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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


Gold Member
Imagine defending ResetEra/dismissing criticism of them and trying to claim that the employee was "Questionable". If anything is questionable here, it is you three.

Defending Era at this point is like defending KiwiFarms.

Wrong quote? WTF

Defending Era?

Saying I dont want none of that sites BS here for drama?

You ok bro?

You the Era dude here Mr. Kneejerk moralist

Clearly the confusion I take here is: No matter your political position or beliefs, being associated with era can be considered an insult
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Holy Christ, why would anyone want to be a part of such a totalitarian site? I shudder to think if any of these repressive dolts went into politics.
I'm just hoping that they do not come here after being banned. Unless of course, they have seen the light and we can begin to deprogram them from the poison that is Reeeee.



Dr. Claus

I'm just hoping that they do not come here after being banned. Unless of course, they have seen the light and we can begin to deprogram them from the poison that is Reeeee.

Many great members currently on GAF had come from ERa (and were originally on GAF, pre-split). 9 times out of 10, they realized what a toxic, hateful, shit site they are. Those rare 1 in 10 that don't end up as the folks you see in this thread defending the shitty site and being rightfully mocked.


Limited Run Games has blocked all the comments.
Meanwhile, comments are at +3K, and you can imagine the tone.
Meanwhile(2) from our dear friends journalist with tons of integrity and competence, several articles on the person fired, not even one about the aftermath, because you know, someone has to write the article so others can do copy/past.

Well done to everyone.

Dr. Claus

Limited Run Games has blocked all the comments.
Meanwhile, comments are at +3K, and you can imagine the tone.
Meanwhile(2) from our dear friends journalist with tons of integrity and competence, several articles on the person fired, not even one about the aftermath, because you know, someone has to write the article so others can do copy/past.

Well done to everyone.

It is hilarious. They reposted the posts from yesterday to try and hide the outrage. Even the REddit, aside from like 2-3 mentally challenged cunts, are calling out LRG.


And all because she posted a tweet that she was looking forward to Harry Potter. That was enough for the morons on Ree to investigate her Twitter past, find some 6 year old tweets that they deem problematic and the fact she follows some alt right folks apparantly.

Now she's being labeled a transphobe without any hesitation. First they all act like unions and workers rights are the most important thing in gaming, now their trying to get her fired because she works in an at will work state.

Its only a matter of time before Kotaku or some other cuck will write a hitpiece and LGR fires her.

Until the law starts to adequately protect people from cancel culture as hard as the left push these agendas we will be subject to this garbage.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Limited Run Games has blocked all the comments.
Meanwhile, comments are at +3K, and you can imagine the tone.
Meanwhile(2) from our dear friends journalist with tons of integrity and competence, several articles on the person fired, not even one about the aftermath, because you know, someone has to write the article so others can do copy/past.

Well done to everyone.

Obligatory: fuck games 'journalism'.


Gold Member
Limited Run Games has blocked all the comments.
Meanwhile, comments are at +3K, and you can imagine the tone.
Meanwhile(2) from our dear friends journalist with tons of integrity and competence, several articles on the person fired, not even one about the aftermath, because you know, someone has to write the article so others can do copy/past.

Well done to everyone.
Good point, where are all the 'journalists' now? Covering this hot trending topic that has blown up? Nah, just cover the part about a tweet then run away from the real story.



I would absolutely fire someone if they were representing my company and engaging with "problematic" actors. You say "people have the right. . ." - that extends to companies as well to determine who they associate with. It sucks, but at this point in time you have to be a fool to engage in personal and professional activities on the same account (and yes, associating your personal account with your professional activity by mentioning it in your Twitter BIO counts).

No, she doesn't. Just like Matt Drudge doesn't "just post links to news articles"; there is a healthy dose of (often wrong) editorializing on the part of LOTT. This "she's just using their own words against them" excuse people like to use is just flat out wrong (DefiantL's does this and you'll note no one has an issue with that account).
When do you cross the line to firing an employee for their political views?


And all because she posted a tweet that she was looking forward to Harry Potter. That was enough for the morons on Ree to investigate her Twitter past, find some 6 year old tweets that they deem problematic and the fact she follows some alt right folks apparantly.

Now she's being labeled a transphobe without any hesitation. First they all act like unions and workers rights are the most important thing in gaming, now their trying to get her fired because she works in an at will work state.

Its only a matter of time before Kotaku or some other cuck will write a hitpiece and LGR fires her.
LRG claims it "respects all personal opinions" and does the opposite... that's double standard hypocrisy.

PS; I haven't purchased any "Harry Potter" IP.
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Any chance that the employee could sue for wrongful termination? Do you know any cases where a person sued a company for breaching contract due to these type of reasons?
Has a good chance in the UK as we have better employment laws here than most.

If it's America then rofl good luck


Gold Member
I'd say this is a good thread to go with
I think there are three posts by the same account that break down what happened with receipts.

You'd think with such a weird person applying for the job, LRG would had done some research on the candidate. It's not like that Datareacer account has spent 6 months doing an investigation. All this shit was dug up in half a day scouring social media sites.

