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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


Gold Member
  • Finally, it is found that Purple Tinker it is also a pedophilia defender and probably a pedophile her(him)self. Lots of "receipts" were found on the matter in old Tumblr.
  • Purple Tinker closes his Twitter account.
  • Resetera closes their witch-hunting thread, calling thread derailing. Refuses to elaborate further lasts events.
  • You are here.
Reee closed it because these events were getting over the target. ;)
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Only as a stopgap until the identity of the subject is confirmed. Using it as a permanent pronoun is awkward and imprecise.

Very few people speak in a completely precise way 100% of the time. Basically everyone I know in real life will use 'they' and gendered pronouns interchangebly.

People might say something like "he's over there", but then also talk about the same person like "they don't know what they're talking about".

All i'm seeing here is pronoun retardation but in the opposite direction: people now going out of their way to avoid singular 'they' and talking extremely precisely like a robotic autist to need cede linguistic ground to the libs.
Very few people speak in a completely precise way 100% of the time. Basically everyone I know in real life will use 'they' and gendered pronouns interchangebly.

People might say something like "he's over there", but then also talk about the same person like "they don't know what they're talking about".

All i'm seeing here is pronoun retardation but in the opposite direction: people now going out of their way to avoid singular 'they' and talking extremely precisely like a robotic autist to need cede linguistic ground to the libs.
No, I just speak naturally. If I have to start second-guessing how to refer to people in my native tongue then they are in error, not me.


Feel free to keep being an ignorant, it's your prerogative.

But then don't come crying when people like purpleweirdo dictate how you gotta think.

The purpleweirdo will dictate how I have to think and speak, but the anti-purpleweirdo will only dictate how I have to speak.

What a choice in 2023!
The purpleweirdo will dictate how I have to think and speak, but the anti-purpleweirdo will only dictate how I have to speak.

What a choice in 2023!
This is false. The majority of people I have spoken to with my POV don’t care what other people do within their social groups - we just don’t want it forced onto us. There’s only one group of people here seeking control of thought and speech.


Again I don't "push" for them, I am against them being given to kids in most cases, I just acknowledge there are exceptions where the outcome is so obvious that the risk of being wrong isn't a concern and the benefits to the kid are great. And I think that for the most part those are the kids who are getting them, a small minority of the children diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

It's crazy to me the extent to which people can't process ANY degree of nuance or centrism on anything anymore. Like we've turned into such black and white thinkers we can't be reasonable about anything.
Can you tell me when it is OK to sterilize a child and ruin their bone density and stop their normal growth and development where it will never return? Especially when there is an 80% chance they will grow out of it?

I may not be as skilled in nuance as you, so thank for for your time educating us.

Btw, please stop pretending there’s an obvious way to know who will accept a full life of identifying as transgender.
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This is false. The majority of people I have spoken to with my POV don’t care what other people do within their social groups - we just don’t want it forced onto us. There’s only one group of people here seeking control of thought and speech.

My last few posts in this thread have been arguing with people telling me how I should speak over the innocuous usage of singular 'they'.

The purpleweirdos wield more power when it comes to the real world ramifications of what people say. Most of us are acutely aware of this (which is why we're on GAF and not Resetera). But it's become increasingly apparent to me that the 'other side' isn't exactly free from their own brand of annoying pedantics, either.

Maybe you'd have more success winning people over to your POV if lecturing people about how they use pronouns didn't sound so dissimilar from... the other side lecturing people about how they use pronouns.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Can you tell me when it is OK to sterilize a child and ruin their bone density and stop their normal growth and development where it will never return? Especially when there is an 80% chance they will grow out of it?
When it's extremely obvious they are in the 20%.

People in that group who transition early are way more likely to be able to "pass," to develop bodies and voices that match their identinties, and to be happier, and are less likely to self-harm.

I may not be as skilled in nuance as you, so thank for for your time educating us.
That's the whole thing. Transitioning the wrong kid is really bad, but transitioning the right kid is really good, so you just have to be cautious to only do it when you're sure.

