MadOdorMachine said:
Of course I think we should adhere to the Bible. Yeah, it may be inconvenient to not be able to go down to the store for milk on Sunday (or Saturday if you want to be specific) but guess what, life goes on. We might actually find it not as inconvenient as we had thought as well.
I say this not as a troll, but to pose this as a question but: Have you considered that perhaps not taking these 'holy books' as seriously as they're taking would make for a better world? You can cut it anyway you want, with your god being the only true one and you know, that's your choice, but in the grand scheme of things, does the road traveled matter as much as what we learn along the way. I don't believe in religion, I find it to be ... well Marx said it best.
"Religion is the opiate of the masses.
But despite my views, I'm not an evil person, I donate to charity, I try to help people when I can. I say this not to toot my horn, but pose that the road doesn't matter, and debating over something so silly that logically makes little sense wastes time. What's wrong with homosexuals? Why are those not believing in god going to hell? How can peopel worship a being that if it created us and controls us all (thus making the question of free will surface) would condeme the good just because of no worship. What kind of vain creature is that? I don't know if I'm making much sense but ... don't we as a race have more important things to deal with than such trivial matters? I recall a story not too long ago about money being rejected in Africa due to the support of homosexuals or something along those lines (it was from a thread posted here actuall). Do you believe that they will embrace the grace of your god while suffering.
I'm not trying to be an ass here, and if I'm coming off as one, I'm apologize... but really, does it really matter if we follow a book made by man, as long as we're good people? Just my take. Make of it what you will.