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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


And this is why I love GAF, multiple opinions being discussed, heated arguments but civilized and most importantly no mod is banning just so they can push their agenda.

If she is indeed a transphobe and full of right wing bs I can just say that I don't like her, BUT losing her job because of a (allegedly) pedo wannabe "leftist"(but actually more close to a fascist than an alt right) is just crazy and sad.

These "people" are dangerous, and undermine the progress that sane people with great ideas want to accomplish, unfortunately so, posing as left wings.


I mean, I looked at who she followes now and what she said in the past and made up my mind about her.

she seems to be a pos. ultimately I don't care that she is one 🤷
I bet some of my neighbours are just the worst, but they don't bother me so I don't care.

I simply voiced my opinion on a thread and news story that is publicly discussed.

Merely based on past social media posts, the Purple Tinker individual who led the campaign to get her fired is a far bigger POS.

I imagine Limited Run Games is soon going to realize that quickly firing their employee was not a great business decision. Which they may be realizing already since they are disabling comments on some Tweets.
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Far right propaganda

While this fae/faeself thing is indeed cringeworthy and I could argue that it could be seen as an insult to humanity, when pages like that exist and bomb the mass with content like this it manages to saturate their perception, suddenly normal LGBTQ people which actually fight for their rights with respect to the rest of society are lumped together with bronies and fae whatever that sh*t is.

Pages like that are not raising awareness, but giving attention to people that'll do anything just for the sake of attention, and the cycle of hatred continues, it's just jungle rules but with some extra steps in between.


King of Gaslighting
Far right propaganda

You're right, it isn't propaganda. It's just someone using their platform to mock a private citizen for the crime of being "weird." Like what even is the threat of this persons TikTok? The world is so full of groomers and pedophiles, but she's got time to scour TikTok for "weird" users to attach to some anti-pronoun brigade.

. . .what's hilarious is that LOTT is doing the exact same thing (and getting cheered for it) that folks are all upset at the original tattle tell for doing: scouring the internet for offense.

And this is why I love GAF, multiple opinions being discussed, heated arguments but civilized and most importantly no mod is banning just so they can push their agenda.

Thread was only ever marginally about "video games" to begin with and has predictably collapsed into the same old same old; that its still open is certainly something.
So all it takes is 800 likes (I think it was around there yesterday when I checked) on a tweet to get someone sacked? Fuck me, just stop the planet I want to get off.

This is pretty tame shit too, the lynch mob are scraping the barrel a bit here imo.

Leaving social media a few years back was the best thing I ever did. GAF is as much internet interaction as I need :messenger_squinting_tongue:
It has reached 1K, now. However, it had quarter of a million views, so obviously not many agreed with it. In comparison, the Melanie Mack tweet about that asshole getting scammed ( :messenger_tears_of_joy: )has only 90K views, but 2.5K likes.
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Dr. Claus

You're right, it isn't propaganda. It's just someone using their platform to mock a private citizen for the crime of being "weird." Like what even is the threat of this persons TikTok? The world is so full of groomers and pedophiles, but she's got time to scour TikTok for "weird" users to attach to some anti-pronoun brigade.
The person placed a video up on the internet for all to see. This is no different than America's Funniest Home Videos, Josh.0, or any number of cringe compilations on youtube. The *only* difference is that it highlights the insanity of one particular side. If this was the "other side", you would not be saying anything about it.

. . .what's hilarious is that LOTT is doing the exact same thing (and getting cheered for it) that folks are all upset at the original tattle tell for doing: scouring the internet for offense.
Scouring? No. Comparing what LOTT does to what PurpleCunt did is hardly a fair comparison and more attempts by you to try and minimalize the bullshit that happened. It takes literally two seconds to open up TikTok and be inundated with cringe of mentally deranged individuals. It takes hours to go through someone's entire post history and thousands of followed accounts to craft a fake story to try and fire someone. Again, why are you so desperate to minimize and deflect? (No need to answer, we all know why).

Thread was only ever marginally about "video games" to begin with and has predictably collapsed into the same old same old; that its still open is certainly something.
One of the biggest publishers of indie video games fired an employee for unfair and bullshit reasons. The fact that you keep complaining about it is certainly something.
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Astral Dog

As I said before, no... I even already said on here thag I think it should be illegal to fire her over that.

I am on the side of workers rights, not on her side as she is clearly a piece of shit, just like the piece of shit that got her fired.

both sides here are terrible people, that doesn't mean terrible people should be exiled for what they do privately
i guess its fair to say both are terrible people.