Btw, please stop pretending there’s an obvious way to know who will accept a full life of identifying as transgender.

There really is in some cases, though, man. Like maybe you've never met one of these kids but there really are kids that just make it super obvious and tell you loud and clear. Before they're ever even introduced to the concept of trans, they just go "I'm a girl" (or "I'm a boy") and never waver.

When kids develop gender dysphoria later, especially in puberty, that's a red flag, and there's a good chance they'll grow out of it. But the kids that are just always emphatically like that from the day they can talk? They don't grow out of it, man.
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When it's extremely obvious they are in the 20%.

People in that group who transition early are way more likely to be able to "pass," to develop bodies and voices that match their identinties, and to be happier, and are less likely to self-harm.

That's the whole thing. Transitioning the wrong kid is really bad, but transitioning the right kid is really good, so you just have to be cautious to only do it when you're sure.

There really is in some cases, though, man. Like maybe you've never met one of these kids but there really are kids that just make it super obvious and tell you loud and clear. Before they're ever even introduced to the concept of trans, they just go "I'm a girl" (or "I'm a boy") and never waver.

When kids develop gender dysphoria later, especially in puberty, that's a red flag, and there's a good chance they'll grow out of it. But the kids that are just always emphatically like that from the day they can talk? They don't grow out of it, man.
Your body is your identity. Your brain is you and it is as much a part of your body as your arm is, or your liver. The soul does not exist. Any mismatch between your outward appearance and how you feel yourself to be was, until very recently, classed as a psychological issue that needed to be dealt with.

What changed in biological research? Nothing.

Surgery and hormone blockers in children is a very dangerous path to be going down in what could turn out to be a decade-long error in healthcare. As many other diagnoses and treatments have proven to be.
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Can you tell me when it is OK to sterilize a child and ruin their bone density and stop their normal growth and development where it will never return? Especially when there is an 80% chance they will grow out of it?
You know that chemo therapy can sterilize a person right? Would you say a child shouldn't be on chemo due to the infinitesimally small low chance of becoming sterile? It's a silly position to take...even if you genuinely did care about a child on hormone blockers becoming sterile...the doctors who study it understand its not a problem...only poeple like Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro turn it into one...mind you these are the people who are anti trans because it goes against gods will...not a very good place to start a debate from.

Futsal Shuffle GIF by Lil Uzi Vert

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Your body is your identity. Your brain is you and it is as much a part of your body as your arm is, or your liver. The soul does not exist. Any mismatch between your outward appearance and how you feel yourself to be was, until very recently, classed as a psychological issue that needed to be dealt with.
Psychological conditions often have physiological causes, though, and if those causes aren't treatable, then treatment needs to reflect the best possible outcomes within that limitation.

If a person is autistic, for example, that is a psychological issue with a physiological cause. We don't try to "fix" autism because we can't. Instead we help people who have that condition to live their lives in ways that are emotionally healthy for them given their condition.

Now if you want to call it a mental illness or a neurological disorder, or just a different state of being, I don't really care, these are all semantic arguments. But the best treatment we have for people like that is to support a healthy transition, and to not bully and degrade them. There's really nothing else we can do. If there was a pill we could give people that would allow their bodies to feel "right" to them, then obviously a lot of people would vastly prefer that, but that doesn't exist.

Surgery and hormone blockers in children is a very dangerous path to be going down in what could turn out to be a decade-long error in healthcare. As many other diagnoses and treatments have proven to be.
We don't do surgeries on children, so that's a strawman. As for pills, again, as long as we're cautious to get the diagnosis right, there's really no reason to think this. Obviously transitioning the wrong kid is a dire outcome and we need to make sure there are institutions in place to minimize that.
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I actually despise Resetera.

