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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


Gold Member
Or even worse they try to pass it off as healthy:


Im 190lb and i already suffer with some weight issues, cant imagine what those people deal with (or deny)
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Yesterday I was perma banned from r/gamingcirclejerk and then reported for "harrasment" and making the comunity feel "unsafe" because I posted that I was excited for Hogwarts Legacy and that it was going to be amazing. What a terrible loss for me!/s.
I got banned for calling that place a literal circle-jerk echo chamber. Needless to say, the mods were triggered, lmao.


More noise doesn't mean better discussion.
True, but just take a look at the number of posts in this topic that only contain a single gif.
As for the reactions…triggered one is meant to be used as a dislike?
Asking as someone hit me with 5-6 of those. Who is really triggered there :) ?
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Im 190lb and i already suffer with some weight issues, cant imagine what those people deal deal with (or deny)
When I hit over 240 lbs, I knew needed to change. Got forced to work night shift with no say in the matter. I developed true neckbeard eating habits. When I dropped 50 lbs, I felt like a new man. Granted I gained some back but I'm actively working on losing it. This shit is such a dangerous stance. I look at shit like this and wonder, this is how we get here. One of the fattest nations on Earth. We're probably one of the very few countries in the world that has "body acceptance" shit like this. I refuse to accept this obesity shit, I've been through it and let me tell you, that shit IS NOT FUN. Having to buy bigger clothes? You wanna pay for two airplane seats for yourself? You want your knees to be internally crushed by your mass? INSANITY. That's why heart disease is still such a killer in the U.S.; IT'S TIED TO WEIGHT AND LIFESTYLE CHOICES. And yet you get canceled if you say something about weight, the very thing that killing you faster than Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. Fucking mental.

Now I get there are issues out there regarding genetics, medical conditions, etc. I get that.

I'm not saying that everyone has to be a size 0 or anything but cot damn. Also, good on those that are trying improve. Real shit. Much respect to those that are trying to better themselves with their weight and fitness. No judgement for trying to be one's self. Betterment is the answer here, not perfection.
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I think it's fucked up to go digging for dirt of salary workers to get them fired over their political beliefs, but this isn't about Harry Potter and you're downplaying what they found. She is clearly a transphobe.

Now if she's not letting that influence her work, and she's not using LRG as a platform to amplify that viewpoint then there's no reason to involve her employer. She's not the head of the company, she probably makes like $60K a year. But let's at least be honest, she doesn't like trans people.
This is what makes me laugh the most at these woke tards.
They spent their whole time preaching how gender isn't binary. There is nuances, slight differences. It isn't just one or the other.
However they are too dumb to follow that logic pattern all the way through. In their eyes everything else is very binary. You either support every single thing they say, or you are transphobic. There is no nuances anymore. You can't believe in transpeople living healthy and happy lives, but disagree with 14 and 15 yo girls getting their breasts cut off. You can't day adults can attend all the sexual drag shows they want, just don't take kids.
It shows a distinct lack of intelligence on their end. A failing of logic.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
You can't believe in transpeople living healthy and happy lives, but disagree with 14 and 15 yo girls getting their breasts cut off.
The vast majority of people would agree with this, including me. It's illegal for people under the age of consent in every state, and fewer than 250 are performed per year on people under the age of 18. It is, in fact, the consensus position of the left.

But it's absolutely baffling how you would get THIS very reasonable statement out of the unhinged psychotic one Kara posted. The woman said she thinks there are more cross dressing perverts waiting to assault women in bathrooms than "real" trans. It's a looooooong fucking walk between that and "I just don't think kids should get surgery until they're 18".

And yet you're like the 100th person in this thread to invent this same exact strawman out of whole cloth, when it bears no relation to anything being argued by any party involved.
You can't day adults can attend all the sexual drag shows they want, just don't take kids.
Ok obviously, but why does no one show this same outrage when people take their kids to sexualized hetero shit, which they do all the fucking time. I saw Eyes Wide Shut in the theater and there were crying kids in the theater.

That said some people do like to pretend that all drag shows are sexual, they do have kid friendly drag shit. They used to read story books to kids at the library here it was perfectly cute.