But one wrote a questionable Tweet 6 years ago and pre ordered Harry Potter,there were no more complaints by LRG or anyone else until the game

The other... well you just need to see the Tweet where she is exposed.

you can't say its on the same level as Purple Tinker or the harrassers, yet they don't face any consequences and in fact believe they served true justice.

People are understandably riled up, right now i would just watch where this leads because there are some good lessons to learn here, the line between social justice and harrassment is so thin these days
Libs of tiktok quite literally posts 99% transphobic or homophobic shit (usually out of context or downright made up shit) to fearmonger retards.

you don't follow them accidentally because you didn't know what they do.

That twitter account seems to exist to make parents aware of the sexual nature of some things being taught to their children at ages the parents may feel is inappropriate, or the subjective worldviews that their children are being taught are the correct way to think. It seems very much like religion to me, which we don't allow to be taught in schools because we kind of all agreed it's wrong to teach children a subjective view of morals and values that could undermine their parents or their own morals and values. I feel it's wrong to play holier than thou, and "if you don't think like me you're a bad person," and that's especially true when it comes to tax funded education. That's why we don't teach religion in schools, isn't it?

So why do you think your religion should be taught in school? I have a lot of opinions on widely debated moral, political, and social issues, and I don't think any of them should be getting taught to school children as fact.

I've argued in support of trans people on this site many times, but I don't feel my arguments need to be included on school tests with children made to conform to my beliefs. Do you think that's wrong and my moral values should be taught in school?



Hmmm... 🤔



King of Gaslighting
You are right. There is no reason at all why China is pushing this on Western tiktok while banning on their own.

What does this even mean? Please connect the dots between China, TikTok, gender discussions in the US and this - heretofore but not longer - random TikTok user.


No, I think the whole conversation about pronouns and misgendering tends to sound a bit aspie, like "Well technically their chromosomes*snort*. It ignores the rather obvious human and compassionate component to a degree that is revealing of the speaker.

There's no reason to be cruel to people who are just trying to live their lives in a way that doesn't make them want to die. No semantic arguments trumps the rather obvious human component. Just be nice, man. It costs nothing.

6 years ago this would be reasonable. But nowadays these people who require people to adopt their world view have become the new puritans. The worst part is so many people with other agendas are using them as well.
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The Paradox of Tolerance.
Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. - Karl Popper
We don't have to tolerate hate. We don't have to accept it as a rational or legitimate point of view.


No, I think the whole conversation about pronouns and misgendering tends to sound a bit aspie, like "Well technically their chromosomes*snort*. It ignores the rather obvious human and compassionate component to a degree that is revealing of the speaker.

There's no reason to be cruel to people who are just trying to live their lives in a way that doesn't make them want to die. No semantic arguments trumps the rather obvious human component. Just be nice, man. It costs nothing.
I agree there’s no reason to be cruel. However, cruelty seems to be a mostly one way street towards people like J.K. Rowling and anyone that cares at all about protecting women.

I’ll bet your news sources don’t mention the rapes in female prisons, school bathrooms, etc because of people bending to this false ideology. Where’s the compassion there?
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What does this even mean? Please connect the dots between China, TikTok, gender discussions in the US and this - heretofore but not longer - random TikTok user.
China owns Tik Tok. They also monitor everything you do on your phone if you use it. Not that the idiots on Tik Tok care. Anyway, they purposely push this mental insanity because they want our society weakened as we fight with each other. One side opposes the insanity, either in general or, at the very least, when it's being pushed on impressionable youths. The other side crawls over each other to prove they are the most tolerant/woke by praising it, while being intolerant to anyone who disagrees.

And on their Tik Tok in China? The push things they see as positive for their society, like citizens doing exceptional things, while banning this nonsense.


I bet you one million dollars that you have been in multiple public bathrooms at the same time a trans person was in there and you are fine. This happens every day all over the world, and no one gets hurt.

Your phobia is irrational and not based in reality. People just want to piss and shit like you do.
It’s bad actors that are the problem. Pretending that perverts havent been waiting for any loophole to use the women’s locker room is disingenuous, dangerous and disrespectful to the victims.

Thank you for exposing that you turn a blind eye to actual cases of rape and assault on women. Tells us probably everything we need to know about you. Do better and stop gaslighting. Supporting trans people does not require this in the slightest.
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Gold Member
What does this even mean? Please connect the dots between China, TikTok, gender discussions in the US and this - heretofore but not longer - random TikTok user.
The CCP owns TikTok. They don’t even allow phones in government buildings to have the app on it because Brightcove (the CCP company that runs TikTok) can remotely activate the mic and camera on any phone the app is installed on; instantly turning it into a CCP spy tool.


The Paradox of Tolerance.