A visceral, burning loathing for them.
Same, I'm further left than most people on Era, but their way of going about expressing their views isn't about pushing progressive views forward but dismissing everyone who doesn't agree...I think there is room to dismiss hate...If someone here dropped the N bomb they'll get banned I'm sure or the F bomb...but on era you get banned for expressing disagreements that mods find wrong. I was perma banned for expressing I enjoy Colin Moriaritys even tho I thought his women tweet was immature and for saying that bathhouse scenes in japan are culturally relevant when everyone was saying they should be removed...I dislike how the community is run...im not a 4/chan free for all person but shoot, theres gotta be some room for disagreement. I disagree with most people here, and yea I know coming in being pro trans will get the "sjw blue hair loser" reactions, but I'd rather have the ability to express an unpopular opinion from having to agree with what everyone thinks.
Psychological conditions often have physiological causes, though, and if those causes aren't treatable, then treatment needs to reflect the best possible outcomes within that limitation.

If a person is autistic, for example, that is a psychological issue with a physiological cause. We don't try to "fix" autism because we can't. Instead we help people who have that condition to live their lives in ways that are emotionally healthy for them given their condition.

Now if you want to call it a mental illness or a neurological disorder, or just a different state of being, I don't really care, these are all semantic arguments. But the best treatment we have for people like that is to support a healthy transition, and to not bully and degrade them. There's really nothing else we can do. If there was a pill we could give people that would allow their bodies to feel "right" to them, then obviously a lot of people would vastly prefer that, but that doesn't exist.

Again, as long as we're cautious to get the diagnosis right, there's really no reason to think this. Obviously transitioning the wrong kid is a dire outcome and we need to make sure there are institutions in place to minimize that.
I couldn’t disagree more about the treatment. I think it’s short-sighted at best and barbaric at worst. But I know there is little chance of changing your mind and even if I did it wouldn’t change anything.

I appreciate your thoughtful responses.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I couldn’t disagree more about the treatment. I think it’s short-sighted at best and barbaric at worst. But I know there is little chance of changing your mind and even if I did it wouldn’t change anything.

I appreciate your thoughtful responses.
Okay, so let me ask you, let's just say you had a magic pair of magic goggles that allowed you to see with 100% certainty which kids have completely untreatable and permanent dysphoria; the ones who would definitely transition at 18 and never look back.

With that magic, perfect knowledge, do you really not see the benefit to them to have a puberty that matches the gender they will present as for the rest of their life? To allow them to pass more convincingly, to have heights and voices and bodies that match the gender they're going to present as? Isn't that better?

I understand and share the concern about getting it right, but we need to start by ackowledging the reasons anyone would consider it in the first place.
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Psychological conditions often have physiological causes, though, and if those causes aren't treatable, then treatment needs to reflect the best possible outcomes within that limitation.

If a person is autistic, for example, that is a psychological issue with a physiological cause. We don't try to "fix" autism because we can't. Instead we help people who have that condition to live their lives in ways that are emotionally healthy for them given their condition.

Now if you want to call it a mental illness or a neurological disorder, or just a different state of being, I don't really care, these are all semantic arguments. But the best treatment we have for people like that is to support a healthy transition, and to not bully and degrade them. There's really nothing else we can do. If there was a pill we could give people that would allow their bodies to feel "right" to them, then obviously a lot of people would vastly prefer that, but that doesn't exist.

We don't do surgeries on children, so that's a strawman. As for pills, again, as long as we're cautious to get the diagnosis right, there's really no reason to think this. Obviously transitioning the wrong kid is a dire outcome and we need to make sure there are institutions in place to minimize that.

What do you mean with a healthy transition?

And it's not only about our bodies (external stimuli like certain fabric etc) but also how we perceive external stimulus; visual auditory and social interaction.

To echo gaming_again gaming_again thanks for your response.
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Ugh, didn't know about this topic. That title...
It gets quite hard to follow the line. GAF needs to implement threadmarks.

