Has the tv crew mentioned why Ryan Wagner hasn't pitched? He's the reds best reliever and I dont' remember seeing him pitch at all this series.
Flizzzipper said:Was Nomar trying to bunt for a base hit?
J2 Cool said:he was told to. Haha, Steve is snappy. When asked about the decision for Remlinger facing Dunn, Dusty says "I liked Remlinger facing Dunn. He's been pitching very well. I like him much better than Farnsworth in that situation". Steve replies, "Yeah, Dunn 6 for 7 against Remlinger, 1 for 9 against Farnsworth" really quick.
"What will I do to celebrate when I break the record? I'm going to Sizzler's!"Ninja Scooter said:Ichiro just one hit away from tying the record.
"I am going to sex George Sisler up!"
Mrbob said:Does anyone have a transcript or video of the post game interview with Dusty Baker? It sounds like Stoney ripped him on a number of issues! :lol
astrosdaily.com said:The club lost 5 of its next 7 games, finding itself in a first-place tie with the Cubs with just three games remaining. Although the Astros had three games against a weak team in Milwaukee, the Cubs shared similar prospects against the hapless Reds. The entire season had come down to which of the two teams could win more games against a weak opponent with little incentive to play well.
The answer came quickly. Houston played inept ball, losing their first two games against the Brewers, while the Cubs quickly eliminated the Astros with two easy wins over the Reds. It was a disappointing end to a season that had been filled with promise.
Did they put an * on Bonds HR record? Or McGuire?Joe said:single-season hit record: Ichiro Suzuki*
(*162 game season)
element said:Did they put an * on Bonds HR record? Or McGuire?
Baseball dropped the whole * thing a while ago. All other major sports go on 'what is done in a season' No matter if it is more or less games. Imagine if the NFL had the whole * thing.
* = season based on 10 games
** = season based on 12 games
*** = seaon based on 14 games
**** = season based on 16 games
it is stupid.
Matrix on 7/15 said:Look for the Stros to win the wildcard...STOP LAUGHING AT ME! IT COULD HAPPEN!
Mrbob said:Heh, many Cubs fans are not a fan of many of the characters on this team. I mean, you got some cool cats like Wood, Prior, Maddux, Zambrano, Ramirez, Nomar, Lee, etc. But there are a ton of crybabies on this team too. Many Cubs fans do not like most of this team. And honestly it would be very weird if this unlikeable team was the one that actually won a world series for the cubs organization.
Keep the starting pitching staff healthy. Drop Clement, put Rusch in as 5th starter. Get a closer. Dump Alou and Sosa (We won't dump Sosa though his contract isn't up till 2006 and no one will pay 17 mil for him...), grab another starting outfielder (Beltran????), resign Nomar and we'll be set to turn the world on fire next year.
Joe said:i like jeff brantley but he says some stuff that makes you want to scratch your head sometimes.