We don't have to tolerate hate. We don't have to accept it as a rational or legitimate point of view.

People like you LOVE the word “hate.” As you desperately search for moral high ground, it can become quickly apparent that this redefining/misuse of the word “hate” is all you have left as you support the below:

But a long-term study by the United Kingdom’s leading facility for treating gender-dysphoric children found otherwise. Contrary to common beliefs about puberty-blocking drugs, the majority of children who take them do not resume puberty.

In a Dec. 2 preprint of the study from the Tavistock and Portman National Health Service Foundation Trust, all but one child treated for gender dysphoria with puberty-blocking drugs went on to take cross-sex hormones to alter their sex characteristics permanently. The study also showed that children’s bone density and normal growth flatlined with puberty blockers as compared to their peers, and participants reported no improvement in their psychological well-being. The findings support a growing body of evidence showing the harm and irreparable damage of experimental medical treatments for children with gender dysphoria.


SF Kosmo SF Kosmo

Hope this informs you so you don’t have to continue pushing for something so horrible.
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If that's the case why are there mens and womens bathrooms? Almost all public bathrooms are men and women. With a small number being unisex or handicap or a family/baby changing station bathroom.

Respect the majority. Most people want designated bathrooms for safety and comfort. Not a free for all.
I'm thinking you have men's and women's bathrooms with stalls because they can have more toilets in a given area than if they replaced all of that with a bunch of single occupancy unisex bathrooms.(But I'm no expert.)
People like you LOVE the word “hate.” As you desperately search for moral high ground, it can become quickly apparent that this redefining/misuse of the word “hate” is all you have left as you support the below:
That's funny. I never said I was referring to your point of view. I never referenced your ideas as being hateful. I kept it pretty ambiguous on purpose.
The problem is people do shit things in all walks of life and then authoritarians conflate their generalised arguments as gospel, the left nor right aren't really the issue.


That's not transphobic.

I'm straight and love women. But I dont want to see my female coworkers or random female customers at the mall in the mens bathroom when I'm taking a piss or shit. Does that make me hate women?

It makes no difference if they are doing it to take advantage of a situation or if they are perfectly chill. Hey, I want my public bathrooms to be for one or the other. Not people who claim to be the other side when nobody knows for certain if they are telling the truth or not.
Is it toilets that is causing this drama in the US?

Where I live there are some public toilets for both men and women, with doors with locks and no gaps. No issues what so ever. You close and lock the door and do your thing with whatever you have between your legs and that’s it. Can’t see anything.

Changing rooms for bath houses is a bit different, then there are open showers without doors in a big room. Definitely can’t go into the womens shower room with a dick dangling between your legs. Never met a trans person so no idea how they would deal with that or if they even bother at all.
There are mixed saunas where men and women share the space but then you can sit with a towel or swim suit on.


Just want to say, regarding LOTT vs the LRG fiasco: there is a huge difference between reposting something recent while saying "look how crazy this is" and digging up something from years ago with the intent of taking away the author's means of income.

No matter how much you disagree with someone's beliefs it is not okay to try to destroy their life.


Libs of tiktok quite literally posts 99% transphobic or homophobic shit (usually out of context or downright made up shit) to fearmonger retards.

you don't follow them accidentally because you didn't know what they do.
You're doing exactly what the person you claim to also not agree did in order to get someone fired. Saying Libs of Tiktok is far right propaganda and only post transphobic content when that's far from the truth, is outing yourself. It's absolutely insane that you will lump a person who simply doesn't think men should be in women's restrooms with a guy who believes they are a woman and has dealt in child pornography and has had to apologize for harassing people.

You're conflating two things that could not possibly be more different in how wrong they are. One is an opinion, one is literally a crime. You believe it is impossible that someone can follow LoTT without hating the lgbtq community or being a far right extremist, and it's hilarious as someone who happens to follow them and also has a gay coworker who laughs at most of the stuff I show him cause they show the absolutely most insane portion of that community, which is a minority in itself.

Then you try to drive your point home by saying they cater to retards which is irony to the extreme cause most of the content they share is of people with legit mental illness. They don't do it to scare people or cause anyone in the lgbtq community harm, the sane ones in that community should be just as pissed and upset of the freaks giving them a bad reputation, and trust me many are upset but get drowned out by people like you who simply label them far right extremist which is such a lazy take.

If being "far right" means I don't agree with gender ideology people forced on children who know no better and will potentially make terrible irreversible decisions because of it, or grown ass men suddenly discovering they are a woman at the ripe age of 45 so they can do some horrible shit while so many just sit on the sidelines and stay quiet cause they themselves don't want to be cancelled or worse fired like the girl in question, then yes I am a far right extremist.

