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The All-Star Break is over! The NEW MLB Thread - This half we get stickied for sure!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1159
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jim rome:
"let's face it, pedro simply hasn't been the same since gary sheffield threatened to KILL HIM."



DAMN IT! Stoney was on WGNRadio tonight and I missed it! HE WENT CRAAAAAAAZYYYYYYYYYYYY. Read about it here:


If you don't read the thread the first post is very interesting.

oh man, he was going crazy. The dude is pissed, and rightly so. Just really complaining about all the same stuff that we have, but with a bit more insight. He ended it by saying 'mark my words, over the offseason there will be a HUGE move made based on this season. a HUGE move.'


Another post in that thread. Damn I want to hear this!

121816.11 in reply to 121816.1
I heard that comment at the end, and it has me excited about next year already. It sounded like Stoney knows what it is, by the way that he emphisied the fact that there are going to be some big moves and one block buster move. I've also never heard Stone rattle on like he just did.


Damn the Dodgers offense is fucking chocking big time. 2 excellent outings by Perez & Lima and the best we can get them is 1 run each against the fucking ROCKIES!!! FUCK!!! Also, whose idea was it to bring in Jose Hernandez a right handed batter when all the damage being done against the starting pitcher was being done by Left Handed batters!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!


Dammit, they're lifting Brazoban after 1 inning... how many relievers are we gonna use? :\

Mig: They use the image of that crying female Cubs fan on the new Liquid Generation poll about How American Are You haha.


Tracy is gonna bring in Venafro to blow the game in the top of the 12th with the Rockies big guns coming up to bat. =\


Interesting. The Score is reporting that the huge move may be Sosa getting moved to the Mets in the offseason. But for whom??? I also read this on the cubs board...

m putting a few thing together from various things I've heard on the radio and read in the papers.

First, the Cubs fire Julian Martinez, Sammy's assisant. I'm sure that didn't make Mr. Sosa a very happy person.

Second, the Mets sign Omar Minaya as GM/Vice-President of Operations. This is the man that basically discovered Sammy Sosa. He is also one of Sosa's closest friends.

Third, Steve Stone announces that there will be a "blockbuster" move in the off season. I can't think of more of a blockbuster move than moving Sosa. Sosa has obviously been unhappy with the Cubs this year. He is no longer the superstar of the team. I can't imagine a better place for Sosa to go than a team that will be rebuilding and could use a superstar. Especially considering the hispanic fan base for the Mets.

A few things would have to happen. Sosa would have to be willing to void the contract. If he's unhappy enough with the Cubs and excited enough about the idea of working with his best friend, I could see this happening. The Cubs would need to eat some of the money, but if they were will to throw away 24 million for Huntely, a few million for Sosa wouldn't hurt.

Just a thought. What do you all think?


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Ok, I know that I've taken pleasure in Cub failures in the past, but damn. This was just brutal. Successive extra inning 1-run losses in the last week of the season as you choke away a playoff spot? I really wouldn't wish that on anyone.

I watched the game on MLB.tv and I really felt bad for the Cub fans at the game. Those poor bastards deserve better than this "team." By team, I mean crybabies who have no idea how to play fundamentally sound baseball, but do have an idea about trying to hit a HR every time at bat no matter what the situation and complaining about the umps when they don't hit a HR and get shut down by the freakin' Reds bullpen.

I would say I'm at a loss for words but look how long this post was. I can only conclude that Cub fans are masochists.


goddamit, Griese!
Ok, I know that I've taken pleasure in Cub failures in the past, but damn. This was just brutal. Successive extra inning 1-run losses in the last week of the season as you choke away a playoff spot? I really wouldn't wish that on anyone.

last years cubs lost = worst ever. period.


HAHAHA HOLY SHIT! After Cora got hit by a pitch and they lifted Fuentes, I thought to myself -- I have a feeling Ross is gonna keep this alive and then BAM! This guy had a lot of clutch HRs for us last year in very few appearances but this year he's just been terrible. I hope this can be a kick in the nuts that wakes him up and leads to a good performance in the playoffs. The fact that we have to win one of these games against the Giants though scares me.. :(


We're gonna unload Sosa, free up major cash, and sign another young outfield superstar from the south side once more. :D


and it all came down to bunts...

corey patterson couldn't lay one down, and nomar had absoultely no business trying to get a bunt basehit.


Joe said:
and it all came down to bunts...

corey patterson couldn't lay one down, and nomar had absoultely no business trying to get a bunt basehit.

Uh, no. Cubs problems have been much bigger than the bunting game today.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Damn Giants...oh well go STROS!!!!!! If we dont make it...you Giants can! Scrubs must die a horrible death....CHOKE HOLD!