  • There's a woman called Kara Lynne that works at Limited Run Games as Community Manager.
  • There's a Twitter account by the nick "Purple Tinker (hates Elon)".
  • Kara Lynne tweets about how she's excited for the next game Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Purple Tinker identifies as a trans woman (a woman that was a man).
  • She (he, or whatever, see next bullet points) gets upset by this fact due to Rowling's "transphobia" controversy.
  • Purple Tinker starts digging hard into Kara Lynne's Twitter feed, as far as going into 7 years old tweets.
  • Purple Tinker finds tweets where Kara Lynne express her discomfort on predatory men using trans rights (like being able to go into women's bathroom posing as trans women) in order to harass women.
  • Purple Tinker also finds she follows a couple of "alt-right" associated accounts.
  • Purple Tinker calls her out on this and points towards her job position as CM of Limited Run Games.
  • Purple Tinker tweets about it and asks Limited Run Games to fire her.
  • Doesn't get too much attention until this is picked up by Resetera users.
  • A Resetera thread gets created on the topic and start a witch hunt.
  • Limited Run Games terminates Kara Lynne as their Community Manager and finally fires her.
  • Kara Lynne's husband gets upset by it and calls the company out.
  • Resetera users are not satisfied. Now they start another witch hunt asking to fire him (they start digging on him and find that he has worked on some key art for a game published by Limited Run Games but don't know if he actually works at LRG).
  • At this point the controversy erupted and is all over the place. So supporters of Kara Lynne start digging into Purple Tinker's history.
  • Finding Purple Tinker is a trans woman that is also a Brony and creator of "BronyCon".
  • Brony: adult people fans of the show My Little Ponny, into "Furry" cosplay and cartoon furry (zoophilic) porn.
  • This BronyCon is known for having multiple pedophiles among its community. Going as far as having tried to abduct an 11 years old child in one of this BronyCon events.
  • Upon further digging, it is found that Purple Tinker also harassed another Brony fan for 2 years straight, stalking, doxxing and threatening of murdering him.
  • Finally, it is found that Purple Tinker it is also a pedophilia defender and probably a pedophile her(him)self. Lots of "receipts" were found on the matter in old Tumblr.
  • Purple Tinker closes his Twitter account.
  • Resetera closes their witch-hunting thread, calling thread derailing. Refuses to elaborate further lasts events.
  • You are here.
Thank you for the summary, now I don't have to wade through 18 pages.
So is LR going to hire her back?
Okay, so let me ask you, let's just say you had a magic pair of magic goggles that allowed you to see with 100% certainty which kids have completely untreatable and permanent dysphoria, and who would definitely transition at 18.

With that magic, perfect knowledge, do you really not see the benefit to them to have a puberty that matches the gender they will present as for the rest of their life?

I’m not sure any dysphoria is untreatable, but assuming you are correct: I think sex transition surgery for children is similar to the death penalty: it might do some good on a micro level but I don’t see how a society can claim to be morally correct while allowing it to happen.

My instinct is that it is wrong and we will all regret this one day and I’m too old to write off my instinct.


Psychological conditions often have physiological causes, though, and if those causes aren't treatable, then treatment needs to reflect the best possible outcomes within that limitation.

If a person is autistic, for example, that is a psychological issue with a physiological cause. We don't try to "fix" autism because we can't. Instead we help people who have that condition to live their lives in ways that are emotionally healthy for them given their condition.

Now if you want to call it a mental illness or a neurological disorder, or just a different state of being, I don't really care, these are all semantic arguments. But the best treatment we have for people like that is to support a healthy transition, and to not bully and degrade them. There's really nothing else we can do. If there was a pill we could give people that would allow their bodies to feel "right" to them, then obviously a lot of people would vastly prefer that, but that doesn't exist.

We don't do surgeries on children, so that's a strawman. As for pills, again, as long as we're cautious to get the diagnosis right, there's really no reason to think this. Obviously transitioning the wrong kid is a dire outcome and we need to make sure there are institutions in place to minimize that.

Fyi. There are pills that will eliminate or a least alleviate pretty much all symptoms when your personal spectrum involves high general anxiety, being very very sensitive to certain fabrics and social anxiety.

I like to say it gives "room" to function. Or rather broadens the framework from which in you operate
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It's a retarded analogy, is all.
So him saying that hormone blockers, which cause fertility issues in such a small amount of patients is valid...but chemotherapy, another treatment which causes fertility issues in a small amount of patients is invalid? You see how ones own bias perspective prevents facts from being understood?

