertainment, like watching netflix or reading comics. So, not having access to every single game makes as much difference to my life as not having access to every single movie or every single comic book; which is to say, not at all.
fomo hype culture is a scam.
My favorite two franchises (That aren't Zelda) are Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport.
Every generation I have to buy two consoles. It sucks. Exclusives suck.
That's the way to look at it.I'll bet exclusives mattered to Nintendo in 2017 when they delivered Switch alongside BOTW.
This one blockbuster game put the Switch in demand, kicking off high sales for the system that raised its install base, each of which is now potential to sell a handful of multiplatform games on, games where Nintendo did not do any of the work, just collect the royalty fee.
Exclusive games lead a platform to victory from the front. They act as symbols of quality for the platform and foster hype/brand loyalty. Even if they would lose money on exclusive games, they should still do it, that's how critical it is, to create an ecosystem where the other games can rake it in.
We have yet to see Series X run a game. We will believe it run the best version of third party games when we see it.Ironically op list makes the Xbox series X the obvious choice if you had to buy a console this year.
Unlike Nintendo Sony 1st party line doesn’t shine historically until much much later in the generation. While some major 3rd party games come out this year like cyber punk.
Unlike last gen Xbox isn’t the weaker offering at launch. So if you want the best version of 3rd party stuff and only game on consoles not much of a choice there.
Seems like op wants people to pick up the Xbox series X this holiday and wait 3/4 years for the ps5 library to start showing up.
Thanks op but I’ll stick with pc for now.
Not a lot of exclusives left if you eliminate Single Player games.
Uhm... I answer your question in the sentence after that one.Why the HELL would you do that?
That's the way to look at it.
In an army, officers are a minority compared to the grunts. Does that mean you don't need officers in your army? Does that mean you should build an army made up of nothing but jarheads? You can throw down statistic of how grunts do most of the work, most of the fighting, and most of the winning. But to then say it means we should get rid of officers because they are expensive and a waste of space, shows one's ignorance of why officers are there.
Right now, Xbox Series X is an army with no officers. The officer trainees are coming in two years, but for now the jarheads are all Xbox has. Let's see how that plays out, shall we?
I mean, that's pretty accurate for the most part. Not much of a narrative. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In that case though, it would still make more sense to have the console with the best exclusives since you still have access to those multiplats.
EDIT: Ooooh, I forgot about the Switch above (though a lot of those highlighted games are now on other Nintendo consoles other than the Switch; it would get muddy for playstation too if you start counting PS4 games being remastered for PS4). That's the exception though since it seems to not get most of the multiplats other consoles do. I've always kind of tucked it away in its own category.
It’s true. Most of the best games are multi platform, by far.
So I was sort of ruminating on this for a bit and I realize that if I made a top 100 games list most of that list would be games that were originally only available on one platform. Today a lot of the games may be available on lots of platforms heck a year out from them releasing they might have been available on multiple platforms but when they originally released they released in one place. I bring up this idea because I think it's a boon to video game development to not have too many targets to develop for. I understand that my own preferential list isn't going to be agreed upon by everyone it's not meant to be but I would ask how many people arguing this can say much differently from me. Like really think about it if you did an all-time top 100 games how many of them were at least for a certain amount of time only playable on a single platform? And how many multiplats have versions on other platforms that aren't even worth playing? like I literally can't handle the framerate in something like The Witcher 3 on console after playing it on PC, or a game like destiny 2 that I've grown to love on PC is unplayable to me on console not just because of the frame rate but they actually slow everything down. Fallout and elder scrolls games last gen were multiplat but most of the time that just meant one of the versions was absolutely borked and I think that was always the PS3 version. I still remember in forum arguments during that gen games that performed poorly enough on the PS3 were considered 360 exclusives by a lot of people. If I remember right Bayonetta was an example of this but I could be confusing it for another game?
Yeah it's because I'm posting from my phone instead of waiting to get home and typing out my responses more thoughtfully. Neogaf addiction is a real problem.Break your post up. That is hard to read.
But, yeah, most of the best games WERE exclusive when they released, even if they eventually got ported - Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, etc.
There definitely does seem to be an advantage for designing a game originally around a single platform.
Yeah it's because I'm posting from my phone instead of waiting to get home and typing out my responses more thoughtfully. Neogaf addiction is a real problem.
I do expect someone to tell me they post totally fine from their phone but I'm going to be honest with you guys I've only had a smartphone for less than a year. I'm not an incredibly social person in real life and I don't really go places so before some point in 2019 I just had a little flip phone for when I was going to doctors appointments or something else. I am the quintessential mother's basement video game nerd.
I'm so unused to dealing with a touch screen that everything you're seeing me say is me dictating to the phone using voice to text. I don't really like touch screens.I only ever post from my phone.
From what I am gathering, that seems to be the consensus among the primarily Xbox crowd, while primarily PlayStation and Nintendo crowds think the opposite.
Review scores give the edge to exclusives. Best selling games are the FIFAs, Call of Duty, Maddens, etc are multi-platform.
EDIT: This is not taking into account PC when speaking of exclusives.
Nope, can't do that.
Nope, can't do that.
He excludes PC because it removes a lot of PS4 exclusives
The PS3's comeback was largely attributed to the strength of their exclusives.
Look at the company with the least amount of exclusives to see why it's people from a certain camp that are pushing this thrid party games are better narrative.
When you don't got exclusives, of course certain people are going to to down play them. I would too if I didn't own a console with good games.
If you don't count anything on PC as not being a console exclusive, there is no way to discuss Xbox.
More games just need to be like Minecraft. Not a 3rd party but playable on everything and everybody likes it that way. What would the sales look like if it were platform exclusive? My guess is it'd be 1/20th the size.Those lists really mean jack shit when they're from the same (bad) source and for whatever reason The Witcher 3 is the best multiplatform PS4 game, but the fourth best multiplatform Xbox game..? Below Inside?
Regardless, the list demonstrates that it depends on the platform. Nobody buys a Nintendo console without the specific intention of playing Nintendo games, conversely Xbox barely has any exclusives to play, but it does okay. And something like PC is so unique that you'll never really see a LOT of PC games on consoles.
It's just an unanswerable question.