It shows a distinct lack of intelligence on their end. A failing of logic.

You're not doing great on the logic department yourself. You haven't addressed a single real argument anyone has made.
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I would always be sceptical of a politifact ”fact check”.

It would appear that Boston Childrens Hospital was in fact doing vaginoplasty on 17 year olds and mastectomy on 15 year olds. So whilst the specific claim that they were doing hysterectomies on minors may not have been accurate they were still doing “gender affirming” surgery on children as young as 15.

This information was from their own website and can still be found using wayback machine.
I would always be sceptical of a politifact ”fact check”.

It would appear that Boston Childrens Hospital was in fact doing vaginoplasty on 17 year olds and mastectomy on 15 year olds. So whilst the specific claim that they were doing hysterectomies on minors may not have been accurate they were still doing “gender affirming” surgery on children as young as 15.

This information was from their own website and can still be found using wayback machine.
Do you have proof about the "mastectomy on 15 year olds" allegation? I know they were treating 17 year olds as the rest of your post mentioned, but I didn't see proof of 15 year olds yet.

I know that "fact check" is itself misinformation, but I'd like to know exactly how much they got wrong or ignored.


Or even worse they try to pass it off as healthy:


IMO governments should be increasing these publications' taxes to the same level as cigarette companies. Especially in countries with a working public health systems.
They're promoting and celebrating a lifestyle that is bound to result in immense pain and suffering to the people who follow it, as well as their families, not to mention the additional weight this puts on public hospitals and treatments.

Or perhaps these front pages shouldn't be legal at all as they blatantly lie to their audience and I'm sure there's a factor of bad faith in exchange for virtue signaling (and perhaps a little push from diabetes drug makers).
The E.U. banned tobacco advertising and sponsorship 20 years ago. I don't see why this should be any different.
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Do you have proof about the "mastectomy on 15 year olds" allegation? I know they were treating 17 year olds as the rest of your post mentioned, but I didn't see proof of 15 year olds yet.

I know that "fact check" is itself misinformation, but I'd like to know exactly how much they got wrong or ignored.

It's still on their website today.


"The clinicians in the Center for Gender Surgery at Boston Children's Hospital offer chest reconstruction surgery as a gender affirmation procedure to eligible patients who have documented and persistent gender dysphoria and who are over age 18 (or over age 15 with parental consent). "

If you view this url in wayback machine you'll find that prior to the story blowing up there was no requirement for parental consent.


It is fascinating that the US seems to be still heading down the road on a journey that other countries appear to have halted and/or reversed. If we take the conversation outside the US .....

... the countries normally regarded as the most progressive in Europe i.e. the Scandinavian countries have been reversing course on "gender affirming surgery" for minors.


"Sweden has officially ended the practice of prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors under age 18. They have recognized the experimental nature of treating minors with puberty blockers and hormones and have established new protocols...."

In the UK NHS England has ended this practice too, whilst the main clinic that was doing this - The Tavistock Centre - has been closed down whilst mired in controversy and legal cases,



It is fascinating that the US seems to be still heading down the road on a journey that other countries appear to have halted and/or reversed. If we take the conversation outside the US .....

... the countries normally regarded as the most progressive in Europe i.e. the Scandinavian countries have been reversing course on "gender affirming surgery" for minors.


"Sweden has officially ended the practice of prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors under age 18. They have recognized the experimental nature of treating minors with puberty blockers and hormones and have established new protocols...."

In the UK NHS England has ended this practice too, whilst the main clinic that was doing this - The Tavistock Centre - has been closed down whilst mired in controversy and legal cases,



For now, but what I worry about is that eventually America will get its way.

The US is the only true super power country left and Western Europe is basically an American outpost at this point. And the US establishment has made transgenderism(?) its entire cultural identity.

There is perhaps some hope that because it happened so quickly it can be shaken off quickly too but I don't know. It is truly bizarre, as though US/Western leadership has been hypnotised.

Or perhaps an ulterior motive is that because it is the logical endpoint of individualism, unhooking peoples' identity from their physical presence is the final move in turning us all into hyperconsumers who have no hook on the real world and therefore no loyalty to anything or anybody.
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For now, but what I worry about is that eventually America will get its way.

