I always enjoy it when somebody whose only education in history and politics is from Christian Reconstructionism decides to cry how Christianity is losing its ability to strongarm those of other faiths. Anyway, random thoughts and replies since I'm not going to bother making it coherent.
- Strict Seperation of Church and State is so that all religions enjoy equal rights, that one doesn't have the "right" to believe just because their faction happens to be in power at the time... but because government and government action explicitly cannot get involved in what they want to believe and practice.
- The strict interpetation was argued even more vigorously by many Framers, so don't go there.
- Public schooling is for all citizens of the nation. Teaching Christianity in a proscriptive context is a blatant infringement on the rights of those who are not Christian(and Constitutionally, have just as much rights).
If there isn't intolerance, why so much hate? No other religion is as persecuted as Christianity.
Maybe, maybe not. What is known is that many Christians have transformed early persecution into a huge persecution complex, despite having enjoyed a great deal of success and being one of the World's major religions.
What have I said that is so fundamentalist?
Christian Reconstructionalism, the idea that America was founded a Christian nation and must be fulfilled in Christian theocratic rule, is a fundamentalist viewpoint, if you weren't aware. While you may not actually support this, you ARE reciting their memes.
And when you think about it, even if you believe in Evolution, don't you think that nature would've made a man anatomally correct for another man if that were so? Same goes for a women.
What's ironic is that so many of you feel this country is run by Christians who are taking away your rights, while the Christians fell the exact opposite. We are constantly loosing our rights. The fact is, no Christian is going to succeed in forcing you into practicing their beliefs, but the Christians are being forced to practice secular beliefs. Eventually this country will be completely Godless. I hope you realize what you are doing.
Right to WHAT, exactly? Right to push your beliefs into law? Right to spend the day without seeing others doing what you personally disagree with? Right to raise your children in a completely homogenous environment? Christians haven't been forced to do anything but keep their beliefs in the private sector like everyone else, but obviously that crosses them deeply.
- Prayer in school is not banned but rather prohibited from being a formalized part of schooling. Actually, this issue is almost microcosmic. Simply because they can't enjoy prayer in a formal and public setting where all must participate(doesn't Jesus condemn this sort of thing?), they claim prayer is banned... much like the "we're being persecuted" line.
- Ten Commandment monuments aren't an existing thing that's being taken away, but rather a recent attempt at cracking the wall between church and state that's been stopped.
- "Under God" is a 1950s artifact from Catholics in an anti-communist fervor. You can include it if you want, but you can't make others say it that way.
- BTW, Stop using 50s sitcoms and selective memory as your basis for arguments of moral decay.