:lolBoogie said:DAMN YOU DAN BROWN!
-jinx- said:I can't wait for someone to start interpreting the Yellow Pages as the divinely inspired, unchallengable word of God and start a religion.
Drinky Crow said:What the fuck? As the Republicans have successfully proven time and time again, only directed shock tactics can get Americans to stop wallowing in economic apathy and get riled up. Fortunately, for once, THIS is something they should be riled up about if they care about this fucking country at all.
Drinky Crow said:What the fuck? As the Republicans have successfully proven time and time again, only directed shock tactics can get Americans to stop wallowing in economic apathy and get riled up. Fortunately, for once, THIS is something they should be riled up about if they care about this fucking country at all.
-jinx- said:I can't wait for someone to start interpreting the Yellow Pages as the divinely inspired, unchallengable word of God and start a religion.
satan and/or other evil spirits can try to influence you to be gay
:lol :lol :lolSynbios459 said:To further MadOdorMachine' reasoning
One thing that you need to understand is that no one is born gay, but satan and/or other evil spirits can try to influence you to be gay, just as they can try to influence you to steal, kill, etc. Now don't get me wrong, they can't ever MAKE you do something but they can influence you especially young children. That's why it's important for parents to pray over their kids and house hold to make sure things like that don't happen.
And when you think about it, even if you believe in Evolution, don't you think that nature would've made a man anatomally correct for another man if that were so? Same goes for a women.
whytemyke said:Obviously, it isn't pretty clear in the Bible, as your entire argument against Drinky's post is "No, it just is!" First off, your argument is horribly flawed on a number of bases. If you're going to rely on the Bible to interpret the will of God, you're going to have to admit that numerous (over 40,000) different copies have been made through the years... some with small changes like spelling and minor word arrangement, others have done so much as to interject women as the weaker sex, which really isn't the case, academically speaking, from most of the 'original' texts recovered archaelogically. If you look at the sexism differences alone between the Septuagint and the modern NT, you'll see many different cases of this. So the idea of using the Bible to interpret exactly what God does and doesn't like is a bit of a leap in itself , unless you're willing to submit that your argument is basically "Well it's obvious that either God or one of millions of people who've had access to Biblical writings for the past couple millenia didn't like gays."
This also supercedes the simple assholeness that you'd be willing to let people who eat meat on Sundays and wear silk carry the cross on their chest in the name of God, but if they're gay, well, they can't do it and they're setting a bad precedent. Kinda picking and choosing which sins you want in a church leader, aren't you? There's 200+ sins which they shouldn't do but they probably do, and you've got people like Pat Robertson saying that we can overlook all that as long as they're not gay. It's fucking horseshit... just another example of religious corruption.
Synbios459 said:And when you think about it, even if you believe in Evolution, don't you think that nature would've made a man anatomally correct for another man if that were so? Same goes for a women.
Awesome.Synbios459 said:To further MadOdorMachine' reasoning
One thing that you need to understand is that no one is born gay, but satan and/or other evil spirits can try to influence you to be gay, just as they can try to influence you to steal, kill, etc. Now don't get me wrong, they can't ever MAKE you do something but they can influence you especially young children. That's why it's important for parents to pray over their kids and house hold to make sure things like that don't happen.
And when you think about it, even if you believe in Evolution, don't you think that nature would've made a man anatomally correct for another man if that were so? Same goes for a women.
Maybe Proverbs 3:5? It basically means to put your faith in God and he will see you through even though we don't always understand what's going on. There are people here who agree w/us.Synbios459 said:See, this is what I hate, everyone here is so anti-religion that it doesn't matter what ANYONE says, they won't even give it the benefit of the doubt.
In the Bible it even says (don't have the exact verse maybe MadOdorMachine can help) "Do not rely on your own understanding". The thing is believing in God gives you a feeling that you just can't describe so it's impossible for you to know what it is like. Now I am not a Bible Masters by anymeans but I do know some.
ronito said:Problem is most people would much rather believe a beautiful lie, even one they suspect is a lie, than a grim truth.