The US is the only true super power country left and Western Europe is basically an American outpost at this point. And the US establishment has made transgenderism(?) its entire cultural identity.

There is perhaps some hope that because it happened so quickly it can be shaken off quickly too but I don't know. It is truly bizarre, as though US/Western leadership has been hypnotised.

Or perhaps an ulterior motive is that because it is the logical endpoint of individualism, unhooking peoples' identity from their physical presence is the final move in turning us all into hyperconsumers who have no hook on the real world and therefore no loyalty to anything or anybody.
Well we have a debt based monetary system that is essentially a ponzi scheme. More debt needs to be created or the system crashes but with how much debt we're racking up at record pace, it's unsustainable and will collapse. When that happens no one will give a crap about surgeries like this because everyone is just trying to survive.
Well we have a debt based monetary system that is essentially a ponzi scheme. More debt needs to be created or the system crashes but with how much debt we're racking up at record pace, it's unsustainable and will collapse. When that happens no one will give a crap about surgeries like this because everyone is just trying to survive.
The system is as stable as it’s ever been. 2008 proved that governments will act in tandem to sacrifice their citizens’ lives to keep it going.

We plebs live to serve the system but you better believe the system serves those at the top.

The only way our civilisation ends is with an asteroid or a nuke.
And lo and behold, I’ve just seen that the Tate (Not the top G but one of the UK’s premier art galleries which I used to be a paying member of lmao) is now hosting a drag queen story hour for children.

America will get its way.
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Scotty W

Do you have proof about the "mastectomy on 15 year olds" allegation? I know they were treating 17 year olds as the rest of your post mentioned, but I didn't see proof of 15 year olds yet
Photos here.

These were all over the internet a few months ago.


It is fascinating that the US seems to be still heading down the road on a journey that other countries appear to have halted and/or reversed. If we take the conversation outside the US .....

... the countries normally regarded as the most progressive in Europe i.e. the Scandinavian countries have been reversing course on "gender affirming surgery" for minors.
Problem with the US seems to be the super polarized bipartisan system.
Their Right claimed that celebrating transgenderism on minors is bad and could lead to lifetime regrets, so their Left decided that transgenderism must be celebrated and boosted as much as possible.
Their Left claimed that it's best to support Ukraine to stop Russia & prevent other dictatorships from invading the USA's partners and allies, so the Right decided that sending support to Ukraine must be stopped.
Abortion and gun control laws are somehow binary decisions with polarized positions from either party. 🤦‍♂️

All of this makes any form of course-correcting very hard to do.
They only change their laws and recommendations when the opposing party gains local or federal power, and the latter's first job is usually to apply an equally extremist measure that fully counters the previous one's extremist measure. Science and expert opinions end up making very little part of the equation, everything is a culture war and that's how they go from "every woman does abortions at any stage of the pregnancy and the taxes pay for everything" to "no woman does any abortion ever".

The US is the only true super power country left and Western Europe is basically an American outpost at this point.
Good thing about being "an American outpost" is how we have virtually no school or mass shootings and 1/10th the firearm crimes, are half as fat, spend half as much on healthcare despite living longer and healthier, our people with higher education don't get into crippling debt for decades and we don't elect senile old men to run our countries very often.

Or perhaps you should pay a little less attention to Tucker Carlson and consider that sovereign European countries have a number of cultural and social differences from the US that makes them quite different from an "American outpost".
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Photos here.

These were all over the internet a few months ago.
Holy shit what the fuck? Yeet the teets?
The majority of Western leaders were educated in the same schools, did the same degrees, have the same worldview and the same aims.

Macron has more in common with Biden than he does your average French citizen.

Culture is being flattened. A couple of years ago UK youth stuck their hands up and begged to not be shot by police who don’t carry guns. The politics of Berkeley infest universities in Spain. My four-year old cousin, brought up on a farm in south east England, pronounces ‘toe-mah-toe’ as ‘toe-May-toe’.