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
What do you mean with a healthy transition?
I meant psychologically healthy, like to do what is good for their long-term mental health and wellbeing. I guess physical health is also a concern with the medical stuff, but I didn't really mean that because physical health isn't the thing being treated, and taking hormones does carry certain health risks and detriments.
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I would not transition a kid -- ever. I have no problem with adults transitioning as they don't deserve to be bullied and hated, and should be supported. But there is a very important reason why kids are kept away from sex, violence, drugs, and alcohol. A major life decision like transitioning should also be reserved for adulthood.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I’m not sure any dysphoria is untreatable,
It is right now, at the very least.

but assuming you are correct: I think sex transition surgery for children is similar to the death penalty: it might do some good on a micro level but I don’t see how a society can claim to be morally correct while allowing it to happen.
You're being obtuse. Talk about it in terms of outcome for the individual. You have the magic goggles, so you ALREADY KNOW this individual is going to transition and stay that way. Do you think the outcome for that individual is better or worse if they have a puberty that reflects the gender they will present as for the rest of their lives.


I meant psychologically healthy, like to do what is good for their long-term mental health and wellbeing. I guess physical health is also a concern with the medical stuff, but I didn't really mean that because physical health isn't the thing being treated, and taking hormones does carry certain health risks and detriments.

Autisme is for life. You first have to accept it. Know your boundaries. And make the best of it. Never heard about hormone treatment in relation to Autism here in the Netherlands. Doesn't sound that good imho.

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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Autisme is for life. You first have to accept it. Know your boundaries. And make the best of it.
That's the analogy I am making. All this is true of gender dysphoria as well, or at least I am speaking specifically of the people for whom this is true.

Never heard about hormone treatment in relation to Autism here in the Netherlands. Doesn't sound that good imho.

Lol, no obviously the medical component of treatment isn't the same. But what I mean is that a lot of it comes down to how you live your life rather than "fixing" your brain.
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Can you tell me when it is OK to sterilize a child and ruin their bone density and stop their normal growth and development where it will never return? Especially when there is an 80% chance they will grow out of it?

I may not be as skilled in nuance as you, so thank for for your time educating us.

Btw, please stop pretending there’s an obvious way to know who will accept a full life of identifying as transgender.

It's just bizarre.

Kids and most teenagers (all in some countries) aren't considered to be mature enough to make decisions on taking drugs (including alcohol), smoking, having sex for the most part, and on getting an education. And that's because the wrong decisions there could really fuck up their lives for good.

But changing the hormones that affect how you physically grow? Sure go ahead. Let that quack 'doctor' sign it off! It can't cause any harm.

It makes my fucking head hurt.


I have severe (don't want to win the special Olympics here okay? Haha) body dysmorphia. And that shit is... well... it pretty much takes over your life. (In my case) Its personal but I have something in the near future that hopefully will reduce the 24/7 experience but again it's a matter of acceptance and concessions.


That's the analogy I am making. All this is true of gender dysphoria as well, or at least I am speaking specifically of the people for whom this is true.

Lol, no obviously the medical component of treatment isn't the same. But what I mean is that a lot of it comes down to how you live your life rather than "fixing" your brain.

Sorry Kosmo. Crossed lines and all.

Apologies and thanks for being kind about it all.


Gold Member
Autisme is for life. You first have to accept it. Know your boundaries. And make the best of it. Never heard about hormone treatment in relation to Autism here in the Netherlands. Doesn't sound that good imho.


My son is on the spectrum. I never considered subjecting him to any "treatment". Primarily because there is nothing about my son I think needs to be "treated". Secondly, because I have little to no faith that the medical community knows what the fuck they are doing when it comes to matters of the mind.


Purple Tinker starts digging hard into Kara Lynne's Twitter feed, as far as going into 7 years old tweets.
Imagine the time and energy put into this you could have spent rather on something constructive or positive. This describes is a certain kind of people that really enjoy this, have probably little positive things in their lives and little self-esteem and get their gratification from this and are probably statistically more "victimized" as in "I'm a victim" than the average, probably even more than the average trans. I know gay and trans people and none of them are such drama queens. They simply enjoy life and wouldn't spend their time digging in someone's past.