ManDudeChild said:I'm confused. Are you talking about religion in general, or the Bush administration with your comment? :lol
That is clearly worthy of aSynbios459 said:To further MadOdorMachine' reasoning
One thing that you need to understand is that no one is born gay, but satan and/or other evil spirits can try to influence you to be gay, just as they can try to influence you to steal, kill, etc. Now don't get me wrong, they can't ever MAKE you do something but they can influence you especially young children. That's why it's important for parents to pray over their kids and house hold to make sure things like that don't happen.
And when you think about it, even if you believe in Evolution, don't you think that nature would've made a man anatomally correct for another man if that were so? Same goes for a women.
MadOdorMachine said:It basically means to put your faith in God and he will see you through even though we don't always understand what's going on.
trippingmartian said:That argument never gets old.
The hell?trippingmartian said:The Holy Bible has been re-written numerous times blah blah blah
That argument never gets old.
Yes, poor christians, you are indeed a repressed minority.MadOdorMachine said:What's ironic is that so many of you feel this country is run by Christians who are taking away your rights, while the Christians fell the exact opposite. We are constantly loosing our rights. The fact is, no Christian is going to succeed in forcing you into practicing their beliefs, but the Christians are being forced to practice secular beliefs. Eventually this country will be completely Godless. I hope you realize what you are doing.
1) What "rights" are Christians losing?MadOdorMachine said:What's ironic is that so many of you feel this country is run by Christians who are taking away your rights, while the Christians fell the exact opposite. We are constantly loosing our rights. The fact is, no Christian is going to succeed in forcing you into practicing their beliefs, but the Christians are being forced to practice secular beliefs. Eventually this country will be completely Godless. I hope you realize what you are doing.
MadOdorMachine said:What's ironic is that so many of you feel this country is run by Christians who are taking away your rights, while the Christians fell the exact opposite. We are constantly loosing our rights. The fact is, no Christian is going to succeed in forcing you into practicing their beliefs, but the Christians are being forced to practice secular beliefs. Eventually this country will be completely Godless. I hope you realize what you are doing.
I wish I could make you understand that the problem isn't with people like you that share your beliefs.Hyoushi said:Yes, poor christians, you are indeed a repressed minority.
Here is a tear for you in your godless nation: :'(MadOdorMachine said:I wish I could make you understand that the problem isn't with people like you that share your beliefs.
Are seriously asking or do just intend to mock me? I've never once criticized any one in this thread for their beliefs. If you want me to explain it I will. I don't care if I'm going to get bashed as long as someone is genuinely curious as to what I'm saying. If this can't be a civilized debate, what's the point in posting? I understand that you have your opinion and I respect that. The questiion is, can you respect mine? If we can understand that, then I'll continue to post.-jinx- said:1) What "rights" are Christians losing?
2) How are you being "forced to practice secular beliefs?"
:lol That's rather harsh!Hyoushi said:Here is a tear for you in your godless nation: :'(
Yeah, I want to know too. Answer those questions, then we'll have civilised discourse.MadOdorMachine said:Are seriously asking or do just intend to mock me? I've never once criticized any one in this thread for their beliefs. If you want me to explain it I will. I don't care if I'm going to get bashed as long as someone is genuinely curious as to what I'm saying. If this can't be a civilized debate, what's the point in posting? I understand that you have your opinion and I respect that. The questiion is, can you respect mine? If we can understand that, then I'll continue to post.
-jinx- said:1) What "rights" are Christians losing?
2) How are you being "forced to practice secular beliefs?"
MadOdorMachine said:What's ironic is that so many of you feel this country is run by Christians who are taking away your rights, while the Christians fell the exact opposite. We are constantly loosing our rights. The fact is, no Christian is going to succeed in forcing you into practicing their beliefs, but the Christians are being forced to practice secular beliefs. Eventually this country will be completely Godless. I hope you realize what you are doing.
I'm seriously asking. Those are some big statements, and I'd like to hear your justification for them.MadOdorMachine said:Are seriously asking or do just intend to mock me? I've never once criticized any one in this thread for their beliefs. If you want me to explain it I will. I don't care if I'm going to get bashed as long as someone is genuinely curious as to what I'm saying. If this can't be a civilized debate, what's the point in posting? I understand that you have your opinion and I respect that. The questiion is, can you respect mine? If we can understand that, then I'll continue to post.