America is the strongest it’s ever been, culturally and economically. It now owns Ukraine, smack in the middle of Eastern Europe. Eventually we will all bow, backs broken in two as we hoist the transgender flag higher than our own countries’ and China slowly dies out from its one child policy and Russia drinks itself to death.

Put down the copium pipe. The US empire machine is just starting to fire up and our nation states are the ancient oil it needs.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I would always be sceptical of a politifact ”fact check”.

It would appear that Boston Childrens Hospital was in fact doing vaginoplasty on 17 year olds and mastectomy on 15 year olds. So whilst the specific claim that they were doing hysterectomies on minors may not have been accurate they were still doing “gender affirming” surgery on children as young as 15.

This information was from their own website and can still be found using wayback machine.
There's no evidence they actually ever performed such a surgery, even if their old website made it seem like 17 year olds were eligible. They clarified and said they meant they were eligible for consultation but surgery wouldn't be performed until they were 18, and then amended their policy make it 18 regardless in response to public backlash.

None of this was in response to actual surgeries performed it was about language on their website implying they would. I can't stress enough how incredibly rare it is for trans kids to actually get surgery before they are 18. It almost never happens.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Leave children alone and stop sexualizing everything and exposing them to that... Is pretty damned logical.

You can't just replace the argument people are making with an imaginary one you wish they were making. That's what a strawman is. Why is this so hard?

It's like if I told you "Just stop tasering trans people on the streets and drawing mustaches on them with sharpie. Is that too much to ask?" It's a fucking non-sequitur that has nothing to do with the conversation other than being vaguely centered around trans people.
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Culture is being flattened. A couple of years ago UK youth stuck their hands up and begged to not be shot by police who don’t carry guns. The politics of Berkeley infest universities in Spain. My four-year old cousin, brought up on a farm in south east England, pronounces ‘toe-mah-toe’ as ‘toe-May-toe’.
I remember back in the 2010s a lot of Brits arguing that they were losing their cultural identity to mass migration from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. I remember asking someone who said this how many Polish or Syrian movies were screening in their local theatre. How many top-ten hits Turkish artists had had in past decade. How many Estonian social media platforms they used, or Pakistani authors they read. They came up empty on every front, but it would have taken them days or even weeks to list all the Americans they could think of.


The majority of Western leaders were educated in the same schools, did the same degrees, have the same worldview and the same aims.

Macron has more in common with Biden than he does your average French citizen.
America is the strongest it’s ever been, culturally and economically. It now owns Ukraine, smack in the middle of Eastern Europe. Eventually we will all bow, backs broken in two as we hoist the transgender flag higher than our own countries’ and China slowly dies out from its one child policy and Russia drinks itself to death.
Put down the copium pipe. The US empire machine is just starting to fire up and our nation states are the ancient oil it needs.
US owns Ukraine, despite the latter being on the runway to join the E.U.? Macron has more in common with Biden than French citizens? We hoist the transgender flag?

Dude you really need to lay off 4chan.

Culture is being flattened. A couple of years ago UK youth stuck their hands up and begged to not be shot by police who don’t carry guns. The politics of Berkeley infest universities in Spain. My four-year old cousin, brought up on a farm in south east England, pronounces ‘toe-mah-toe’ as ‘toe-May-toe’.
Even if the UK is 100x more permeable to USA's culture, the scale and scope of those three events are mostly irrelevant to Europe's general population.
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I remember back in the 2010s a lot of Brits arguing that they were losing their cultural identity to mass migration from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. I remember asking someone who said this how many Polish or Syrian movies were screening in their local theatre. How many top-ten hits Turkish artists had had in past decade. How many Estonian social media platforms they used, or Pakistani authors they read. They came up empty on every front, but it would have taken them days or even weeks to list all the Americans they could think of.
Exactly, you are proving my point!


Gold Member

You can't just replace the argument people are making with an imaginary one you wish they were making. That's what a strawman is. Why is this so hard?

It's like if I told you "Just stop tasering trans people on the streets and drawing mustaches on them with sharpie. Is that too much to ask?" It's a fucking non-sequitur that has nothing to do with the conversation other than being vaguely centered around trans people.
Yes it does. Kara was saying that there are predators in protective class blankets that target women and children. There have been many instances over the years of women and children being assaulted in dressing rooms and bathrooms by predatory men and high school boys "identifying."