What program do you use to photoshop a picture?
We'll beat the giants easily and clinch the divsion with ease this weekend.


J2 Cool

From Cubs message board

First, Stone was unabashed in his criticism of Baker this evening. When Kap/Waddle said something like "Dusty had a rough time today" Stone's reply was "Yeah if you want to put it delicately. But if you want to be honest you say he was BAD, he did a bad job managing this ballclub today." Then later on he really ripped into Dusty's character with regard to Dusty backing up Alou re: the strike zone, with Stone saying that Dusty is calling into question the integrity of the entire game of professional baseball to lend creedence to an angry claim from a disgruntled batsman that there's a conspiracy against him.

Then when you think about the fact that Stone said there would be a "HUGE MOVE" -- I think the operative term there was the word "move." He didn't say "trade" -- he said "move." Now you can use the term "move" when talking about a trade OR a change of other personnel. But you never use the word "trade" when talking about anything other than on-field players. Stone's exact words were "HUGE MOVE."

So let's say that we (I) hadn't already decided that the word "move" was in reference to personnel in general, and that I believed that it did refer to a player trade. Which guys would be considered "huge" moves?

ALOU? Sure, but declining his option is already expected, and we can't "trade" him without renewing the option. It's simply not going to happen that we'd invoke an $11m paycheck for him and then try to trade him.

COREY - Not going anywhere, and wouldn't be that huge anyway.

SOSA - a.) Stone thinks he's a man of integrity and wouldn't take such glee in the idea of moving him, b.) who's going to pick up his $18m? (I will add, though, that yesterday's firing of Julian Tavarez adds some intrigue here...)

RAMIREZ - untouchable

NOMAR - can't "move" someone we don't have the rights to after this season anyway.

GRUD/WALK - I believe both Grud and Walk are only signed through the end of this season. Again, can't trade someone you don't own the rights to.

LEE - not going anywhere either.

BARRETT - a.) not going anywhere, b.) wouldn't qualify as "huge."

PRIOR/WOOD - I'll eat my hat if we trade the up'n'coming Schilling/Johnson

ZAMBRANO - not unless we could get Cy Young reincarnated in exchange for him.

MADDUX - obviously not going anywhere

CLEMENT - again, can't trade someone we no longer own the rights to.

Who does this leave? No one else (on the field) that could be considered a "HUGE" move....

Dempster? Hawk? Rem?

Leicester/Wellemeyer/Wuertz (the AAA trio hardly qualify as huge).

Farnsworth is only signed through this year anyway -- one more time: you can't trade someone you don't have the rights to.

Mercker = not huge

Rusch = a wonderful comeback, but still not "huge."

Who's left? Jose Macias. Not "huge" in any sense of that word!

A "huge move" that could be predetermined this far ahead of time (meaning you don't need a second team to agree to it) = non-player personnel. And that, in my opinion, equals Dusty Baker.

I don't know that I like it... I haven't wrapped my mind around it yet. He did bring us back to back seasons with winning records. He did bring us some wild thrills last year -- and this year, too. But I also think he's screwed up both on field and off in some very glaring ways.

and another good one on the speculation of stone mentioning a big move coming

How many teams can put forward Prior, Wood, Zambrano, Clement, Maddux... pitch great for 6-7 innings and lose as consistently as the Cubs have this season. We did not bring in the needed runs nor did we stop the other teams once out starters left the game. So... sacrifice is the order of the day. Who do we sacrifice with enough clout to bring us the top closer or the top lead off, and open up enough salary. As I said earlier, I think Baker did not do his job this year. He could go and that would make sense. But, that does not address the obvious team needs. So I propose that huge may be more than one. A rotation of Prior, Zambrano, Maddux, Rusch, and ???? would be as good as most teams have now, or at leat respectible. Wood gone for a top closer and Sosa (although I agree with the salary problem). Baker gets sacrificed for his poor coaching and poor judgement this year, and Wood gets sacrificed for a much needed talent. I guess I just don't consider Baker getting fired as a huge move, unless there is another huge name to replace him and it cannot be Stone.


Joe said:
no one is gonna take sosa's contract, not even the yankees will touch that.

The mets may though. Read me post a little up. It almost makes sense.

1) Cubs fired Sammys personal assistant which pissed him off

2)Mets GM is the one who basically found Sosa. May want him with the orginazation

3) Sosa can draw people in the seats from the Dominican community

4) The mets upstage the Yankees in the offseason with a high profile deal.


hmmmm, well that does seem possible. something like that would be right up the mets alley (filling seats priority over winning). but you really cant look past sosa's declining stats.

i think the yankees have a better chance unloading giambi than the cubs have of unloading sosa. at least giambi has excuses for sucking, sosa has just been sucking.