Scotty W

If being "far right" means I don't agree with gender ideology people forced on children who know no better and will potentially make terrible irreversible decisions because of it, or grown ass men suddenly discovering they are a woman at the ripe age of 45 so they can do some horrible shit while so many just sit on the sidelines and stay quiet cause they themselves don't want to be cancelled or worse fired like the girl in question, then yes I am a far right extremist.
Literally shaking rn


The way those people abuse the word “incredibly” irks me more than most of the shit they do.

Talking about video games there gets you banned. Like doing anything else.
That place is an activists‘ site that had to pretend to be a video game forum to hijiack a number of members they otherwise would never get. And they absolutely love to be able to dictate what games can be discussed there, and how.
It's a leftwing cult. When I was younger and more naive I thought the right were the ones with all the cult issues. How wrong I was.

Ideologues are everywhere and they tie their identities to unquestioned beliefs. They'd absolutely hate that I'm putting them all in the same basket but they are mirror twins of eachother.
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The Paradox of Tolerance. "Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

We don't have to tolerate hate. We don't have to accept it as a rational or legitimate point of view.

I'm going to quote another forum member who pointed something out recently:

From Guilty_AI Guilty_AI

These people love their "paradox of tolerance" to justify forceful action, which is ironic since Karl Popper's himself said we shouldn't supress different opinions regardless of how "intolerant" they were.

Even bigger irony is that he says such "intolerant" people should only be supressed when they start denying conversation altogether. Y'know, if they were to, for example, start denouncing all argument against their preachings or started forcefully blocking the voice of people arguing against them.

This was mentioned in one of the twitter threads, as it releases to the censorship that happens on social media.
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If being "far right" means I don't agree with gender ideology people forced on children who know no better and will potentially make terrible irreversible decisions because of it, or grown ass men suddenly discovering they are a woman at the ripe age of 45 so they can do some horrible shit while so many just sit on the sidelines and stay quiet cause they themselves don't want to be cancelled or worse fired like the girl in question, then yes I am a far right extremist.
Spot on.


People like you LOVE the word “hate.” As you desperately search for moral high ground, it can become quickly apparent that this redefining/misuse of the word “hate” is all you have left as you support the below:

But a long-term study by the United Kingdom’s leading facility for treating gender-dysphoric children found otherwise. Contrary to common beliefs about puberty-blocking drugs, the majority of children who take them do not resume puberty.

In a Dec. 2 preprint of the study from the Tavistock and Portman National Health Service Foundation Trust, all but one child treated for gender dysphoria with puberty-blocking drugs went on to take cross-sex hormones to alter their sex characteristics permanently. The study also showed that children’s bone density and normal growth flatlined with puberty blockers as compared to their peers, and participants reported no improvement in their psychological well-being. The findings support a growing body of evidence showing the harm and irreparable damage of experimental medical treatments for children with gender dysphoria.


SF Kosmo SF Kosmo

Hope this informs you so you don’t have to continue pushing for something so horrible.
This is the problem when you let society influence medical science.

Feelings take precedent over data. Gender dysphoria is nothing more than mental illness being facilitated on a mass scale.

My friend is a GP partner and reported to me how an 11 year old decided he wanted to be a girl after watching Tiktok videos. His liberal parents of course were very accepting of his new founded identity and demanded a referral to the gender identity clinic. Insanity.
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Gold Member
The thing I love about the karma is, the guy look at the historic post of his target, but not waited 5 seconds to think 'they can look at my historic post too'.
When you identify as brony, you can only see self-respect from the rear view mirror, the dude/thing is probably not ashamed at all.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
The Paradox of Tolerance.

We don't have to tolerate hate. We don't have to accept it as a rational or legitimate point of view.
On top of you quoting the comic / rushed and leading summary (instead of reading the full quote… but then you will think Popper is disagreeing with himself as he argues against censorship and shutting discourse down ;))… The funny thing is that a.) this is abused by just redefining hate whatever you do not like (and we have seen it happening a lot in the last few years), b.) yes intolerant people that shit discussion down and label everyone they disagree with as “problematic” running unchecked will go after the tolerant and moderates (might not be the side you are thinking of only ;)), and c.) the problem was not arguing and discussing but accepting as serious people that would refuse to discuss and brought violence and lynch-mob rule to discourse and making concessions with it.
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Too much politicking in this thread I thought that was not allowed?
It would be wise for neogaf to offer this every now and again at least. Plus, it’s mostly people saying facts that shouldn’t have a political affiliation anyway. And how often do we all get to speak the truth on the internet elsewhere? What an occasion!