And low and behold, the predator "Brony" freak that went after her, was pro pedo.

Irony so thick.

We take the "not even once" approach for everything else in this society that has a victim, yet somehow not when it comes to predators playing dress up just so they can get easy access to women and children. Total clown world and vile shit.
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US owns Ukraine, despite the latter being on the runway to join the E.U.? Macron has more in common with Biden than French citizens? We hoist the transgender flag?

Dude you really need to lay off 4chan.

Even if the UK is 100x more permeable to USA's culture, the scale and scope of those three events are mostly irrelevant to Europe's general population.
Yes, the Ukrainian economic system is now entirely held up by the US. Do you think if this war ever ends (please God let it end) the US won’t be leveraging this for max gain?

I’m not even complaining. If a culture as powerful as the US’ takes over entirely maybe it deserves to do so. Lord knows UK culture has basically nothing to offer the world at this point.

I’m just commenting on how I see the world and the next 50 years.
When I hit over 240 lbs, I knew needed to change. When I dropped 50 lbs, I felt like a new man. Granted I gained some back but I'm actively working on losing it. This shit is such a dangerous stance. I look at shit like this and wonder, this is how we get here. One of the fattest nations on Earth. We're probably one of the very few countries in the world that has "body acceptance" shit like this. I refuse to accept this obesity shit, I've been through it and let me tell you, that shit IS NOT FUN. Having to buy bigger clothes? You wanna pay for two airplane seats for yourself? You want your knees to be internally crushed by your mass? INSANITY. That's why heart disease is still such a killer in the U.S.; IT'S TIED TO WEIGHT AND LIFESTYLE CHOICES. And yet you get canceled if you say something about weight, the very thing that killing you faster Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. Fucking mental.

I'm not saying that everyone has to be a size 0 or anything but cot damn. Also, good on those that are trying improve. Real shit. Much respect to those that are trying to better themselves with their weight and fitness. No judgement for trying to be one's self. Betterment is the answer here, not perfection.

Yep, preach bro. My wife started exercising and eating healthy at the start of the year and bought a new scale (we hadn't had one for a while). When I weighed in at 242lbs last week I knew I needed to join her. Already down to 235 and no plans to stop!


That's messed up that they are marketing obesity as healthy. I have a bit of a beer belly myself so its not like I'm some physical specimen, but at least I know that I need to improve on it and that its not "healthy". My case isn't even bad, I have just a bit more fat than I should, but I do exercise and play sports consistently. But to say that being obese is "healthy" is just a pure lie. There are some things that are just objectively false and have been proven since time.


Gold Member
Or even worse they try to pass it off as healthy:

That's messed up that they are marketing obesity as healthy. I have a bit of a beer belly myself so its not like I'm some physical specimen, but at least I know that I need to improve on it and that its not "healthy". My case isn't even bad, I have just a bit more fat than I should, but I do exercise and play sports consistently. But to say that being obese is "healthy" is just a pure lie. There are some things that are just objectively false and have been proven since time.
And these are the people who want to control the science narrative and claim others are "anti-science."

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Yes it does. Kara was saying that there are predators in protective class blankets that target women and children.
No, she said there are more of them than legit trans. This is also pretty different from what you said, but I'm glad we're getting back on track.
There have been many instances over the years of women and children being assaulted in dressing rooms and bathrooms by predatory men and high school boys "identifying."
How would you define "many?" Because all I can find is a statistically insignificant handful of anecdotes, and zero evidence that trans people in their preferred bathrooms contribute to a net increase in assaults.

However 36% of transwomen who are forced to use men's rooms report being sexually assaulted, which makes it a pretty insane thing to ask them to do.

We take the "not even once" approach for everything else in this society that has a victim,
1) What? No we fucking don't, what planet do you live on? This isn't Minority Report. We don't do that with literally anything ever. We have an entire justice system predicated on punishing people after they commit crimes.