J2 Cool

Man, you gotta feel bad for the Cub pitchers. In Prior's postgame interview following a 16 strikeout, 1 ER outing, he takes the heat and says 1 run should have been enough. Such a standup guy who doesnt deserve this Cub offense.


goddamit, Griese!
J2 Cool said:
Man, you gotta feel bad for the Cub pitchers. In Prior's postgame interview following a 16 strikeout, 1 ER outing, he takes the heat and says 1 run should have been enough. Such a standup guy who doesnt deserve this Cub offense.

"One run should have been enough. It should have been enough. The stuff that I had today, I knew what I had," Prior said.

"I don't know what else to say."

yup, Prior is all class. Prior, Wood, Maddux, A-Ram, Clement, Nomah, Lee all are great players and guys. Just surrounded by whiney bitches.

First, Stone was unabashed in his criticism of Baker this evening. When Kap/Waddle said something like "Dusty had a rough time today" Stone's reply was "Yeah if you want to put it delicately. But if you want to be honest you say he was BAD, he did a bad job managing this ballclub today."

i dunno how much it can be said...but Stone is fucking awesome. You have to love announcers that are ALWAYS truthful and always know everything about their team and their opponents.
Mrbob said:
The mets may though. Read me post a little up. It almost makes sense.

1) Cubs fired Sammys personal assistant which pissed him off

2)Mets GM is the one who basically found Sosa. May want him with the orginazation

3) Sosa can draw people in the seats from the Dominican community

4) The mets upstage the Yankees in the offseason with a high profile deal.

if the job he did in Montreal is any indication, Omar Minaya is a relatively smart GM. A relatively smart GM isn't gonna take on a massive salary just because he's friends with a guy. Besides, management is walking on eggshells right now after that HORRIBLE Kazmir for Zambrano trade. I wouldn't look for them to give up any good young players (david wright, jose reyes, victor diaz) in exchange for an old, overpaid strikeout machine on the decline. Only way i see a deal happening to put Sosa in NY would be if the Cubs paid some of his salary, and took back one of the Mets big $$$ contracts in return (Cliff Floyd? Piazza? Why would Chicago want him though?) If anything, the hiring of Minaya LESSENED the chances of Sammy being a Met.


I'm pretty new to baseball fantasy/roto, are there any playoff pools like in hockey? I'm going to miss my yahoo baseball team, even though they sucked hard and drove me insane. :\ And if I ever meet Kip Wells in person you'll be able to see me in the papers as the guy that kicked that pitcher in the nuts out of nowhere.

A GAF baseball playoff league would rock if they have them.


Ninja Scooter said:
if the job he did in Montreal is any indication, Omar Minaya is a relatively smart GM. A relatively smart GM isn't gonna take on a massive salary just because he's friends with a guy. Besides, management is walking on eggshells right now after that HORRIBLE Kazmir for Zambrano trade. I wouldn't look for them to give up any good young players (david wright, jose reyes, victor diaz) in exchange for an old, overpaid strikeout machine on the decline. Only way i see a deal happening to put Sosa in NY would be if the Cubs paid some of his salary, and took back one of the Mets big $$$ contracts in return (Cliff Floyd? Piazza? Why would Chicago want him though?) If anything, the hiring of Minaya LESSENED the chances of Sammy being a Met.
the mets are not your typical franchise though. the owner TRIES to field a winning ballclub but if it doesnt win, oh well he filled the seats. also the GM doesnt call the shots. everyone from the owner to the gm, to skip the 83 year old pitching scout who hasn't been on the payroll since 1985 has a say in the decision making process over there. who knows, maybe they'll change and let minaya make the decisions himself.


Props to your avatar, Eminem.

This has been fun to watch. I hope some stupid fans break down in tears like last year.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
HAHA :lol




What the hell happened to Mark Grudzielanek?!?! He was a pretty good defensive player when he was with the Dodgers, he looks pretty bad out there.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

For Mr.Bob and Cubsfan.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
LOL@cubs. I know I havent posted much in this thread if at all. I promised to keep my mouth shut because last year I was talking shit to Cubsfan and the Cubs ended winning the division. Go Stros.

J2 Cool

Matrix said:

For Mr.Bob and Cubsfan.

Im really gonna feel good when you guys lose in a heart wrenching playoff defeat or to the Rockies and relinquish the lead to the Giants. I'll make sure to return the abuse then
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