When our founding fathers started this country, they never meant the "Separation of Church and State" to be interpreted the way it is today. If that were the case, we wouldn't see things like "One Nation Under God," and "In God We Trust" on national documents. The separation of church and state was meant to keep a church from having the ultimate power in governing our country. It was to prevent something like what the Romans did from happening to our country. It wasn't meant to completely omit God from all aspects of our society.-jinx- said:1) What "rights" are Christians losing?
2) How are you being "forced to practice secular beliefs?"
bune duggy said::lol
no really, so isn't it true?
MadOdorMachine said:When our founding fathers started this country, they never meant the "Separation of Church and State" to be interpreted the way it is today. If that were the case, we wouldn't see things like "One Nation Under God," and "In God We Trust" on national documents. The separation of church and state was meant to keep a church from having the ultimate power in governing our country. It was to prevent something like what the Romans did from happening to our country. It wasn't meant to completely omit God from all aspects of our society.
MadOdorMachine said:When our founding fathers started this country, they never meant the "Separation of Church and State" to be interpreted the way it is today. If that were the case, we wouldn't see things like "One Nation Under God," and "In God We Trust" on national documents.
Given this tradition, it's not surprising that the original Pledge of Allegiancemeant as an expression of patriotism, not religious faithalso made no mention of God: "I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
In 1955, with Ike's support, Congress added the words "In God We Trust" on all paper money. In 1956 it made the same four words the nation's official motto, replacing "E Pluribus Unum."
Synbios459 said:To further MadOdorMachine' reasoning
One thing that you need to understand is that no one is born gay, but satan and/or other evil spirits can try to influence you to be gay, just as they can try to influence you to steal, kill, etc. Now don't get me wrong, they can't ever MAKE you do something but they can influence you especially young children. That's why it's important for parents to pray over their kids and house hold to make sure things like that don't happen.
And when you think about it, even if you believe in Evolution, don't you think that nature would've made a man anatomally correct for another man if that were so? Same goes for a women.
Drinky Crow said:I'm really REALLY tired of the conciliatory tone adopted by most would-be "liberals" or Democrats. The "can we all please just stop shouting" camp of waffling pussies needs to get hammered out of the Democratic Party NOW. Either you believe in something and are willing to do what it takes to defend your beliefs, or you're just another selfish, wavering tool looking for a moment's peace at the expense of the greater future. I'd rather the pseudo-moderate crowd just admit embrace than offer the sort of wibbling, noncommittal, caveat-riddled "support" they do now because the other side sure as fuck ain't gonna compromise.
Agreed. But that also keeps Satanists from gathering there and chanting too. If you make this agrument you have to open it to them too. If you don't have a problem with this, then by all means use this as an argument. Otherwise you're going against the founding fathers belief that people should worship as they please.MadOdorMachine said:That being said, christians no longer have the right to gather in public in government places.
MadOdorMachine said:Christianity has been stripped from public schools in place of evolution.
Are you kidding? I prayed tons in school, especially at tests. Just because they weren't aloud with a few holy rollers in the back didn't make them any less sincere. Again unless you're willing to open it up to all faiths so you take part in praying to Allah as well, your argument is moot.MadOdorMachine said:Prayer is no longer allowed.
Again if you don't mind having the muslim pillars there, or a torah and a satanists bible there then you'd be going against religous freedom. Also didn't Jesus himself say "Render unto ceasar that which is ceasar's." Is this not the same situation.MadOdorMachine said:Then ten commandments in courthouses, "One nation under God" in the pledge of allegence and "In God We Trust" on our currency is being attempted to be taken away also.
MadOdorMachine said:Not too long ago, there was a flag in California (I think it was L.A. or San Francisco) that had a cross taken out.
Hey sparky, you don't have to get an abortion or be gay. Isn't that wonderful? It's called freedom.MadOdorMachine said:Of course now people are also trying to pass gay marriage and abortion is legal.
You don't have to watch it you know.MadOdorMachine said:The media is now able to have nudity and profanity.
MadOdorMachine said:It's slowly but surely demoralizing our country.
MadOdorMachine said:The media is not held responsible for reporting false information.
MadOdorMachine said:but the Christians are being forced to practice secular beliefs. Eventually this country will be completely Godless. I hope you realize what you are doing.