2) 36% of transwomen being assaulted in men's rooms is not even a vague concern? What happened to "Not Even Once" there? It's more than third, ffs.

And what about all the people assaulted in bathrooms by cis people? Where's the "not even once" there? Like where on earth did you get that?
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Gold Member
No, she said there are more of them than legit trans. This is also pretty different from what you said, but I'm glad we're getting back on track.

How would you define "many?" Because all I can find is a statistically insignificant handful of anecdotes, and zero evidence that trans people in their preferred bathrooms contribute to a net increase in assaults.

However 36% of transwomen who are forced to use men's rooms report being sexually assaulted, which makes it a pretty insane thing to ask them to do.

1) What? No we fucking don't, what planet do you live on? This isn't Minority Report. We don't do that with literally anything ever. We have an entire justice system predicated on punishing people after they commit crimes.

2) 36% of transwomen being assaulted in men's rooms is not even a vague concern? What happened to "Not Even Once" there? It's more than third, ffs.
She said the most vocal batshit crazies pushing for this on social media are more of them than actuals. And I am inclined to agree going by patterns of these clowns constantly being exposed.

And here we go, with you dismissing actual victims due to your zealotry alignment. ONE IS TOO MANY, sadly there are far more than just one.

Good day to you, and leave women and children alone. Male predators still acting like the male predators they are, hiding in dress-up and labels.

1) What? No we fucking don't, what planet do you live on? This isn't Minority Report. We don't do that with literally anything ever. We have an entire justice system predicated on punishing people after they commit crimes.
WTF planet do you live on, clown show? Anything that has a victim is handled by laws written or rules applied in an "not even once" approach.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
And here we go, with you dismissing actual victims due to your zealotry alignment. ONE IS TOO MANY, sadly there are far more than just one.
Is one transwoman being assaulted too many? What about 36%? What about victims of same-sex assault in bathrooms? Why are you making me repeat myself? Almost like you don't have an answer for that.

This is simple logic, not zealotry. If you can't apply this reasoning to OTHER victims of sexual assault, then it isn't an actual moral imperative, it's just cherry picking which victims you think matter and which you don't. Disgusting.

When people say every victim matters, that means there's an obligation to make sure that number is the lowest it can be. And when you're defending policies that INCREASE the number of victims (as you are), you aren't doing that.

WTF planet do you live on, clown show? Anything that has a victim is handled by laws written or rules applied in an "not even once" approach.
If that's actually what you meant, then isn't it enough to say that sexual assault is always illegal?

Like your whole argument doesn't make sense. A man assaulting a woman in a bathroom is illegal regardless of what that person is wearing or what reason they gave for using the bathroom. How would bathroom laws change this at all?
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Gold Member
Is one transwoman being assaulted too many? What about 36%? What about victims of same-sex assault in bathrooms? Why are you making me repeat myself? Almost like you don't have an answer for that.

This is simple logic, not zealotry. If you can't apply this reasoning to OTHER victims of sexual assault, then it isn't an actual moral imperative, it's just cherry picking which victims you think matter and which you don't. Disgusting.

When people say every victim matters, that means there's an obligation to make sure that number is the lowest it can be. And when you're defending policies that INCREASE the number of victims (as you are), you aren't doing that.

If that's actually what you meant (spoiler: bullshit it is), then isn't it enough to say that sexual assault is always illegal?


Like your whole argument doesn't make sense. A man assaulting a woman in a bathroom is illegal regardless of what that person is wearing or what reason they gave for using the bathroom. How would bathroom laws change this at all?

I think the laws may need some refinement. Taking a step away from bathrooms, the outcome of too lenient policies in another space has created more victims - in both women and trans women. There are people taking advantage of these policies to prey on others and not enough is being done to protect the innocent - be they trans women or women. I'm not sure what the answer is - education, stricter polices, - but things are not working well as-is.


Reverse groomer.
all i can say is that im glad that i dont use resetera primarily, that place is such a hellhole
I already feel that GAF is a bit limited with how you can't insult people on here, imagine getting banned for just saying you like harry potter...

I don't btw. read the books and they're cool but i honestly didn't really care for them that much. i've grown out of books these days i like more visual stuff
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