Let's see if LRG has the balls to get rid of Purple Tinker for being an ultimate prevy creep. Or if they will double down to put on a brave face they made the right call and Purple Tinker is worth keeping on the payroll. So far, not looking good. People said above Purple Tinker deleted their account and LRG shut down comments sections. Already on the defensive.

Let's see what LRG does Monday morning.


You'd think with such a weird person applying for the job, LRG would had done some research on the candidate. It's not like that Datareacer account has spent 6 months doing an investigation. All this shit was dug up in half a day scouring social media sites.

Let's see if LRG has the balls to get rid of Purple Tinker for being an ultimate prevy creep. Or if they will double down to put on a brave face they made the right call and Purple Tinker is worth keeping on the payroll. So far, not looking good. People said above Purple Tinker deleted their account and LRG shut down comments sections. Already on the defensive.

Let's see what LRG does Monday morning.


The woman who got fired by LRG is a perfectly normal person. Purple thinker is the weirdo who dug up her old tweet (singular) and people she followed in order to get her fired (and succeeded). Purple thinker doesnt work for LRG, never has, hes the person that did the "expose" on the community manager.
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lol at people preordering a game they had no interest in as some sort of gotcha. Definitely normal and not at all driven by hatred. Very noble stuff, y’all.

She probably didn’t deserve to get fired, but, she’s clearly transphobic and if that affects the work environment around her, then it’s obviously a bad fit for both her and the company.


Gold Member

The woman who got fired by LRG is a perfectly normal person. Purple thinker is the weirdo who dug up her old tweet (singular) and people she followed in order to get her fired (and succeeded). Purple thinker doesnt work for LRG, never has, hes the person that did the "expose" on the community manager.
Oh my mistake.

I thought Purple Tinker is the same person in the original tweet who said shes a new contract worker who cant work there anymore unless something is done about the community manager.


You'd think with such a weird person applying for the job, LRG would had done some research on the candidate. It's not like that Datareacer account has spent 6 months doing an investigation. All this shit was dug up in half a day scouring social media sites.

Let's see if LRG has the balls to get rid of Purple Tinker for being an ultimate prevy creep. Or if they will double down to put on a brave face they made the right call and Purple Tinker is worth keeping on the payroll. So far, not looking good. People said above Purple Tinker deleted their account and LRG shut down comments sections. Already on the defensive.

Let's see what LRG does Monday morning.
They did not hired purpe tinker. Purpe thinker is the sad fuck that demanded the comunity manager to get fired, and posted pics of 6 years old tweets and ppl that she followed as a reason to fire her.


lol at people preordering a game they had no interest in as some sort of gotcha. Definitely normal and not at all driven by hatred. Very noble stuff, y’all.

She probably didn’t deserve to get fired, but, she’s clearly transphobic and if that affects the work environment around her, then it’s obviously a bad fit for both her and the company.
Its much better to dig up 6 year old twitter posts, yep!
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lol at people preordering a game they had no interest in as some sort of gotcha. Definitely normal and not at all driven by hatred. Very noble stuff, y’all.

She probably didn’t deserve to get fired, but, she’s clearly transphobic and if that affects the work environment around her, then it’s obviously a bad fit for both her and the company.

It affected the work environment so much that one cared/found those tweets before a literal psycho (with a history of harrasment no less) with too much time on his hands decided to have her fired because fuck it that's why.

Just because a woman doesn't want to see dicks or is scared of the prospect of a man passing for a woman to take advantage of the situation in a public bathroom doesn't make you transphobic, yet here we are.


Gold Member
They did not hired purpe tinker. Purpe thinker is the sad fuck that demanded the comunity manager to get fired, and posted pics of 6 years old tweets and ppl that she followed as a reason to fire her.
Ah, ok. My mistake.

I got mixed up. I was looking for that tweet I cant find which had a new contract worker saying she wont work there due to the CM tweet. I though it was the same person as Purple.


lol at people preordering a game they had no interest in as some sort of gotcha. Definitely normal and not at all driven by hatred. Very noble stuff, y’all.

She probably didn’t deserve to get fired, but, she’s clearly transphobic and if that affects the work environment around her, then it’s obviously a bad fit for both her and the company.

yeah. things like these really quickly turn into tribalistic shitshows.

just look at the replies in that twitter thread,
just the most retarded fucks crawling out of their anti-woke cages, being the exact mirror image of what they claim to be against.


Its much better to dig up 6 year old threads, yep!
I didn’t say that? Yes that’s also weirdo shit.

But, it’s also not like 6 years is a long time and she clearly still follows plenty of transphobic accounts so it’s not like she’s a different person now.

Just because a woman doesn't want to see dicks or is scared of the prospect of a man passing for a woman to take advantage of the situation in a public bathroom doesn't make you transphobic, yet here we are.

lol it absolutely makes you transphobic. That has literally always been a possibility since the beginning of bathrooms, and all of sudden now we’re afraid? Please.
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