Expect more of this when Elon inevitably takes over.
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Gold Member
I didn’t say that? Yes that’s also weirdo shit.

But, it’s also not like 6 years is a long time and she clearly still follows plenty of transphobic accounts so it’s not like she’s a different person now.

lol it absolutely makes you transphobic. That has literally always been a possibility since the beginning of bathrooms, and all of sudden now we’re afraid? Please.
The thing is: Was she mistreating people on her job environment because of they being trans? You cannot judge a person by how you think they think, you have to judge then by how they actually behave no matter their thinking, if she was having a discriminatory behavior with her co-workers then that should be another matter, but this isn't any different than if she had that Hitler book in her living room and you fire her for "being a Nazi" even if she clearly don't give a fuck about Jews in her team (many people read whatever any reasons).

They're firing a person for wrongthinking, not for wrong behavior and hypocritically so... If they cared enough they shouldn't have hired in first place, but they're just fact checking later with a very nitpicked tweet.
Too much politicking in this thread I thought that was not allowed?

What you think of the libs of tictok account is, itself, at least part of any discussion regarding if it was a good idea to immediately fire an employee for following that account. But despite labels like conservative, left, alt right, liberal, etc, you can have this entire conversation without any of those labels, and it would largely be the same conversation. There are also plenty of people who don't identify with any of those labels who still have strong feelings about this situation. People need to stop taking every opinion about every social issue or debate topic and thinking that they must be placed within one of two boxes.
Flip it around. Some guy claims he feels like a woman - he should automatically be allowed to use the ladies room? He poses no potential threat to the women and children in there?
Generally speaking, most trans people I'm aware of continue to use the bathroom of their sex at birth, until doing so feels too inappropriate at a certain point in their transitioning. Since she was mentioned earlier in the thread, and assuming she used a stall, do you think most people would be more comfortable with blare white using the women's rest room or the men's?

Personally, I don't know why people continue to have the bathroom debate. Trans women in women's bathrooms is always the concern, but they pretty much always have stalls, so there's nothing really to see anyway. I'm not sure there's any sort of law to stop men from using the women's restroom trans or not. Is there? They might get asked to leave by the owner of the restroom, but that's about it. If someone's going to be creepy in a restroom, being trans doesn't exactly benefit them.

If it's sexuality you're concerned about, do you feel lesbians should be allowed to use women's rest rooms? How is that all that different?
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it's one of them and the one that's inexcusable.
but she also followed similarly minded individuals that also don't have super old accounts and also are not accounts you follow accidentally.
And So? Honestly why should anyone give a shit? Is it actually hurting anyone that she follows such people? Probably not. This fad of going after people for whom they follow or what they believe needs to end, even if it takes legislation to do so. No one should ever fear being fired over social media posts that have nothing to actually do with their place of employment and even then only in a limited capacity.

Scotty W

And So? Honestly why should anyone give a shit? Is it actually hurting anyone that she follows such people? Probably not.
Here is where you are wrong.

They know no one is being hurt. So they talk about “systemic harm” which is amorphous enough to be undefinable, but so pervasive that everything has to change.

This fad of going after people for whom they follow or what they believe needs to end, even if it takes legislation to do so.
Their useful idiots believe it is about harm reduction. The people controlling the useful idiots are interested only in power.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
People like you LOVE the word “hate.” As you desperately search for moral high ground, it can become quickly apparent that this redefining/misuse of the word “hate” is all you have left as you support the below:

But a long-term study by the United Kingdom’s leading facility for treating gender-dysphoric children found otherwise. Contrary to common beliefs about puberty-blocking drugs, the majority of children who take them do not resume puberty.

In a Dec. 2 preprint of the study from the Tavistock and Portman National Health Service Foundation Trust, all but one child treated for gender dysphoria with puberty-blocking drugs went on to take cross-sex hormones to alter their sex characteristics permanently. The study also showed that children’s bone density and normal growth flatlined with puberty blockers as compared to their peers, and participants reported no improvement in their psychological well-being. The findings support a growing body of evidence showing the harm and irreparable damage of experimental medical treatments for children with gender dysphoria.


SF Kosmo SF Kosmo

Hope this informs you so you don’t have to continue pushing for something so horrible.
Again I don't "push" for them, I am against them being given to kids in most cases, I just acknowledge there are exceptions where the outcome is so obvious that the risk of being wrong isn't a concern and the benefits to the kid are great. And I think that for the most part those are the kids who are getting them, a small minority of the children diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

It's crazy to me the extent to which people can't process ANY degree of nuance or centrism on anything anymore. Like we've turned into such black and white thinkers we can't be reasonable about anything.
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