Imagine being THAT offended by some person you don't even know. Life must reeeeeally SUCK if you're that easily triggered, offended, and "forced" to dig shit up. Instead of just blocking the person that pisses you off, you dig up every shit. Yeah, sounds totally like what a sane person would do. Get the fuck out.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
It's just bizarre.

Kids and most teenagers (all in some countries) aren't considered to be mature enough to make decisions on taking drugs (including alcohol), smoking, having sex for the most part, and on getting an education. And that's because the wrong decisions there could really fuck up their lives for good.

But changing the hormones that affect how you physically grow? Sure go ahead. Let that quack 'doctor' sign it off! It can't cause any harm.

It makes my fucking head hurt.

I know I'm being framed as being all on one side of this, but I want to relate a personal anecdote for a minute because I actually have dealt with this IRL and it takes some nuance.

I know a kid who I have watched grow up. Always presented male. Still does, at least publicly. They came out to us as trans, although they never showed obvious signs of gender dysphoria growing up. They are currently SCREAMING HYSTERICALLY for puberty blockers, partly because puberty has hit hard, fast, and early in a way that must be traumatic. Psychologists say no, parent say no. Kid asks me and my wife for support.

I said to the kid, "Look, I remember what it was like to be 13 and the idea that I would have been asked to make any permanent life-altering decision at 13 is horrifying." My wife says "You know I had gender dysphoria at your age too, but it got better and now I love being a woman." But we also said, "Look, transition takes years. You haven't even started presenting female/femme publicly yet. If you'd like to change your name and pronouns and start presenting differently, of course we will support you. My wife took them to a make up tutorial. Like we're not being invalidating, but we're just like "Take baby steps and try before you buy." We are being supporting and respectful, but encouraging caution and exploration, and not jumping right to medical intervention.

So it's not like I think every kid that wants hormones should get them. I don't. But I have also met kids where it's just screamingly obvious that they are trans from day one. So I think it's gotta be case by case, but erring on the side of caution.
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My son is on the spectrum. I never considered subjecting him to any "treatment". Primarily because there is nothing about my son I think needs to be "treated". Secondly, because I have little to no faith that the medical community knows what the fuck they are doing when it comes to matters of the mind.

Sorry to hear man. And I agree wholeheartedly. Best "treatment" is getting to know his behaviour under different contexts to learn how he feels under certain circumstances. And most importantly love care and attention. Mustn't be easy....

My best friend has a son on the spectrum. As in can't talk, not 100% toilet trained and lives in a home because he when push comes to shove he really does need constant supervision. Just turned 11 or 13 or something so yeah he's getting "feelings". Another difficult phase.

The worst part for her is not being able to communicate. Sure on a very basic level but she can never ask how he feels etc etc.

She's has to constantly read his body language etc to get a feeling of what's up to act accordingly as to not trigger him. Jeez.

Thanks for you honesty and sharing.
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Gold Member
I don’t think all people in a perceived group should be judged on the worst member of that said group.

I would be interested to know that what group would you say the LRG person was in and from 1 to 10 on the bad person metre what would you score her?


Surprisingly civil in here.
I'm with the "do not chemically alter your children yet" camp. Mostly because I think there is not enough data to say when they are fit to make the decision and the likelyhood of "wrong" decision making.
A lot of this stuff should come down to data and risk tolerance, now that the religious crowd isn't being taken seriously anymore (which they shouldn't, on any topic, those crazed fantasy loonies...).


I know I'm being framed as being all on one side of this, but I want to relate a personal anecdote for a minute because I actually have dealt with this IRL and it takes some nuance.

I know a kid who I have watched grow up. Always presented male. Still does, at least publicly. They came out to us as trans, although they never showed obvious signs of gender dysphoria growing up. They are currently SCREAMING HYSTERICALLY for puberty blockers, partly because puberty has hit hard, fast, and early in a way that must be traumatic. Psychologists say no, parent say no. Kid asks me and my wife for support.

