Rick Reilly's latest column rips into the chase for 257 and calls it corrupt and shameful.
He mentions how far superior Sisler's season was to Ichiro's and lambastes the whole idea that Ichiro is worthy of all the attention.
He went on to say that the new record should be asterisked with an "ss" for stupid stat.
Reilly cites the 162 game schedule and the watered down pitching as reasons why Ichiro's 257+ isn't near as impressive...
Mr. Reilly...I give you the rebuttal sir.
What would have happened in 1920 if Sisler had to play in a 14 team league with the travel that the M's do, against 70 other starting pitchers 2-5 times a year instead of 45 starters MAX 10-14 times a year?
How would Sisler have done in a three game series against the 1920 equivalent of Pedro, Curt Schilling and Derek Lowe, with specialists coming in with a fresh arm in the 7th, 8th and 9th? Specialists like flame thrower Alan Embree and closer Keith Foulke.
How about if Sisler constantly went up against the likes of lefties Odalis Perez, Randy Johnson, Johan Santana, with dominant relievers such as Rivera, Gagne, Hoffman, Smoltz and Wagner?
How about the fact that when Sisler put together his 1920 season where he hit over .400 with 19HR and 122 RBI-A GREAT GREAT SEASON and BETTER than Ichiro's 2004 by far-he faced only 35% of the best players in baseball- THE WHITE PLAYERS.
Ichiro plays against the WORLDS best on a daily basis. Whites, Blacks, Latins, Asians, Australians, Canadians, you name it.
Sisler played against US citizens that were white ONLY.
Furthermore, Mr. Reilly, if the debate between 154 and 162 game seasons is such a big obstacle for you that you don't want to recognize the feat as a tremendous accomplishment and a historical event, then tell me why you have never said the same of Pete Rose?
Pete Rose played parts of 24 seasons, roughly the same amount that Cobb played, BUT Rose played 527 more games and had nearly 3,000 more at-bats than Cobb had. 527 MORE GAMES!...that is the equivalent of 3 1/2 seasons! 3000 AB's!!...again the equivalent of about 3 1/2 seasons.
Why isn't Rose's record a sham, a corrupt event, or a travesty for baseball? You have never tore into the all-time hit king, Not for THAT anyways.
I'm going to stop asking you questions Rick because it's clear you don't know the answers. If you did you wouldn't have missed the entire freakin' boat on Ichiro's chase for 257.
but I'll answer them for you.
Sisler would probably not have hit .400 against that level of competition, nor would he have likely been able to play in all 154 games with the travel schedule.
Facing a fresh arm in the last few innings rather than seeing the 120th, 130th and 140th pitch by a tiring starting pitcher would very likely have bore down on Sisler's run at 257.
George facing Johan Santana and Odalis Perez (more lefties % wise than EVER before in 2003-2004) or taking on Mulder and Zito back to back with Rincon and Rhodes in the pen- is something Sisler never had to do.
For every watered down pitcher there's a fresh relief arm to counter it. For every extra game (6 is what it will be), there's 1500 miles in extra travel and 65% more competition to counter it.
Sisler's season was better. We know this. Sisler's 257 hits in a 154 game schedule is amazing. More amazing than Ichiro's 257+ in 160 games? Sure. I have no problem giving you that.
But don't sit on your high horse and claim that it's a stupid record, or not worthy of baseball's time.
You should have just said that Sisler had a better year when he got his 257 and left it at that. Not many would venture to argue with you.
But you had to grab the attention and drill a positive event in the big leagues for something you think it's not.
The next thing we know, your going to bellow at Cal Ripken for his record not counting because he also had 162 game schedules and Gehrig didn't. Or that Ripken's streak ended because he had needed to end it and Gehrig was forced to becaise of ALS.
Well contrary to Reilly's world, it IS a big deal. It is a historical event worthy of 40 thousand flashing cameras and marked baseballs with MLB holograms.
It IS well earned by a very good baseball player having a very good season on a team that would normally be tough to play your best on.
It's an achievement by a classy player that was bold enough to jump to a culture he wasn't very familiar with and challenge himself against the planets best in his sport of choice.
Congratulations in advanced Ichiro. You deserve it.
To Rick Reilly with Love...
Get a clue pal.