I said to the kid, "Look, I remember what it was like to be 13 and the idea that I would have been asked to make any permanent life-altering decision at 13 is horrifying." My wife says "You know I had gender dysphoria at your age too, but it got better and now I love being a woman." But we also said, "Look, transition takes years. You haven't even started presenting female/femme publicly yet. If you'd like to change your name and pronouns and start presenting differently, of course we will support you. My wife took them to a make up tutorial. Like we're not being invalidating, but we're just like "Take baby steps and try before you buy." We are being supporting and respectful, but encouraging caution and exploration, and not jumping right to medical intervention.

So it's not like I think every kid that wants hormones should get them. I don't. But I have also met kids where it's just screamingly obvious that they are trans from day one. So I think it's gotta be case by case, but erring on the side of caution.

There's a massive difference between a make-up tutorial and messing with natural development.

I think it is grossly irresponsible to enable a child or young adolescent to have medical treatment for sex dysphoria other than psychiatric help. You are born (with exceedingly rare exceptions) as one sex and really you just have to accept that. We are not a species that can morph between sexes.

Now, if someone wants to wear the opposites sex's clothes, do hobbies that are common for that sex, etc., whatever. That's just personal preference, and if not liked later on can simply be stopped or changed with no real damage done.

For what it's worth, I think that you and your wife have done a good job there. You aren't encouraging or pushing that person towards something that may well significantly harm them.


When it's extremely obvious they are in the 20%.

People in that group who transition early are way more likely to be able to "pass," to develop bodies and voices that match their identinties, and to be happier, and are less likely to self-harm.
So at best your treatment makes them less depressed rather than psychological treatment that could truly lead to a happy life.

That's the whole thing. Transitioning the wrong kid is really bad, but transitioning the right kid is really good, so you just have to be cautious to only do it when you're sure.
Assuming one does believe your premise, how can we make sure only the right people are making these decisions (hint: you cannot).

There really is in some cases, though, man. Like maybe you've never met one of these kids but there really are kids that just make it super obvious and tell you loud and clear. Before they're ever even introduced to the concept of trans, they just go "I'm a girl" (or "I'm a boy") and never waver.
Probably due to their parents and other influences and people around them. When you meet the parents of these kids, .

If you have this for sure method, you should submit it to some scientific circles and let them peer review your work.

When kids develop gender dysphoria later, especially in puberty, that's a red flag, and there's a good chance they'll grow out of it. But the kids that are just always emphatically like that from the day they can talk? They don't grow out of it, man.

So if they’re already the opposite gender, why the need for any physical alteration or additional physical component? Some believe they’re trans cats. Should we offer to let those children who seem sure of it have their hands disfigured to look more like paws?
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Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Well anyone should be allowed to like any game (regardless of developer history)....we are there to play the game

Looking forward to Kara's lawsuit vs Limited Run Games and her BIG payout! Any lawyer would love to take that case on.

LRG sucks balls anyway.


There's a massive difference between a make-up tutorial and messing with natural development.

I think it is grossly irresponsible to enable a child or young adolescent to have medical treatment for sex dysphoria other than psychiatric help. You are born (with exceedingly rare exceptions) as one sex and really you just have to accept that. We are not a species that can morph between sexes.

Now, if someone wants to wear the opposites sex's clothes, do hobbies that are common for that sex, etc., whatever. That's just personal preference, and if not liked later on can simply be stopped or changed with no real damage done.

For what it's worth, I think that you and your wife have done a good job there. You aren't encouraging or pushing that person towards something that may well significantly harm them.

It’s unbelievable to me that this even needs to be said, but no child should undergo any surgery or radical alteration to their physiology that is not medically required.

They do not know their own minds. It’s one of the best thing and the worst thing about being a kid.

Dr. Claus

So do y'all think that LRG are going to permanently silence their socials from here on out, or will they open them back up for more doses of reality?
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